Hello again everyone, and welcome once more to the MNO news blog where fair and impartial information always comes first! I hope you all had a good week so far and are feeling relaxed. You’re probably going to need it for the following review which to be perfectly blunt about it is going to be a little bit challenging. I’m talking here of course about the long anticipated GiantSquid, a short term program that was first listed on MNO more than six weeks ago while still in what they call “pre-launch” mode. In other words you were able to register your interest in the program before they were finally set up properly to start taking active deposits and paying profits to investors. Since we now finally have the completed version of GiantSquid fully operational let’s take a look at exactly what the admin has been doing with it all this time and whether you think it was worth waiting for and worthy of a place in your portfolios. I’ll be getting to the rest of the HYIP industry news as usual in the second part of today’s post so keep reading for that, we’ll start by taking a more detailed look at what GiantSquid bring to the table though.
First of all in the simplest and easiest possible terms, you can consider GiantSquid as a short term HYIP. There is just one universal investment plan applicable to all members which runs for 3 calendar days, at the end of which the investor is rewarded with a 118% payout. That’s with your principal already included, so your own money back plus 18% net profit after a short three day wait. What could be easier? Well, almost anything could to be honest, for such an old school traditional style HYIP investment plan GiantSquid have a wholly unnecessary layer of complications separating you from your profits. But I’ll do my best to demystify that for you here and talk you through the process if you wish to participate.
The minimum investment required to join GiantSquid is $50. Except the first complication we come to is that you don’t really invest a fixed sum of money as decided by you the investor. Instead GiantSquid works along the lines of buying and selling investment blocks, or units, between members. These units are referred to as Squids. Once you have funded your account you will then be offered sale of a number of Squids at various prices (based I imagine on how much money you’ve just deposited) which you have the option to buy. Buy one, or buy the all, it’s up to you. However the total value of the Squids you are offered may not necessarily add up to the same amount you deposited. For example, if you fund your account with $200 the total amount of Squids you have the option to buy in the first round might only come to $170 or $180. The extra 20 or 30 bucks you have in surplus can just sit in your balance be carried over for future offers, added and ear marked for reinvestment when your profit payments come through. But the basic premise remains the same, i.e. for every $100 worth of so called Squids that you purchase, GiantSquid pay you back $118 three days later.
One important thing to remember here is that any offers you are made to buy Squids are time sensitive. It’s a fairly generous window of opportunity mind, open for 12 hours daily so everyone should have ample time to participate once you are in. just be aware that the server time the GiantSquid website operates on works according to Singapore time, or GMT +8, as they seem to concentrate mainly on Asian HYIP markets. Fair enough, they seem to be the most lucrative these days anyway. You can see the operating hours on the GiantSquid website, and then plan accordingly based on what ever time zone you are located in yourself.
So, if you’ve managed to make sense out of that and think you can make it work for you, we should talk about your payment options. Pretty straight forward as it happens, GiantSquid work exclusively with one single payment service. Not all that unusual in the HYIP industry you might think, except in this case GiantSquid eschews the popular cryptocurrencies and third party payment handlers in favour of Tether, a so-called StableCoin. This is however linked with Ethereum as Blockchain miners need this to have their own fees covered, (Tether is on the ETH network) so make sure you have a wallet there with enough funds to cover expenses. I’m not going to go into too much detail about this again right now as I’d only be repeating what I said in a much longer article on the subject already, so please read what was posted recently here to understand what it is and how it works. The important thing is that with Tether USDT being a StableCoin, your earnings will be tied to USD and so won’t be subject to fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market.
Unfortunately it also has to be said that GiantSquid is certainly not designed to appeal to smaller investors. There’s an outrageously high withdrawal minimum of $100 coupled with an extortionate withdrawal fee currently set at $40. The only real way to absorb this and make the program profitable for you then is to either invest an uncomfortably large some of money – out of the question for most people who can’t afford to do so – or else to let your investment roll over for several cycles – equally unattractive as it totally defeats the point of joining a short term thee day plan in the first place.
And this is where we come to another, regrettably more serious complication. The process of actually getting paid what you are owed by GiantSquid is almost akin to pulling teeth. It’s laborious and complicated, poorly explained, and with no justifiable reason for being so. I mean if almost every other online HYIP can allow payments at the simple click of a button I don’t know why it can’t happen here, but I guess that’s the admin’s call. I’ll try and talk you through the process here as best I can, apologies if it sounds a bit confusing (because it is confusing!), but you can bookmark this review and refer back to it later when the time comes to guide you.
First of all you will need to click on the big round central image inside of the account, which contains your basic financial information. You can then see what your available balance is in Tether. If you have matching squids in your account the system will first ask to buy a squid before requesting a withdrawal, but if that’s not necessary then just click the Withdraw button. On the other hand there is a form of compounding available, so if you would prefer to just fund your account with more Tether USDT to buy more squids then click the Receive button instead and pay to the address listed there. The minimum withdrawal you’re allowed after the $40 fee is paid is another $100, so there needs to be $100 + $40 on your balance to request any withdrawal at all. The $40 is to cover Ethereum transaction fees and is subject to change. This part may seem obvious but make sure to enter the wallet password (four digit PIN) to confirm the transaction and then check your Tether address which should correspond to your Ethereum wallet. While not explicitly guaranteed, withdrawals are processed very fast and I received my own within minutes.
On the more technical side of things The GiantSquid website is powered off a unique script, though despite not much content I still can’t describe it as user friendly or easy to navigate. Hosting is on a shared server by CloudFlare, and for any further questions communication with admin support is done entirely through Telegram.
To finish then as I think I’ve covered just about everything else you might need to know about whether GiantSquid is suitable for you are not, you just need to remember you are still in the HYIP industry with all the possible risks and rewards that go with it. Officially GiantSquid don’t make any claim to be involved with the usual activities like ForEx trading and selling bonds, which to be honest never gave any guarantee of success or profitability in the first place anyway so don’t waste your time looking. It’s a straight up HYIP and presented to you as such, no more and no less. As with everything else that in the HYIP industry, GiantSquid is deserving of the same level of caution as every other program. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things go wrong, and if joining GiantSquid at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
At this stage I know a lot of you will probably have come to a decision one way or another about joining GiantSquid or passing on it to wait for something else. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts on that with your fellow MNO readers? Please vote in the following poll which as always remains completely anonymous and untraceable. It’s not really the immediate results that are all that interesting, rather looking back much later when we see a more definitive picture of the program’s fortunes, good or bad, to see how many people made the correct judgment call. So:
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.DAILY NEWS FROM THE HYIP INDUSTRY
Staying on the subject of the above reviewed GiantSquid, you might remember that the site was giving 100 USDT during the pre-signup which one could use on paying purchase fees, but not strictly available for withdrawal. Well, although the event is now over there are apparently still some freebies up for grabs left! 15 USDT will be distributed to every new signup and I imagine that way a member can save on fees and get in to the profit zone much faster. If interested you can click here to join GiantSquid, and for more details please refer to the most recent message from the program’s official Telegram channel:
“[Sign up Event]
Hello GiantSquid!
As the service has been successfully opened, the payment of 100 data for pre-registered members will end.
However, until now, many people subscribe to GiantSquid.
With gratitude, we will give 15 tethers to all members who sign up without the event deadline!
We ask for your continued love and hope that all of you will make a successful investment with GiantSquid.
Thank you.
Sign-up Link”.
Being online and paying for nine months now might seem like a thing of the past, but not in the case of QubitTech. The program can boast a brilliant performance and managed to attract literally thousands of investors from all over the world right from the very beginning. Despite some skeptics and naysayers trying to undermine QubitTech‘s prospects of success when it first launched the admin has surely proved them all wrong by delivering a spectacular program and a thing of envy for many less experienced players. There is always something going on in QubitTech with lots of updates, and new products and services launched on a regular basis. The main investment offer called the Digital License still remains the most popular option to get a 250% return on your $100+ investment which you can make via BitCoin or Ethereum. Your funds are then converted to the internal USDT currency and you can have withdrawals sent back to your BTC or ETH wallet once your balance reaches a $10 minimum subject to a 2.5% withdrawal fee and 72 hour processing time. Regarding the daily interest your QubitTech account is credited with it can be anything up to 2% daily (but usually it’s less than 1% daily with around a 25% monthly average). So it will take you about four months to simply break-even and perhaps another six to complete the cycle. That’s why even the very first investors of QubitTech are still within their first cycle, though they should be in very decent profit thanks to their gut feeling that helped them to get into the program right from the very start. By the way, if you want to learn more about QubitTech‘s investment offers please feel free to refer to the detailed review posted here.
As I said already, there is never a boring week for QubitTech investors and every day is filled with some exciting news to discuss. Perhaps the biggest announcement coming from the administration this week was the new domain name introduction called Qubit.Life. The older version with .dev extension will be gradually phased out and will stop working on March 8. The affiliate links for QubitTech on the MNO monitor have been changed already to reflect that upcoming event.
Among the other news posted on the QubitTech website is the location of the upcoming BaseCamp in the Dominican Republic which has been revealed with the event supposed to get started tomorrow. That was just one of many real-life events planned by QubitTech for 2021, so it should be quite a successful year ahead to gain new members and ensure payouts will continue for a long time. By the way, QubitTech can boast numerous physical offices open in various countries, with the latest announcement of the first South African office opening in Durban accompanied by pictures posted in the news section as well. And finally, to the various language versions of the QubitTech website most recently Serbian has been added. While not widely spoken worldwide it might still be useful for someone to find the content and better understand the program’s investment offers in their own mother tongue.
Below you will find all the latest news and updates from QubitTech:
“New Main Domain: Qubit.Life
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We’re pleased to announce that our platform’s main domain – https://www.qubit.life/ – has started its work.
The platform plans to make a full transition to this domain at the time of the Big QubitTech Forum. Nevertheless, today you can use https://www.qubit.life/ with all its functionality, as well as our mirror – https://www.qubittech.dev/ (it will stop working on March 8, 2021).
The emergence of a new domain is an important step in expanding our community, strengthening the key areas of our platform’s development. You will learn more about this at the Big QubitTech Forum, as well as in the news that will be dedicated to this event. It will bring together leaders and platform users worldwide (Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and other regions).
Follow our news!”
“BaseCamp location: Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We’re pleased to present to you the hotel that will host BaseCamp from February 26 to March 6, 2021. It will be the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana.
Besides, we remind you that there is only 1 day left until the end of registration for BaseCamp. It will be closed from February 23rd.
The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana raises the bar for service to a whole new level, leaving far behind all other hotel complexes in this region.
Every hotel’s meter carries a part of rock and roll, ranging from incredibly spacious rooms, 13 swimming pools, 8 a la carte restaurants and right up to the largest casino in the Caribbean.
We’re confident that BaseCamp participants will have an incredible experience at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.
See you in the Dominican Republic!”
“First QubitTech office in South Africa
Dear users of the QubitTech platform.
We are glad to share with you great news – the first QubitTech office has opened in South Africa, in the city of Durban. The office is located by the following address – Office No8A Corporate Place, No9 Dorothy Nyembe Street.
Durban is the third-most populous city in South Africa after Johannesburg and Cape Town and the largest city in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal.
We congratulate the African leaders on the excellent promotion on the continent. And we urge them to make further efforts to develop in the region.
As a reminder, QubitTech has already more than 50 offices operating worldwide where local leaders promote QubitTech in their regions.
Follow us!”
“QubitTech website is now available in Serbian
Dear QubitTech platform users.
QubitTech is happy to announce that the website is now available in Serbian.
We hope that this will improve the user experience of both our Serbian users and partners. We also hope that we have made it easier for you to become familiar with our products and technologies.
We will update our Serbian news section to provide you with updates on the latest changes and our plans for the future.
Join our community!”
I guess it was not a simple coincidence that Cryptoware stopped paying on Wednesday, just after the cryptocurrency “market bled and turned red” (in the admin’s own words). As it happened on Tuesday, up to a quarter of the market value was wiped out (temporarily of course), but as Cryptoware was allegedly involved in cryptocurrency trading to some extent, that made many investors worried and they possibly tried to get their principals back. For such a program as Cryptoware that allows an option of an early principal withdrawal that must have been catastrophic and the program has tumbled under the weight of its vast piled up debt. So, the program is now on Scam Status on the MNO monitor and you can see for yourself that the used to be instant payouts are not processed anymore, if you check the Payout Proof section of the website.
Nevertheless, Cryptoware has been a fantastic performer overall, with a full 110 days of impeccable payouts the last 35 days of which were spent on Premium Listing with MNO. And you should remember that it used to pay instantly on a 0.15% hourly basis with the principal back anytime after a 24-hour lock-in period. So, it was purely up to every individual investor to develop a winning strategy to take advantage of such enormous flexibility that Cryptoware was offering. I truly believe that the program has achieved a pretty spectacular result during the currently underperforming HYIP market and will be fondly remembered by many happy investors. I do hope that the admin will return at some point and bring another long-running masterpiece to MNO, but earlier in its lifecycle next time. Keep reading MNO to be the first to know about that when it happens!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: QubitTech, GlobalCryptox, GiantSquid (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: BookInvest, GlobalCryptoMoney (the first payments received).
That will be all I have to report for today, guys. As I see that interest in getting listed on MNO is much higher than before now and some fast scams try to take advantage of the temporarily free Basic Listing it’s all going to change next week. Starting on March 1 (next Monday) the Basic List price will include a monitoring fee while Standard and Premium Listing will also increase alongside with advertising banners. Spring is widely expected to signify some sort of revival in the HYIP industry overall, so one should be truly prepared to see the most lucrative investment opportunities first and find them on MNO. The best way to stay in the loop on what’s going on is to subscribe to the regular blog updates here or to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter for the faster notifications of the new arrivals and status changes on the MNO monitor. Besides, you can always contact me here, directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always happy to hear from you and will take your questions and suggestions seriously. After all, constant communication with my readers is what helped shape MNO over the thirteen years of its online existence. Thanks for staying loyal, guys, stay safe and healthy and enjoy your weekend. I’ll talk to you all again next week on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 25/02/2021. GiantSquid Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/3ur0q65
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