Hi all! I hope you all had a good weekend. There’s been a lot of news stories to catch up on since my last article so I hope you’re getting good and comfortable! As well as the news I also want to draw the final results of the opinion poll which was running on the MNO TalkBack page over the last week before adding a new question. But first, HonorForTheBrave – a rather unusually named long term HYI program, brand new, and added to the MNO monitor over the weekend. It shows a lot of promise and is something that clearly a lot of work and pre-planning went in to. And with the autumn closing in, traditionally a time when the industry starts to heat up, it could be a case of right time and place for HonorForTheBrave, which might if managed correctly go on to be a massive hit among investors before too long. So let’s take a closer look and see what it’s all about.
Starting as usual then with the investment plans, the first thing I always look for in a good program is if they combine profitability with sustainability. Otherwise your just looking at high risk that’s rarely worth taking and only making money for a handful of users. I’m glad to see then that HonorForTheBrave make a pretty good case for themselves on that front. What you have is four long term plans (or one plan divided into four sections) that make daily interest payments, rewarding investors according to how much money they spend.
As is usually the case with online HYIPs, HonorForTheBrave will try to entice more and more money from you with higher and higher interest payments. However you only need a $30 minimum to join the most affordable option which will be of interest to most players. It’s called The Basic Package and it runs for 60 calendar days. For deposits up to a maximum value of $499 HonorForTheBrave are offering an interest rate of 3% per calendar day. Unlike a lot of other programs however, your initial principal is already included as part of these payments and so will not be returned on expiry. The final return you should expect therefore is 180%, consisting of 100% your own deposit and 80% net profit.
To take a simple monetary example of how that might look in practical terms, let’s say you join HonorForTheBrave with a $100 investment. Every day for the next 60 days you can expect to see $3 credited to your account in the program, continuing until you have reached $180 in total. You reach the break-even point, that is to say you earn back your original principal and can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens next, after 34 days, and start collecting a passive profit after that.
For the more ambitious bigger spending investors among you, HonorForTheBrave present The Business Package. The mechanics are more or less the same, running for a term of 60 calendar days and making daily interest payments, with the only thing that changes being the numbers. You will need a minimum investment of $500 in order to join this plan, and in return you should expect a daily interest payment of 3.5%. HonorForTheBrave again count your principal as part of these payments, so the final return by the end of the term of 210% is made up of 100% principal plus 110% net profit. The break-even point is 29 days and HonorForTheBrave have a cap of $2,499 on deposits here.
Anyone prepared to spend from a $2,500 minimum up to a maximum limit of $9,999 can look at HonorForTheBrave‘s third plan, also called The Professional Package. Not exactly cheap but I have no doubt that if the program can prove itself over the coming weeks and get established then they’ll get a few takers for this. What’s on offer is a daily interest payment of 4% paid for the same term of 60 calendar days. By the time this expires your earnings should have totaled 240%, and with the HonorForTheBrave admin including your principal as part of those payments it’s 140% net profit. The break-even point is reached after 25 days.
And finally HonorForTheBrave‘s fourth plan, known as The Advanced Package, is open to investors prepared to part with a $10,000 minimum. Running for the same term of 60 calendar days, the daily interest rate goes up to 5% for all deposits to a $100,000 maximum. That brings a total return of 300%, and with HonorForTheBrave including your principal as part of that it’s 200% net profit. The break-even point is after 20 days.
So, if you’ve decided you like any of those plans enough to join HonorForTheBrave then the next thing we need to look at is the choice of payment options. Not a bad line up at all, though I must say a bit odd. Why? Well, you’ll find all the main anonymous service providers included, namely PerfectMoney and Payeer for the traditional style processors and BitCoin for those who prefer using digital e-currencies. But then for a traceable and verified payment option HonorForTheBrave have forgone the more popular HYIP industry names in favor of Neteller. Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, in fact I’m quite a fan of Neteller anyway and anyone who has an account there will know why. It’s just that it’s not widely used in the industry compared to let’s say Payza, but if the end result is to increase awareness of it among HYIP investors regardless of whether they join HonorForTheBrave or not then it can only be a good thing in my opinion.
Payments are made manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your member’s account area. Once done you are then asked to allow anything up to a further 48 hours for all transactions to be completed. In the short period I’ve been monitoring HonorForTheBrave I haven’t needed to wait anything nearly as long as that, but do remember that the program is still very new and waiting times will start to stretch in line with how the membership grows and the admin’s workload increases.
Moving on now to the more technical aspects of the HonorForTheBrave website, I suppose I really need to start with the script and the process of signing up and opening an account. A lot people, even many experienced readers, may not realize this but HonorForTheBrave is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. This is obscured by the fact that there’s been some exceptionally well made modifications, and something which I believe was the work of a very skilled programmer. Once you actually get inside the members area of course you will still find GoldCoders trademark easy-to-navigate and user friendly stamp all over it, but prior to that the whole method of creating an account it a little different to what you might be used to.
To get started, basically all you need is a working e-mail. Everything else will then be assigned to you automatically by HonorForTheBrave. This includes your username and password, neither of which you select for yourself, and perhaps most crucially a PIN code. You will need this PIN for pretty much everything, so it’s vital that you keep it in a safe place, preferably offline where you can’t lose it such as written down in a journal or stored in your phone. If you lose it I am not aware of any guarantee that it can be recovered, so do take this seriously. You are going to need it for all withdrawals from your account, plus any changes that need to be made. For instance, you will need to add the details of your payment processor account numbers, something which a surprisingly large number of investors seem to forget when not being asked to do so immediately on joining.
Apart from the modified script, other aspects of HonorForTheBrave are just as satisfying. The hosting provider is DDoSGuard who have gradually built a name for themselves as a leading name in the industry. They are keeping HonorForTheBrave on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoS attacks. An extra layer of security is provided by the superior Green Bar version of the SSL encryption certificate by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The HonorForTheBrave website domain is registered for five years, which by itself is I know of less importance to most observers but I do like the attention to detail things like this show. You know, it’s good to have an admin who gets things right the first time and doesn’t have to be distracted by stuff like this in the future.
If you still have any remaining questions for the admin that you felt weren’t explained here or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there are a couple of channels open to you for getting in touch. Either fill in your details on the online support form and submit it through the contacts page, or else just write to the admin directly at the e-mail address listed. You’ll find a telephone number there as well which you can try if you think someone might actually respond, and a postal address in the UK where HonorForTheBrave claim to be a registered company. Not exactly a difficult thing to do in the UK by the way, it’s done online without any background checks, so the postal address can safely be dismissed as a virtual hosted office. Fans of social media sites will be able to connect with HonorForTheBrave through their profiles on Twitter and Facebook. Given that the program is so new there’s not a great deal to see there yet, but I do hope the admin recognizes their value as promotional and communication tools and uses them to their fullest extent for the benefit of his program and its investors.
Not much else I can add to that really. It’s a well thought out program with reasonable investment plans, that is to say rather than offering you the sun, moon, and stars but actually delivering nothing, HonorForTheBrave try to bring something more realistically obtainable that they can roll over for at least a couple of cycles. Provided it’s managed professionally that is, which is always the most unpredictable “X-factor”. And as long as that’s the case, you know that you should treat HonorForTheBrave with the same level of caution you treat everything else in the HYIP industry. For the record the site claims to be involved with ForEx trading by the way, something claimed by countless other programs over the years and still not something you will be able to research and verify for yourself. Experienced players already know to ignore this, but for the benefit of readers new to the HYIP world I will as always finish with the two most important rules. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out the way you were hoping, and if you do decide to join HonorForTheBrave then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Another weekly newsletter was issued yesterday by the admin of 4Finance. Seems he’s been pretty busy lately with all the new features he installed on his website as reported on MNO already over the last week. This time the newsletter comes as a summarized statement regarding the program’s progress over the last seven days while also sharing the latest stats, updates about the phone support number and payments proof page, and a reminder about the minimum withdrawals allowed for Neteller account holders. Before sharing this weekly newsletter in full, I remind you that 4Finance was first reviewed on MNO here and that it’s offering instantly processed withdrawals on the 2.6%-3% for 90 business days plan (principal back on expiry) while accepting deposits starting from $25 via Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and Neteller:
“4Finance Limited #2 Weekly Newsletter
It is a Sunday and we would like to send out our second official weekly newsletter.
As always, you can find our news archive here: http://ift.tt/1hIPjiq
On this newsletter:
1. Project Statistics
2. Call Center Opened
3. Payment Proofs Feature
4. Reminder about minimum withdrawals
4Finance investment project has been operating since 03/08/2015 and during this time it has attracted a response from online investors at amazing level. We have been joined by more than 4,100 members from all over the world and currently 65% of them are active investors – with at least one active deposit. Our loyal members have invested with us almost $200K by now and it’s been around $30K already paid out in instant withdrawals.
As announced in a quick news post previously, 4Finance has launched its call center. To cater your support needs, our customer service department is ready to serve you 24/7 on the phone line. Do not hesitate and call us now if you have any questions or concerns about our services offered. You can reach us by dialing +44 1444 39 0344.
We have been asked by hundreds of people whether we’re truly a paying and legitimate company. Short answer would be – of course yes, we are! But to prove this we have prepared something unique among investment projects online. The feature we’re talking about is our Payments Proof page which has been just added to our website. It’s a place where we will be posting random withdrawals proofs (screenshots from e-currency history) every Friday. You will be able to find withdrawals for the corresponding week’s working days (that is Monday to Friday).
Check yourself: http://ift.tt/1TGV8Jh
Our team feels it is important to remind all our members about the minimum withdrawal amount one can request. For all the e-currencies we accept (except Neteller) minimum requestable payout amount is $1.00 and for Neteller – $5. For Neteller it is simply higher because of their own restrictions for minimum transfer amount. You can, however, request as many withdrawals as you wish on daily basis. We process payouts 7 days a week.
Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department via e-mail support@4finance.biz, live chat or by phone +44 1444 39 0344 if you have any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
John T. Newham (President of 4Finance Limited)”.
PokerAutomatics is now one of the most popular sites among investors who favor stability over high returns. With PokerAutomatics you can only earn about 12% monthly on its shortest 30-day investment plan, with the opportunity for higher returns the longer you stay with the program (up to 180 days allowed). You see, PokerAutomatics doesn’t pay a fixed daily return like so many others. Instead, you will get a 40% to 80% share of the daily reported company profit from the extensive network of pokerbots which usually float around the 1% mark. So really you should expect around 0.4% to 0.8% daily on your deposit over the investment term. The actual percentage depends on your principal which you get back on expiry. The latest daily profits from PokerAutomatics (also available on their website) are posted below:
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
15.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.03%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
16.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.22%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
17.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.98%
Weekly reports from the program are also posted on the news section of the PokerAutomatics website on a regular basis, however they are totally unverifiable and, very possibly, hugely inflated. I would advise to dismiss that info anyway, as it’s of no practical value for a regular investor and is, most likely, aimed at inspiring more confidence and trust among newbies. Here’s a prime example in the latest weekly statement from PokerAutomatics:
“PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,570
Total investors: 36,308
Investment capital: $ 3,141,073
Own capital: $421,117
Total Income: $255,053 (7,16%)
Share of Expenses: $90,554 (2,54%)
Profit: $164,509 (4,62%)
Total withdraw: $5,049,318
TOP-1 Investor: $138,294
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,519 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 994”
Nobody can deny though that PokerAutomatics is still growing nicely and with lots of new investors attracted by the unexpected addition of SolidTrustPay as a payment option a few months back. Deposits start from $30 accepted via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, NixMoney, YandexMoney, AdvCash, PayCo, Qiwi, SolidTrustPay as I just mentioned, and even transfers from selected banks. The different language versions of PokerAutomatics also helps to attract audiences from almost every corner of the world and the constantly growing number of regional representatives contribute to the worldwide success of the program even better. Over the last few days, for instance, two new representatives from Israel and Russia were added. Details are on the special representatives page and in the news section:
“We have a new Representative
Igor – Israel
You may contact him by email
170+ Representatives!”
“We have a new Representative
Alexey – Russia
You may contact him by email
170+ Representatives!”
The last two updates from PokerAutomatics I would like to discuss below are pretty confusing, in my honest opinion. You know that when first reviewing the program on my blog (click here to read it) I was pretty critical of the so-called Virtual Account with a “free” $1,000 test deposit on it. In my opinion this might have been useful for newbies just to show them how the program works in test mode, however that becomes obsolete once an investor decides to make a deposit. The “virtual” stats interfere with the “real” stats in the PokerAutomatics account thus creating a huge mess. Although in the previous script modifications the administration took measures by making it optional to remove the “virtual” data from the account, still it remains hugely inconvenient, as you need to disable this “virtual” account again and again on your next sign in. It wasn’t just me who didn’t like it, so the right decision was made to finally disable these virtual deposits that confused more than helped members. To my great surprise, even though the script modifications with the subsequent message about closing virtual deposits was announced a couple of days ago, it appears that nothing has changed and I still see those annoying stats from the “virtual” account in the member’s area. Perhaps work is still in progress, but then I have no idea why the administration has already announced it as a “fait accompli” in the following update which concludes today’s discussion of PokerAutomatics on MNO:
“PokerAutomatics Script Upgrade
We’ve upgraded our PokerAutomatics Script in connection with the increasing number of clients and Deposits.
We continue to improve the performance and usability of PokerAutomatics.”
“Closing active Virtual (Demo) Deposits
Dear clients,
at this time we have over 36,000 clients and over 55,000 active Deposits.
Today all active VIRTUAL (Demo) Deposits will be closed to reduce load of our script.
Your VIRTUAL funds will return to your virtual balances.
If you want to create new VIRTUAL (Demo) Deposit you always can do it anytime in your account.
But if you understand how system works then we suppose you don’t need to have active VIRTUAL (Demo) Deposit.
Best regards,
PokerAutomatics Team”
I must thank all my active readers who participated in the poll which ran on the MNO TalkBack page for this last week. Now that it’s concluded we can draw the results and see what readers really think. The questions were to identify the leader of the HYIP industry at the moment and see the potential number one program of the year, if that’s possible so early. I believe no one would argue that from the currently monitored programs the two most realistic chance to be the biggest of the entire year are Carbon7 and ElegantTrading. Both are run by experienced admins and they are the only ones to accept both SolidTrustPay and Payza (along with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin) from day one. There are other things that unite these programs as well – they both started their advertising campaigns from MNO and it’s very possible that the admins of Carbon7 and ElegantTrading try their best to replicate the success of previous giants Royalty7 (which was one of the biggies back in 2012) and RockwellPartners (best program of 2014) respectively. It can be seen by the naked eye that the investment plans and custom-made scripts both Carbon7 and ElegantTrading ruse heavily resemble Royalty7 and RockwellPartners respectively. I would avoid at the moment from speculating whether the programs are run by the same admins or not, but will only remind you of one definite fact – previous results in no way guarantee future success, though I think we can be sure that both admins will do their utmost to stay online for as long a time as possible.
At the time of writing, Carbon7 has been officially running for 77 days or eleven weeks in total. That means the program finished its shortest plan paying 110% after 7 calendar days not less than eleven (!) times while their longest (but I imagine more popular) and more profitable plan paying 7% for 22 business days is in its third cycle. Carbon7 is not showing any signs of slowing down and the admin keeps doing a great job for every investors ready to deposit at least $25 in his program. You should just keep in mind that Carbon7 is not processing any payouts on Saturdays and Sundays, so please don’t panic when your withdrawal request submitted on Saturday isn’t processed before Monday morning. More can be read in the review that was posted a couple of months ago and is still pretty much relevant (click here to read it). As after eleven weeks online and on MNO, Carbon7 is the undoubted winner of the poll in both of the questions. Perhaps, it has something to do with Carbon7 running much longer than ElegantTrading (77 against 13 days) and meaning more people managed to profit with Carbon7. Anyway, 68% of the voters say Carbon7 will last longer than ElegantTrading who had 32%. Consequently 79% then say that Carbon7 stands a better chance to bring the most profit and be the biggest program of 2015 against 21 % for ElegantTrading. Well, only time will tell if you’re right, guys, and for now we will simply watch how things work out for both programs and their members.
As for ElegantTrading, then 32% of readers say this program will last longer, but only 21% believe it will be the most profitable program for them and biggest of the year. Well, a healthy rivalry between two big admins is always good because it brings investors much needed alternatives, and having two clear leaders who investors trust with seriously big deposits is much better than having none. In my opinion if we had more such programs like Carbon7 and ElegantTrading the HYIP industry would be flourishing big time. With ElegantTrading, despite its young age of only 13 days, will certainly not require any waiting period to be in profit. Account flexibility allows you set your own investment term and level of compounding (if you’re a fan of that feature). The investment term is unlimited and you invest starting from a $20 minimum. You then withdraw your principal, fully or partially, any time and be paid within a 48 hour maximum. ElegantTrading offers 1.6% to 3.1% fixed interest credited to your account every 24 hours. That’s literally all you need to know. The more you invest, the bigger the interest rate. Principal can be returned at any time, compounding can be changed at any time – what else do you need? If you still don’t get it, please read the full review of ElegantTrading on the MNO blog where everything is explained in more detail (click here to read).
For the new question on the MNO TalkBack page I want to ask your opinion on payment processors as the situation this year changed a lot. I want to find out the most respected payment processor among my readers – the one they think they can trust most without worrying it’s going to scam them or be shut down by government authorities. To tell you the truth, we saw several such examples over the last years, all with devastating effects on the HYIP industry and people keeping money there. Most recently LibertyReserve (federal prosecutors) in 2013 and EgoPay (just a scam) earlier this year. Perhaps no payment processor can be trusted entirely and unconditionally, as anything can happen (hacking attacks, reversals, etc.), but in general everyone has one they trust more and are less worried about their funds there. So, the new question for the poll is as follows:
Where would you feel safest storing money?
Answers include all payment processors MNO currently accepts for monitoring fees, which in alphabetical order include – BitCoin, Neteller, Payeer, Payza, PerfectMoney, Skrill, SolidTrustPay.
Please vote on the MNO TalkBack page and we’ll draw the results next week.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: USDBusinessLimited, ElegantTrading, PokerAutomatics, BitMinerals, 4Finance, HonorForTheBrave.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s it for tonight, guys. Please support MNO by voting on the MNO TalkBack and expressing your thoughts on the MNO ShoutBox. Any ideas on how to make MNO better are always appreciated and I welcome your suggestions to my email address abramsonp@gmail.com. You can also subscribe to the news feed and have my updates delivered straight to your email address. Otherwise please bookmark MNO and follow me on Facebook and Twitter where I always post links to the main articles. See you again later in the week everyone!
The post 17/08/2015. HonorForTheBrave Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/1hIPjiA
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