Hello everyone! It’s almost Halloween here and there’s certainly a spooky feeling in the air with the anticipation of something sinister coming helped by the recent change of clocks making the evenings even longer and darker for everyone. The HYIP industry however has been very quiet lately with little to report in the way of news stories. I can’t say entirely whether it’s a good or bad thing or what’s coming next, but this October was certainly much worse than the average autumn observed in previous years. Hence I believe we see some disappointing final results in the latest poll voted on by frustrated investors with unexpectedly bad financial outcome from their online activities – something which will be a subject to proper analysis later in today’s news article. First let’s look at the latest news from one of the best performing programs of this HYIP season Hodium.
Let me remind you first that the best way to stay up-to-date with the current state of things in the industry as well as see the latest newcomers first is to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter. Despite being in an almost semi-somnambulist state at the moment that doesn’t mean the HYIP industry won’t revive when you least expect it. So not to miss anything important I always encourage readers to subscribe to the blog posts by submitting your email address on this page. Then you join the over three thousands of smart investors willing to find out the most promising big budget investment programs that may potentially become leaders of the industry and change it as a whole for better. That I hope we will see in the near future and meanwhile thanks a lot for staying with MNO. If you have any questions, suggestions or advertising requests I will be pleased to respond to your queries that can be submitted via this online form, sent directly to my email address at abramsonp@gmail.com or asked live on Telegram @mnoblog. Anyway, let’s get to the news.
You know you would have been absolutely mad in such an uninspired HYIP season like this to miss one of the few outstanding gems like Hodium. The program has been online for 44 days now and it was added to the Premium Listing on MNO on day one thus allowing readers to be the first to earn big profits from its “perpetual” style investment plan. With most of the withdrawals instantly processed and more payment processors added over the last few weeks (the current list includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Dash and DogeCoin) Hodium has transformed for the better and is now considered one of the most spectacular performers of the autumn so far. As you may leave Hodium at anytime and are allowed to do so without paying any early principal release fee (with full or partial compounding also being allowed) there might be though some confusion among current and potential Hodium investors as to what exact profit one may expect to get in the end. You see, in order to achieve such tremendous longevity and make the program more stable in the long term the Hodium admin decided to offer investors a floating daily interest widely fluctuating between 0.1% to 1.5% on a day-to-day basis. And although historically the average daily interest has been much closer to a maximum (even reaching it for quite a few days) than a minimum many would still hesitate expecting worse results at a later point, even having been given an enormous leverage of flexibility to withdraw the principal (fully or partially) anytime they like. For those who would like a more illustrative example of what to expect on joining Hodium the admin created a very useful tool in the latest newsletter called Hodium Calculator to help you plan any potential profits with the program better, as it takes into consideration different variables (like historical rates of interest, the proposed compounding and suggested term) to give you a much better idea of what to expect. Please read more on the latest news from Hodium (first reviewed here) below:
“Interest Calculator Live
We hope you’re having a thrilling time using Hodium, whether you’re building experience (and earnings!) or just picking up the platform for the first time. Whatever your perspective, the future of Hodium looks bright! We’re writing today mainly to let you know we have now added the official Hodium Calculator, an invaluable tool for many reasons.
Calculate for Greatness!
First, it looks dang cool – thanks to our design team!
When it comes to functionality, the Hodium Calculator enables every user to calculate their profits immediately and adaptively, basing the workings on metrics such as average daily return.
We will keep adding features to the Hodium Calculator as more of you get to grips with it. So have a play about, figure out just how much Hodium is earning you, and reach out with any suggestions for improvement!
We’re Social Butterflies
We thrive on the countless continuous interactions we have with our valued global userbase via our favourite social media channels. Make sure you follow us using the social links at the foot of this newsletter to be the first to hear about many exclusive offers.
And why not join our Telegram group https://t.me/hodiumchat, where you will tap into an incredible amount of Hodium exclusives?
We bet that the more you dive into Hodium, the more profits dive into your pocket – so let’s get social!
That’s all for now gang. Have a great Sunday!”
Wrapping things up for today’s otherwise short news update then I want to have a look at the results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll and replace it with another new question which I’ll get to in just a moment. We’re almost at the end of the month now, Halloween is in a couple of days and autumn will soon turn to winter with Christmas and New Year the next big events on the horizon. In years gone by this was usually, most years anyway, quite a fruitful time for experienced investors. Summer was a distant memory but the fast Christmas scams admins launched for easy money weren’t online yet, it was basically a time for serious industry players on either side of the line to get down to business.
Well, that’s how it was in October most years anyway. This year seems a rare exception and I hope that’s all it is – an exception. It’s not been the best year in the HYIP industry overall, we’ve seen some ups and downs as always of course but before we even hit November I think it’s fair to say most of us would just as soon put 2019 behind us and move on to what ever the next year has to offer. I don’t want to paint an utterly pessimistic picture of things though, good programs may have been harder to find but when they were there they were always listed on MNO. Less opportunities perhaps, on a one-to-one basis no less profitable when you find them, but still, not really a vintage year for the HYIP industry as a whole. The question I asked readers in the last MNO TalkBack poll was based on their personal experiences with the season so far. Usually I might have left the poll open for a few more days but to be honest I can see the direction it’s going in and it’s getting predictable by now so best to just call it a day and move on. The exact question asked was: How was your own experience in the HYIP industry so far this autumn?
It wasn’t entirely negative, actually compared to HYIP investors overall throughout the industry I’m still reasonably pleased that a marginal majority of MNO readers have done OK this autumn compared to the views I see being expressed on other forums/monitors/platforms/etc, but usually at this time I’d have been hoping for better. The eternal optimist in me is going to try and put a positive spin on this, but the single biggest result at 41% said autumn was “A big disappointment, I was caught in too many fast scams”. That does seem to be a worrying trend at the moment alright, but if I had to take something from that it’s at least that 59% of you you reported something better to greater or lesser degrees. For instance 17% of readers said “Nothing special but I’ve had to curtail my investment activities” so in that case I see that maybe some experienced players know how to read the things are going and play accordingly. 33% of you are declaring the season so far has been “A moderate success, I earned OK from a few good programs” which to be honest is probably where I would fall myself as an investor were I to vote in my own polls. If you found yourself voting in this final category however then you have my sincere congratulations! I don’t know what your secret is exactly but I don’t and shouldn’t care. You’ve hit 9% and said “Quite profitable, I avoided the scams and earned from the best”. At the end of the day it’s guys like you that keep the HYIP industry ticking over even in the bad times, so well done there.
On the next question for the MNO TalkBack page, I want to ask something I guess also a bit topical. The question arises about what type of program you really prefer? Fixed term? Or as it goes with a lot of new programs now do you like the more perpetual style ones? The reason I wanted to ask this question is that at the moment we have two programs on the MNO monitor (out of the three in total) paying investors for an unlimited term and allowing them to withdraw their deposit anytime they like. At the same time there is one other program that offers a fixed-term investment plan and pays daily as per previously most popular model. The question I want to ask MNO readers for this latest TalkBack poll is as follows:
What style of investment program do you favour at the moment?
Possible answers are pretty simple, it’s kind of a yes or no answer really, you’re either into this or not.
– Fixed length investment terms where I know what to expect
– Open investment terms where I can decide when to leave
– A mix of both types where I can pick from either plan
As ever thanks in advance to all who take the time and effort to vote, it’s much appreciated and remember that all votes remain totally anonymous and untraceable at all times. Voting stays open until next week so please feel free to take part and if you want to then share your thoughts on the MNO ShoutBox if you want. After all, no point in having an opinion if you don’t want to share it, right?
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Yesss, Hodium, Bitzee.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s about all I wanted to discuss with you on MNO today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading and I hope to see you again in a few days for all the latest news and updates from the HYIP industry. Thanks in advance for staying active and vote for your favourite programs on the monitor and sharing your thoughts on the latest subject of the poll on the MNO TalkBack. I’ll see you all soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 29/10/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/36fxgL5
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