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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

21/04/2020. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone, and welcome to the MNO blog for all the latest updates from the HYIP industry’s biggest programs everyone’s talking about for already about 13 years. That makes MNO the oldest and for many of you the most reliable source of information on what experienced admins can offer a crowded market.

The year 2020 has been a mixed bag so far. Having started really well with quite a few good profitable programs for investors things went downhill last week when a number of them unexpectedly collapsed, including the infamous DexauEnterprise on which many investors had big hopes for and lost some significant amounts. We all should remember though that the HYIP industry has always worked according to its own laws and patterns and a period of relative calm follows every storm. The same applies when well-prepared programs run by professionals give way to all types of impersonators whose only idea of a decent program is one that lines their own pockets with cash instead of the investors’. Whatever happens next is always unpredictable and it can go either way, especially taking into consideration the worldwide coronavirus crisis which has never happened to people before and which is always feared due to future uncertainties that can affect the rest of people’s lives in unknown ways. The pandemic has already changed the world as we knew it and will keep doing so leaving us wondering to what happens next and how to proceed in the future after the crisis that could only be compared with the Great Depression and World War periods in human history.

Let’s not go into such apocalyptic forecasts though and stay optimistic, as the HYIP industry has always remained essential for many investors having adapted over time. This current period might be the beginning of something truly exciting to come. That’s why it’s so important especially now to keep yourself in the loop and subscribe for regular news updates delivered straight to your mailbox you can submit on this page. It’s run by the Google-owned Feedburner service and it’s easy to unsubscribe at any time. Although if you’re on the lookout of the best investment opportunities I doubt you will ever need to use this feature. Even better though would be to follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook, as all the latest announcements are posted there first. And of course, I always encourage my readers to stay in touch and contact me if necessary by writing directly to, submitting your query via this contact form or simply by coming to chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. I would also be pleased to hear your opinions posted on the MNO ShoutBox and to see your votes on the MNO TalkBack page where a new poll question will open later in today’s article along with with the final results of last week’s question. Let me start though with the latest updates from the most exciting and certainly best performing program from the MNO Sticky List AlysDax and the relatively new Standard listed Omega.


Having been monitored on MNO for seven weeks already AlysDax has established itself as the place to go to if you prefer low-ROI programs that provide you with a stable and sustainable income for many months while rapidly developing its online presence in many regions across the world. Aside from the coronavirus crisis when the program’s representatives are now limited at what they can do to attract new investors offline due to the restrictions imposed in many jurisdictions AlysDax seems to be doing quite well. There are even Google and YouTube ads floating around which I come across when browsing, possibly indicating at many savvy promoters buying them in order to benefit from its lucrative and many tiers deep referral program. There is even a leaders club created recently in China with a real address featured in one of the latest newsletters from the program you can read in full below. Beside that, among the latest news posted from AlysDax over the last six days is a video presentation greeting current and potential investors by the program’s representatives and leaders from all around the world and in different languages. The video has been uploaded on YouTube and if you’re interested a link to it can be found in the second newsletter reposted below. And finally, the 20-page AlysDax PDF presentation materials will be a great help for professional promoters as they contain many useful graphs and visual materials which can be used for better explaining the concept behind the investment platform to people in 15 (!) different languages. The links to all the multi-lingual PDF presentations are given in the last newsletter reposted below, and it will certainly be useful for those of you trying to take advantage of its lucrative affiliate program and build a downline to be proud of in the country of your origin.

Although the information on AlysDax might look overwhelming at first glance you should remember that over the last couple of years that programs with a similar concept were able to achieve unprecedented levels of success and lasted for eight to nine months each – more than enough time to make substantial profits from the investment plans. If you haven’t read my detailed review of AlysDax posted here, then I will remind you that in order to join you just need a $25 minimum to invest via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Ethereum, Tether, Eos or Ripple. Please note that on creating an investment portfolio you choose the funding currency and the currency where you want your profits to be paid too (note this option cannot be changed once the portfolio is created so be especially careful on picking this!). Once invested you will be paid a variable daily rate of interest which will change from day to day, however on average you should expect something like this – 0.78% for 30 days, 0.98% for 60 days, 1.13% for 90 days, 1.18% for 120 days, 1.23% for 150 days, 1.27% for 180 days. On expiry of your investment term you will be given back your principal which you can either take or reinvest into any chosen plan once again (premature withdrawals before the end of the term are available subject to substantial fees). Note that every interest withdrawals will be charged a small fee ranging from 1% to 1.5% depending on what currency you withdraw it into, so keep this in mind as well. While AlysDax might look like a much more complicated program than your average HYIP it’s because of those multiple interesting features and impeccable promotional campaign we should expect truly great results from AlysDax this year. And hopefully it won’t disappoint anyone. Here’s all the latest newsletters from the always busy AlysDax:

Our leaders take care of their partners, trying to provide them with the maximum necessary information about the AlysDax project in a convenient and understandable way. For this reason, live meetings are regularly held in different countries of the world and the number of online conferences and events held by leaders is growing exponentially.
Recently, the regional top leader Gately opened the doors of the project leaders club and live communication has become more accessible to every AlysDax member in Beihai.
Office contacts in Beihai:
Leader: Gately, Phone: 18577077755, Wechat: 18577077755, Address: 24 / F, Block B, Tengfei Commercial Center,, Jingsan Road, Beihai City, Guangxi, China
AlysDax thanks the Chinese team for their zeal and initiative.
In the near future several more clubs will be opened in various countries. Perhaps he will be in your city. Stay tuned!

During the period of self-isolation, AlysDax project leaders record video messages to their partners and creators of the project.
We have already received more than a hundred files from our participants from various countries and regions, including Japan, China, India, Indonesia, France, Argentina, Venezuela, South Africa and others. People from all over the world share their impressions of participating in the most ambitious, modern and profitable AlysDax project in the financial services market.
But their main goal is to unite and support each other in order to see the scale of AlysDax project.
Being a part of the AlysDax community means not only getting the opportunity to develop and improve, increasing your income by earning money on deposits or through a referral program. This means receiving advice and valuable information from regional leaders, feeling their support and attention! Today we want to thank each participant in the project and share with you the video that we have collected from different messages.

Presentations of AlysDax are simple and understandable visual materials that explain the essence of the project and tell beginners how they can earn and develop. These materials will make both private meetings and large-scale conferences more effective and understandable.
Publication of materials in the public domain is really great news for the leaders of AlysDax. All presentations are designed by professional designers and translated into several languages.
In the presentation you will find all the necessary information: the essence of the project and its basic principles; a description of the platform’s functionality and a brief guide to its use; registration instructions and portfolio examples; Useful tips and life hacks that will make the collaboration of your team members with AlysDax even more profitable and successful.
The team of our project is constantly growing and expanding. We want every new user to be able to get used to the AlysDax Community as easily and quickly as possible, plus to put maximum effort to this. Our team is international and if you do not find the presentation in the language you need, please let us know.
Ti?ng Vi?t:
Le français:


An admin making the best possible use of his time is that of Omega, and he’s still not finished. One of the most important ways to keep any HYIP program competitive these days is to also make it as accessible as possible, something that Omega is now doing with their own mobile friendly version of the website. Fewer and fewer people are tied to the traditional desktop computers these days, it must be ten years or more since I used one, and even laptops have certain limitations when it comes to working on-the-go. A lot more business is done via smartphones and tablets now, and it’s only getting bigger. So it makes a lot of sense then for Omega to expand into this area and become a lot more user-friendly in the long term.

I’ll just give you a brief recap on what Omega is all about, though honestly it’s a lot more layered and complex than most (well, all!) other programs operating these days so you would really need to read the detailed review published on MNO here. But in a nutshell Omega makes automatic weekly payments to investors without the need for any withdrawal requests. Interest accumulates on a daily basis, and is then paid out on a day of the week nominated by the member himself. Rates can vary but generally speaking the Omega admin is aiming for something in the region of 7% to 9% during the course of the week (but could also be marginally outside that from time to time). That’s how it’s going to work for most entry level investors anyway. There are ways and means of getting more frequent payments from Omega than once per week and also of boosting your interest rate, so refer to the review for that.

In other news Omega now has an animated “Get Started” guide to try and simplify the process of getting involved for any investors who might find the whole thing a bit puzzling (I admit I did so myself at first) plus other website improvements such as the addition of the Hindi language and news on what to expect from them next. All the latest newsletters from the Omega admin are included together below for your convenience:

It is vital to always have access to your Omega Units at all times and watch your Auto-Sale schedule timing on the go.
But adopting such a complex mechanism in a user-friendly way without a cost to its functionality, may become quite a task…
Today, each and every user may test-run an upcoming Omega’ mobile version update & leave us with some valuable suggestions before the official release later next week.
Open up this link at your mobile device:
Explore all the pages and navigate freely, but most importantly – help us to improve the overall layout and make it more flexible for your daily to use.
Take an active part in its pre-production stage!
Hint: New desktop will not only have the dark stealthy theme, but new fresh and crisp Ice-White version, so tell us if you’d like to see one on your PC!

In order to ease up the path for newcomers, we’ve designed animated Popup-Tour for all the key areas of the platform.
You can now take a glimpse at it by clicking the “Get Started!” button on the top of the Desktop’s menu, which will display a helpful set of popups for every key zone of your profile. (Prosperity, Collaboration, Community) and other areas, that will all be uploaded mid next week!
Stay strong, stay healthy and we wish you a good calm weekend wherever you might be!

Big Update is coming up, watch for an article after tomorrow!
With a lot of time on our hands, we always want to use it properly. As Omega‘s revenue share program ( allows the overall financial dynamic to stay long-term despite the market change, it both provides extra room for better team planning, the same as it creates a calm and confident situation for every user.
But today we’ve decided to throw a little update on the progress so far anyways:
– With every new signup, a user now can see a helpful set of Intro Windows & animations. (A few snaps of the Intro Tour provided)
– Team Area now has a designated user search field with more useful data shown.
– Hindi language was added a couple of days back
– Various visual and technical bug patches & fixes
But yes, we will keep the sweetest candy for an upcoming article, so stay tuned!


Wrapping things up for today’s news update, I guess it’s time to look at the final results of the MNO TalkBack opinion poll. So, it occurred to me recently that one of the more noticeable changes between new HYIPs coming online these days compared to a few years back is the lack of a “Ratings Page”. If you don’t know what that is, and to be frank it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of newer investors never saw one, let me explain. Some years back it was almost universal that every online HYIP have a Ratings Page, to such an extent that it was suspicious if it didn’t. Basically most HYIP websites would have a dedicated page which would display nothing other than the logos and buttons linking directly to the various monitors that were covering the program, each displaying “Paying” or “Not Paying” status as determined on an individual case-by-case basis. Sometimes you might see links to the main HYIP discussion forums as well, though with the bigger English language ones shut down for a few years now that was less of a thing. The key word to the entire practice of having such ratings pages was of course transparency, the idea being that the admin had nothing to hide and that potential investors didn’t have to jump through hoops when researching the program, i.e. all the information was provided openly for you. It was easy enough to fake the status, crooked admins simply replaced the live links with static images that always showed a Paying status no matter what the genuine situation was, but then the good thing here was that it was equally easy for smart investors to spot this trick without too much effort, so it rarely got any good results for the admins who tried it.

I can’t quite put my finger on exactly when this happened, I guess it was a gradual process that slowly seeped into the industry over the last few years, because these days you almost never see an online HYIP with a monitors Ratings Page anymore. I’m not saying there are none, just that they are very rare and off the top of my head I can’t actually remember the last time I listed a program on the MNO monitor that had such a thing. I wonder why. Arguably that should have been a question put to HYIP admins themselves, I’m just a lot more curious about what investors think. So the last question on the MNO TalkBack page was as follows: Why do you think we don’t see rating pages with monitor logos on the majority of HYIPs anymore?

When I think back to the early days of MNO, I was partially motivated to start my own site after becoming so disillusioned with the performance of others. I began to wonder why I was putting so much trust in bad information displayed by paid monitors when it was my money and not theirs at stake. So after I had already been blogging on the subject for a while I then decided to add a monitoring page. Initially this was just intended as a public record where I kept track of personal investments and shared it with anyone who wanted to look. It was entirely funded from my own pocket so there was no vested interest in displaying a false status, be it Paying or Not Paying. That’s just the basic background to why I got started, but this isn’t about the history of my monitor, it’s about what you think. So, the overwhelming majority of readers think it’s just down to a shift in style, trends, and strategy on the side of the admins, with 67% of you voting “It’s just out of fashion now as HYIPs try to look like real ventures”. A smaller but still significant percentage of you say “Investors trust of monitors is at an all time low” (monitors take heed!) which got 22% of the votes in the poll. And finally the remaining 11% of voters said “Less investors use monitors as a means of finding new programs”.

For the next poll I want to get to something that looks at the current situation in the HYIP industry as compared to a year ago. There’s no getting away from it, it’s in the news all day every day, we know the world has changed and if things ever get back to the way they were then it’s going to take a very very long time. I’m interested in hearing where you think you stand in the HYIP industry in these strange times today as in relation to where you were at the same time last year. To be more specific I suppose, has 2020 been more successful for you so far when you hold it up against 2019? Generally speaking 2019 taken as a whole will not go down in the annals of history as exactly the glory days of the HYIP industry, and is probably a year best forgotten despite some really good money making opportunities that did come our way. So how have things been going for you so far in 2020? The exact question I want to ask readers is this:

Has 2020 been a better year for you so far in the HYIP industry than 2019?

Answers are pretty simple and can be taken from the following three options, just pick the one that comes closest to your own experience:

– Yes, it’s been more successful
– About the same, not much difference
– No, last year was better for me

Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, the voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here. As always the poll will stay open for at least a week or so, long enough to give everyone who wants to vote plenty of time to do so. Remember that all votes are totally anonymous and untraceable, though you are always free to discuss the subject on the MNO ShoutBox if you wish.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AlysDax.
From MNO Premium list:
From MNO Standard list: Omega.
From MNO Basic list: Zuhoxe.

That’s about it for today. Stay tuned for more updates as I’ll post again as soon as I find something worth discussing from the weird and wonderful world of HYIP investments. Thanks a lot for reading and stay safe and healthy in these challenging times. Talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 21/04/2020. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog


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