Hi guys, and welcome to another daily news update from the HYIP industry. It’s a bit earlier than I expected but not without reason. Firstly the MNO monitor was joined by a brand new program called GamingArb that has just been listed on Premium status yesterday, within hours of its official launch. Second, there was a couple of news stories from the already established leader of the HYIP industry AlysDax. And finally, it was high time to analyse the results of the poll that was running as well as offer a new question you may want to answer on the MNO TalkBack page.
More details on that are coming in today’s news section on my blog a bit later, meanwhile please allow me to remind you that the best way to stay up to date on the most exciting high budget new investment projects you can find in the industry is to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter. That way you will be the first to know about monitoring status changes, important updates from your favourite programs and promising newcomers as soon as they’re announced on MNO. For those of you who enjoy reading my articles why not join more than three thousand subscribers to the MNO Newsfeed who regularly receive entire blog posts to their email addresses? If you’re not yet subscribed please submit your email address on this page – you won’t regret it! And if you have any questions regarding the MNO monitored programs or advertising requests I can be approached on Telegram @mnoblog for a speedier response and live chat. Otherwise, you may submit your query via this online form or contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com. I’m always happy to hear from you, guys, and always try my best to reply within a 24 hour maximum.
Let’s get down to business now and see what’s new in the HYIP industry over the last couple of days.
GamingArb has been online since yesterday. The program features four investment plans with full principal back on expiry of each of them. As I will be discussing the investment plans GamingArb offers in the upcoming review next week I’ll just give you the gist of them here. So, every calendar day you will see a variable rate of interest credited to your account, starting exactly 24 hours after your deposit is made. GamingArb being allegedly involved in gaming arbitrage (as the name suggests) has a variable daily profit ranging from 2% to 3.5% which is then shared with investors. Your share will depend on the size of the investment and may be as low as 60% or as high as 90% from the company’s own daily returns. Investments may start from $25 and at the moment only BitCoin, LiteCoin and Ethereum are accepted with withdrawals processed manually within 24 hours after the request is made. Let’s suppose you invest $100 which will only qualify you for a 60% share of GamingArb‘s returns. If let’s say today the program announces a 3% profitability rate, that means your account gets credited with a 1.8% payment, in other words a 60% share of the 3% total. If you invest a larger amount of say $1,000 then you will qualify for an improved 70% share, so for the same example you see a 2.1% return from the official 3% program wide profit. I hope that makes sense to you, but if not then here’s an easier way to give you an idea of what ROI to expect from GamingArb when investing – 1.2%-2.1% for 30 days, 1.4%-2.45% for 60 days, 1.6%-2.8% for 90 days, 1.8%-3.15% for 120 days. Investors are split into four categories with Bronze members getting a 60% share of the daily returns, Silver members getting 70%, Gold ones rewarded with 80%, and the highest ranked Expert investors seeing the maximum of 90% of the company’s daily profits. Note that the minimum amount for withdrawals varies depending on the type of cryptocurrency used when making an investment – Bitcoin – 0.0005 BTC, Litcoin – 0.05 LTC, Ethereum – 0.02 ETH. I have been paid for the first time earlier today and it only took a few hours, so I have already moved GamingArb to Paying status on the MNO monitor and will have a more detailed review sometime next week. Probably Monday but it really depends on what else heppens in the industry between now and then.
While I cannot be 100% sure about it I do believe the script GamingArb is running off is custom-made but easy to use and no problems encountered when making deposits and withdrawals. Daily profit rates depend on the category your investment falls into are easy to find in your member’s area so you can see how much you will be paid on any given day. There is not too much information on the GamingArb website regarding business activities, however some people might welcome that and plus everything is explained regarding the operations of the program without any unnecessary complications. There is a Telegram channel to join and follow for the latest updates and the company is registered in the UK with a verifiable certificate provided to view. An SSL cert from Sectigo is also installed for further security, while the domain name is registered for three years in advance with hosting by DDoSGuard who keep GamingArb on a dedicated server protected against possible malicious attacks. Overall my first impressions were positive enough and I tend to think that with good management and gradual growth GamingArb might become a successful venture within the next few weeks. Anyway, I will keep you updated on the program’s development and if you wish to join and invest already please proceed by clicking here to register an account with GamingArb.
Those familiar with the outstanding AlysDax must remember that the program puts strong emphasis on advertising in local communities, particularly in Asian markets among people still not knowing much about the HYIP investments. And I guess that strategy works well for them, as more and more people are getting involved in the program’s promotion on a daily basis. Thus, lately there were several articles from the Japanese and Chinese language communities on the benefits of joining AlysDax. That was actually the main subject of the last two newsletters posted on the website which are included below with links attached (if you can read Japanese and Chinese, of course).
Anyway, such an active and even aggressive advertising strategy utilized by the AlysDax administration has always been admirable to me as it shows they know very well what to do in order to become a long-lasting success. And going by the fact that that AlysDax has been paying for nearly three months now with lots of early investors already in great profit totally proves my point. I would hope that the program will continue its rapid development and will run for many more months to come, although it’s impossible to predict anything in this crazy fast changing HYIP world. Those of you who have not invested in AlysDax yet are welcome to read my detailed review posted here which I hope will clarify any complicated points for you. There’s a demo account available on the website to try before you buy, plus quite a few educational articles and videos and friendly live chat support ready to help you anytime. In a nutshell though I can explain a few things below if you lack the time but would like to start investing immediately.
AlysDax accepts investments starting from $25 via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Ethereum, Tether, Eos or Ripple which you may also exchange to AlysMoney if you want another 20% on top of the daily return paid to you. There are six investment terms available ranging from 30 to 180 days on expiry of which you will be handed your principal back in full (there is a clause for early withdrawal which however will erode your profits quite considerably, therefore cannot be recommended). Every calendar day at the same time your account with AlysDax will be credited with a variable return depending on several factors, but generally and on average you will earn the following – 0.78% for 30 days, 0.98% for 60 days, 1.13% for 90 days, 1.18% for 120 days, 1.23% for 150 days, 1.27% for 180 days. Withdrawals have to be manually requested and are promised to be paid within 72 hours (though I believe this rule only applies very rarely as I tend to be paid within a few hours at most). There is a small variable fee charged on top of every withdrawal request, so refer to the AlysDax website for more info on that if concerned. With the recent introduction of AlysBank which was also the topic of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page you may exchange funds between various currencies for a certain fee using AlysMoney as an intermediary. I’m sure that we will hear more plans on the so-called AlysMoney which will be revealed in a few months, I suspect. Below are the latest updates from AlysDax for further reference:
Thanks to the coordinated work of all AlysDax participants, the project is becoming more popular every day. Journalists from leading world media write about us, and bloggers introduce their audience with details of the project.
So, Japanese opinion leaders are actively promoting the platform on their websites:
https://alys-dax.seesaa.net, https://icew.hatenablog.com, https://blog.goo.ne.jp, https://alysdax.exblog.jp, https://alysdax.muragon.com, https://note.com/alysdax, https://note.com, http://alysdax.livedoor.blog, https://alysdax.exblog.jp, https://alysdax.muragon.com
We really appreciate the attention to our project. We are grateful to every blogger who talks about AlysDax on his page. Your support is the best proof that developing a project and integrating new functionality into it, we are moving in the right direction.
Today, everyone has the opportunity not only to become part of AlysDax, but also to share their content with millions of people on our website. It is enough to take the first step and register on our website to obtain the status of a partner and begin to develop your affiliate network. The regional project leaders will always help you with this, they are ready to share their experience and knowledge.”
China publications among the Asian media, have closely followed the development of AlysDax. Since the launch of the project, they have been informing their readers about all the innovations of the platform and the successes of local leaders. Recent innovations have also come to the attention of editors and journalists, many large websites have published new materials about AlysDax. Among them there are:
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0MFm74kfVjS8iG0pTBgktA, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9e0WSHC4XZNspianBzBf3Q, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9G86P1IPbDgKYbulgZEhIA, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RYjHgEkZQaUg4_1p8hvxPg, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hiVDFXYmD-9lb__kty8WvQ, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zY8CfrXAFw6UKYSeWf09ig, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/v2ae0y5uV8PAlxrobH1oVA, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cqJQXJGcn8g1zsw1RbKVsA, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_ubIGQtv4HPCYS3lOnGS1Q, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uL-83eg7zHoRyKrIIbFrgg, https://www.coingogo.com, http://blog.itpub.net, https://www.chainnews.com
The attention of reputable publications to AlysDax is very valuable for the developers of the project. We are convinced that such a number of publications once again proves that our project is in demand and we are moving in the right direction, opening up the opportunity for the general public to receive passive guaranteed income in the financial market without special knowledge.
The number of AlysDax partners is constantly growing and if you also want to join the project, take the first step by registering on our website and gaining access to the member’s personal account. The project leaders and technical service are ready to help you with any issues related to the project.”
Just to finish up today’s news article and I suppose to wrap things up for the week, let’s take a look at the final results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll also be replacing this with a brand new question which I think is topical to the current situation of the HYIP industry, especially given the above introduction of GamingArb to the MNO Premium List. More on that in a moment, first let’s see the last question.
As you’ll no doubt have realised by now if you follow just about any online HYIP resource, the industry is pretty much dominated by AlysDax presently. Perhaps on one hand it might be good to wish for some greater diversity, who knows maybe GamingArb will provide this, but since this is where we currently find ourselves anyway AlysDax is in fact a really good program by any standards. As an industry leader it’s not a bad position for investors to find themselves in and agreed by most as a decent choice for most portfolios. Anyway, the thing about AlysDax is that they are extremely prolific and proficient when it comes to the expansion of the program and helping it grow into bigger and better things. I’d even go so far as to say it’s a rarity in the HYIP industry for an administration team to have such a clear and far-sighted strategy in place right from the beginning for the future of their program, and even less so in terms of success in actually implementing it.
One of the more interesting developments in AlysDax recently has been the creation of their own internal currency and management system known as Alys Money and Alys Bank respectively. Outside of a traditional investment program you see, one of the more obscure and unexpected functions of AlysDax has been to act as a sort of indirect currency exchanger. It’s quite rare in the industry, but here you have the choice to invest via one currency or payment handler and get paid to a totally different provider of your choice. Alys Bank and Alys Money help to accommodate that, but there’s a much greater encouragement available to members for them to take up the option. By converting investments to the internal AlysDax currency as opposed to any of the more traditional options, investors get paid an extra 20% on top of the variable interest rates already paid on their deposits. So for example if AlysDax announce that today’s interest payment will be 1% on your investment, users of Alys Money will in fact receive 1.2%. OK, maybe for one single day you might not think that sounds like a lot of money, but for the full duration of any of the AlysDax plans that becomes pretty substantial.
That was the basis for the most recent question on the MNO TalkBack readers opinion poll. Because good as Alys Money sounds on paper and good as AlysDax have been performing, experienced investors are naturally cautious about such things. You see, even the best online HYIPs exist primarily as a vehicle to make money for its owners, which to be fair is something that can be said of any legit business as well. It’s just that in the HYIP world not every admin is quite so concerned about his investors making money with him, so even when a really good opportunity comes along managed by a real professional admin, you can’t really blame him when some investors are cynical based on their own past experience. Even when substantially in profit the amount of trust investors will place in an admin is limited. AlysDax have done much to challenge that perception with their international leadership initiative and public meetings and seminars putting a human face-to-face spin on things which is even more of a rarity in this industry, but still not enough to convince some. So the question I asked MNO readers in the last poll was this: What impact will the introduction of AlysMoney have on AlysDax?
Reactions in this case were mixed and I can’t say that any solid conclusions were drawn. At least people are thinking about and discussing the issue which is good, though maybe not always coming to the conclusion the AlysDax administration team may have been hoping for. In an unusual divide of the vote, readers seem diametrically opposed with an equal split of 33% of you seeing it as “Very positive, it will help the program last longer” and another 33% taking the other extreme view of it being “Negative, it might be taken as a warning sign”. Meanwhile the remaining vote was also equally split with 17% of you saying the effect would be “Moderately positive, investors like unique features” and 17% voting for “No effect, people will largely ignore the feature”. Overall like I said I can’t draw any conclusions but at least people saying it won’t have any effect is better than people saying it’s going to be negative, so I like to think it’s going to be a good thing for AlysDax in the long run. Only time will tell though!
Moving on now to the next question on the MNO TalkBack page, I suppose in a roundabout way it’s still connected to AlysDax and the above introduction of GamingArb. Put those two programs together alongside Omega and another program on the MNO monitor‘s Basic List and what do they all have in common? On the face of things very little at first glance it would seem, they are an extremely diverse group of programs, but on closer inspection their respective business plans are very much in sync. You see, the key underlying factor in common with all of these HYIPs is they no longer offer fixed interest rates like most programs do. Speaking as a monitor here with no real personal stake in how things work. Or “skin in the game” as the English expression goes, I can see how some of you might have both good and bad feelings about this. On the other hand speaking as an investor, I myself like how giving the admin more hands-on control of the program’s cashflow means it can survive longer. This is by no means a given of course, it depends on a lot of other factors. Mostly the attitude of the admin and if he’s a responsible professional prepared to work for in the best interests of his investors as well as himself, and also the willingness of experienced players to accept that they may never receive the maximum return on their money that they may have hoped for on day one but continue to invest anyway.
That been said, if a program is set up as a deliberate fast scam or if the admin just genuinely doesn’t know what he’s doing then the offered rates of interest won’t matter, such programs are destined for failure no matter what. Likewise some investors will always want a fixed and deliberate target earning. For example, they don’t always like to hear things like an admin will “try” to pay you 10% profit but not to complain if it’s just 8%. I suppose it all comes back to what your realistic expectations are from the HYIP industry in the first place. My next question for MNO readers this week will be about that and how you guys feel about programs that make variable payments in general? The key phrase here being “in general”, obviously many have been outstanding while a couple of others have been disappointments. But what’s your own initial reaction when you see a brand new HYI program offer variable interest rates? Do you think it might indicate an admin with longer term intentions or do you think it even matters at all?
The exact question will be as follows: What is your opinion of HYIPs that offer variable interest rates?
And your choice of answers can be taken from the following list, just don’t worry if how you feel isn’t expressed exactly here, simply pick the answer that comes closest to how you think:
– Positive – a good admin can manage a program for longer
– Neutral – it makes no difference to the eventual life cycle
– Negative – I prefer programs where I know my exact earnings
As with every MNO TalkBack opinion poll let me just say a big thank you in advance to everyone who participates. Remember there are no right or wrong answers, it’s just about what you think is accurate at the time of writing. Voting takes literally a second and stays at all times 100% anonymous, confidential, and untraceable. Unless you wish to discuss your vote with other readers on the MNO ShoutBox. Voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here and will stay open for around the next week or so, long enough for anyone who wants to vote to have ample time to do so.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AlysDax.
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: GamingArb (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading and I’ll be back early next week with a more detailed look at GamingArb and all the latest news from the HYIP industry. Please be more active on the MNO ShoutBox and vote in the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 23/05/2020. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/36nOvu8
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