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Sunday, August 30, 2015

30/08/2015. Nuggetz Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hi everyone! As we come to the end of another weekend and get ready for the new business week I have to say I was surprised at the amount of news stories I need to catch up on for you today. Then again I guess I haven’t published anything since Thursday. Anyway, the main focus of today’s article is Nuggetz, a widely anticipated and discussed brand new HYIP that finally launched this week after so long in the planning stages. Nuggetz is a long term program which is, with few exceptions, what seems to be the most dominant at the moment. It’s also probably a good time to be starting a program like this, with September (almost on us) and autumn in general traditionally being a fruitful time for investors and admins who are prepared to work on something a little better than “just average”. In this case the Nuggetz website looks impressive and is executed to a highly professional level with a top-notch design. Is that enough to turn your investment into profit? Well, let’s take a look at the program’s main features and you can decide for yourselves if you think it’s worth taking a chance on or not.
Starting things off with the program’s investment plans as usual then, Nuggetz are offering three for you to choose from, though the size of your budget will more or less make the choice for you. It is as I said a long term HYIP and will definitely require a long term commitment from you. That being said, Nuggetz do incorporate a certain degree of flexibility after a point which I will explain. To join at all however you will first need a $20 minimum to spare. This gets you into what’s called The Basic Portfolio. There’s no fixed investment term, you may request your principal back and leave at will, but the catch is that you first find yourself in a pretty lengthy lock-in period. As an investment program Nuggetz themselves work on business days only, so interest payments to members are made between Monday and Friday only. For this plan the rate is 1.8%. What you eventually earn from your investment is essentially down to how long you chose to remain a member, though you will not be able to leave until at least 100 calendar days (yes, that’s calendar days and not business days) have passed. That lock in period should contain something like 70 payment days. The exact number would depend on when you join, however as Nuggetz also don’t work on public holidays I’m just going to round it down to 70. With everything going according to plan you should have received 126% in interest payments before you are allowed to leave. If you want to take your principal back now then do so, or if you want to continue earning the 1.8% per business day then leave it in place until you are ready. You can do own calculations from there, I’ll just tell you that you should expect to break even after 56 payments, of just over eleven weeks. No matter what your strategy is in Nuggetz after that you can’t possibly lose money. The maximum deposit for this plan is $500.

If money is less of a worry to you and you can comfortably afford to play with the required $501 minimum, then Nuggetz have The Smart Portfolio. It’s pretty much the same as the first plan in terms of organization, i.e. your principal is locked in for 100 calendar days, you collect interest payments on business days, and once the waiting period is up you can either stay or go as you please. The main difference this time is the interest rate goes up to a more generous 2.1% per business day, allowing members reach the break even point a lot faster (after 48 payment days) and see a return of approximately 147% before the option to collect your principal is offered. Maximum deposit here is $150,000.

Nuggetz change things around a bit with their third plan. Called The Expert Portfolio, this one is definitely aimed at the bigger spending more serious players out there. There’s a $3,000 minimum requirement to join, however there’s a fixed investment term of 90 business days this time (18 weeks) and your principal is returned at the end. There’s no option to voluntarily stay on in the plan after that, unless of course you want to make a new deposit for the full term all over again. While you have an active deposit here Nuggetz are offering 2.8% interest per business day. You should complete the term with 252% in interest payments, and then have your principal added to that. You should reach the break even point after 36 payments (just over 7 weeks), at which point you can’t possibly lose any of your own money no matter what might happen the Nuggetz website after that.

In HYIP terms at least the Nuggetz investment plans might be sustainable to an extent, but the current choice of payment processor leaves a lot to be desired. At the time of writing the only functioning options are PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, though I would hope that can be improved before too long. Otherwise it will only hold the program back and hamper its development. On the plus side I can see that payments to members are at least made instantly. You will still need to log in to your Nuggetz members area and make a withdrawal request of course, but once done you should have the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. Payza, who we are told are currently examining whether to allow Nuggetz use their services or not, are listed but not actually working yet. They would really need to be on board if the program is ever going to have any success worth talking about so I’ll keep you informed about that on the MNO blog if or when Nuggetz passes the verification process. Incidentally, not a practice that I ever cared much for myself, but if you must then compounding is available. You can select your own rate from zero, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 percent. Also you should expect to see your account credited with your daily earnings 24 hours after you join. So in other words if you join Nuggetz at 10 o’clock then from that point on you should start getting your interest payments at 10 o’clock (on business days) as well.

You’ll get a much stronger first impression of Nuggetz when looking at the more technical aspects of the website, such as design and security. Nuggets is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from malicious attacks by DDoSGuard, by now undoubtedly one of the leading providers in this area. It’s the script however where we see most of the work was done on bringing Nuggetz to life, as it’s a totally custom made model created from scratch uniquely for this program. You can feel pretty confident that it’s going to be secure enough, though it’s also user friendly and easy to navigate your way around the private member’s account area. Unlike a lot of other HYIPs you won’t be getting a confirmation e-mail with your password when you first sign up with Nuggetz by the way, so do remember to write it down or store it someplace safe. Not a big deal or anything as you can easily reset it again and again if you forget it, it’s just easier this way. Also included on the Nuggetz website as an additional safety feature for investors is a Green Bar SSL-certificate from Comodo for more secure browsing and safer transactions.

For any further questions, support related matters, or account issues there are several channels of communication open to you. I guess the first thing you should do is make yourself familiar with the fairly extensive FAQ section which will cover a lot of what you need to know. After that you can check out the Live Chat feature where you might be able to get your questions answered in real time if an operator is on hand. I don’t believe this service works at the weekend right now, so business days only for that one. Nuggetz list a series of e-mail addresses if you have something more substantial to discuss with them, with each address dedicated to separate issues, such as one for tech support, one for current investors, and so on. You can either write to them directly or else just post your queries in the online support form and submit them online. There’s a postal address in the UK (weirdly accompanied by a map of New York for some odd reason) though most of you will know to ignore that as a virtual hosted office and not somewhere you’ll find anyone connected with Nuggetz physically located. The address comes with a phone number, so you might have a bit more luck finding a Nuggetz support operator that way.

As for any alleged business activities, Nuggetz try to revive what was once a more widespread claim in the HYIP industry – sports betting. Despite numerous websites using this angle in the past, things have always played out the same way, and with nothing that individual members can research and prove for themselves. And anyway, even if it was the case that Nuggetz are genuinely doing something with members money there’s still no such thing as a rock solid guarantee that any business has to be profitable, so something that allegedly revolves around gambling is the last place you should start looking for it. So remember to treat Nuggetz as you would anything else in the HYIP industry – it can be fun as long as you don’t start taking it too seriously and getting yourself into difficult financial situations by playing with more money than you can afford to lose. So if you do decide to join Nuggetz, enjoy the experience but stay within your spending limits, keep your expectations realistic, and try to keep the program as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As HonorForTheBrave launched more than two weeks ago, the admin seemed to be keeping things a bit low key and only issued one introductory newsletter until yesterday, when another full-size newsletter was sent to members and broke that silence. Some positive improvements were announced along with a Facebook Group aimed at raising investors’ awareness towards the program and the release of their first one-minute long introduction video which one can find in both HonorForTheBrave‘s own YouTube channel which was just launched as well, and the MNOVision Page containing several educational and promotional videos from the programs monitored on MNO. I believe HonorForTheBrave is taking just the right steps to become gradually more exposed on social networks and the first video introduction which you can watch here is just stunning, in my opinion. However if you really want to take a closer look at the program’s investment offers I would reading the full review of HonorForTheBrave available here for more details of the project paying 3% to 5% interest for the duration of 60 calendar days and accepting deposits from a $30 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and Neteller. Below is the latest newsletter from HonorForTheBrave in its entirety:

Facebook Group and YouTube Channel Added
Good day to all of you. I would like to wish everyone a great weekend. The weekend in our office has been a busy one. And being busy in business is a very positive sign. Busy means we are taking care of so many things in our business which equates to meaning having to handle a lot of transactions and deals.
We have set up a Facebook group account And Youtube Channel where now you can discuses with members and follow the latest updates of the program in addition to our Facebook and Twitter page.
Facebook Group –
YouTube –
Thank you again for being part of our company. We wish you a pleasant weekend and happy earnings.
Best Regards. HonorForTheBrave Team


Did you know that PokerAutomatics is now one of the most popular 8,000 websites in the world according to Alexa? Well, that’s exactly what happened thanks to the admin’s hard work with prompt payouts and great customer support for over a year now. PokerAutomatics joined the Premium List on MNO exactly six months ago and that means that even those investors who joined the program the longest 180 calendar day plan should have some nice profits by now. Anyone still sitting on the fence should really make a decision, as PokerAutomatics is truly a one of a kind program with skilled management and a believable background cover story of pokerbot networks making money from online poker tournaments, hence the name. By joining PokerAutomatics with at least $30 you can go with SolidTrustPay, OkPay, PerectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and many other lesser known payment options. Then you make 40% to 80% daily profit from the reported variable daily returns that usually float around the 1% mark (see the latest reports in the updates below). The investment term is from 30 to 180 calendar days one expiry of which your initial investment with PokerAutomatics is returned to your account available for withdrawal or re-depositing. If that sounds complicated then please refer to my detailed review posted here. By the way, according to one of the latest updates posted on the PokerAutomatics‘ website, their script has been upgraded again and has become more convenient to use while more new dedicated servers have been added to meet the increased capacity requirements. Whether it’s true or not, it’s only up to you to judge. I’ll just re-post all the latest news from PokerAutomatics regarding this and other news you can read below:

PokerAutomatics website is one of 8,000 most visited websites in the world!

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 2 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
28.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.89%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
29.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%

PokerAutomatics Script Upgrade
We’ve upgraded our PokerAutomatics Script in connection with the increasing number of clients and Deposits.
Old virtual operations were deleted.
My Operations page and My Deposits page are working much faster now.
We continue to improve the performance and usability of PokerAutomatics.


The sudden demise of ElegantTrading earlier this week left more questions than answers as the admin of the formerly best program of 2014 RockwellPartners failed to live up to the high expectations of hopeful investors, surviving for a bit over three weeks. Mind you, that was still more than enough time to get into serious profits with the program that was listed on MNO from day one, as there were absolutely no restrictions imposed on the ability of investors to withdraw principals at any time, and many of them seized this opportunity and did very well from it. Sadly, as always happens in this business, the less fortunate investors of ElegantTrading suffered some losses and were really let down by an admin supposedly hoping to work for many months to come. That also made the results of the recent MNO poll on the choice of top program from the latest Top Five list obsolete, but I will still have a look at the remaining four options and see the results.

As expected the now departed ElegantTrading scored 51% of the votes submitted by readers on the MNO TalkBack poll. As the program is not active anymore, the top spot passes to USDBusinessLimited (reviewed here) whose stability and first investors now in profit won them a 23% share of the vote. Yesterday an interview was sent to the admin of USDBusinessLimited Gary so hopefully we’ll see his answers sometime next week. As for the third and the fourth positions, they were shared by PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) and RollNRich (reviewed here) with both programs taking 13% of the vote each. Although these programs are very different in terms of rates of interest and the whole concept behind them, they have something in common – both have been on MNO for many months and put lots of investors well into profit. And finally, as expected, AtrexTrade (reviewed here) didn’t score a single vote in the poll for good reason. The program returned to Paying status just a couple of weeks ago with instant payouts still processed to members’ e-currency accounts, however, principal withdrawals are still not possible for some reason. That means that AtrexTrade will 99% collapse before the New Year, and those people investing right now will almost certainly lose money – so no new investments in that program can be recommended at this point in time. The situation might change in the future, but I doubt that AtrexTrade will manage to get back to normal at all.

For the next question on the MNO TalkBack poll I would suggest you ponder on the following issue. I believe many investors are coming back from summer holidays now and are looking forward on to what activities the HYIP industry will bring in September and later in autumn. You see, the autumn months have traditionally been an active time in the HYIP industry, but this year everything went kind of upside down and actually, it was the summer when I saw most activity from my readers and some new promising programs coming in with new appealing offers and attractive layouts. The question is whether September will open new windows of opportunity for investors and will surpass the summer, or whether we will be facing another crisis due to too many scams. The exact question then is:
Do you believe autumn will bring more activity in the HYIP industry?
1) Yes, I am convinced there will be better programs and more money invested.
2) Although it’s possible, I think it will be hard for admins to offer something new and attract more investors.
3) No, I reckon summer was the peak and autumn will see a decline.

Thanks in advance for voting, guys, and the results will be drawn sometime next weekend. Your active participation on the MNO TalkBack is therefore highly appreciated.


As AtrexTrade is not really interesting to anyone on MNO anymore with the program in decline, I will simply repost the latest news on the additional day off when trading will not take place, meaning there wouldn’t be any interest credited on the following day. If you haven’t read the full review of AtrexTrade (published here), I’ll just briefly remind you that the program pays variable daily returns for an unlimited term on business days only. Take note that the interest is credited to your balance in AtrexTrade available for instant withdrawal to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin accounts from Tuesday to Saturday. AtrexTrade reports their results Monday to Friday and then credits members’ accounts with a 50% to 75% share from that amount on the following day. So, in the news section there was an announcement of Friday, September 7 being a holiday, meaning the members’ accounts will not be credited on the following day – Saturday, September 8:

List of holidays/non-working days in September
Dear investors,
We would like to inform you that interest will not be added to your deposits on September 7 due to official holidays.
Deposits and withdrawals will be fully available.
Thank you for your attention.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRichUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics,  4FinanceAtrexTradeHonorForTheBraveBellRoi, TradingAssets, Nuggetz.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: D3Limited (the first instant payments received).

That’s all for tonight guys, thanks for reading and I do believe my next post will already be in September. So enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in autumn! If you like to support MNO please be more active on the ShoutBox, bookmark my site in your browser, subscribe to the daily news to be delivered straight to your email, follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and check out the MNO monitor frequently to find the new entries to my listing. Bye for now!

The post 30/08/2015. Nuggetz Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Thursday, August 27, 2015 Review – Is it a scam?


27/08/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello guys! The last couple of days weren’t exactly sparkling in the HYIP industry with lots of scams reported on blogs and forums. Unfortunately MNO readers weren’t immune from this as we saw the collapse of two programs – RichPower and ElegantTrading. Both programs have been moved to Problem Status on my monitor and no further investments there are recommended. More on that in the daily news section where I will also discuss updates from such paying programs from my monitor as PokerAutomatics and TradingAssets. First I would like to introduce a new program Nuggetz which will be (at least for now) exclusively listed on MNO, as I was given some rights by the admin to present it to my readers. Other monitors will surely follow suit as usual and add the program for free, which is a great policy as it will save a lot of money otherwise wasted and help fund real investors for longer.


And the program’s name is Nuggetz which certainly rings a bell for those who miss the good old days when the HYIP industry was dominated by the giant GoldNuggetInvest and and its worthy successor NewGNi. While I’m not implying that Nuggetz is run by the same admin, he was certainly much inspired when creating his program from scratch and made it look exceptional, I must say. In its investment plans Nuggetz try to combine the best of both worlds – to receive a fixed income every business day with no limits placed on the term. On the first two investment plans, starting from $20 and $501 respectively, you can get 1.8% or 2.1% on every business day (Monday to Friday and excluding holidays) for an unlimited duration of time. Your initial investment is locked in for the period of 100 calendar days (slightly over three months) and you then have an option to leave Nuggetz at anytime you like or stay put if you prefer. This changes direction in the third plan intended for much larger investors with $3,000 or over who will get paid a 2.8% return over the period of 90 business days as a fixed term and principal is returned on expiry. It’s essential to know that all the withdrawals in Nuggetz will be processed instantly which will surely attract people who like fast payments. Who doesn’t! And as the program runs off a totally custom-made script you can be sure it’s going to be secure. Unfortunately the list of payment processors taken by Nuggetz at the moment is still disappointing with only PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin accepted. However, please note that the addition of Payza (the image can already be seen on the website) is just a matter of days not weeks away, and the admin told me that the successfully submitted documentation should speed up the process. Anyway, I believe that even without Payza Nuggetz will get many takers, as the website simply looks impressive and is executed to a highly professional level requiring top-notch designing skills. The domain is registered for five years, there’s a Green Bar SSL-certificate from Comodo for secure browsing and a safe choice of hosting provider with a dedicated server with protections from attacks handled by DDoSGuard – one of the leading names in the HYIP industry now. There’s a lot of support options available, including a phone support, and an extensive FAQ. It’s clear that Nuggetz is not the product of a one-day fast scammer, and it shows everywhere. So, I do tend to believe that the latest news on the site reflects the actual stages of development and the amount of time and effort put in by the admin in order to achieve such a superb result in design. Here are the three messages you can read there:

We are starting to develop our project
Today we are proud to announce that we are starting to develop our project. Offline investors are now welcome to register account with us. After launching this amazing project we will send newsletter to all of you.

Few months away from launch date
Today we are announcing that official launch date will be around 23-28 August – 2015

Launch day – today
We are happy to announce that today is NUGGETZ Launch day. Like always, you can find us on MNO website and further updates will be published in news section.
Happy Earnings.

I’d only like to add that I myself already tested the instant withdrawal feature and was paid instantly by Nuggetz, therefore I’ve moved it straight to Paying Status on the MNO monitor. A more detailed review is coming on the MNO blog very soon, so don’t miss it and your opportunity to earn with a brand-new and exclusive to MNO program!


Unfortunately the biggest news story of the day is also the worst, and probably the worst for several weeks now – the inevitable, though in my opinion premature and avoidable, demise of ElegantTrading. The program has now been moved to Problem Status on the MNO monitor. I’d dearly love to be proven wrong about this, but the longer it goes on the less likely it is to recover. There have been several programs organized along similar lines to ElegantTrading in the past, some with greater or lesser degrees of success. They all had one thing in common however, which is a very high and sensitive degree of fragility. For anyone who wasn’t a member, ElegantTrading didn’t work with a fixed length investment term. Instead it had a perpetual style plan which paid interest to members for as long as they remained members. When you wanted to leave, you just requested your principal back and that was it. Whether you stayed for a day or a week or a month was your own business, you take back your principal when it suits you and any interest payments you received you kept as net profit.

When paying such low interest rates that ElegantTrading was offering, fixed term HYIPs with experienced admins can run for some exceptionally lengthy lifetimes. But what happens if all of a sudden everybody decides to ask for their principals back all together at the same time? Well, just like any other HYIP the program will run as long as more money pours in than needs to be paid out. With regular style HYIPs with fixed expiry dates the admin has a general idea of what his commitments are from one day to the next. But with perpetual style programs the situation is somewhat different, as we’ve seen today with ElegantTrading – i.e. everyone wants all their money all together at the same time. The program didn’t “have” to collapse today, I mean it it would have went eventually, we all know that, but potentially it could and should have been a long time in the future. Good earning opportunity for everyone, so what ruined it? In a word, panic. All it takes is one badly timed rumor or accusation, be it misinformed or downright malicious, and all of a sudden everyone is scrambling for their money back.

The terms and conditions for ElegantTrading quite clearly stated the waiting time for payments could be anything up to 48 hours. Despite this blatantly obvious fact, one so called monitor made the ridiculous statement to his readers that they were instant. No, they were never instant, and this claim only added to the problem because as soon as investors who believed this went to make their first withdrawal the natural reaction was of course – panic. So that didn’t help matters. The fact is that throughout most of ElegantTrading‘s lifespan payments were done pretty quickly. But when people get a couple of fast payments at the beginning they can lose sight of the fact that they admin may not be able to keep up the same pace when more and more people are making withdrawals. And it’s not just ElegantTrading I’m talking about here either, I must have gotten thousands of mails over the years from people saying “I’ve been waiting over an hour to get paid, I think I’ve been scammed!” Meanwhile I take a closer look at their accounts and see all sorts of things, such as the request is below the minimum amount allowed, the request was made on a Saturday from a program which doesn’t pay on weekends, or most commonly the admin requires a 24 to 48 hour waiting period. But when it comes to money very few people are capable of remaining calm and rational. They jump to the first bad conclusion, and take it to any forum, shoutbox, monitor, or public platform that will allow it. The chain reaction starts from there, and you know the rest. I don’t believe the admin’s intention was for the program to end here and now like this, but that’s no comfort to the folks who lost money.

No need to overanalyze it I suppose, the damage is done, the end result is the same, and ElegantTrading isn’t coming back. A lot of people need to learn a lot of lessons from the experience, including the admin, so I hope that will happen. If there’s one glimmer of hope by the way it’s that as usual SolidTrustPay investors are the last ones to be scammed. Payments to STP continued for some time, maybe even still are I can’t be sure, and will probably keep being processed for how ever long it takes the accounts there to be exhausted. That’s always one of the major benefits to using STP when joining online HYIPs. Admins have less opportunity to steal so much money via STP, (whereas they can just empty PerfectMoney etc at will, no questions asked) so generally speaking payments will continue there a bit longer. Again no serious compensation but at least it’s something. Time now to move on.


In light of the closure of ElegantTrading today, yesterday’s scam by RichPower went almost unnoticed. The program just stopped paying in the morning and withdrawals never went back to instant mode again. RichPower stayed on Paying status on the MNO monitor for only five days, but even this was enough for many investors to jump on the bandwagon and earn on the program’s 1 and 3 day long investment plans. I must say that the average deposits from my referrals in RichPower were pretty small, so no one lost really big money there, especially considering the layout of the program was kind of average and uninspired. The admin, of course, tried his best to make things look better than they were and faked his stats significantly in order to catch big spenders who were supposed to be so light-headed as to believe that people were putting thousands of dollars into RichPower and to create a sense of urgency of not missing the next big thing. In fact even after the program was already in trouble and instant withdrawals stopped the admin was still sending updates regarding referral contests, BlockChain issues with fully resolved automated deposits, etc. That, of course, had no practical value for those who were scammed and RichPower will only remain in memory as a poorly planned short-term HYIP and a lesson on how not to run a program. The admin even claimed his PerfectMoney account was hacked in the farewell letter to me personally. I don’t know whether to believe that story or not, but it won’t be any consolation for those who lost money. RichPower is on Scam Status on my monitor for now, but just for your information I will re-post the admin’s side of the story saying that instant withdrawals from GoldCoders based programs is not safe and leads to one outcome – early closure. That raises the question though of how so many other programs run successfully on GoldCoders for months with instant payouts, so his theory has its holes to say the least, but it’s up to you to judge:

I’m very sorry Paul. RichPower was hacked and all my PM funds were stolen, hence it’s closed. I wanted to make it last 50 days at least, but I failed again. My last program LargeWallet was hacked too by the same hacker, but I thought that it was because of the server security problem and not the script. I used a very safe server this time, but now I am 100% sure that hackers can hack any program which use GoldCoders script and instant payments.


TradingAssets also made some investors sweat, when the admin made a decision to temporarily disable instant payouts. Fortunately it only lasted for a few hours and was caused by some security issues which the admin eventually resolved and announced in the news section of his website, putting withdrawals back to the usual instant mode. News from TradingAssets regarding all this is below:

Due to a security problem on our server, we will process the payments manually. We expect a maximum of three days to solve this issue and come back to the instant payments. The manual payments will be processed 3-4 times a day.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Instant Payments Back
Our server security problem is fixed, in this way the instant payments come back to normal.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Keep enjoy our program!
TradingAssets Administration

TradingAssets has been on Paying status on the MNO monitor for a week, but before that the program was already running for over two months. The current investment plans include 2.8% to 3.6% for 55 business days and 6% to 8% for a period of 26 business days. Unlike many similar programs, TradingAssets include your principal in the daily payouts which doesn’t put any additional strain on its reserves on expiry of the investment term. Currently the program accepts deposits from a $7 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and NixMoney, processing payouts instantly in most cases. For more information on TradingAssets please refer to my detailed review posted here.


I’m glad to see that there are still some good long-lasting programs remaining in the HYIP industry that pay stably for months and do not disappoint investors. Among them is definitely PokerAutomatics with its tremendously successful run of over twelve months now. The program is famous for its original background story of earning money for members via an extensive network of pokerbots playing in online tournaments and, most importantly, winning them. The daily reports are always around the 1% mark and to see the latest please read below for the last three days of operation:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
25.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.93%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
26.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.94%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
27.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.11%

Daily results are always accompanied in PokerAutomatics by weekly statements where the general program’s stats are shared (although according to them PokerAutomatics has been paying for over four years, which is simply not true), although you might find it hard to believe all of them. Just have a look below for the latest weekly statement and the given figures:

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,577
Total investors: 37,572
Investment capital: $ 3,216,086
Own capital: $425,046
Total Income: $271,993 (7,47%)
Share of Expenses: $ 113,149 (3,11%)
Profit: $ 158,844 (4,36%)
Total withdraw: $ 5,112,927
TOP-1 Investor: $126,502
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,532 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 1,003

The alleged pokerbot network is upgraded regularly, and the information on that (although completely unverifiable too) is given in the regular news updates posted on PokerAutomatics‘ website. Here is the latest report on that for your information:

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 1,014
Our future goals:
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
July 2017 and further: 2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.
For security reasons we won’t increase our botnet above 2000 active poker bot accounts.

Certainly it’s not all about pokerbots and unbelievable stats, investors should take into consideration that PokerAutomatics take deposits starting from $30 via lots of various payment methods. They include SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, NixMoney, AdvCash, YandexMoney, Qiwi, Payco and bank transfers from selected banks. You then choose the duration of the investment plan from 30 to 180 calendar days and get paid daily with the initial investment returned to your balance on expiry of your term with the program. Please note though that there are some peculiarities involved that should be taken into consideration when calculating your profits from PokerAutomatics (that can be a share from 40% to 80%), so for all the further information please refer to my detailed review posted here.

Every member of PokerAutomatics participates in a weekly lottery, the prize in which is VIP status. Last week’s lucky winner was named below and gained some perks which you can read about by visiting the link posted in the update:

Lottery Results 23.08.2015:
The winner of this week is xzden384.
You get VIP status as a prize.

As an additional source of income from PokerAutomatics you may become a local representative. You can apply for higher commissions from your referrals in exchange for this position if you have at least a $1,000 active deposit in the program yourself. New representatives are added routinely and the last one was reported to be from Switzerland:

We have a new Representative
Kevin Cavalli – Switzerland
You may contact him by email
170+ Representatives!

All in all, I can’t praise PokerAutomatics enough and I believe it’s run by one of the most professional teams in the HYIP industry. Many of you seem to agree as the program currently occupies the #3 position on my monitor’s Premium List.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRichUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeBitMinerals4Finance, HonorForTheBraveBellRoi, TradingAssets, Nuggetz (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

As ElegantTrading has become an unexpected scam (or at least that outcome is 99% certain), I can’t keep the last poll for any longer and so, the results will not count its share, but the poll will stay open for the next few days to decide on your favorite from the remaining four. So, if you haven’t submitted your vote yet please do so on the MNO TalkBack page.

That is all for today, guys. I hope to see you all on the MNO blog soon. I haven’t decided when I’m going to publish next, but you can be sure that the first thing that comes to mind is a detailed description of the latest exclusive program on MNO Nuggetz. And who knows – perhaps, it will be as successful as other Nugget themed programs that ran in the past and were also exclusively listed on MNO as well. You should also expect more news and updates from your favorite programs and possible new additions to my listing as well. Please do not forget to check the latest status of any program you’re about to invest to just to make sure it was on Paying status. Take care and see you soon, folks!

The post 27/08/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog Review – Is it a scam?


Monday, August 24, 2015

24/08/2015. RichPower Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hi all! Hope everyone’s keeping well after the weekend. If you were reading MNO recently you’ll have seen the first introduction of a fairly new short-term HYIP to my monitor’s Premium List called RichPower. At first glace you might think RichPower is similar, almost identical in fact in terms of organization and structure to a lot of the programs that dominate the short-term side of the industry, and you’d be right. So before we get to the first news update of the new business week I want to take a more thorough look at how RichPower works and whether you think it might be worth your while joining or not.
Starting things off with the investment plans then, RichPower have the usual mix of what we’ve come to expect from programs like this, i.e. some options that stand a reasonable chance of making a modest profit for sensible players, and others that are unlikely to do much more than separate the newbies and the gullible from their cash. Just about sums up the entire HYIP industry there when you come to think of it! Anyway, one of the most appealing aspects of the program is the level of affordability it offers – from the nine plans available, RichPower require a minimum deposit of just $10 to join most of them. And to put it bluntly, no matter how high a risk is attached to any online investment program with prices like that it’s nobody else’s fault but your own if you start gambling with more than you can afford to lose.

The first plan then runs for a term of 1 calendar day. RichPower will make one single payment on expiry of 103%, principal included. This rate applies to all deposits up to a maximum value of $999. Higher rates apply to higher deposits, though naturally the bigger your investment the more difficult it’s going to be for the admin to come up with the payment. For example, deposits from $1,000 to $4,999 are offered a return of 104%. In other words an investment of $100 is a lot more likely to get back $103 than let’s say $1,000 is to get back $1,040. I suggest you keep this strategy in mind for all of RichPower‘s investment plans. Check out your private member’s account area for information on deposits larger than $5,000 if interested.

The second option also needs just a $10 deposit to join, though for this one the waiting time is 3 calendar days. All investments no maximum limit of $999 are offered 110% paid back on expiry, principal included. So for a $100 deposit here RichPower are offering $110 in return. Anyone spending from $1,000 to $4,999 is offered a payment of 113%, principal included. If you’re looking to play with more that then look at your RichPower member’s area for further information on the rates being offered.

Next is a plan running for 5 calendar days. In return for a deposit of $10 or more to an upper limit of $999, RichPower offer you a return of 117% interest on expiry. With your principal included as part of that, a $100 spend here we hope will bring a $117 return. Alternatively for bigger spending investors RichPower‘s offer for deposits between $1,000 and $4,999 is 122%, principal included. Check the members account area if you wish to see what’s being offered to deposits of $5,000 and above.

RichPower‘s fourth payment-on-expiry plan runs for a term of 7 calendar days. The admin still asks just a $10 minimum to join, so despite what looks like an ever growing risk on paper, financially speaking it really doesn’t have to be. 125% is the return being offered to all deposits to an upper limit of $999 with your principal included. That means a $100 spend here is offered a return of $125. RichPower offer 132%, principal included, to amounts between $1,000 and $4,999. If you want to know what’s available to amounts bigger than that you can see from inside your RichPower members account area.

Next on the list is a plan running for 15 calendar days and paying once on expiry, so you can see yourself how the risk is constantly growing. On the other hand you still only need a $10 minimum to play. RichPower are offering a return of 155% on all deposits to a maximum value of $999, principal included. Amounts between $1,000 and $4,999 are offered a rate of 170%. Anything above that can be seen in your RichPower members area.

This is followed by plan number six, running for 30 calendar days and offering members one single payment on expiry. Deposits remain at a $10 minimum, and RichPower offer 220%, principal included, on deposits up to $999. For deposits between $1,000 and $4,999 that offer increases to 250%. Check the RichPower members account area for information on anything bigger than that.

It’s with the seventh and remaining investment plans that RichPower changes direction somewhat. Still with payments on expiry but no longer cheap to join or realistically achievable, these features have instead been replaced by high cost plans unlikely to make money for anyone other than the RichPower admin. Trouble is it will cost you $200 and upwards as a minimum spend to find out if it can really work. The first of these so-called VIP plans runs for 44 calendar days, and offers 3,000% interest on expiry. This applies to all deposits, no “real” maximum, but a nominal figure of $800,000. I don’t know, it might have gotten a few takers if the admin hadn’t slapped such a ludicrous price tag on it, but as it happens I can’t really see the serious players looking past the first couple of plans here.

For the record RichPower also have another plan offering 5,000% interest on expiry of 60 calendar days on deposits of $500 and up. Or for a really get-rich-quick scheme (for the admin that is!) you can deposit, that is to say donate, $9,000 for an offer, and note I did say “offer” not “payment” of 440% after 4 calendar days.

If you like any of those plans enough to join then the next thing I need to cover is what are your payment options. It’s a pretty short list without any of the more respectable verified options, and limited only to anonymous processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. While on one hand I do have some mixed feelings about the choice of payment options in RichPower, after all, regular readers will all already know how I favor more verifiable processors. On the other hand the fact of the matter is that this is just about as good as we can expect from a high risk short term HYIP, so it’s not something I’d argue about with the admin for too long. Something that probably helps your decision is the use of instant payouts which we are told should be made at all times. This is obviously crucial to the success of RichPower as shorter term programs depend very heavily on this.

There are two perfectly logical reasons why payments may not be instant sometimes, and if this is the case for you then you need to check a couple of things out first. One possibility is downtime or maintenance with the payment processor. In this event you simply need to cancel your withdrawal request and submit it again later when the processor is back online. Hardly an everyday occurrence but sure, it does happen. The other reason is that you may not have entered your payment processor account details properly. Double check, and if you need to simply edit your RichPower members area to reflect the correct account numbers. Failing that you can just write to the RichPower admin and he’ll do it for you.

On the subject of design and security RichPower is also up to a suitable standard for a program like this. The design itself is really nothing special or even particularly memorable, but everything is pretty much as you would expect. The script is under license from GoldCoders, something that brings its own trademark customer friendly uncomplicated appearance. So RichPower is as user friendly and easy to navigate as any other program using this script. For hosting you will find the RichPower website being kept on a dedicated server with the support and protection from malicious attacks provided by by CloudFlare, and not DDoSGuard which for some inexplicable reason is displayed on the website. For an extra layer of security RichPower are also using SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

If you have any further questions about the program, account related issues that need dealing with or any other reason to contact the admin then you have a couple of options open to you. The first option is to fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it through the website’s contact page. Otherwise you can write any more detailed enquiries to the RichPower admin at the e-mail address listed, thought I would guess either method will still land your enquiries in the very same mailbox. Please note that the button offering “Live Chat” support doesn’t actually do anything. Click it and it merely refreshes the page, and is not a service currently offered to RichPower‘s members.

As for any alleged business plan to help with the payments, this is large glossed over and contains nothing of any great depth. Not that I was suggesting you look too far into it anyway. Just treat RichPower as any other high risk form of gambling, enjoy it for what it is while it lasts, and don’t take anything too seriously. A lot of people have already made some money from the program, I’m sure more will follow, but still, remember to stay well under a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, and if you do join RichPower then try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Staying with the above-reviewed RichPower, you’ll remember there was some issues with BitCoin transactions affecting mainly programs running off a GoldCoders script. The admin of RichPower Chris was actually the only one who reported it and made it a priority to update members looking to deposit via BitCoin but worried about the delays. So in today’s update Chris was pretty positive and said that some older transactions were already approved by the script and credited to members’ accounts, while some others will be processed within the next 24 hours or so, with no further delays expected in the near future. The update re-posted below will be especially interesting to those investing via BitCoin and not just in RichPower, but in many other programs with similar issues but stayed silent on the subject for some reason:

BlockChain Update
Dear members,
I am very happy to inform you that BlockChain started fixing their problem with their API and many BitCoin deposits that have been made yesterday and on Saturday, were successfully credited to investors’ accounts. Very soon it should be fixed totally, so all BitCoin deposits will be credited normally within 1-24 hours maximum automatically by the system. Cheers!
Best Regards, Chris Miller
RichPower Administrator


If you haven’t read the review of TradingAssets that was posted on MNO yesterday you can see it here. The admin of the program issued a newsletter last night just hours after it was published. You can read his short update on that below:

Review by MNO
Our program has been review by Money News Online (MNO).
Bellow are the details of the review.
We hope this can be helpful for the confidence of our members and future members increase to stay or join our company.
Best of luck to all!
TradingAssets Administration

TradingAssets has been online for about ten weeks now and is paying instantly to almost all the payment processors (except for BitCoin) on the amounts up to $80 to PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, and NixMoney. The original investment plan pays 2.8% to 3.6% for 55 business days (with the principal already included in payouts) while the newer plan offers much favorable returns and don’t make investors wait for too long to profit – 6% to 8% for 26 business days. So if you can afford to invest at least $20 instead of $7 there is no need for you even to pay attention to the longer investment plan as the shorter one makes it completely obsolete. Hopefully the review of TradingAssets now published on the biggest investment blog will help the program grow further and attract new investors.


From the first day online BellRoi really stood out from the rest of the newer programs around and earned the undivided attention of MNO readers due to an extremely high quality layout and instant payouts to Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The minimum to invest in BellRoi starts from only $20 and by joining you get an opportunity to earn from 2.5% to 3.4% Monday to Friday for a duration of 80 business days (16 weeks) reaching the BEP half-way through. BellRoi also promises to return your initial investment on expiry of the term thus making the offer even more appealing and potentially more profitable. Despite only being online for a few days BellRoi was added to Premium listing on MNO on the following day after the official launch and was already reviewed on my blog (please click here to read it). The link to the review was also shared with all the first investors of BellRoi and realizing the importance of proper analysis put into it the admin really appreciated my efforts in hope of appealing to bigger investment audiences worldwide who prefer reviews written in good English, and not some gibberish no one can understand. Also in the newsletter the admin was understandably upbeat about the early success of BellRoi and positive feedback from the first investors pleased with a new high quality investment opportunity and instant payouts on profitable plans. If you wish to earn even more you can take a chance and apply for a position as a local representative and earn increased referral commission rates in exchange for promoting the program in your own circle. Please read the full newsletter from BellRoi for more details:

First steps to success!
Dear members,
We’ve only been online for a few days and we have already established our project as one of the top choices among newbie and veteran investors worldwide. The interest and response from participants all over the globe has been incredible, and we believe that a very strong foundation has been built. We are now looking forward to improving on this.
From the very first day online BellRoi Group Limited was listed on such top blog as Thanks to him we are able to provide our services in different parts of the world and reach out to future and present investors. Meanwhile Paul Abramson has already reviewed our project. It has to be said that Mr. Abramson’s attitude towards our project is positive, so be sure to read the review here:
Also, we would like to remind you that we welcome new Representatives to work under the BellRoi Group Limited banner and benefit via increased affiliate commissions, starting from 12%. For more information on how you can opt for a slot as a Representative, please read here:
We would also like to thank everyone for the positive responses and feedback that we are getting on a daily basis from our customers. We truly appreciate each and every one of you! Thanks for your time, and have a great day!
Best Regards,
BellRoi Group Limited


After over one year online PokerAutomatics continue to shatter stereotypes and seems to grow only stronger with time. Perhaps the HYIP industry is now back to a trend when more and more investors start to think hard about where they want to put their money and many prefer such established names like PokerAutomatics in favor of newer competitors that literally come and go within months. Obviously, PokerAutomatics do not promise you the sun, moon, and stars and with very conservative returns starting from 12% monthly it does require patience and a long-term strategy to fully benefit from the multiple features and original investment plan that was the main focus of my review of PokerAutomatics posted here. If you haven’t much time to read it I’ll explain how it works in a nutshell. You invest anything starting from $30 via any of the multiple payment processors including such famous ones like SolidTrustPay, Payeer, BitCoin, PerfectMoney (accompanied with a bunch of lesser known ones). Then you get into a chosen investment plan that offer various daily returns over the period of 30 to 180 calendar days. You get paid every day until expiry when your original deposit is returned. Note however that the more you invest and the longer investment term you choose in PokerAutomatics the bigger daily returns you will get. It works like this. Every calendar day the program publishes its returns received from poker-related activities (usually it’s around 1%) and from that rate the investor gets a 40% to 80% share. So, if you join the 30 days plan you will get approximately 0.4% return daily, while those with much bigger deposits opting for the longest 180-day plan should expect 0.8% daily. This is an approximate estimation of your daily returns from PokerAutomatics, of course, but you can judge the daily returns based on the historical graphs posted on the website and the latest daily results also posted for your convenience below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
22.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.13%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
23.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.02%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
24.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.17%

I believe PokerAutomatics is growing gradually while attracting more and more investors from all over the world also thanks to its extensive network of local representatives the list of which expands literally every day. From the latest announcement of new representatives please see the newest one from Russia below:

We have a new Representative
Marina – Russia
You may contact her by email
170+ Representatives!


I must say I was quite surprised and pleased that my own opinion of SolidTrustPay being the safest option to store funds for investing in HYIPs is shared by the largest section of readers. That’s according to the most recent TalkBack poll – 30%. It’s always been the case for myself that I feel really more confident and safer with SolidTrustPay which is a perfectly legitimate and respectable business incorporated and headquartered in Canada. The most important thing that makes SolidTrustPay so different from others (read more on other advantages of using STP for your HYIP investments in this article) is that they require full verification of members’ accounts in order unlock all the perks available – depositing and withdrawing directly from bank accounts, credit cards, or SolidTrustPay’s own debit card. Thus, despite comparatively high fees you save money by avoiding third party exchangers and can be sure you’re dealing with professionals who won’t disappear overnight and will protect your funds against theft. Besides, you can apply for a TrustCard and protect your account from being suspended on geolocation level, which is done for members’ own security. I can talk all day about STP and my perfect experience with them over the years as I can’t praise them enough. The main downside in many people’s opinion, is that SolidTrustPay is not accepted by enough HYIPs and for now only a handful of programs deal with them due to the STP’s strict stance on approving only programs that can produce a lot of supporting documents. You can be sure then that only truly experienced admins (like those currently running Carbon7, ElegantTrading, or PokerAutomatics) managed to satisfy all their demands and prove they know what they’re doing. Of course the fact of STP is accepted by itself doesn’t make a program safer, but proves the admin is willing to go the extra mile in order to attract larger investors who feel safer moving big money there. The poll proves that there are lots of such people out there and by neglecting their needs some admins just ignore a substantial share of the market (and money!). So admins, take note!

The closest competitor to STP for account security as voted for by readers was PerfectMoney with 23% of the vote. That wasn’t a huge surprise for me either, as having been a PerfectMoney customer for a few years now myself I cannot really fault either their customer support or lack of security. In fact I heard that this payment processor (unlike its former rival LibertyReserve) always take many precautions onboard and treat safety and security pretty seriously. I guess that alone means PerfectMoney is favored by almost a quarter of my readers according to the final results and making it the obvious leader among anonymous payment processors.

Then we have Payza with 17% of all the vote. That’s not too bad considering Payza withdrew from the HYIP industry for a couple of years due to some legal issues, but finally returned. Obviously one has to verify an account in Payza as “know your customer” is one of their core principles. Despite the high fees compared to PerfectMoney and any other anonymous payment processors, Payza remains one of the leaders in the HYIP industry and is widely considered to be one of the safest options to keep funds in. And that is not only due to some convenient options to fund your and withdraw your money from (all Bank and Credit card options, along with BitCoin are available to verified members). Payza is also famous for its reversal policies which mean that by using Payza for HYIPs gives a better chance to be paid longer in the event of a scam. That being said you should be very careful not exchange money with others, as it’s strictly forbidden by Payza’s terms of service which clearly state that only pre-approved exchangers can do this. But why would you want to use exchangers with their sometimes ridiculously high fees when you can withdraw straight to your bank account which will cost you small charge. There are many other interesting perks in using Payza for your investing in HYIPs which I covered in the article you can read here.

BitCoin is only slightly behind Payza in the poll scoring 15%. BitCoin has its own advantages as it’s a totally untraceable currency, but at the same time, it has many known issues like the currently widely discussed delays with investors accounts being credited in some programs. Another drawback, though having nothing to do with security, is BitCoin’s constantly fluctuating exchange rate against the main currencies. Sometimes the value of your stored BitCoin will bring you more profits than actually putting them into any HYIP, but at times the value will go down and even if your BitCoin funds are tied up in some investment program you may surprisingly discover that its value, despite being paid interest, is less than what you started with. Still, BitCoin is widely considered as the future and is very popular among investors due to its anonymity and high level of security without any human involvement.

The three other payment options scored less. 10% say Skrill is the safest option to store money, which perhaps might ring a bell for HYIP admins as at the moment it’s not accepted by any programs listed on MNO – though I remember that some admins worked with Skrill before so I hope we see it return. One of my favorite payment options Neteller only scored 3.5% which placed it above Payeer 1.5% of readers votes. These payment processors are totally different as Neteller has its own card and does not charge fees for internal transfers (which should make it one of the favorite options for some investors in theory as it’s easily re-loadable from your bank account and card for verified members). As for Payeer, I believe it’s still too new to be trusted and might improve with time, as it’s definitely one of the more widespread anonymous providers in the industry accepted by almost every program out there.

The question for the new poll simply asks your opinion about the programs which were included in the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article published here (which is unchanged for now though with a slight reshuffle) and will just allow you to vote for your favorite over the next few days. So, which program of the MNO Top Five is your favorite? Options include RollNRich, ElegantTrading, PokerAutomatics, USDBusinessLimited, and AtrexTrade. Please click here and vote for your favorite and I’ll publish the results by the weekend.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listElegantTradingUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics, BitMinerals4Finance, RichPowerHonorForTheBraveBellRoi, TradingAssets.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

Before I finish I’d just like to give you an early heads-up about a new program coming to MNO later this week. According to the admin it will be exclusively monitored on MNO and Premium listing has already been pre-paid for along with the top banner on my blog for one month. While the exact date of the official launch is yet to be confirmed the earliest possible will be in a couple of days. So don’t miss it if you wish to see something exclusive and high quality. More details to follow soon and I will be back with all the latest news from the HYIP industry later in the week. Stay tuned for the biggest investment programs online and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

The post 24/08/2015. RichPower Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Sunday, August 23, 2015 Review – Is it a scam?


23/08/2015. TradingAssets Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone! Being Sunday I wasn’t expecting a massive amount of activity going on in the industry to report on, so I was quite surprised to see so many news stories that you might want to hear about. Before the news section though I want to start today’s post with a closer look at one of the more recent programs to join the MNO monitor’s Premium List, which is TradingAssets. Just to clarify, this is by no means a brand new program, in fact TradingAssets have been running successfully for the last two months now, it’s just newly listed on MNO for the last couple of days. Whether you take that as a positive thing or not is up to yourself, one thing is for sure though which is that you can’t argue with their payments history up until now. Whatever the TradingAssets admin was doing, he was doing it right. For anyone who has yet to join then now is when you need to assess the chances for the program continuing at least as long as it will take you make a profit, and think about whether you then want TradingAssets in your portfolios or not.
There are six medium to long term investment plans to chose from in TradingAssets, which in turn can be divided into two separate categories – plans paying lower interest for a longer term, and plans with a higher interest rate for members but expiring a lot faster and therefore making fewer payments. I’ll start with the longer term plans. Please note by the way that all the TradingAssets investment plans are measured in business days only, not calendar days. OK, this is already mentioned on the website, I just think it could have been highlighted better.

Anyway, for a bargain $7 minimum deposit you can join The Bronze Plan. The term runs for 55 business days, that’s eleven weeks, making interest payments to members from Monday to Friday at a rate of 2.8% per day. TradingAssets are counting your principal as part of those payments, so by the time the plan comes to an end your total earnings of 154% consist of your own money back plus 54% net profit for joining. Maximum spend is capped at $299 and you should reach the break even point (i.e. earn back a sum equal to your principal and no longer be at a personal risk) after 35 payments.

For those prepared to spend between $300 and a $999 maximum TradingAssets offer The Silver Plan. Again for a term of 55 business days, members here can avail of a 3.2% interest rate, paid every day from Monday to Friday, until you reach a grand total of 176%. TradingAssets count your principal as part of the payments, so at that rate you have your your own money returned in full after 31 business days and start building up your 76% net profit after that.

The Gold Plan is next up and is aimed at the biggest spending players with between $1,000 and an upper limit of $10,000 to play around with. The term is unchanged at 55 business days, but the interest rate which is paid out from Monday to Friday increases to 3.6%. That brings in a total return of 198%, from which TradingAssets are including your original principal. With that in mind it takes you 27 payment days to break even, and start building up to your 98% net profit after that.

The second group of plans are, to be blunt, totally out of place. They are not the original plans that TradingAssets started out with and were only added sometime later. And it shows. They are organized in such a way as to make the first group of plans I just described above almost completely obsolete. The thing is that the second group of plans gives you a much better profit after a much shorter term, and carries less risk. In fact the only real “advantage” (and I’m very slow to use that word in this context) the original three plans have is that they offer compounding. The newer group of plans do not, however compounding is not something I’d routinely advise doing anyway. In my opinion the new plans should have either replaced the old ones completely or else have been held back for another program.

The program continues so with The Bronze Pro Plan. The term this time shortens to 26 business days, or just slightly past five weeks. You can join for a minimum deposit of $20, for which TradingAssets reward you with a daily interest rate of 6%, made Monday to Friday. With TradingAssets including your principal as part of the payments, you break even after seventeen payments and complete the cycle with earnings of 156%. That’s your own money back plus 56% net profit. Now, go compare that with the equivalent 55 day plan, and see how this one gives you a bigger profit before you can even break-even in the original plan. Make sense? TradingAssets allow a maximum deposit of $5,000 here, and compounding is not allowed.

The Silver Pro Plan is also offering daily payments on business days only for a term of 26 business days. The minimum spend increases somewhat to $60, but otherwise the numbers overlap (which means if spending $60 or more then there is no reason whatsoever to justify putting it in the previous plan). In this plan TradingAssets offer members a daily interest rate of 7% per day, Monday to Friday, principal included. With no compounding allowed you break even after 15 payments and finish up with 182% returned. That’s your own money plus 82% on top. Maximum spending limit is capped at $5,000.

Finally The Gold Pro Plan requires a minimum spend of $120. TradingAssets offer members a daily interest rate of 8% between Monday and Friday for 26 business days which as always include your principal. That allows members to reach the break-even point after 13 business days and complete the term with 208%. With no compounding allowed that’s your own money back plus 108% net profit.

For payment options there’s a rather eclectic mix of processors, not all of which would be especially popular. Mostly TradingAssets stick with anonymous and untraceable providers, represented by PerfectMoney and Payeer. Also available though not widely used in the HYIP industry as NixPay and OkPay. This last one (OkPay) is a bit unusual by itself insofar as it was only added recently by the TradingAssets admin a couple of days ago. Had it been there from the beginning I wouldn’t really have paid attention, it’s just that I really don’t see how adding them now after two months is going to do anything to bring in any new investors. I mean sure, adding certain other payment processors (like Payza or STP) would definitely spark a lot of extra interest, unfortunately this just isn’t one of them. Anyway, the option is there for you if you want it, and it’s fair to point out that the list of payment options has still improved over what was first included when the program launched. So it’s a step in the right direction, albeit a small one. Completing the list is BitCoin which is the most unusual (in my opinion) because here all deposits and withdrawals need to be done manually by the admin. Better news is that is using any of the other payment methods then withdrawals are instant. Just log into your TradingAssets account, make the request, and you should have the money in under a minute. For security reasons this is currently limited to $80 which can possibly be increased at the admin’s discretion if he wants. I doubt very many of you would make such huge deposits where $80 is just the interest, and considering that your principal isn’t returned then this limit is unlikely to affect people. BitCoin withdrawals like I said will be done manually, so I suggest you allow the admin a reasonable timeframe to get this done before submitting any tickets.

From a more technical, design, and security point of view, TradingAssets looks almost nothing like the typical HYIP related websites you might be more accustomed to at first glance, as you will need to scroll down to see the required content. The licensed GoldCoders script is practically unrecognizable here as there’s almost nothing left from the original. I suppose fans of the more unusual variants will certainly like it, but at the same time it’s still pretty straightforward and easy to navigate without anything too complicated getting in the way, just as you would expect from GoldCoders. For a hosting provider the TradingAssets admin has gone for what I have to say is a new name for me, a company called DDoSCure who are keeping the website on a dedicated Staminus server with support and protection from malicious DDoS attacks. I can’t really speak for their track record if they don’t have one, though I’m not aware of any serious problems with access to TradingAssets since they’ve been using them. Of course then again if the program ever got really big then I suspect we wouldn’t have to wait long to find out exactly how good they are then! For an extra layer of protection the TradingAssets website has a Green SSL-Bar encryption from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

Any further questions should you need to get in touch with the TradingAssets admin can either be submitted online through the customer support form in the contacts section, or else mailed directly to the listed address. A postal address is included in the UK, almost like a calling card for most online HYIPs these days I think most you you know well enough to dismiss this as a virtual hosted office and nowhere even close to where you will find anyone connected with TradingAssets physically located. And lastly there’s a Facebook profile and group for those of you more active on social networking sites.

The alleged business activities that we are told back the whole thing up are supposedly related to the ForEx and Stock markets. Nothing we haven’t heard before in the HYIP industry then, and as usual certainly nothing that can be substantiated. So as usual it’s best to skip that part and proceed as you would with any high risk gambling based website. Keep your expectations realistic, and always stay well under a spending limit you can afford to lose. And if joining TradingAssets then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As the admin of Carbon7 promised in his previous email directly addressed directly to MNO readers (remember that MNO was the exclusive monitor for Carbon7 during its first weeks online), the site returned online shortly after the announcement was made. Carbon7 is without a doubt the best program of this summer and despite only being on Standard listing on MNO it has by far surpassed its main competitors and considered a potential program of the year in an opinion poll by readers a couple of weeks ago. Now the program will test of patience of some investors were quite scared about their deposits at the time of the attack, but the admin has proved them wrong by processing payouts until late on Friday night, when business hours were long over. You should remember that Carbon7 doesn’t pay on Saturdays and Sundays or outside business hours Monday to Friday. It’s always been this way and even at regular times withdrawals are processed within 48 hours, so I find it kind of weird why some investors think this perfectly reasonable schedule should be abandoned so they have to be paid within seconds just because of a DDoS attack deliberately launched by Carbon7‘s competitors in order to unsettle members. Although the site is back to normal we will really see that Carbon7 is paying well by tomorrow, when the withdrawal requests should be processed. Investments start from $25 via SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin on the two plans – 110% after 7 calendar days and 7% for 22 business days (more on that is in the detailed review of Carbon7 published here). Here’s the latest message from the admin of Carbon7 regarding the end of the DDoS-attack and where to write if you still have any accessibility issues:

Carbon7‘s site was under heavy DDoS attack during the last few hours.
However, we have successfully mitigated the attack, and we’re online!
The site will get back to full speed (as it was), in a matter of few hours.
If it’s still not available to you, please inform us via


As it happens with other hugely popular programs in the HYIP industry, USDBusinessLimited was also victim to a huge DDoS attack aimed at destroying the program’s reputation. Fortunately the site was only unavailable for a few hours on Friday, but that alone worried some impatient investors. I must say that the admin of USDBusinessLimited handled the situation well. As soon as I found out about the situation I emailed him, and got a reply within minutes. Within half an hour of that the site was already back online. Pretty good job, admin, and I’m not only talking about one isolated incident, but about the entire two months USDBusinessLimited has been online and paying instantly to investors’ Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts. At the time of writing USDBusinessLimited holds the #3 position on the Premium List, just behind the long running RollNRich and another readers favorite ElegantTrading. It’s quite a respectable result considering USDBusinessLimited has been featured on MNO for 62 days now with the first investors to start profiting from its lowest paying plan only next week. If you haven’t read the full review of USDBusinessLimited posted here I’ll remind you that by joining you have an opportunity to earn 2.2%-3.5% for the duration of 70 business days with the principal also returned on expiry starting from a $30 minimum. In the latest newsletter from USDBusinessLimited issued yesterday to mark the first months online the admin mentioned thousands of investors that have joined the program already and mentioned hundreds of regional representatives that are now available in over 50 countries around the world. For more information on that and other developments of USDBusinessLimited please take a look below:

USDBusinessLimited two months online!
We welcome all who have chosen USDBusinessLimited as a reliable financial partner and a stable source of passive cash flow. We thank you for your choice and during last two months of our online activity we made every effort to ensure your daily profits and instant payments in full. To date, our company has more than 5,000 investors in several dozen countries and islands around the world. Due to advantageous proposal of cooperation, our company has gained popularity and trust among professional online investors and beginners.
USDBusinessLimited company is actively developing and now has official representatives in more than 50 countries, with more than 200 of our partners are ready to provide you with the necessary assistance or information in your own language, if you encounter any problem on the website or have some questions. Also you can find your nearest representative to ask him to share his own experience about earnings and payments here.
The growing popularity of our investment project is already attracting the attention of detractors and dishonest competitors. Yesterday, our site was temporarily unavailable because we have encountered the attempt of powerful DDoS attack, but our hosting provider has successfully coped with this situation. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience and have taken all possible steps to prevent a similar situation in the future.
Stay tuned and follow us!


Unlike the previous program, RichPower has been online for only a week, but as it’s a totally different style short-term program we can see the admin is rightfully proud to complete seven one-day cycles, and even making someone happier who invested from day one in the seven-day long cycle. That was the main subject of the first newsletter issued by RichPower yesterday where the admin almost complained about the insane growth with millions already deposited and hundreds of thousands withdrawn. I’ll take these stats with a huge pinch of salt as there is absolutely no way people would invest so much in a short-term program like this from day one, but here we go – the admin is simply doing his best to encourage more activity in his program. Nothing wrong with that, but follow the main rules of the game – invest only what you can afford to lose – and remember that nothing lasts forever. So far, I can see that RichPower is growing gradually enough and there is no shortage of new people jumping in hoping to earn on the program’s high profit plans offering 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-200% after 3 days, 117%-275% after 5 days, 125%-370% after 7 days, 155%-700% after 15 days, 220%-1500% after 30 days, 3000% after 44 days, 5000% after 60 days, and even 444% after 4 days. Well, not all the plans should be taken seriously by experienced investors to have a decent chance to profit from RichPower, something we’ll talk more about in more detail in tomorrow’s review. I can personally confirm that I finished the first one-day investment plan yesterday and, as was promised, received the instant payout to my PerfectMoney account without any hassle. You can try the program with your deposit if you like high profits and high risk – I’m sure many investors feel already highly rewarded for taking such risk from RichPower. Here is the latest newsletter sent yesterday:

RichPower First Week – Amazing Growth!
Dear members,
This is Chris Miller, the main admin of RichPower, and this is our very first newsletter. I’m extremely excited! RichPower was launched 1 week ago and achieved a lot of popularity and huge success during this time! Over 4000 investors have already joined the program with over $2M deposited and over $600K withdrawed. Growth rate is totally amazing, and there are many new registrations everyday. I spent many, many thousands of dollars for the advertising campaign of RichPower and it has a very big potential! I want to thank you all for the wonderful support and rest assured, that RichPower will become the biggest, hottest and best investment site on the Internet! Please invite all your friends to RichPower, post all your instant payment proofs on the forums and advertise RichPower in every place that you can! I remind you that you get 3% referral commission for every single deposit that your referral makes from his e-currency account, and therefore, promoting and advertising RichPower is extremely worthwhile and you can make a lot of money from the 3% referral commissions. Thank you very much!
Best Regards, Chris Miller
RichPower Administrator

In the second newsletter issued today Chris discussed a widely publicized problem that seems to have affected not only the members of RichPower, but all programs running off licensed GoldCoders scripts. The thing is that deposits made via BitCoin are not credited automatically and sometimes it may take few hours or longer for them to be credited to members’ accounts in the program and start earning. The admin sees no alternative, citing the impossibility to eliminate possible double deposits in the process. So, that will continue for the time being and people looking to invest in RichPower via BitCoin should remember it might take some time to see their accounts credited with their investments. That situation might be just temporary so the admin promised to keep everyone updated if things return to normal, but if you don’t wish to wait for hours for your BitCoins to start earning in RichPower then choose an alternative such as PerfectMoney or Payeer. Please note that the BitCoin deposit delays does not affect any payouts which are still processed instantly both to BitCoin and to PerfectMoney and Payeer. Here’s the full email from Chris on that:

BitCoin Deposits
Dear members,
Since yesterday morning, there is a long delay with BitCoin deposits, which are still not credited automatically to investors’ accounts (usually it takes 1-24 hours). Please note that this is BlockChain issue, and it’s not the first time that such thing happens. I have no idea how much time it will take, but I can assure you in 100% that all BitCoin deposits will be credited automatically by the system eventually. It can happen in a few hours from now and it can take few days too, maximum. The reason why I don’t add them manually is in order to avoid double credits of deposits to accounts. Thank you everyone very much for your patience and understanding! I will update you immediately once it’s back to normal.
Best Regards, Chris Miller
RichPower Administrator


After twenty days online 4Finance established itself as a trusted program that processes instant payouts to Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin and manual payouts to Neteller. These are accepted for deposits starting from $25 each into the 2.6%-3% for 90 business days plan with principal back on expiry. And though even for the very first investors in 4Finance (the program has been on MNO from day one and there is a detailed review here) are far from the profit zone, instant payouts really do wonders and interest from investors grows day after day. On the almost by now traditional Sunday newsletter from 4Finance its admin John reported some recent stats which you might find interesting if you’re curious about just how the program is growing. Also, some payment proofs of larger deposits in 4Finance were shared by the admin and there was a reminder about how to become a regional representative and on how to contact the administration. I’m glad that 4Finance is really doing fine as shown in the last newsletter just a few hours ago and re-posted below:

4Finance Limited #3 Weekly Newsletter
It is another Sunday and here we go with our 3rd official newsletter. We are publishing official news release every Sunday.
As always, you can find our news archive here:
On this newsletter:
1.Project Statistics
2.Payment Proofs Updated
3.Representative Program
Our investment project 4Finance Limited launched its revolutionary website online three weeks ago. It is still a very young company and is just getting started to establish its brand throughout the Internet. Since our official launch date (which was 3rd August, 2015) 4Finance has been joined by more than 7,500 members from different countries. With more than $470K invested and $80K paid out (in referral commissions and earnings) we’re truly the strongest new comer in the industry.
We continue to update our Payment Proofs page right on every Friday of the week as promised previously. You can find larger and smaller withdrawals being processed within our payment proof screenshots. We have few clients with $20K+ investments and they are getting paid like any other investment within our company. Check the payouts yourself here:
At the end we would like to say that we’re looking for a long and fruitful cooperation also with our business partners known as regional representatives. Should you wish to promote our project in your country, contact our corresponding department at for more information. Our partners earn increased referral rates and you can read more about the program here:
Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department via e-mail, live chat or by phone +44 1444 39 0344 if you have any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
John T. Newham (President of 4Finance Limited)


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichElegantTradingUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeBitMinerals4Finance, RichPowerHonorForTheBrave, BellRoi.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did and are feeling refreshed for the new business week with a positive attitude. Remember to always check the status of a program you wish to join on my monitoring page before actually doing so to make sure it’s on Paying Status and is relatively safe. Tomorrow I’ll have a closer look at one of the most enthusiastically met short-term programs recently RichPower and will draw the results of the current opinion poll running on the MNO TalkBack page asking the payment processor you find most reliable to keep your money in. So far SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney are in the lead, but that can change so keep voting to share your thoughts. See you all again tomorrow!

The post 23/08/2015. TradingAssets Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

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