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Thursday, August 23, 2018

23/08/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog where only the biggest programs in from the HYIP industry are included and where the prevention policy against deliberate fast scams protects you with high listing prices. Actually, there’s only a week to go now until MNO raises the advertising prices once again to align them back with the same levels they were at last spring when the apparent seasonal decline in the HYIP world became obvious to everyone. With this summer season which highlighted some serious issues within the industry and marked the lowest activity among investors as well as the highest number of low-grade programs inevitably coming to an end, hopes are once more flying high. Many of us would like to believe that the worst is behind us and that by September we will undoubtedly see some new leaders emerging to compete for investors’ money by setting a positive trend for others to follow. And that is destined to happen for sure, the question is whether it’s going to be true during the first days of September or the more experienced admins ambitious enough to create something truly great will still under the radar until later in the autumn. I’m sure that everyone will have their own opinion on the subject and that is why I am going to ask my readers about that in the new question for the MNO TalkBack poll to be discussed a bit later in the article after the results of the previous poll are tallied and analysed properly.

On a more personal note I’m really enjoying this summer as there isn’t much work for me to do on MNO due to the currently listed programs all running steadily as a rule with next to no news to report from them. I’m not complaining either as it helps me concentrate my efforts on what is really important – enjoying the surprisingly hot summer and travelling across some of the more unknown paths of the Czech Republic and Poland I’m not familiar with. After spending some quality time in Brno when I started my journey I went on to visit the very beautiful and ancient capital of Moravia in Olomouc which was a rewarding experience in many ways. I’m writing today from the train to Katowice where I’m going to spend a few days before moving to the last point of my journey in Krakow. It’s amazing that I missed so many interesting things when I was way too busy with my blog over the last few summers and the unexpected relaxation in the sunshine came to me as blessing in disguise. It won’t last for too much longer for sure which is why I have made preparations for the upcoming autumn season. This, by my modest expectations, could possibly be one of the hottest one in the HYIP industry, as peaks inevitably follow the troughs as most experienced players are well aware.

Over the last couple of weeks I was often asked by several regular readers both on the MNO ShoutBox and by email when the next big giant of the HYIP industry will arrive. I mean every calendar year in the HYIP industry can always be remembered by at least one particular program (in some lucky years it could be even two or three of them) has makes everyone talking and usually brings enormous profits to the ones who spot them first. And the MNO blog and monitor has traditionally been known for bringing such programs to my readers’ attention before anyone else does. That was the magic of MNO probably originating at the time when GoldNuggetInvest exclusively listed on my site has become the biggest single program in the HYIP industry followed the likes of Carbon7, LaserOnline, and many others. The reason for this is simple – many people follow MNO closely and whether they see the new leader they will spread the word about it for free where ever they can. Clever admins highlighting their programs on my site first will definitely benefit not just from direct signups, but also from devoted promoters doing everything in their power to get in on the act in order to help themselves at all costs. Listing on MNO, if you wish to call it that, has always been a quality sign for programs. Unfortunately, such attention will definitely attract some copycats that might play on people’s desires to see the next big thing where it doesn’t, so cheap scams did abuse investors trust quite often in the past. That was the main reason I wanted to take a further step and play on their greed to raise the listing prices sky high to prevent them from getting an easy cheap scam from my readers. And it did work wonders for MNO. Since becoming the most expensive monitor in the HYIP industry the quality of the listed programs has greatly increased while the number of deliberate cheap scams was minimised. That allowed me more free time in my always busy schedule while my readers were also satisfied at being able to find the highest budget programs on my monitor and weed out the cheap ones. That continued well until approximately this May when the industry took an unusually rapid nosedive, leaving MNO with almost no programs on the highest Premium List. Even now there are only three programs featured there – InstantBitex (reviewed here), InstantMiningLimited (reviewed here), and LuxEarn (reviewed here) – with all of them offering long-term plans and performing extremely well so far. As the situation is inevitably going to change within the next few weeks, then starting from September 1st MNO will be putting the listing prices back to their pre summer levels – $2,000 for Premium, $1,400 for Standard, and $800 for Basic listing. The smarter HYIP admins have only one week left before the prices go up, so they will know what they need to do to grab themselves a bargain for the next HYIP season.

And if you, just like myself, think that the HYIP industry is going to get much better come September then you should definitely follow MNO in order not to miss anything of importance and capitalize on the next biggest giants of the industry that are already in the making and just waiting for the right hour to launch. Do yourself a favour and follow MNO for all the real-time updates on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe here and confirm your email address to get all the blog articles sent to your mailbox regularly. As at the moment there is no news from any of the Premium listed programs (the only ones along with Standard listed to be covered on my blog) I will just go on straight to the results of the poll and will ask you a new question to vote on the MNO TalkBack page.


It seems to me then as if the main talking point in the HYIP industry at the moment is less to do with actual news stories, of which there are none (!) but more to do with how investors feel things are going in general right now. I mean I can only repeat this so often without sounding like a broken record, but it’s been a tumultuous year for everyone involved with the industry, make no mistake. Basically things started badly enough as was expected anyway coming off the back of the annual Christmas and Near Year holiday shutdown. Fair enough, we all saw that coming, it happens every other year like clockwork anyway, but something else happened this time to hinder recovery. That event was of course the almost apocalyptic collapse in BitCoin prices, sort of like a modern day digital version of the 1929 stock market crash you still see depicted in so many depression era documentaries and fictional works.

OK, maybe I’m being a tad dramatic with the comparisons there, but the figures are definitely on a par with those events. Falling from a high of $20,000 before eventually stabilizing at around the $6,000 where it sits today, any potential profits that might have been made from HYIPs in other years were essentially wiped out along with any funds people were holding there. This hit both HYIP admins and HYIP investors in equal measure, thus making any enterprise involving HYIPs a predictably loss making affair for all concerned. This happened as I said when the industry was already at a low point so we can take some consolation from the fact that rather than people getting scammed there simply wasn’t anything for them to join.

Then of course no sooner had the situation with BitCoin settled down and prices returned to more realistic levels than the FBI came knocking on the door of some of the shadiest people to ever run an online business, the owners of the Payza payment processor. With one of the partners in hiding and his brother about to start a 25 year prison term in a federal penitentiary in the US, things didn’t get much better for the by now long suffering HYIP investors. Not that I feel a great deal of sympathy towards the Payza owners mind, now that I’m a bit more aware of their prior history and the litany of truly deplorable charges pending against them. But again just like the events in Bitcoin, rather fortuitously this all went down at a time when the HYIP industry was already at a low so the potentially devastating impact this may have inflicted had it happened say a year or two ago was largely dampened. In fact at the time a lot of people said they couldn’t care less about Payza for all it mattered to them personally at that point, but it still put the brakes on any real chance of an imminent industry revival.

Anyway, that’s a fairly accurate if somewhat abridged version of where we find ourselves in the HYIP industry today. The question I had for MNO readers in the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll was how do readers feel about the situation at the moment. We can all agree it was a less than stellar year so far, but for better or worse as we now enter the final week of August and the so-called “dog days” of summer dragging on with so much of the world baking under a heatwave, isn’t this more or less the position you would have expected to be in around now all the time?
The exact question put to readers therefore was: How do you think the HYIP industry is performing at the moment?

Unsurprisingly this was a fairly lop-sided vote, with a 62.5% majority of readers in agreement with the statement “Poor, I’ve been waiting for a new leader for some time”. What did surprise me however was that a sizeable 25% minority of you took the shall we say sunnier disposition of voting “Fine, there are plenty of decent programs and lots of choice”. It was just the remaining 12.5% of you who agreed that things could always be better but acknowledge other factors at play by voting “Not as good as it should be, but it’s just a seasonal factor.”

So, time now for a new question. Although it certainly doesn’t feel like it, indeed the mercury is hitting 33 centigrade outside my train window as I cross from the Czech Republic into Poland (thank goodness for air conditioning!), but summer is definitely coming to an end. With September and the autumn coming we usually see an improvement in fortunes, most years anyway, and with the worst possible events now behind us with minimal impact, could we yet see a major turnaround in the industry for 2018? After all, the conditions which led us to where we are now have largely passed, therefore there shouldn’t be anything in the way of a “typical autumn” season for the HYIP industry. Are you feeling optimistic? Or have recent experiences this year knocked that out of you? The exact question I’m asking readers then is as follows:

How do you anticipate the situation changing in the HYIP industry in September?

Possible answers will include:
1) There will be a new leader and better choice of quality programs
2) The situation will improve slightly but remain far from ideal
3) Everything will stay the same – stagnating with no leaders
4) I expect things to become even worse than this summer

I think that covers just about every eventuality from the best possible case scenario to the worst, though I know which one we’re all hoping for! But which ever way you really feel about it, please take a moment to vote. It literally only takes a second and is completely anonymous and untraceable. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time and trouble to participate, voting will remain open for at least another week so there’s ample opportunity to allow everyone who wants to take part to do so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 216 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: InstantBitexInstantMiningLimited, LuxEarn.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: AmericanBarrelArbingSportBet, InvestmentSlots, BitXLtd (the first instant payments received).

That is all for today, guys. No news is good news during this slow summer in the HYIP industry, so I’ll leave you get back to your usual activities and won’t take up any more of your time. Thanks a lot for reading and following MNO – it’s greatly appreciated. I’m sure that my loyal readers will be greatly rewarded for that when the time comes. And when that exact moment arrives you can form your own opinion and submit it on the MNO TalkBack page here. Remember that I’m always pleased to hear from you and will try to answer any questions and advertising requests as soon as humanly possible. There are three main ways to contact me – via this Contact page, directly at, or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. Next time I might only be posting in a week from now and possibly even the first day of September, unless something interesting pops up worth reporting. So thanks for your attention and keep reading MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 23/08/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

14/08/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone and welcome again to the MNO blog, still the only online resource on high-yield investment activities where deliberate fast scams have a hard time getting listed. So if you follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter or subscribe to the regular news updates from here you not only have a better opportunity to find the best built programs with higher advertising budgets, you also find the real leaders of the HYIP industry in their very first stages. That happened several times already with the likes of Carbon7 or LaserOnline who launched their advertising campaigns initially on my site only. That brought some great results to all involved, so I fully expect that once the industry gets back on its feet (widely expected to happen in the autumn months) we will see these emerging leaders once again on MNO.

I must say that lately I’ve been receiving quite a few messages from readers asking when experienced admins are going to start some new successful ventures in order to benefit from joining first to reap the rewards. I give them all the same blunt but honest answer – although I got some signals from HYIP admins about programs in the preparation stages, there is still no word on an exact timeframe for launch. The recent downward trend in BitCoin prices and AdvCash leaving the HYIP world certainly didn’t help their enthusiasm and it looks like the industry revival might only be expected in autumn. MNO will still do everything possible to be ready for the new season and will return listing prices to the same levels as last year following the worst crisis in the HYIP industry since the closure of LibertyReserve back in 2013. Although things are doing quite bad for people following other less selective blogs and monitors, MNO has avoided becoming a burial ground for the fast scams so welcomed on other websites. People are losing money when being impatient and not able to wait for the next big programs but I feel little sympathy for them. By jumping into fast scams and blowing their money now they deprive themselves of the new opportunities we will almost certainly see in the autumn.

Anyway, I do not really advise people what to do with their own money, that’s entirely your own business, but if you prefer earning money to losing it then you’re on the right website. The last week was quiet in the industry overall, but in the current slowdown that’s more of a positive than a negative thing. In fact, all the programs listed on the MNO monitor are still paying fine and we are all looking forward to the arrival of new industry giants as soon as their admins are ready. There is no rush however, as quality is much better than quantity.

In today’s news article I’ll be looking at the results of the last poll posted on the MNO TalkBack as well as presenting a new question to consider voting in. I’ll start however with the latest updates from the Premium List program InstantBitex.


If you’ve been wondering what InstantBitex is all about and are a bit confused by all the exchange jargon posted on the website I would suggest reading the detailed review here to clarify things. In a nutshell though you can join InstantBitex with anything starting from the $25 equivalent in your preferred cryptocurrency (more than a dozen options currently accepted) and get paid a fixed return of 0.5% to 1% (depending on the size of your principal) per business day for an unlimited term. Note that you’re allowed to withdraw your principal at any time for a reasonable 10% fee, so this level of flexibility will make InstantBitex more popular among online investors over time while the program establishes a solid reputation. I have to note though that despite its name withdrawals from InstantBitex are processed in manual mode, but are usually done pretty fast so you won’t wait too long before getting paid. Just do not forget to confirm every withdrawal request you place by clicking on the link sent to your email address (another security feature). Anyway, even at this early stage in the InstantBitex lifecycle when the first investors can profit if they release their principals the admin claims on their official Facebook page to have over twenty thousand registrations. That might be true as InstantBitex positions itself not only as a HYIP but also as a legitimate business venture running its own internal exchanger and with other income streams you can check on their website. For an exchanger and future cryptocurrency (members get 1,000 InstantBitex tokens on registration for free) it’s essential to be listed on popular online platforms and be seen around the world. That’s why the admin works extra hard on providing investors with links to such websites where the InstantBitex exchanger and potential cryptocurrency can be advertised. According to the admin’s latest posts on Facebook, InstantBitex has been listed on such websites like CoinGecko, CoinCodex, and CoinPaprika with a pending addition to the most popular CoinMarketCap. We’ll see how it’s all going to work with time, but meanwhile check out the links to these websites if you are interested as well as looking through the message from the admin on the growing membership:

InstantBitex – Intelligent Cryptocurrency Exchange
We have completed 20k registrations. Thank you so much

InstantBitex – Intelligent Cryptocurrency Exchange
we have been listed in and
coinmarketcap – Coming soon
Add Coin/Token

InstantBitex – Intelligent Cryptocurrency Exchange Check our rank and volumes at:


Just to wrap things up for today, I guess we should get back to the subject of LuxEarn and the wider topic of so-called “sleeper” programs in general. Just to recap, if you didn’t see the full review of LuxEarn first published here, the website has existed since 2015. As a functioning HYIP however it really hasn’t been doing any business much longer than a couple of weeks ago. The question I was asking MNO readers however was what do you generally think about such projects? In many cases, well, almost always I suppose, the “sleepers” are run by longer term HYIP industry professionals. In other words guys not just out for the proverbial “quick buck” as they say, but rather by people with a genuine wish to help as many other people as possible make as much money as is reasonable while in the course of making a good personal profit for themselves. That may or may not necessarily be how the theory works out in practice, but that would be the intention. I’m just curious about if readers come away from these sleepers with the same first impressions that the admins hope they will, so in the last opinion poll I asked: How do you feel about the concept of “sleeper” programs?

As it turns out, and not all that surprisingly since most readers here have some experience and know their way around the HYIP industry, most of you happen to be in favour of them. Not quite a straight majority, but 45% of you voted “Positive, it shows a professional admin with long term ambitions”. Less, but still a very substantial minority of readers of 33% could go either way and prefer just to assess things on a program by program basis. They voted to say they are “Neutral, it has absolutely no influence on my decision to join or not”. The remaining readers are against the concept of sleepers, saying they fell “Negative, I prefer brand new programs as most sleepers are already too old”. Again, it’s a minority but not an insignificant one to be ignored, it’s a feeling shared by a full 22% of readers, but at the end of the day not enough to discourage long term HYIP admins from continuing the practice.

So, how about the new question? It’s no secret that the HYIP industry is in a slump now, we all know that, but are things more or less where you expected them to be around now? I mean, if you had asked me in January would 2018 be as bad as this I would probably have said no, but then on the other hand had you asked me would just the month of August be bad I think undoubtedly I would have said yes, I expect so, immediately. Therefore my question for MNO readers relates more to whether you agree if the industry is performing along the same levels as you thought it might at this time of year, not so much as to whether you think things are just good, bad, or indifferent. The exact question will be: How do you think the HYIP industry is performing at the moment?

Possible answers can be selected from the following three options, which I think is enough to cover all bases and opinions.

– Fine, there are plenty of decent programs and lots of choice
– Not as good as it should be, but it’s just a seasonal factor
– Poor, I’ve been waiting for a new leader for some time

As is always the case with MNO TalkBack polls all votes are both anonymous and untraceable, though to be honest there aren’t any right or wrong answers as such anyway, it’s all just a matter of personal opinion. The proper poll with the voting options can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here and will remain open for perhaps another week to ten days at most, long enough for anyone who wants to participate to have ample time to do so anyway.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 192 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: InstantMiningLimited, LuxEarn.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ArbingSportBet.

That’s all the news for today, guys. Thanks a lot for staying with MNO and hopefully things in the HYIP industry are going to improve significantly over the next few weeks. As usual you can always contact me with your questions or suggestions via Telegram @mnoblog, write directly to my email address, or submit your query using this contact form. I’ll talk to you again on MNO in a few days time as I’m starting my summer vacation today flying to the old Czech town of Brno followed by a road trip across the south of Poland to Krakow during the coming weeks. I might be less active during that time so excuse me for that, but I will certainly keep a close eye on what’s happening in the HYIP industry and will still answer your emails as soon as possible. That’s all for today, enjoy your summer and I hope to see you again on MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 14/08/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Monday, August 6, 2018

06/08/2018. LuxEarn Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone! As it’s Monday again and the start of the business week I hope you’re all looking forward to the potential possibilities and opportunities it might bring. Because remember, when good programs hit the HYIP industry MNO is the best place to hear about them, such as what I’m looking at today. The main focus of today’s post is one particular new addition to the MNO monitor‘s Premium List called LuxEarn. And I don’t mind telling you, I’m quite excited and positive to be monitoring this one. Why? well, without mentioning any names (as one can never be 100% sure about these things) I’m quietly confident I’ve dealt with this admin in the past and his last effort was a great success. If it is what I think it is, it ran for over six months, so even though it’s still only the first week of August this might just herald the long awaited industry recovery. I mean it has to start somewhere, so why not here? When I say the program is new by the way, I mean it’s just new to my monitor. In reality LuxEarn has been online for around three years now so I imagine some of the more observant readers may have come across the name somewhere already. But mostly you can still say LuxEarn is only getting started, and in real terms is in fact very much a new program. It’s just been redesigned and brought to the attention of the wider HYIP audience. So for those not yet familiar with LuxEarn then let’s take a closer look and see if they have anything there you might like to be a part of.
I suppose if you really wanted to go looking for some background information then the first question is how an online HYIP could even survive for three years, let alone do so without being noticed by the majority of regular investors. Well, there’s no great mystery here. LuxEarn has been running on autopilot as a “sleeper”. The admin simply creates a functioning website, and remember it doesn’t necessarily need to have anything whatsoever in common with the version of LuxEarn we see at the moment, and buries it. You get it announced on the main HYIP discussion forums as proof of the starting date, maybe hire one or two discreet monitors that will keep a historical record of whatever small payments you need to make them. The admin can then keep this going for how ever long he wants, until such a time as he decides to promote it among investors who will take a more active role. This is how LuxEarn makes its way to you today – polished and ready for business, and possibly with more improvements yet to come.

Let’s move on then to what’s really important about LuxEarn which is the investment plans. Your first impression here might be to feel somewhat overwhelmed as there are no less that 30 of them in total. It’s not really that confusing though as the vast majority of the plans can and will be avoided by almost everyone. They either cost too much to join, offer unachievable returns, or both. I do suspect however that this will change as the program grows, and what are currently unaffordable premiums for joining will gradually begin to decrease. You may also be forgiven for thinking some of the plan descriptions are misleading, but if you take the time and effort to read the information in full (something which a surprising number of investors fail to do) you will see that everything is explained properly. For example, all investment terms are measured in business days, but you might think it’s calendar days at first glance. Several plans appear to offer daily interest payments, but in reality LuxEarn only credit your account everyday but don’t actually allow you to withdraw. That means you only get one payment on expiry, it’s worded in such a way as to make you think otherwise, and you won’t realize this before making the investment unless you take your time and read everything first. So I would urge you to pay very close attention to the following, an accurate description of how the plans in LuxEarn actually work.

I’m going to start with a group called The Ordinary Plans. This isn’t the first group you will see in your LuxEarn members area, but I’ll start with them anyway because I think they are the only ones that will make any real sense to most experienced readers. The first option here opens with a very affordable $25 deposit and runs for 356 business days. That’s 500 calendar days, which is well over a year. During that time LuxEarn are offering you 0.5% interest on your deposit every day from Monday to Friday. That adds up to 178% by the end of the term, when LuxEarn offer to return your initial deposit. You reach the break-even point after 200 payments which is 40 weeks, around nine months, so only then do you start to see any profit. There is no maximum limit placed on investments here.

The second Ordinary Plan will set you back at least $350 to join, again with no stated maximum. The term length is cut back considerably to 100 business days, or 20 weeks. While this is running LuxEarn offer members a daily rate of 1.1%, paid Monday to Friday, and your principal returned on expiry. That leaves you with 110% in net profits, a smaller number than the first plan but a much quicker 91 business days to break-even and see your first profit.

As the remaining plans in this section open with a minimum deposit of $42,500 I’m going to suggest you look at your LuxEarn members account area for further details if interested. However as I believe there’s a realistic chance of the cost of joining coming down in the coming months, let me just highlight the terms and interest rates. It’s entirely up to you whether you wish to proceed immediately with one of the existing more affordable plans or bide your time in expectation of a (by no means guaranteed) price reduction. So, for $42,500 you can earn 1.25% per day for 80 business days, for $45,000 you can earn 2.25% per day for 60 business days, and for $47,500 the offer is 2.75% daily for 40 business days. All offers return your principal on expiry and there is no upper limit on any of them.

So let’s move move on to what’s called The Business Plans which can be joined for a $750 minimum. For this amount your money is held for a 100 business day term which is 20 calendar weeks and is described as earning 5% interest per day. The reality is that this 5% is kept by LuxEarn and is not allowed to be withdrawn by you at all until expiry. This gives a 500% profit on your investment, on top of your principal which is then returned by LuxEarn separately. I think experienced readers will know what the odds are of succeeding in such a venture, but for the newbies I’ll just say please don’t learn this lesson the hard way and leave it at that.

Remaining plans in this category currently open at unrealistic amounts of money so check your LuxEarn account area for more details if interested. In the event of this being reduced however I will again just briefly run through the terms and rates. Remember that accounts are credited per business day, but withdrawals can only be made on expiry. So, for $52,500 LuxEarn offer 5.5% interest per day for 80 business days, which in reality is actually 440% net profit plus principal paid once on expiry. For amounts starting from $55,000 the offer is 6% per day for 60 business days, or 360% profit plus principal on expiry. For $57,500 the offer is 6.5% per day for 40 business days, or 260% net profit with your principal on expiry. And finally for $60,000 you can see your account credited with 7% interest per day for 30 business days, which translates into one single payment of 210% profit on expiry plus your principal returned. There are no maximum limits to what you may invest in any of these plans, though obviously the minimum requirements are already, for the moment anyway, considerably beyond most people’s abilities.

Next up is a section called The VIP Plans. In practice these work the same way as the last group insofar as they make just one single payment on expiry to LuxEarn members. The difference here is that it’s explicitly stated as such, not described as making a daily payment which you are not allowed to withdraw. To join in here LuxEarn ask a minimum deposit of $850. The return after 100 business days unfortunately is 14,000%. I say “unfortunately” because if you are realistic about it you will know this is impossible.

Remaining plans start from a $55,000 minimum so there’s no need to go into detail about them here. Check your LuxEarn members area if you would like to see the details, I’ll just give a brief overview so you have a general idea of what’s going on in case prices come down. The $55,000 you are asked for is held for an 80 business day term, and returned along with an 8,000% profit plus principal returned on expiry. A shorter term plan of 60 business days can be joined for $57,500 which sees LuxEarn offer 4,000% net profit on expiry plus principal. For $60,000 you get a term of 40 business days with an on expiry payout of 1,600% profit with your principal. And for amounts of $62,500 and upwards LuxEarn offer investors 800% profit plus principal on expiry of 30 business days. No maximum limits are placed on any of these plans.

For the category referred to as The Royal Plans LuxEarn return to describing them as making daily interest payments though in fact you really only get one single payment on expiry. The minimum to join is $950, which the plan description says earns 8% interest per day, Monday to Friday only, for 100 business days. That adds up to a single payment of 800% net profit on expiry, and LuxEarn then add your principal on top of that.

Just for your information the remaining plans in this group continue with a $57,500 minimum deposit so see your LuxEarn account if you want to know more. That amount sees your account credited with 9% interest for 80 business days, with the actual payment being offered at 720% on expiry plus principal. This rate goes up to 10% per day for 60 business days if investing $60,000, or 600% profit plus principal on expiry. A deposit of $62,500 will get you a daily rate of 11% for a 40 business day term, or 440% profit on expiry plus your principal, while a sum of $65,000 can earn your account 12% per day for 30 business days which allows you to make one single withdrawal 360% profit on expiry plus principal. Again there are no upper limits on what you can spend here.

Next we come to a group called The Maximum Plans. All utterly unaffordable, but again as there’s every chance the LuxEarn admin might change this at some point in the future I’ll give a brief description of the term lengths and interest rates. As with most of the other plans in LuxEarn, you will see them explained in your account as crediting you with daily interest payments though will not allow you to withdraw anything until expiry. The minimum amount currently required for a deposit is $57,500. This gets you 14% interest per day for 60 business days. This comes to 840% profit on expiry plus your principal. For $60,000 you can join for 40 business days and earn 15% interest per day, Monday to Friday. That’s 600% net profit on expiry, plus your principal. For 16% interest per business day during a 30 business day term, LuxEarn currently require a $62,500 minimum deposit. That would then earn you a final payout of 480% on expiry. For a $65,000 deposit your account is offered a daily accrual of 17% interest over a 20 business day term, yielding an on expiry payout of 340% plus principal. And for $67,500 and upwards LuxEarn offer 18% interest paid into your account for a 15 business day term, withdrawn only on expiry when reaching 270% in total. No maximum investment limits apply to any these options.

And finally we have The Exclusive Plans. As they come with a $70,000 minimum spend I doubt anyone has much interest in hearing about these either, but I’ll just tell you a brief description in the event of the admin reducing this amount. Again the terms are worded in such a way as to give the impression of daily earnings when in fact it’s only a daily crediting of your account. Actual withdrawals don’t happen until expiry. So for the $70,000 minimum LuxEarn offer 21% interest per day for a 40 business day term. That adds up to 840% on expiry and your principal added to that. For $72,500 you can get 22% interest per day for 30 business days, or 660% on expiry plus principal. For $75,000 the rate increases to 23% daily for a shorter term of 20 business days or 460% profit on expiry. For $77,500 LuxEarn credit your account with 24% per day for a term running 15 business days, allowing you to withdraw 360% profit plus principal on expiry. And lastly you will need at least $80,000 to join a plan for 10 business days and see your account credited with 25% interest per day. That’s 250% net profit paid on expiry plus your principal. No upper limits on spending are placed on any plan here either.

If anything in there appeals to you the next thing you need to know is what your payment options are. LuxEarn have a fairly good list of processors with the most popular ones included, leaning a bit more towards cryptocurrencies as that seems to be the direction the industry is headed. You can use any of PerfectMoney or Payeer as the more traditional payment handlers, and BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash and Dash for those who favour cryptocurrencies. Payouts to members need to be requested from inside your private LuxEarn members account area. Technically these are promised to be completed manually within 48 hours during business days, and possibly even stretch to 72 hours if you are withdrawing over the weekend. From personal experience however my own withdrawals have all been done within a reasonably short space of time so far, so I’m guessing the longer waiting periods might apply mostly to things like principal returns. By the way, while no great fan of the practice myself, compounding is allowed if you want. Rates are fixed at 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%. By default it’s already set to 0% so just leave it at that if you don’t approve of compounding either.

On the more technical side of things, particularly in relation to design and security, it probably comes as no surprise to anyone that LuxEarn is running off a script from GoldCoders. Most of the regular HYIP investors will recognize it as such, and it has all the trademark features and I will just confirm for you that it’s under license. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoSGuard. An extra layer of security is added with a superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL certificate from Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Also, the program’s domain name has been registered for a full ten years, 2015 to 2025. Not that it’s a difficult thing to do or that I’m expecting it to still be here by then, but it does show a certain level of professionalism from the admin.  On a purely aesthetic level though, for what it’s worth the LuxEarn website is excellent, well above average even if it is only a matter of personal opinion. It’s been designed to a highly accomplished level and even features a series of professionally made videos that form a sort of guide to the whole program.

If there are any further questions for the admin that you think he might explain better to you than this review or any other account related issues you need to have dealt with then LuxEarn can be contacted through several methods. Assuming you have read the FAQ page and can’t find an answer there, you can either fill out your details on the online e-mail support form and submit it or alternatively you can simply write directly to the admin at the e-mail address listed. Although you should probably start by trying the Live Chat support as they might be able to deal with your queries in real time before you go composing any lengthy mails. There’s a postal address in Australia where LuxEarn claim a company registration, something which can be safely ignored as it doesn’t give you any form of protection were it to be true, and not where you would find anyone involved with the program physically located. Of more practical use is the list of social media networks where LuxEarn have active profiles. You can currently find them on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. Currently the LuxEarn website is only available in English, though it’s expected that there are other translated versions in the pipeline. There’s a regional representative scheme in place where other investors act as promoters and support operators in return for improved ref commission rates. Check out the list if you think there might be someone in your area or speaks your language you want to contact, or ask the admin if you are interested in becoming one yourself.

For the business activities, by which I mean alleged business activities, LuxEarn are, we are told, “a international investment company” focusing on but not exclusive to cyber technology. It’s all a bit vague and more style over substance in that regard, but nothing the experienced HYIP player will pay all that much attention to. Just remember that even if any of the HYIPs you join were genuinely involved with a real business there would still be absolutely no guarantee their activities would bring you a profit. Remember that millions of dollars are lost in business markets every day just as surely as its won. So don’t delve too deeply into that side of things if LuxEarn is something you are interested in joining. Just treat it like any other HYIP and behave accordingly. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and try and keep LuxEarn if you have anything there as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

If you have already come to a conclusion about LuxEarn then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers. Are you more or less likely to join LuxEarn now that it’s all been explained? Please answer the following opinion poll question, keeping in mind that it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable, as I think it will be interesting to look back on the results in the coming weeks/months when we have a better idea what direction LuxEarn is going in. It will also demonstrate to HYIP admins (and not just this one) what investors expectations and standards are before joining a program. So:

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.



Those of you who joined InstantBitex already might have noticed that you now have 1000 free units in their own InstantBitex cryptocurrency which is abbreviated as IBX. So obviously that the admin has been busy lately with legitimizing his own business by creating his own cryptocurrency. Members with IBX are also promised their balances will be bought off once IBX appears on the Coinmarketcap website. Here is what he said on the program’s Telegram channel in response to a question asked by one member:

Hi once our exchange get listed in coinmarketcap we will buy all Airdrop IBX for a price of 0.00000900. So you can hold your IBX until we join coinmarketcap”.

The first announcement of the so-called token airdrop was mentioned on the InstantBitex‘s Facebook page a couple of days ago:

Airdrop of InstantBitex– Intelligent Cryptocurrency trading platform.
Get 1000 IBX token airdrop on registration”.

As I’m no expert on cryptocurrencies (far from it actually!) I cannot really claim all the members of InstantBitex will benefit from this incentive, but it doesn’t hurt to join the program even if you don’t have any intention to invest anything starting from the $25 minimum and get paid from 0.5% to 1% per business day “forever”. If interested in investing you can always read more on InstantBitex in the more detailed review posted here, as the admin really deserves some credit for trying to create something unique and looking more legitimate than other alleged businesses that HYIP admins usually try to back up their stories with.

From other latest news in InstantBitex posted over the weekend the admin gave a link to the site’s API for public viewing and a link to a video review of InstantBitex in Indonesian was given, so if you speak the language and would like to know more on the investment process you might as well give it a look. Both short news pieces from InstantBitex are reposted below for your convenience (and yes, they do trade cryptocurrencies on the website too, just check it out!):

InstantBitex – Intelligent Crypto Currency Trading Exchange. Our API –”.

InstantBitex – Intelligent Cryptocurrency Exchange.
Thank you.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: InstantMiningLimited, LuxEarn (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: ArbingSportBet.

That is all for today, guys. I know that it’s not much going on in the HYIP industry at the moment, so it’s very possible I won’t be posting again until next week from Brno where I’m going to start my delayed summer vacation from. If there is something really important happening or any promising new programs coming our way I will certainly try to introduce it earlier than that, so it’s better to stay tuned and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe to get regular updates directly to your mailbox from this page. Please keep voting in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll dedicated to “sleepers”, and as opinions on them are currently divided I will allow you more time to have your say. I will draw the final results in a few days from now. Remember that you can always contact me with your questions or listing requests at directly, via this contact form, or just chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I will be pleased to share any advice on matters connected to the currently very quiet HYIP industry. After all, that’s what I have been doing it (and doing it right, I must say!) over eleven years now! Have some profitable investment experience and talk to you all again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 06/08/2018. LuxEarn Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Friday, August 3, 2018

03/08/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the only investment blog online that really cares about what investment programs are accepted by syphoning out the deliberate fast scam through keeping the listing prices well out of reach for inexperienced admins running low-budget HYIPs. That’s why you can always be sure MNO only features the most truly outstanding programs and such huge stars like Carbon7 or LaserOnline always choose my monitor as a starting point for wider advertising campaigns that led to impressive growth and many months online thus bringing great profits to thousands of investors. This summer seems to have been very discouraging so far for those of you looking for the next industry leader, but rest assured that some admins are already working on bringing superb new programs to your attention and MNO might again be the first platform to see them. So make sure you don’t miss anything spectacular in the autumn months and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, or join the 3,300+ subscribers that enjoy reading my regular blog posts sent directly to their email addresses (click here if you wish to subscribe as well). You are also encouraged to contact me if you have any questions regarding the monitored programs or have any other requests via Telegram @mnoblog, via email, or by submitting the contact form here. I always try to respond within a 24 hour maximum, so you won’t have to wait for long.

Please also note that MNO will be further increasing listing prices starting from September 1 due to my readers’ wishes and to maintain the highest standards of the programs listed here. Smart HYIP admins have a final opportunity to get their programs listed on MNO at the lucrative prices before they return to the same levels as last May. It appears that some of them already took advantage, like the admin of the recent Premium listed LuxEarn has just done. I will start with the introduction of that program and will follow with the results of the recent poll on AdvCash departing the HYIP industry (read the full article on that here) and post a new question for you to think about. As all the other programs are still paying fine and I don’t have any further updates at the moment any further news from the industry will be in the blog next week. Stay tuned for that, guys, and meanwhile let’s start with a first look at LuxEarn.


Frankly speaking, checking out the LuxEarn website for the first time I had a sense of deja-vu. I could swear I’ve seen a very similar design and the set of investment plans before. I usually do not have such a good memory when it comes to HYIPs as there have been so many of them on MNO for years, but in case with LuxEarn it caught my eye so I made some digging just to see if there is indeed a connection with another project. I wouldn’t call it by the name (as there is some slim chance it could be from a different admin and I don’t want to spread rumors), but just wanted to let you know that the previous effort ran back in 2017 and after featuring on MNO managed to last for about six months, which was not a bad result at all. Just like its predecessor, LuxEarn launched back in 2015, but has been running as a sleeper for a couple of years before being activated in a different incarnation with a huge variety of investment plans that may confuse even the most experienced HYIP investors. The site of LuxEarn has been redesigned just a few days ago and the admin has opted for going for the most expensive Premium listing on MNO which he purchased yesterday. At first the investment plans will surprise you in terms of sheer choice. In fact, there are very high minimums for the vast majority of them which I imagine will be reduced over time to allow more investors to get on board. Besides, some investment offers are made to make you think that you will be paid on every business day, which is fact is untrue and while the account will be indeed credited with daily earnings they will simply accumulate in your LuxEarn account and will not be available for withdrawal until the expiry date which might never materialize anyway. Note that there are only five investment plans (most of them still with a prohibitive investment minimum) you can invest with if you are interested in daily business day (Monday to Friday) withdrawals and having your principal returned at the end of the term. Without getting into much detail in this introduction (more on the investment plans in LuxEarn please read the upcoming more detailed review on MNO next week) I will just briefly name them – 2.75% for 40 business days, 2.25% for 60 business days, 1.25% for 80 business days, 1.1% for 100 business days, 0.5% for 356 business days. Please note that all the other plans offered by LuxEarn are actually paid once on expiry all the accumulated profit plus the initial investment, so I would not recommend investing in those ones (I will explain better why in the review as well) – 250% after 10 business days, 270%-360% after 15 business days, 340%-460% after 20 business days, 210%-800% after 30 business days, 260%-1600% after 40 business days, 500% after 50 business days, 360%-4000% after 60 business days, 440%-8000% after 80 business days, 800%-14000% after 100 business days.

As you can see there is a huge variety of investment offers in LuxEarn and in fact there are twenty-five of them overall (!). Very few of them can be played with, but judging by the previous program’s performance we should hope that smart investors prefer to listen to my advice where to invest and what to avoid when choosing the appropriate investment plan in LuxEarn should end up as winners. Anyhow, once creating an account with LuxEarn you will be asked to specify your e-currency accounts, and there is a lot of choice there between PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, and Dash, with AdvCash having been recently dropped from the list due to the well-known difficulties it created for HYIPs using them. As the site runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, you shouldn’t have much difficulties browsing, investing and withdrawing your profits, however, please note that withdrawals might take up to 48 hours to be processed if you request them on business days, and even up to 72 hours if your request is on Saturday or Sunday. My own first payment was quite fast however, so I’ve already moved LuxEarn to Paying status on the MNO monitor.

By the way, the site itself looks absolutely stunning and very well prepared (it’s been almost three years in the making, so should be expected, I guess). There are a few professionally made videos available describing the whole investment process which will be particularly useful for newbies, and the FAQ section itself is very extensive with everything properly explained in detail. Technically all is built to the highest standard as well, with the LuxEarn website fully SSL-encrypted by Comodo featuring the extended validation certificate (Green Bar), hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by DDoSGuard while the domain name is registered for ten years in advance and expires in 2025. The company under the name Luxearn Proprietary Ltd is allegedly officially registered in Australia, although I did fail to verify this properly and hopefully the admin will back up the claims by uploading the necessary documents. The website is now available only in the English language, but it looks like more translations are in the making and once they are presented I will report it on MNO. The website has a social networking presence on Twitter and Telegram as well as its own YouTube channel. And of course do not forget about such handy features as the built-in calculator to help you with planning your potential earnings, multiple regional representatives and the Live Chat support to answer any further questions and concerns.

Overall, the first impressions are extremely positive and I believe that with the right choice of investment plans LuxEarn will provide smart HYIP investors with a good opportunity to earn some decent profits. On how it can be done properly and what pitfalls should be avoided please read the upcoming detailed review to be posted on the MNO blog next week. Stay tuned and do not miss it, guys!


With an almost complete lack of other news in the industry (by no means a bad thing by the way) I guess it’s probably time to draw the results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with another one. Well, the biggest story to hit the industry in recent months has probably been about AdvCash and that payment processor’s decision to withdraw from the HYIP business and to cease offering services to HYIP related websites. Maybe not so much refuse to offer payment services as such perhaps, but rather to insist that they provide legal and researchable documents proving they are licensed to offer financial or banking services in their own jurisdictions. This was covered in more detail in my last news update on MNO which you can read about here, but basically it comes down to state financial regulators applying pressure on AdvCash to be a bit more shall we say discerning about their customers and who they provide payment services for. After all, a dictionary definition of what HYIPs and the companies that offer them payment handling services would come essentially describe it all as a form of money laundering. With lengthy prison terms handed out to the owners of other payment processors who failed to comply with similar instructions, (LibertyReserve and Payza), it’s easy to see why the people running AdvCash would sit up and take notice. Quit while your ahead and all that, the alternative simply isn’t worth it. So it’s under those circumstances that AdvCash have recently informed the HYIP admins of the few programs that actually avail of their services that they may continue using the payment handler to process earning and profit payouts to their members, but they will no longer be allowed to accept new deposits or investments. Not unless they can prove they are licensed to offer financial services that is, which of course is never going to happen. Continuing to make payouts but not accepting new investments just isn’t the way HYIPs (or any other more legit form of business for that matter) can function.

Speaking as a HYIP player and enthusiast myself it’s hard to find anything positive in this news, but if I’m absolutely forced to come up with a positive angle then I guess it would be that not many people are going to be hit too badly by this. I mean if it has to happen, then it may as well happen now when the industry is at a five year low point and there’s not may admins or investors dealing too heavily with AdvCash. In other words if no one has any money there in the first place then you can’t lose any money by this change in business policy. Best therefore to get this all out of the way now when things are slow rather than have it happen in let’s say October when the industry is likely to be a lot more active and the potential damage would be a great deal more dangerous.

Anyway, the whole topic surrounding AdvCash’s decision to withdraw its services from the HYIP industry was the question featured in two MNO opinion polls. The first was embedded in the original blog article covering the subject here asking what impact you thought it would have on the wider HYIP industry in general, the other was on the MNO TalkBack page asking how you saw it affecting you on a more personal level. The first question asked “What impact will AdvCash have on the HYIP industry?”. A mixed reaction here but I was surprised the biggest group seemed to view it quite so negatively when they (40% of you) voted “Strong, this is a major blow to the HYIP industry”. The remaining 60% of readers, and a clear majority of you, seemed less concerned. It was an equal split with 30% of you voting “Moderate, a temporary setback which will be recovered from” and 30% voting “Negligible, the industry is at a standstill anyway”.

The other question from the MNO TalkBack poll focused on the more personal aspect of this, asking readers “Will you keep money in your AdvCash wallet after the recent changes?”. The clear leader here by some distance, 43% of the readers participating in fact, took the option “No, I’ll withdraw all and stop using them”. To be honest, there’s very little else you can use AdvCash for anyway apart from the HYIP industry. I’m certainly not aware of even one other legit non-HYIP related business that accepts them anyway so I can definitely see why so many of you would feel that way. In second place 29% of readers say “I’ve never used them / doesn’t apply to me”, something which will also indicate that this move is by no means some sort of apocalypse for the HYIP industry. Of the remaining voters, 21% say “I will keep only small amounts there” and 7% say “Yes, I will keep using them as usual” though in both cases, like I said already, I have no idea what exactly you intend doing with AdvCash since the HYIP industry is effectively removed.

Moving back now to LuxEarn, the new program just introduced earlier in this post, I started thinking about so called “sleeper” programs in general, how readers react to them when they “wake up” and I suppose just how you feel about the concept of them in general. It’s been a long term tactic in the HYIP industry for admins to do this, though to be honest it’s hard to recall one staying off the radar quite so long as LuxEarn. But what do you guys think about the whole thing? Or does it even make any difference to your opinions at all? Do you see it as the mark of a long term industry professional looking to do something big? Or do you think it’s just a last desperate attempt at a scam from a program past it’s potential peak? The exact question therefore will be as follows:

How do you feel about the concept of “sleeper” programs?

Possible answers include:
– Positive, it shows a professional admin with long term ambitions
– Neutral, it has absolutely no influence on my decision to join or not
– Negative, I prefer brand new programs as most sleepers are already too old

As always thanks in advance to everyone who votes. The poll will stay open for around a week or so, but definitely long enough for everyone interested in voting to have adequate opportunity to do so. Remember that all votes are anonymous and untraceable, and take literally just a second to cast. Votes can be cast on the MNO TalkBack page here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: InstantBitexInstantMiningLimited.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: AmericanBarrel, ArbingSportBet.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you are truly enjoying the heatwave as I am and will spend your weekend with some use for yourselves. I’ll be back most possibly on Monday with a full review of LuxEarn – quite a deceptive program when it comes to investment plans, so make sure you read the review through properly before committing yourself to investing there. Please vote on the TalkBack poll and let your voice be heard, as every opinion matters on MNO, guys. Thanks a lot for reading my blog and happy earnings from MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 03/08/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

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