Hello everyone and welcome to the weekend edition of the MNO blog which will not only have all the latest news from your favourite investment programs but will also introduce a brand-new addition to the MNO monitor – a program called Litemax. As you might know already, the MNO blog is the most trusted and respected resource on the very best investment opportunities you can only find in the HYIP industry. Thanks to my innovative approach of higher listing prices developed over 12 years online cheap scams always stay away which allows the vast majority of my readers to actually make quite good money from the most elite HYIPs instead of losing it in case of following the bad advice of others. Having been privileged to share my knowledge and experience with thousands of readers during the golden era in the HYIP industry and beyond I’ve earned enough money to comfortably maintain my lifestyle and since recently running the MNO blog has become just a hobby for me – but a hobby I feel very passionate about and love dearly. Already over 3,200 subscribers are following the regular updates on my blog and if you wish to join them you’re welcome to add your email address on this page. After confirming your subscription you will start receiving the full blog articles sent to you a couple of times per week. However, if you wish to hear from me more often, not to miss any important announcements made in real-time and see all the most recent additions to my monitor then follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter – whichever channel would suit your needs best. And as always I will be very pleased to answer all your questions, listen to your suggestions and advertising requests via Telegram @mnoblog, email at abramsonp@gmail.com or via this contact form. In today’s update we’ll be checking the latest news from Hooplex and draw the results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Let me start first though with the introduction of the recently added program to the Standard List on MNO called Litemax – a program to be reviewed in full on the MNO blog next week.
Litemax officially launched just a few hours ago, but the admin has been in contact with me for a couple of weeks already, as he has been putting finishing touches on his creation which is now fully functional and ready to go. Litemax offers investors two categories of investment plan – paying on every calendar day with the principal returned on expiry, or else only paying once on expiry of the term. Depending on the invested amount you will get 2.75% to 5% for 40 days, or if you’re feeling lucky you can go with the 140% after 20 days plan. Both plans will take investments from a $20 minimum and can be paid for using PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, or Dash. Note that minimum withdrawals to PerfectMoney and Payeer start at just $1, however the minimum to cryptocurrencies is $3. All the withdrawal requests should be requested once credited to your account in Litemax and are promised to be processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. As I haven’t made any requests I cannot confirm anything just yet, but I will definitely share this information in the upcoming review of Litemax in a few days time.
Overall, the Litemax site looks alright and features an unobtrusive design using neutral colors. It’s running off a licensed script by a lesser known provider DevQuill and is hosted on a dedicated OVH server with support and protection from possible attacks provided by DDoSCure. The domain name is registered for two years in advance and the site is SSL-secured by Sectigo. The name of the company Litemax Limited is registered in the UK which nevertheless is a very easy and totally anonymous thing to do. The site has its own Telegram channel and ticketing system if you have any questions for the admin. Being a brand-new program Litemax certainly has a lot to prove to win investors’ trust, but hopefully the admin has good intentions and following the surge in the HYIP industry will at least try to bring his program to new heights. I hope the upcoming review next week will give you a better idea on what Litemax is all about and whether it’s your cup of tea or not. Stay tuned for more information in the next blog post and read the welcome message from the admin posted on the website on its official launch:
Hello welcome to Litemax. Today marks our official opening.
We invite you to go through our profitable plans and use anyone that suits you most.
As a platform backed by real indices and gold trading we will provide daily free trading signals for the public.
Always check the news section.
Once more, welcome.”
It might not have been a crowded field exactly, but one of the stand out programs of the last seven months now has undoubtedly been Hooplex. Since it first opened for business last February, and since putting literally thousands of investors well into good profits might I add, one of the trademark promotional methods used by Hooplex has been to hold public events and conferences where members and interested investors are free to attend. No financial obligation necessary, just tag along whether you have serious questions or are just curious to see what the whole thing is about. Hooplex have their own team of leaders on hand to deal with whatever you want to bring up with them before investing. Mostly these events have focused on the Asian HYIP markets, which makes good financial sense I suppose as these have now surpassed the former leaders (over the years shifting from the USA to Russia and now to Asia) as the most fertile breeding ground for online HYIPs. This next conference is no exception and will be held in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. The topics for discussion are outlined in the first Hooplex newsletter republished below.
Naturally though for what is of course still an online business venture, Hooplex can’t simply rely on offline promotion campaigns despite the clearly excellent results these are having. In a show of good faith in the MNO monitor and I would humbly say an acknowledgement of the successful results of being covered here, Hooplex have purchased another advertising banner on my site. Whether you happen to be in the extensive MNO downline or not, it’s still the first place potential investors are advised to visit in order to read the Hooplex review posted here in order to get a basic understanding of how this sometimes unorthodox program operates. This has helped propel Hooplex to a deserved place in the number one position (i.e. indicating it’s the most popular program among my readers) on the MNO monitor. In their second newsletter, also included for you below, we what almost amounts to “a call to arms” for more people to get involved with promotional work this autumn which could be a very lucrative venture for all concerned. With business stepping up throughout the industry now Hooplex are hoping to take things to the next level and become an even more global brand if such a thing is possible. The benefits of becoming a so-called Hooplex leader are explained, so read through it, see what you think, and if it’s something you are suited for then you can get in touch with them for further instruction.
In a nutshell though Hooplex offers a variety of affordable plans, medium to longer term but all having put members into profit by now, and include 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days, all with principal back on expiry. The opening deposit for each is $50 and can be made using a wide array of payment methods such as PerfectMoney, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, EthereumClassic, Tether, Tron, LiteCoin, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Waves, and BlackCoin. I can’t say I’ve ever come across a single HYIP investor using many of those options but it’s better to have the choice than not to I suppose. All the latest news from Hooplex is re-published for you below:
“Hooplex Leader Meeting, Education & Blockchain: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 20
Welcome, friends! We invite you to attend an event of our community, which will be held on 20 September in Kuala Lumpur. At the presentation, you will learn about the cryptocurrencies and blockchain and about Hooplex project.
As part of the event, training will be conducted on the following topics:
– Company profile
– Products : LexeraLXR and LexeraWAY 1.0
– Backoffice knowledge
– How to make Registration
– How to deposit
– How to withdraw
– How to create payment gateway and wallet btc etc
You will also learn about career opportunities in our company.
We are waiting for you!
September 20, 2019, Friday 8.00pm 12pm, Located at Level 2 Theater Council Malaysia Rubber Board (Against KLCC)
Free Admission!
Spread the word and Get Going ..
Get the 1g Goldbar Gift, Cash & Hamper!
Get 1 Lucky Draw Ticket
Get 1 Free Tshirt
* Only up to 100 people can sign up for a seminar.
For the Registration Form please go to the link below:
“Attention to the leaders of the structures! Big start of the promotion program!
Hooplex is reaching a new level! With its successful work, profitable deposits, regular and fast payments and competent international technical support, Hooplex has repeatedly proved to investors from all over the world that our project is reliable and stable. We would like to inform you that this is just the beginning!
All this time, we have been thoroughly testing the system to optimize it as much as possible. And now we’re ready for Lexera technology and the Hooplex community to work around the world.
We are starting the next stage – team building and structure building! Autumn is the best time for business and action when the result comes immediately. All this time we have been preparing, testing functionality and developing a new one in order to start working with the leaders.
We invite active leaders from all over the world to scale up the project. Join us today to start working and making money with Hooplex!
Benefits of working with Hooplex for leaders:
– Exclusive right to represent the company in your country.
– Project development budgets
– Unlimited support of the company in all matters
– Special conditions for active teams
– Marketing support
– Conference Payments
– Additional cash bonuses
Start right now to have a high status!
ATTENTION: For active structures!
We encourage active leaders! Already now we are preparing to launch a new functionality, with the help of which the participants, who came to the company on their own, will be distributed to the most active structures in this country. The more active you are, the more the company helps you to build a structure! All new leaders will be assigned to the most active structures. Become number 1 in your country to get more participants!
We will transfer the active leaders who came to develop the project to the most active structures in the country.
-Start right now to be among the first!
You can be the first in your country to get all the benefits of working with Hooplex.
You’re a leader and you want to work with us? Write to us: https://hooplex.com/contact
We are waiting for you in our leadership team! Join us!”
And finally to wrap things up for today it’s time to look at the final results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with a new question. I’ll get to the new one in just a moment, let’s get the old one out of the way first. In a season that was sadly lacking in truly outstanding HYI programs – yes, there has been a number of great performers but investors need to see a lot more here – how exactly does one define a great result? I know we have different expectations of different programs depending on how they operate, term lengths, interest rates on offer, etc, but at the end of the day there are always certain criteria we can apply universally to every program. Some point that gets reached where it can no longer be denied, no matter what happens next with the program, that it will be remembered as a roaring success. So, the exact question I asked was: What can be considered as a great result for a HYIP?
An equal split of the voters say this can be the case “When it runs for many months or years”, a view expressed by 23% of readers, with a further 23% of you taking a more results based view by voting “When most investors are in profit”. Only 8% of the voters believe a great result can be defined as “When it surpasses people’s expectations” though unless expectations were pretty damn low to begin with it’s hard to see what else an admin can do for his program! The remaining 46% of those who voted, by far the single biggest group, have the most demanding expectations of all. They believe “When all the above factors are combined” is what’s required in order for a HYIP to have achieved a great result.
For the next question I was wondering if the summer slowdown, the worst of which is hopefully behind us by now, affects your spending levels in the industry. I mean yes, of course I know you join fewer programs, there’s less good ones worth joining so obviously in that sense you can’t help but spend less money. But no, that’s not exactly what I mean, I’m referring to the individual programs that you do decide to join. Do you have some sort of fixed spending policy when making your first active investment with a new program? Do you budget X amount of money for each program in your portfolio that you won’t go past? I’m just taking averages here, I know there’s going to be exceptions for certain types of program, but generally speaking what would be your plan on first seeing a program you would like to invest with?
The exact question is as follows: What is your average first deposit with a HYIP you are joining for the first time?
Possible answers can be selected from the following:
Minimum – I’ll check it out with $50 or less
Cautious – over $50 but not more that $150
More risk – I’ll spend from $150 to $500
High risk – $500 plus, to make more money
As always thanks in advance to everyone who votes. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here and will stay open for approximately the next week or so. Certainly long enough so that everyone who wants to vote has ample time to do so. Remember that it takes literally a second to vote, just the click of a mouse, and all votes are 100% anonymous and untraceable, though you are always free to discuss it if you feel like doing so on the MNO ShoutBox.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Hooplex, Yesss.
From MNO Standard list: GovBid.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s just about all the news for today, guys. Thanks for reading and for following MNO. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will be back with all the latest news and a full review of Litemax in a few days time. Meanwhile, please vote in the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page and if you have anything to share with me or your fellow investors do so via the MNO ShoutBox. Talk to you all soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 14/09/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/2Aj2a6v
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