Hello everyone. Happy Easter to all who are celebrating and welcome once again to MNO – the oldest and the most popular blog in English posting regular updates from the hottest programs in the HYIP industry you can only find online. I’m in business as a blog and monitor for nearly fourteen years now, so I do know a thing or two about how things really run in this investment field and am eagerly sharing with you my rich experience I’ve acquired by now. Of course, you can never say you know everything and as Martha Stewart once said: “If you learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day.” That’s the motto I try to diligently follow in my own life and I do advise all MNO readers to take it seriously. Knowledge is power, especially true when we talk about such a constantly changing and evolving thing as the HYIP industry. I’ve seen and lived through its many ups and downs and rich life experience has eventually made me an expert in an area who you may learn from by following MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter, and subscribing to the regular blog updates to be sent directly to your email address you can submit here.
This being the Easter weekend I asked my programmer to help by adding a few eggs and bunnies on the MNO blog and monitor‘s header, so hopefully it will put you in a festive mood, especially if you do observe this holiday. And as today is Easter Sunday which in many countries is a part of the longer weekend (here in the UK it also includes Friday and Monday as days off work for many) I decided to postpone the article originally scheduled for today article from the highly regarded by my readers HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets series. Don’t fret though as I am already working on it and I am planning to publish it sometime next week, while in the meantime you’re most welcome to check out the other articles from the series by clicking here. And if you have any other ideas on what you want discussed in future issues of this hugely acclaimed series I would appreciate your input you can submit here, by emailing me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or by chatting with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. Note that these are the only channels to get hold of me and list any program on the MNO monitor, so beware of impersonators you might encounter which can swindle you by using MNO’s good name and reputation I have been carefully building for years.
Before getting to the latest news from the two biggest programs in the HYIP industry – CryptoCapital and QubitLife – and the final results of the regular TalkBack poll (the new poll is also available for your votes here) I would like to send all my best wishes for the Easter celebrations and express my sincere thanks to every single MNO fan across the globe. Without your help and support I wouldn’t be able to continue things as they should and keep MNO at the forefront of the HYIP industry where it rightfully belongs. So, have a wonderful holiday filled with happiness, love, and faith. Happy Easter 2021 to you and your family!
Despite the HYIP industry still being far from a state of full recovery and the pre-pandemic levels the one program that strongly reminds many people of good old days is undeniably CryptoCapital. The program which was first reviewed on MNO on Monday (read it here) offers investors 0.1% hourly (in other words 2.4% daily) over an unspecified period of time with the option to withdraw the original investment at any time (subject to a 24-hour holding period and a 5% withdrawal fee). As you can see, the investment plan on offer from CryptoCapital is truly flexible and provides smart investors with an excellent opportunity to earn some good money. If you add to that instant withdrawals up to $100 in value (larger withdrawals are processed manually within 24 hours) and the relatively young age of the program, plus the fact that the admin has been experienced enough to order the banner spot on the MNO blog for three months in advance that clearly indicated his good intentions for a long run for CryptoCapital, then you see that the program has a great chance to become the next big thing and even the leader of the HYIP industry in the near future. The fact has been further verified by my readers that met CryptoCapital with a very positive initial response and poured many thousands into it, thus making it possible for it to reach the #1 spot on the MNO monitor earlier today, overthrowing QubitLife from the top place even such a long run.
Anyway, the future does look bright for CryptoCapital and all its enthusiastic investors who took a chance on it and invested via any of the eleven available cryptocurrency options it works with – BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, or Stellar. And in addition to the regular profits from investors members can benefit from the Bounty Scheme officially launched earlier this week and held every week with active promoters rewarded with $2 to $10 bonuses paid into their LiteCoin accounts. The first week of the Bounty campaign was first confirmed on the official Telegram channel of CryptoCapital on Monday – something that you should join and follow if you wish to get the latest news and updates from the program first. The admin actually posts on the channel quite frequently and all the latest messages can be read below for your convenience:
“CryptoCapital has launched a bounty campaign!
Earn Litecoins with CryptoCapital‘s bounty campaign.
Post, like, share and even write or make your own video review. Help CryptoCapital get promoted.
Do simple tasks in the comfort of your home and earn Litecoins. It’s that easy!
For more information, visit the website. CryptoCapital”.
“Join the world’s leading trade market!
Powered by professional trading experts.
CryptoCapital enables investing in multiple cryptocurrency trading markets globally.
CryptoCapital‘s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being.
CryptoCapital is contributing to a more equitable and resilient world today and for the generations to come.
For more information, visit the website CryptoCapital”.
“CryptoCapital is your gateway to the cryptocurrency markets!
CryptoCapital helps you find the right trading strategy.
Make an investment today and have your money automatically traded on the pulse of the market.
For more information, visit the website CryptoCapital”.
“Earnings are better with friends!
Earn 7% on each referral deposit at CryptoCapital.
Invite a friend, a family member or a colleague to join the experience you have had with CryptoCapital. CryptoCapital will reward you if your referred client invests.
The CryptoCapital affiliate program is perfectly suited for clients who primarily operate online and are open to introducing investors from whatever markets they chose to target.
For more information, visit the website CryptoCapital”.
CryptoCapital is powerful enough for the professional investors but designed for everyone.
Web platform available on desktop and mobile and easily accessible to everyone.
For more information, visit the website CryptoCapital”.
Cryptocurrency trading can be difficult and time-consuming. Which is why CryptoCapital is here to take care of it for you.
CryptoCapital enables investing in multiple cryptocurrency trading markets globally.
For more information, visit the website CryptoCapital”.
QubitLife has been unusually quiet this week with only three updates posted since Monday. Two of them were dedicated to the then upcoming one-week online trading marathon (already started on Saturday) and one announcing the usual Friday leadership meeting that is held weekly in four languages and under the personal invitation link sent to the best QubitLife promoters. I have included the latest updates from the program, but first let me remind you of a few things about QubitLife in case you missed the original review posted here.
With QubitLife the original investment plan which still remains the most relevant offer will give you a variable up to 2% daily return over the unspecified period of time with the 250% ROI ultimate target. Only BitCoin and Ethereum funds are accepted starting from a $100 and the minimum withdrawal threshold has been currently increased to $50 which literally cut off any potential small investors whom it will take ages to reach the minimum on their balance. What’s more – the withdrawal fee on every request is from 2.5% to 4.5% depending on the time an investor wishes to wait until its payment is processed (48 to 96 hours). So, although with an impressive ten-month long lifetime it’s understandable that QubitLife used to be a popular investment option, but at this point any further investments should be done with the utmost caution, given the program’s age and very small daily returns that might hugely affect your chances of future profits with them. So far I should underline that all the payouts have been processed smoothly and on time by QubitLife whose latest updates are reposted below:
“Webinar about Online Trading Marathon
Dear users of the QubitLife platform.
We are happy to announce the upcoming free webinar on the new online course – a 7-day marathon on the basics of crypto trading led by the top leader of QubitLife Denis Tishchenko.
The webinar starts on March 31, (16:00 UTC, 19:00 Moscow time).
The marathon program includes 7 days with master classes and assignments on the basics of trading, types of analysis, training on the Binance crypto exchange, trading using crypto signals and much more.
Upon completion of training in the online marathon, you will be able to:
– make money on Binance on your own;
– trade successfully using crypto signals;
– work in the Binance Futures;
– think like a successful trader.
Follow us!”
“2 Days to the Start of Online Trading Marathon
Dear users of the QubitLife platform.
We are happy to announce that 2 days are left till the start of the all-in-one trading online course led by the top leader of QubitLife, Denis Tishchenko.
The price of the course increases from Friday, and the course itself starts on Saturday. Hurry to buy for $199.
Meanwhile, a few days ago, we have successfully held a webinar where many people asked questions about the program.
The marathon program (https://qubit.life/all-in-one) includes 7 days with master classes and assignments on the basics of trading, types of analysis, training on the Binance crypto exchange, trading using crypto signals, and much more.
Follow us!”
“Leadership meetings in ZOOM
Dear users of the QubitLife platform,
We invite you to participate in the next QubitLife leadership meeting in ZOOM, that will take place this Friday (April 2). It is obligatory to participate as there will be lots of interesting discussions there.
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will get the invitation link on your email.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish language – 16:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian language – 18:00 (MSK)
Follow the news!”
I’d like to finish things off for this holiday weekend by taking a look at the final results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll and then replacing it with another brand new question. One of the last new features to be added to the MNO blog over this last year has been a series of articles titled “HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets”. To be honest, just like almost everyone else in the world this Covid pandemic has left me with more free time on my hands than I would like. So to try and make the best of it I thought it might be a good idea to share some of the “tricks of the trade” with MNO readers, mostly based on observations and lessons picked up by me personally during a decade and a half of watching HYIPs. Tricks, scams, nuances, call it what you will, but HYIP admins will generally have a library full of them in order to squeeze that last extra dollar out of you.
I thought to myself that one efficient use of some of that spare time might be to share some of that knowledge with my readers. My belief being that what helps you also helps me, because smart and informed investors are good for the industry and at the end of the day a healthier HYIP industry is good news for all of us, right? Well, that’s what I think anyway, but I would prefer to know what readers think. After all, I already know what I’m writing about so it’s nothing new to me, the intention is that it be useful for you. It would be very helpful for me personally though in determining what future direction the series should take in order for readers to get maximum benefit. I’m pleased to say reactions were for the most part positive, though naturally I already knew that a lot of MNO readers are long term experienced players so some of you may see the articles as singing to the choir as it were.
The exact question I asked readers was this: What is your opinion of the HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets series of articles?
A solid 50% of you voted that you believe the series “Well written and help me understand the industry better”, so all I can really add to that is that this is a good enough result to give me more than enough motivation to continue. From the remaining votes, 33% of MNO readers voted for the option that the series is “Informative but I already know most of these things”. No real surprise for me that so many of you would think that, but still I’m glad you enjoy it and remember that no matter how experienced you consider yourself it can never hurt to take a step back and give the issues raised there an occasional second thought. The remaining 17% of readers voted that the articles were “No personal use to me as I’m always cautious when investing”. Again, while never explicitly disagreeing with an opinion regarding what other people do with their own money, I always have to get back to the old cliché (true as it is) that knowledge is power and you can never have too much good information. So I hope you don’t simply dismiss the articles either even though it’s good to hear you think you are being cautious.
Let’s move on now to something completely different and what may even be a touchy and sensitive subject to some of you if not downright controversial. Taxation, and how it applies (or doesn’t!) to the online HYIP industry and cryptocurrency world. Benjamin Franklin is often wrongly credited with the famous quote “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. In reality he was merely borrowing from older literary sources, that’s a whole other story so I won’t digress. The idea he was expressing is still the same, and as true today as it was in the 18th century. Few people would disagree with the principal of paying tax so long as what you get back for it is a high quality network of schools, hospitals, and so on. For example I have no problem being asked to contribute my share to cover the salaries of the nurses and fire fighters who work in my own community, and whatever other worthwhile projects need to be funded for the public interest.
Except of course when it comes time to actually hand over the money a lot of people get second thoughts. One US reader told me that a number of years back the city of Portland tried to introduce and annual “culture tax” to fund theaters, galleries, classes for young artists of various disciplines, etc. Everyone thought it was a fine idea since it was only going to cost them $15 per year. But when the time came to collect the fifteen bucks the enthusiasm turned into near psychotic outrage at how the city was hijacking them! I believe the tax was then scrapped.
My point here being that if you can easily get away without having to pay a cent in tax from any of the profits you make from online HYIP investments or cryptocurrency deals, do you necessarily consider it a good or bad thing? You can make arguments either way you like, although then again like most people you might not simply care. There’s a long enough chain of people with a vested interest in the HYIP/cryptocurrency aside from the investors, and as it’s very dubious as to whether any of them pay taxes why should you? And forget about HYIP admins, I don’t even know where to start on them never mind paying tax on scammed money!
My exact question to readers will be as follows, but do remember that no matter what the result the question is simply theoretical since it would be next to impossible to enforce any outcome:
Do you think users should be taxed on earnings from HYIPs or cryptocurrencies?
Please select from the following possible answers, or at least take the one that comes closest to matching your own opinion.
– Yes, it’s only fair that everyone pays income tax on earnings
– Maybe, but only if the entire business was regulated equally
– No, not at all, it’s not the point of online HYIPs to be taxed
As always I just want to give my sincere thanks to all the blog readers who take the time and effort to cast a vote. Everyone’s opinion is equally most welcome and all are considered as valuable as the rest. Voting takes literally just a second anyway, and remains 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. On the other hand if you prefer then you are always free to discuss your answer with your fellow readers on the MNO ShoutBox which you can see on all the main pages of the site. The voting buttons for the poll can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here. Thanks again to everyone who takes part.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoCapital, QubitLife, GlobalCryptox.
From MNO Standard list: RoboticsOnline.
From MNO Basic list: UnlimitedMoney.
That’s all the news I have for you today, guys. Again I wish everyone a Happy Easter. Thanks a lot for staying with MNO and your active participation in polls conducted on the TalkBack page. I’ll be back with another HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets article on the MNO blog sometime next week. Stay tuned as you won’t want to miss another controversial article that will reveal an ugly truth from the HYIP industry you might not be aware of yet. Earn well with MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 04/04/2021. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/3fDM3Gn
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