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Monday, June 3, 2019

03/06/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone! Welcome to the post of the summer on MNO from the HYIP industry which also celebrates the start of a new business week. In today’s update I’ll be introducing a new program just added to the Premium List on the MNO monitor that has been online since 2015 but nevertheless stayed under the radar as a sleeper and only recently changed its design and investment offers when stepping up its advertising campaign – YesssCapital. If you wish to learn what this program has to offer potential investors please keep reading, as the introduction of YesssCapital will be followed by the latest updates from some already established names like Coinezos and OldridgeFund. Plus I’ll also be drawing the final results of the recent poll on the MNO TalkBack page with a new question replacing it.

Before we proceed please let me remind you that MNO stands for championing only the most elite investment programs in the HYIP industry. In order to qualify to be listed on my monitor and get the best results from advertising a HYIP admin has to have a good previous track record and be ready to invest time and money into the program’s development and promotion. Only this way a talented admin stands any chance to make a positive impact on potential investors who are then ready to join and make it part of their well-diversified portfolios. In order to maintain the superb quality of the programs listed on the MNO monitor I deliberately developed a set of rules and steep listing prices aimed at deterring potential fast scams and put an end to countless low-budget programs you see on other less dependable blogs and monitors. After all, having been online for almost twelve years now the MNO portal has earned some respect and is highly credible among experienced investors which means good results for the best admins in the industry. That being said every experienced investor in the HYIP world seems to have already subscribed to the regular blog updates sent directly to their email addresses a few times per week. If you haven’t done so yet then why not join the 3,200+ subscribers by submitting and confirming your email address on this subscription page? For more up-to-date announcements you can always follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter where you will see new projects added to the monitor first and will recognize when it’s time to stop investing in a program about to collapse. If you have any personal questions to me regarding the monitored programs or simply want to submit an advertising request you can stay in touch by submitting your query using this contact form, write to me directly at or chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always pleased to hear your questions or suggestions which you may also submit on the MNO ShoutBox – the perfect place for discussing the largest programs in the industry at the moment and the only type you can see listed on MNO. So be a smart HYIP investor and follow the latest trends in the industry with MNO starting from today’s news on all the latest happenings and events.


The introduction of YesssCapital is the first thing I want to discuss today. The program is from an almost forgotten breed of “sleepers” – programs deliberately kept away from general public attention by offering extremely unattractive plans and hiring just a handful of monitors for testing when their sites usually look rather unappealing too. That first stage might continue for some time and some sites even close up shop before the second stage of development comes into fruition, as originally planned by all the genuine admins of “sleepers”. During that time a site is usually completely redesigned to make it look more user-friendly and attractive with investment plans getting a complete makeover to look more profitable for the vast majority of potential investors. It’s during that time more professional monitors are hired to showcase the site as up and running for a very long period of time. In reality only a very few people would have benefited during the “sleeping” stage. The newly added YesssCapital (also known as simply “Yesss”) is a classic example of this but nevertheless managed to make even myself gasp with surprise. The thing is that the YesssCapital website has been running since October 2015 (!). Yes, all this time it remained quite invisible and only last week changed design and investment plans, although I must admit the offers will still be unpopular while the admin gradually tinkers with them.

You see, despite having quite a large number of investment plans (19 in total!) only two of them will pay you on every business day while returning the initial principal on expiry – 0.8% for 555 business days and 1% for 120 business days. While the first plan requires only a $25 minimum which can be invested via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash or Dash, the second one will be out of reach for the majority of investors as it asks for $750 to join. Other available offers all have even steeper minimums and pay once on expiry (some being cleverly worded as daily paying plans). Investments in such plans are highly discouraged, but for the record I will name them here for you – 289%-302% after 17 business days, 280%-777% after 20 business days, 150%-360% after 30 business days, 400%-1111% after 40 business days, 240%-1777% after 60 business days, 297.5%-3777% after 85 business days, 360%-7777% after 120 business days (all of them also return the principal on expiry). So despite the rebranding YesssCapital still only appeals to those who prefer a long-term investment strategy, but I will definitely reveal a few secrets you might like to know about the admin’s strategy in the upcoming review in a few days. Meanwhile, as YesssCapital pays within 48 hours if you request your principal on a business day (Monday to Friday) which stretches to 72 hours if the request was made on Saturday or Sunday I will only be able to change its status to Paying on the MNO monitor once this happens, so keep an eye on it as the review will only be posted after that.

Just a few words about the current website setup for YesssCapital valid after last week’s redesign. The script is a licensed version of GoldCoders, although slightly modified to suit the program’s unique requirements. It oozes quality on the security side, as YesssCapital is hosted on a dedicated Dancom server with support and DDoS-protection provided by one of the industry leaders DDoSGuard. The domain name is registered for five years in advance and expires in 2022, with the site using the Green Bar EV SSL from GeoTrust prepaid for two years straight. There is a standard UK company registration and a short video teaser that implies that YesssCapital will soon present other educational videos that will guide you through the whole investment process. Meanwhile if you can wait a couple of days and check out the MNO blog a detailed review of YesssCapital is due on Thursday. The program definitely shows loads of potential despite its seemingly unattractive investment offers at the present moment.


I guess very few people would argue that if you invested in Coinezos straight after it first appeared on MNO almost six weeks ago you would have racked in nice profits whether you invested into its 5.5%-7% for 30 business days plan or picked the once-off paying 121% on expiry of a 14 calendar day term. Both investment plans have become profitable for many investors who made the right decision investing the required minimum of $25 to $50 and made profits in whatever currency they invested with Coinezos, be it PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, Zcash, Ripple or Monero. Now that Coinezos has become a respected and established program with a good record of payouts the question remains just for how long it will manage to keep going and pay promptly to investors. Over the first month or so the Coinezos website has seen little to no development, however over the last few days the situation seems to have changed a bit and the admin decided it was the right time to up the game by introducing a few new features to keep investors interested.

First of all, an introductory two-minute long video presentation has been uploaded to YouTube which you can also find embedded in the Coinezos program profile on the MNO monitor. If you prefer the visual form then the new Coinezos video review is perhaps what you’re looking for, but for all the book worms there is always the detailed review on MNO which you can see here. Secondly, Coinezos is now an officially registered limited company in the UK. You might know from this article that it’s a very easy thing to do in the first place, but the admin’s determination to provide newbies with something to get a hold of is admirable at least. And finally, in another short update posted on the Coinezos Twitter account the admin boasts of reaching the astounding figure of over two hundred regional representatives now. You are welcome to apply as well because that will give you a higher referral commissions level, so if you’re good at promotion you might create another income stream for yourself by simply helping Coinezos grow. After all, for as long as the program grows it will pay to everyone just as well as it’s been doing over the first six weeks online. Long live, Coinezos, and thanks for the profit paid to investors already! Here’s all the latest updates for your information:

Hello! Watch out and share with your followers our video review on youtube =>”.

COINEZOS has been registered as company COINEZOS LTD in UK, London.”.

We already have 200 regional representatives! Thank you for being with us.”.


Within a matter of hours of the last update from OldridgeFund being posted on the MNO blog last Friday the admin launched yet another language version of his website – this time in Chinese. And just a couple of hours ago he also introduced a Japanese version of the site. This will obviously not be the last one either (as it joins the previous English, Russian, and Vietnamese versions), and will surely help OldridgeFund to recruit members from the potentially lucrative Asian market.

Among other updates I should also specially mention the mini-autobiography posted by Mr. Thomas Cooper who is the alleged director of the OldridgeFund PTY Ltd – an officially registered company in South Africa. As to how it can guarantee anything to existing investors of OldridgeFund is a totally different question, but at least we can see the admin goes the extra mile to create an impression of genuineness. For that existing investors should be grateful for sure, as all of this will certainly attract more newbies unfamiliar with the basics of the HYIP industry and help OldridgeFund stay afloat for longer.

The most interesting update from OldridgeFund though came earlier today and is dedicated to the creation of the so-called “Pools” which you can find when you click the tab in your account area in the program. That way an individual investor might invest in a plan and combine their money with somebody else, thus reaching the required investment minimum earlier which enables him to earn a bigger daily interest rate. In essence, it works exactly like in the proper financial world – an investment fund pools money received from a number of individual end investors into funds such as to make large-scale investments. Let’s give you a practical example of how the new rule might work. As you might know from the detailed review of the program posted here, there are three categories of investment plans offered by OldridgeFund for investments starting from a $20 minimum and accepted via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum or Ripple. They are – 6%-8% for 20 business days (principal included), 1.1%-2.1% for 30 days (principal back), 115%-140% after 15 days. Despite differing from each other significantly they more or less work off the same premise – the more you invest the higher profit you will get either daily or on expiry. As the higher profits are available for larger investors only then by pooling your money with somebody else using the newly created system introduced in the latest newsletter can you take advantage of the higher interest even making quite smaller investments than originally required. Please refer to the OldridgeFund website for more details on that if interested and read all the latest updates from the program below:

OldridgeFund in Chinese
Hello, its Mr. Cooper. Our programmers cant stay without moving, so we are adding very important language. The most populated country and the first economy in the world, China teach everybody how is it better to grow. And we are welcome all Chinese people.
Telegram chat community:
Official channel:
PS: We are looking for English, Chinese and Vietnamese speaking moderators for new chats. Send your summaries on with the mark “Moderator”.
Wish you good weekends, T. Cooper
OldridgeFund PTY LTD (ZA)

OldridgeFund in Japanese
Hi, its Mr.Cooper. Happy Monday and summertime for everybody. We are ready to work hard, and with new Pools option sure it will be hot week for us.
Good news for our customers from Japan: new Japanese version was added today. Welcome to all Japanese people.
Dont forget about our fantastic update, try to invest together with pools.
PS: We are looking for Japanese and Chinese speaking moderators for new chats. Send your summaries on with the mark “Moderator”.
Wish you good week, T. Cooper
OldridgeFund PTY LTD (ZA)

About Thomas Cooper: way to own trading company.
Hi, its Thomas. How is your weekend going?
You know me as the director of the investment company: OldridgeFund PTY LTD.
But behind each company always stay people. The success and the problems depends on how people will act in different situations.
In other words, to estimate the company – you should estimate people who stay behind it.
So i want you to know some facts about me.
Here is all my data and a small history. A way from junior trader to the own investment fund:
Best regards, T. Cooper
OldridgeFund PTY LTD (ZA)

Important upgrade! OldridgeFund Pools
Hello, its Thomas. Wonderful Sunday, isnt it? All people enjoy weekends, but our programmers are the real heroes. They worked hard all week to make an important update of the platform. Finally here it is: Pools area on the OldridgeFund.
The financial market (and all investment projects) work the same scheme: if you have 1000$ you can gain small percent of profit. If you have 1.000.000$, you can get HUGE profit. Thats why rich people around the world increasing their wealth fast year by year.
Thats unfair a bit. If you invest 100$ in OldridgeFund on Scalping – you will get 6% daily income. But if you invest 5001$ – you will gain 7.5%… Same situation?
But we fix that with Pools option. Now you can invest 100$ in 5001$ pool with other investors joining – and get 7.5% profit as well. Thats simple and very profitable.
Try our new fantastic option:
On your account:
Invest together and get the maximum profit!
Best regards, T. Cooper
OldridgeFund PTY LTD (ZA)


I’d like to finish for today by drawing the final results of the poll I asked you to vote for last week on the MNO TalkBack page. As spring gave way to summer it was a great opportunity to inquire just how better or worse things in the industry are going to be within the next few months, or at least in readers opinions anyway. The exact question was – How busy will the HYIP industry be for the summer compared to the last three months?

You may remember that spring was not such an active period at all and the traditional high levels of activity was not really observed, especially during the month of May. So I’m pleased to see that the majority of readers seem to be optimistic about what to expect. 56% replied “The summer is going to be a lot busier in the HYIP industry”. Another 33% thought that “There won’t be much change between now and the autumn” while only 11% of participants came down negativly as they believed “There’s going to be a lot less activity for the next few months”. Of course, having no crystal ball at disposal there will be no right or wrong answers here, as only time will tell who was correct in their guess theory. So we’ll wait and see, although I personally would like to stay optimistic and support the majority view.

Let’s get to the new question now and judging by the reduced activities I know many investors are quite selective in what they put their money in. As there’s never exactly an entirely safe choice in the HYIP industry you can only minimize risk by investing in programs with the most potential to become a success. We all hope that this will be the program we pick and pray for it turn out well. So for the next question is on the main factors you pay attention to when looking for a new program to join. In other words:

What is the main factor that will determine a HYIP’s success?

There could be several things you might be interested in checking before joining a program, but I will ask about what you think is the most important factor you pay attention to. So, the possible answers to the question available for your votes on the MNO TalkBack now are:

– Admin’s personality
– Attractive investment plans
– Variety of payment methods
– High-scale promotion campaign
– Combination of all of the above

Thanks in advance to all who vote in the MNO TalkBack polls and I think that will be useful to determine the industry’s current trends and investors moods. Please click here to vote, as the final results will be drawn sometime next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Weenzee, Coinezos, Hooplex.
From MNO Standard list: OldridgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: GlobalBet.

That’s about it for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading and I hope it pays off for you with some decent profits in the monitored programs, subject to wise spending and significant level of diversification in your portfolio. I will see you again in a couple of days with a detailed look at YesssCapital plus all the latest news and events from the industry’s biggest programs. Please remember to be active and support your favourite programs by voting for them on the MNO monitor and the ShoutBox. I would also be grateful if you answered the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page and add your opinion on the topic. See you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 03/06/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog


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