Hello all! I must say the last couple of days were pretty hectic here on MNO, as I’ve added two new programs to the Premium List (introductions to follow) plus a third to follow that will take SolidTrustPay and Payza from the very beginning and therefore might challenge Carbon7 for the position as the most popular program online at the moment. I don’t know much about it yet, apart from the fact that it’s going to be launched within the next few days and will be listed on the MNO monitor as the admin has pre-paid for Premium listing in advance. So it looks like we’re on the verge of a pretty exciting new investment season for the autumn, with the biggest programs in the HYIP industry and the potential leaders joining the fight to become the best of 2015. I’m excited about that myself and am looking forward to meeting and greeting the new program soon – so keep watching MNO for more news on that. I’d suggest subscribing to the daily news on MNO by submitting your email address and confirming it with one click in the box near the top right hand side of my blog and bookmarking it as well. All the hottest programs run by the most experienced admins with big budgets are always found on MNO and you can be sure that I deal exclusively with elite program whose admins are afford to pay four-digit listing fees here – the biggest on any monitor industry. Everyone knows it’s a matter of prestige to be monitored here, which makes MNO different from the others and keeps people coming back. I also have news from PokerAutomatics in a few moments, but let’s get started with the new programs first.
If you’re looking for a brand new and highly promising program that just launched yesterday and was added straight to the Premium List on MNO within the first few hours then 4Finance might be a good choice for you. 4Finance doesn’t offer the stars and sky, but simply gives an ample opportunity to earn stable interest of 2.6% to 3% from Monday to Friday and principal back after 90 business days. So the total investment term is 126 calendar days and you reach the break-even point and start earning somewhere in the eighth week. The good thing is that all the withdrawals under $500 threshold are instant which I can confirm myself already. Note that for larger withdrawals above $500 and any withdrawals to Neteller you need to allow 48 hours for the admin to pay manually. This however, won’t affect the majority of investors joining 4Finance with smaller deposits which can start from $25 via Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin. The use of Payza from the beginning by the way gives the admin of 4Finance a certain level of credibility, as usually only experienced admins do understand the importance of dealing also with verifiable payment options. Read more about that in the article published here on the MNO Info Center. By the way, I recently informed the admin of a mistake made by the designer which I’m glad to report was taken seriously and fixed immediately, inspiring optimism for the same professional attitude in the future. Speaking of the design, it’s meticulous and pays careful attention to every detail. The 4Finance website looks truly stunning, and the admin clearly didn’t spare any expense. It’s also hard to believe that it’s just a modified licensed GoldCoders script as it’s almost completely unrecognizable. With potential profits from 234% to 270% and instant payments to most processors, 4Finance might just be a real contender sooner than many of us expect. Needless to say that the security of the website, especially essential when dealing with instant payouts, is top-notch. There’s an SSL-certificate from Comodo with extended validation Green Bar, and hosting on a dedicated server by one of the market leaders DDoSGuard. All that plus the domain name registered for 10 years, Live Chat and phone support and Facebook and Twitter accounts valid from day one. My final word on 4Finance (and more will be discussed in the upcoming review tomorrow) is that the admin made some thorough research and preparation before launching. The future definitely looks bright for 4Finance provided the admin has good intentions, though time will tell how that actually works out. Meanwhile check out the website and read the greeting from the admin John posted on the official launch yesterday:
“4Finance Grand Opening
We are pleased to present you the launch of the 4Finance investing platform. We want to make you confident that all our efforts, experience and due diligence acquired for years will give good results in vast ocean of internet projects. Please feel free to read about the investment plans we offer and explore our web site unique features.
Investors from all around the world are invited to participate in our investment program. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us. Our support staffs will be available 24 hours a day to help you.
Your inquiry will be received, immediately preceded and you will receive an answer within a day.”
RUBLES INTRODUCTION (to be added in a few hours)
When it comes to long-term programs offering conservative returns PokerAutomatics definitely rules the roost. The program become known to the general public last August and almost completed its full year online, though officially it’s been online for over four years if you believe the admin. In any case, PokerAutomatics has a major advantage over many similar programs – it accepts SolidTrustPay which is one of the strictest payment processors to deal with (read why in this article) and very few admins know how to verify accounts there and get their payment buttons approved. PokerAutomatics (first reviewed here) seems to be fully aware of that and investments via SolidTrustPay are accepted from a $30 minimum. Other options include PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, OkPay, AdvCash, NixMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi, PayCo). Withdrawals take some time to be processed as they are guaranteed to be done within five business days, but that’s more to do with withdrawing larger amounts from the pokerbot network allegedly bringing profits to PokerAutomatics and its investors, and applies less to smaller amounts. As you know, the big network of bots serving the ever growing membership requires upgrading servers which PokerAutomatics does on a regular basis with the latest report on that posted on the news page a couple of days ago:
“New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 2 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.”
The growing membership also requires more support operators educating potential investors in their own countries about the advantages of joining PokerAutomatics, promoting the program further and sharing experience. A network of regional representatives was created to help with this. The PokerAutomatics website is also multilingual, but you shouldn’t under-appreciate the power of real people when it comes to spreading the word more efficiently. With that in mind, you can check out the representative page on the PokerAutomatics website to get to know these contacts and see the latest reports of the two newest representatives from the US and Germany:
“We have a new Representative
Maurice Walker – USA
You may contact him by email, skype and phone”
“We have a new Representative
Robert Hacke – Germany
You may contact him by email”
Although I’m usually quite sceptical in regards to stats which are almost always exaggerated by whatever program is claiming them, I’ll let you read the latest weekly statement from PokerAutomatics which claims to be operating an almost $3 million dollar capital:
“PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,556
Total investors: 34,207
Investment capital: $2,977,014
Own capital: $417,541
Total Income: $231,848 (6,83%)
Share of Expenses: $97,840 (2,88%)
Profit: $134,008 (3,95%)
Total withdraw: $4,883,362
TOP-1 Investor: $114,378
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,484 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 971”
Weekly results of the traditional lottery held by PokerAutomatics where you can win VIP status brought us a new winner “djkeks”. More info on that can be found on the website, and you can read more about the benefits of VIP status for winners there and see the latest report on the lucky winner below:
“Lottery Results 02.08.2015:
The winner of this week is djkeks.
You get VIP status as a prize.
That is very important to understand how PokerAutomatics works, because it’s quite different from just about everything else around at the moment. Every calendar day there are results posted on showing the return PokerAutomatics have made for investors. Usually it’s about 1%, but you only get a share of that which varies from 40% to 80% depending on the size of your principal and the investment term which can be from 30 to 180 calendar days (on expiry of which you get your initial principal back as well). So for the minimum term of 30 days you should expect to get about 12% monthly profit on your investment which is not much compared to many other programs, but with a greatly reduced risk. Considering the sustainable growth of PokerAutomatics I believe it’s worth a try. The latest daily results representing the company’s profits (not the investors’ share of them!) are published below:
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
01.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.86%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
02.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.01%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
03.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.08%
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRich, PokerAutomatics, Cryptoconomist, USDBusinessLimited, RoyalTrust, AtrexTrade, 4Finance (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: GoldenLion.
That’s all for today, guys. I’ll see you again tomorrow with the full review of 4Finance plus the latest news from the most elite programs in the HYIP industry. I’ll also be drawing the final results of the opinion poll asking your thoughts on adding reviews and interviews to the new MNO Info Center, so please take a couple of seconds to vote on the MNO TalkBack page. Make sure not to miss tomorrow’s review and follow me on Facebook and Twitter where the link to the review will be posted immediately after publishing. See you all then!
The post 04/08/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
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