Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog – reporting on the best online investment opportunities since 2007. I don’t know about you but this summer in London has been extremely hot but today after a long heatwave of +35 degrees I can finally breathe some fresh air and which felt awesome. Being in lockdown caused by the Covid19 worldwide pandemic I had to put my travel plans on hold, but overall the summer has been a most welcome relaxing period I truly needed. With the HYIP industry being at its lowest point this summer as well we can only guess when it’s going to take off again (and this is only a matter of time, trust me on that). Of course, the uncertainty in the world economy and ultimately in the lives of regular people doesn’t help, but at the same time something positive might be already brewing behind the scenes fuelled by the recent surprising surge in value of BTC and other cryptocurrencies we could see over the last few weeks. With investment activities in the HYIP industry still below average many professional admins have been giving the last lick of paint to the programs they intend to officially launch pretty soon. And once that magical moment occurs you will no doubt find them listed on the MNO monitor – the most expensive website designed specifically to accommodate high-budget programs run by the most talented admins with years of experience in the field.
In order not to miss the moment things are going back to normal I strongly suggest following MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter, and to subscribe to the regular blog updates by submitting your email address on this page. Only this way can you be one of the first lucky ones to know about the arrival of the next big thing to lead the industry over the weeks and months to come. It did happen in previous years and it is undoubtedly going to happen this year too with the first people to reap the rewards of joining and benefiting earlier. You could be one of those lucky few too, so don’t miss the opportunity to make some money after the dust settles! And if you have any questions, suggestions or advertising requests you can always discuss them with me on Telegram @mnoblog, contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or via this online form. You may also ask me anything or share your opinions with your fellow investors on the MNO ShoutBox and participate in the polls on the MNO TalkBack page.
By the way, the final results of the latest poll will be discussed in more detail at the end of today’s news article (as well as the new poll getting posted), but allow me to start with the latest news from QubitTech and Winza going on in those programs over the last seven days.
Hardly a day passes without some sort of activity or update sent out by the administration of QubitTech – a rapidly growing program clearly with a vision to make waves in the HYIP industry in the long term. If you haven’t read my full review of QubitTech posted here I should remind you of a few things to refresh your memory on what the program is all about. With QubitTech you may invest starting from $100 via BTC and ETH funds which get converted to USD and back at the most current exchange rate on every withdrawal which is further subject of 2.5% processing fee. You earn a variable daily return on your investment (results are posted in your account as soon as it gets credited) and normally wouldn’t exceed 2% with an average monthly return of about 25%. That means that it will take an average investor around four full months before reaching the break-even point and cannot lose his capital after that. As QubitTech has been online for over two months now it’s therefore still a bit premature to draw any conclusions as the first investors still have a way to go before they see a profit. By the way, you earn interest until you reach a 250% return on your investment which can happen in around ten months from joining. QubitTech has certainly a lot to prove therefore and only once the very first investors are in profit can we tell if the program is really a bona fide success. We will wait and see whether it’s going to happen.
Meanwhile, the latest news from QubitTech gave us all a glimpse at the actual working offices the company has in Russia and Thailand, introduced some newly launched language versions in Thai, Italian and Russian, invited us all to attend a couple of webinars that took place last Friday, presented more improvements on the site and made rules for a couple of competitions with astounding prizes beyond belief. Interested in anything? Then read all the latest updates posted on the QubitTech website over the last seven days below:
“Results of the opening of the first QubitTech office in Russia
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are glad to share with you bright materials from the opening of the third QubitTech office in Russia.
Following Tyumen and Irkutsk, our consulting office was opened in the city of Ulyanovsk.
We congratulate our partners in Eastern Europe on the excellent results and look forward to further progress.
We offer you a detailed gallery of photos.
Follow our news.”
“New QubitTech website is available in Thai, Italian and Russian
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are pleased to inform you that our new website is now available in Thai, Italian and Russian.
Let us remind you that all these languages were already presented in the previous version of our site.
We will keep you updated with all the latest company news in these languages.”
“Results of the opening of the first QubitTech office in Thailand
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We held the grand opening of the QubitTech office in Thailand.
The event brought together many guests and experts as well as local leaders.
We congratulate you on the opening of the office of our Asian leaders and leaders in Thailand. This is another important step for our platform to capture the Asian market.
We offer you a photo from the opening of the office.”
“Essential Friday Online Webinars
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are pleased to invite you to the webinars with the participation of CEO Greg Limon, which will be held this Friday.
The webinars will be devoted to the latest news from the QubitTech platform, as well as its immediate plans.
You will learn a lot about QubitTech offices in different countries of the world, technological innovations of the platform, team replenishment.
Do not miss webinars:
– in English will take place at 11:00 UTC (14 August) – https://youtu.be/zLuEB46DSd0
– in Russian will be held at 19:00 Moscow time (August 14) – https://youtu.be/DPYGGznPqgk”.
“Big update of QubitTech accounts
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We have done a great job to make your interaction with an account on our website even easier and more understandable.
First of all, we have segmented the sections in the account.
This applies to links in the menu – they have become more understandable. Each link now meets its intended purpose and is more convenient to use.
The Affiliate Program page has been renamed to “My Network”.
All documents are now located on a separate page in your account, that will make it easier to find the information you need. In particular, this applies to presentations in various languages, platform documents (registrations, patents, materials for promotion, etc.).
Also, a separate section has been created for managing referral links – Affiliate links.
Now it will be easier to find this tool.
Besides, the section “My wallet” has become clearer: unnecessary blocks have been removed from its section. At the same time, it retained the transactions history panel, reward calculator, main wallet, section with the latest news and information about digital licenses.
We will continue to work on the accounts’ system, taking into account the requests of our users.
Follow our news.”
“Competition: My Story with QubitTech
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are launching a unique competition of ‘my story with QubitTech‘, which was announced live today by CEO Greg Limon.
The main prize of the competition is a trip to the first QubitTech conference in Dubai absolutely for free.
The number of published posts on social networks is not limited, but each published post must be unique.
All you need to do is share your result on QubitTech platform in any social networks:
– take a photo and (or) video showing your real results on account, which you have achieved on the QbuitTech platform;
– write a short story about how the QbuitTech platform has impacted your life.
Your posts on social networks also must be with any of these hashtags:
#QubitTech #QubitTechStory #QubitTechTrueStory #QubitTechFreeDubai
As soon as you make a post on the social network, you will need to send a post link to technical support chat on platform website (window in the lower right corner of the screen).
We will determine the winners very merely – CEO Greg Limon will select a few lucky ones using a random number method on September 5.
The main prize is a free trip to Dubai.
1st place – $ 500
2nd place – $ 300
3rd place – $ 200
Take part in a competition of ‘my story with QubitTech‘ and win a free trip to Dubai with the QubitTech team!
Follow our news.”
“QubitTech‘s First Promo extended until September 5
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are sure many of you will take this news with joy!
We are extending our Promo, the main prize of which is a trip to Dubai for the platform’s official opening and the first QubitTech conference.
Promo is extended for another 20 days – until September 5, 2020.
As you know, we always listen to the opinions of our users. Many of you have contacted QubitTech many times with requests to extend the Promo.
We have received over 1,300 such requests both through the website and through social networks.
We also updated some conditions of Promo:
1) For one partner (without compensation of airfare):
– you need to attract new platform users who activate digital licenses for at least 15,000 USDT at the first line.
2) For one partner (partial compensation of airfare):
– you need to attract new platform users who activate digital licenses for at least 30,000 USDT at the first line.
3) For a partner and his guest (partial compensation of airfares for two people):
– you need to attract new platform users who activate digital licenses for at least 60,000 USDT at the first line
Accommodation, meals and attendance at events in Dubai will be paid for by QubitTech.
The participant himself buys the air ticket. The cost of air tickets compensated in the amount of $ 800 per person after the end of the events in Dubai: the condition is valid for those users whose turnover amounted to 30,000 USDT and 60,000 USDT at the first line of Affiliate network.
Follow our news!”
There was actually only one line posted on Winza‘s official Telegram channel over the last seven days, and here it is:
“$50,000 exchange volume has just been reached – thanks for the support & trust!”
Well, that’s really not a bad thing at all, because in our industry no news is usually good news for the members of most programs. In the case of Winza whose detailed review you may read here that is especially true, as over the first few months online it’s been nothing but perfection. When it comes to payouts they have always been done within a few hours no matter what investment plan you joined in the first place. Currently there are two investment plans being offered by Winza – Bankroll (here you earn a share of their own casino daily profits which is a variable return of up to 5% daily until you reach a 150% return on your investment which expires at that point) or Hodl (invest and earn a lesser daily percentage but with much more flexibility and principal back anytime). Winza are currently working with five payment methods including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, DogeCoin and LiteCoin – plenty of options that would satisfy even the most discerning HYIP investor. Besides, among the main advantages of Winza is the possibility to earn their so-called Free Faucet funds (basically it’s free money) by claiming them on an hourly basis from your account and using them for playing any of the five Casino games with a chance to win much higher amounts. As you can clearly see, Winza is a sort of unique HYIP/casino one shouldn’t miss and the best thing – you may even try it without risking your own money.
The final item I wanted to discuss for today’s post is the final results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll and replace it with a new question. It was pretty one-sided anyway, so to be honest there’s no real reason to leave it open any longer and it’s already been a week so I doubt there’s going to be any significant shift in the numbers.
So, as some of you might not actually know, aside from the regular Basic, Standard, and Premium Listing sections on the MNO monitor there is also a somewhat underused but never advertised grouping called the Startup List. This is really intended for so-called sleeper programs where the admin just wants to establish an online presence and traceable payments record without actually doing much with the program just yet, that’s something he’ll get to later. In fact there have been many hugely successful HYIPs over the years that had their origins as such, it’s really not that unusual a practice. It’s not really the intention to get lots of investors to join up, but if you know where to look for these programs there’s nothing there to stop you. In many cases such programs are far from the finished article, just have the most basic possible “design” if one could even call it that, and the plans aren’t even necessarily all that attractive. But that’s not entirely the point of the exercise. These things aren’t free to run and keep online, the admin has to pay for hosting and even if it’s just a nominal token fee paid to a certain monitor it still has to come out of someone’s pocket, so generally speaking these things are run by longer term industry pros who kinda know what they are doing even if it doesn’t always go entirely to plan.
The exact question was: Would you invest in the programs from the MNO Startup List? I must admit to being a little surprised by this but it was almost an avalanche of you, 86% actually, voted “Yes, I would join if the program is already good enough to start earning early”. I mean the reason I was surprised is that rarely these programs resemble what experienced HYIP investors want, but then again I guess that’s what gives you experience, knowing when to make such calls. The remaining 14% of voters took the more conservative view and voted “No, such programs are best ignored until the admin is ready to launch properly”. Personally I can’t say I take a total 100% view with either position, I suppose it has to be on a program-by-program basis, but that’s why I run these polls!
Next question then is an easy one so let me get right to the point – payment handlers. You can love them or hate them all you want, their sometimes extortionate fees and all, but the HYIP industry won’t function without them. What then does it take for programs ensure success? This has definitely changed over the years, you once had certain hard currency payment handlers that would at least attempt (never guarantee!) chargebacks if you got scammed so they were always good to lend a certain air of respectability to the programs who used them. These days of course the dynamic has changed a bit and the market has shifted considerably over to virtual cryptocurrencies. My question for readers this week is what do you think is the requirement for programs serious about taking a leading role in the HYIP industry to make available for customers regarding payment options?
I myself think it’s an interesting question simply because it’s changed so many times over the years. When I think back I can name some where the owners were arrested, some that scammed, others that shall we say saw sense before the got the police “knock on the door” and voluntarily opted to just leave the industry, quit while the going is good as they say, and a lot of other traffic gradually shift into cryptocurrencies. So what in your opinion does a HYIP admin need to be a winner? And by that I mean a real industry leader, not just run a good program. My exact question for you this week is this:
What payment options are enough to have for a HYIP to become the next industry leader?
Possible answers can be taken from the following options, and please remember that if something isn’t exactly as you would have said it just give the answer that comes closest to matching what you do think:
– Exclusively BTC is enough these days, that’s all
– BTC but other popular cryptocurrencies will help
– Hard currency (PM and Payeer) and cryptocurrencies
As per usual the vote will stay open on the MNO TalkBack page here for around another week or so, long enough for anyone who wants to vote to have enough time to do so. And if that includes you, well thanks in advance for your contribution. It’s always most welcome. Votes remain completely anonymous and untraceable at all times, though you are welcome to raise the issue on the MNO ShoutBox with your fellow readers anytime you like.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: Winza, QubitTech.
From MNO Basic list: CryptoNode.
That will be all for today, guys. I hope you’re enjoying the end of a relaxing summer as some exciting times are definitely ahead of us. Talk to you all again very soon, everyone. Stay safe and updated with MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 17/08/2020. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/3h6QxDs
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