Hello everyone, and welcome to this weekend’s news bulletin from the HYIP industry brought to you by the MNO blog – the oldest and most respected online investment resource dedicated entirely to highlighting the most promising investment opportunities run by the best admins. After some recent collapses from some short-term programs that better things were expected from the industry seems to be getting back on its feet with more stable medium to longer-term programs like BitAeon, BitBoots, and Weenzee maintaining domination on the market and setting a perfect example of just how much can be achieved by sheer determination and meticulously followed development plans. Without a well thought out strategy we know most HYIPs would fail very quickly and so such forward looking admins should really be appreciated by the community which must support them. And not just with deposits but also promotional work to help them run longer. All three programs we have updates from today are already well-established names in the HYIP industry and much beloved investment ventures. A successful transition from 2018 into the new year if we can still call it that means only the sky is the limit to what they can achieve. The HYIP industry is in a clear upward trend now with more investors than ever looking for high income opportunities, prepared to take the risks but also being aware of the possible rewards for their confidence in the right program and its administration.
There is no doubt in my mind now that in the upcoming weeks we will see some truly outstanding HYIPs launching and advertising on MNO as being the most prestigious resource, so please make a small effort to keep yourself updated on the current state of affairs in the industry by subscribing to regular news updates here, or following MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter. You will be rewarded for that by being the first to be informed of elite investment programs coming your way and capable of delivering truly spectacular results – the same we have been enjoying with such wonderful programs like Weenzee, BitBoots, and BitAeon for many weeks now. The latest updates from them please read below and if you have any personal questions to me regarding any of them or simply would like to list your current or upcoming project please do not hesitate to contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com, submit your query via this form, or chat with me on Telegram messenger @mnoblog. So let’s get started and see what’s in the news today.
I guess no one can deny that BitAeon at the moment is the best investment opportunity for investors with a flexible approach to the accessibility of funds they might need to retrieve at any moment and is now the rightful occupier of the #1 spot on the MNO monitor‘s Premium List after three months online. With BitAeon (reviewed here) you have a chance to earn a 3% fixed rate of interest on your investment starting from 0.005 BTC Monday to Friday which reduces to 1.5% on Saturdays and Sundays. That makes a weekly return of 18% possible with only you in charge on when to request your principal be returned for an automatically deducted 10% fee, making it possible to reach a decent profit and leave BitAeon even after the first week. However, why would you want to do so as the program has been on an upward curve for several weeks now and is currently in the testing stages of launching its own currency with 3% of the daily income now stored in the so-called BitAeon Coin balance. Members are soon expected to take full advantage of this exciting development. The only obvious restriction when dealing with BitAeon is its limitation of only using BitCoin as their sole payment method, although the good thing is that all withdrawal requests are done instantly, so you need to set up some good protection against possible hacking attempts of your account. The admin of BitAeon William (he was interviewed on MNO here) has actually highlighted that issue in the previous newsletter last week. This week though the main focus of the update was on the regional representatives program whose official launch is aimed at contributing to BitAeon‘s further expansion and delivering brand name recognition across the world. Finding your own regional representative will be especially useful for investors whose level of English is not as strong (although the site is available in nine language versions) or who are simply more trusting to representatives from their own country when deciding where to put their hard earned money. If you’re interested in becoming an official representative of BitAeon please contact the admin at the email address provided at the end of the latest newsletter reposted below for your reference:
“Even more accessible
Today we introduce a new feature in our platform – contact our Official representatives! From now on if you want to know more about our company, platform or need help, you can contact our representatives and receive information in your language. Each of our representatives can be contacted via E-Mail, Phone or social apps such as Telegram, Facebook and more. See the full list of our representatives here: https://www.bitaeon.io/contacts#reps
Can not find a representative in your local language? Do not worry, we are constantly hiring and adding new representatives to our list. Chances are that someone you can talk to is being added right at this moment – stay tuned.
Want to become an Official representative? Our representatives automatically receive the Silver affiliate rank. This means that the direct affiliate commission is increased to 7% and additional level (4 levels in total) for the 1% passive referral commission is unlocked. Becoming a representative comes with additional responsibilities towards our company that must be fulfilled at all times. To apply for the representative status contact us via E-Mail: rep@bitaeon.io
The BitAeon Team”.
Many of my readers have already profited from BitBoots which has been featured on the MNO monitor‘s Premium List for close to five months now, reaching the #2 spot on my readers’ popularity list. With BitBoots you can earn if you invest at least $50 through PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin (withdrawals to them are processed instantly) or any of the other 37 cryptocurrencies in the perpetual plan with no expiry date. You will be rewarded then with a fixed 1.1% to 2.2% (depending on the size of your investment) interest rate over an open ended term with an option to release your principal after a 365 day lock-in period. BitBoots (reviewed here) is only one of several websites supposedly bringing an income to its members, many of whom are already in good profit and keeping earning on a daily basis. Even the latest dip in value of BitCoin and other major cryptocurrencies which saw it plunging to long-time lows of 3,500 USD per unit seems to have done little to hinder the development of BitBoots which has been developing quite rapidly lately while successfully recruiting new members and followers during the current upward HYIP trend. So fingers crossed, BitBoots will continue to increase its online presence while earning investors confidence in the long term.
After launching quite a few websites under the same umbrella, Grailum which is the sole owner of the brand name BitBoots have opened a public forum for people looking to discuss the program’s present and future. I cannot see much activities on the forum yet, but it’s new and if you need to ask anything or just share your experience with BitBoots you’re more than welcome to do so following the link posted in the latest newsletter and registering on the forum:
“New Community Site!
New Service!
Grailum Public Forum
A blockchain need a public place for debate, talk and share experience with others in order to grow.
We have therefore setup a public forum to cover this exact purpose to letting the community interact with each other, share ideas and help out where needed.
The service should cover all our sites thou with focus on Grailum blockchain, mining, development and the coins future.
Please feel free to drop a line, also just to say hi!
Grailum community public forum https://grailum.net/
Best regards, Grailum Lab Limited. Grailum Limited (UK)”.
It might be Saturday and the weekend but if there’s one program out there where days off seem to be an alien concept then it’s Weenzee. They just don’t get the idea of downtime, and after establishing this fact in the last two months or so that the program has been online it can be said that Weenzee is definitely a lot stronger today because of this tradition. Commitment to hard work and international promotion, and not just on the web but with offline live events taking Weenzee to investors on a more personal level has propelled them to the very top of the industry, so well done to all concerned. It’s fair to say that Weenzee have been concentrating these efforts on Asian markets, but since the HYIP industry has shifted away from the USA and to a lesser extent from Russia in recent years that’s where the money is now. Public meetings and seminars are happening on a regular basis, and are gradually spreading to more and more cities across Asia as Weenzee continues to expand. This of course might prove a bit more difficult for obvious political reasons in a place like China, but with modern technology and communication being what it is Weenzee can still get through to investors there using online conferences and lectures. In the process this also takes in the smaller but important markets such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the massive Chinese speaking diaspora around the world. This fits in with the ongoing seminars held in hotels and other public meeting spots across places like Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, The Philippines, etc while Weenzee has also been attracting some attention from more mainstream media sources in South Korea.
All well and good you might think but probably means very little to you unless you know something of what Weenzee is all about. So here’s a quick reminder – in exchange for a $30 minimum investment which you can make via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Eos, Dash, Zcash, or Ripple, you will see your account credited with a variable daily return. Usually this hovers around the 1% mark, and you can choose from investment terms that run for 30, 60, 90, 180, or 360 calendar days on expiry of which your initial investment is returned. All withdrawal requests are processed manually by the Weenzee administration and may take up to 72 hours (usually it’s faster though). What really sets Weenzee apart however is the use of their own internal cryptocurrency which I suppose will at some point be launched for the wider general public to buy or sell just like BitCoin and so on. Of course there’s absolutely no obligation for investors to convert your deposit into the this currency, abbreviated to WNZ, but there are some benefits if you do. For one thing you will enjoy an extra 15% extra on top of what ever daily returns are posted for regular members, plus you are allowed the option to withdraw your principal before your plan’s expiry date for a reasonable release fee. If you still have any difficulties with understanding the investment process in Weenzee as it can seem a little overwhelming at first glance, you should refer back to the original review posted on the MNO blog here and keep it open as a guide. All the updates from the Weenzee administration team from the last few days are reposted below:
Coinpress.co.kr is a young portal that actively unites crypto-enthusiasts, developers, owners of blockchain startups, and crypto-investors from one of the most technologically developed countries in the world – South Korea.
In their review, the authors of Coinpress.co.kr talk about the formula for the success of Weenzee, which is simple, ingenious and easy to understand in all languages.
Strong Team of Professionals + World Like-minded Community + Innovative Intelligence!
“Today the project aims to bring people together from taking care of our future and bringing in billions of dollars in revenue using the technologies of the future. ”
“At the head of the project are unique knowledge of experts in cryptography, professional traders and financiers …”
“The main goal of this project is to lead the cryptography market with the services of PinTech, an IT product that has no analogues in the industry.”
We are very impressed that Coinpress editors have analyzed and correctly disclosed to their readers all three components of the Weenzee success formula. We are sure that even more informative articles about Weenzee will appear soon in Korean and other world publications.
You can read the full version of the news at the link: https://www.coinpress.co.kr/2019/01/10/13384/
Follow the news, there are a lot of interesting things ahead!”
The Chinese representatives of Weenzee organize an event specifically for their compatriots: a lecture on the Internet, on a special platform WeChat. To participate – you need to contact the organizers: china0474.
Leaders of Weenzee will tell about their experience of working with our company, about the advantages that it provides and the features of the crypto-business. You can hardly get this exclusive information anywhere else. Therefore, do not waste time contact the organizers and register: do not miss the chance to get new skills and knowledge!
Time: 8:00 pm, January 23, Speaker: Kiki, Course topic: Detailed analysis and analysis of the benefits of the Weenzee system.
The course content will be broadcast simultaneously to the Weenzee Chinese Merchants Group 1-2–8 along with the Weenzee China Community Membership Group.
And if you are already active leader from China and also want to broadcast: join Weenzee team and work with us! To do this, you also need to write to the organizers: china0474”.
GBLS is a significant event for the whole cryptoworld: businessmen, investors, developers and traders from all over the world come to it. Analysts and experts conduct seminars and determine future trends in the blockchain industry.
This time the summit was visited by leaders of WEENZEE and representatives of 3000 different companies. The central part of the event was the awarding ceremony of projects in more than 15 nominations. We took the award in one of the nominations and attracted a lot of investor attention.This is great news for all of us!
On the links you will find a video from the summit, which illustrates the scale of the event, as well as introduces to you our multinational team that represented Weenzee at the event:
We also recommend that you look at the photos from this event, which you will find in one of the news on our website: https://weenzee.com/news/article-60/”.
Our leaders from Indonesia continue to hold seminars, conferences and meetings. Two Table Talks will be held in the cities of Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru.
The meeting participants are provided with a unique opportunity to communicate with one of the most powerful leaders and speakers of the WEENZEE Community in Indonesia.
For several months, Panji Samudra created a team of thousands of leaders and opened the blockchain technology sphere to users from different regions of Indonesia.
All participants of the planned meetings will get not only a massive flow of useful information about the blockchain sphere, but also personal insights and experience in planning and implementing investment strategies together with the innovative WEENZEE project.
Date: January 23, 2019, Location: Banjarbaru (Killiney Cafe), Time: 19:30 PM, Speaker: Panji Samudra
Date: January 24, 2019, Location: Banjarmasin (Cafe Pop Hotel), Time: 19:30 PM, Speaker: Panji Samudra
Looking forward to seeing you there!”
The era of the blockchain has come! Whatever skeptics say, the future of crypto is waiting for us. Weenzee gives you the opportunity to build your own future and be one of the pioneers in this field. The partners of the WEENZEE community organize events for new leaders who have just formed or plan to create their own team in Weenzee. It is YOU who can be one of them!
At each meeting, you are guaranteed to get a basic knowledge of cryptographic technologies, trading bots and cryptocurrencies. In just a couple of hours you will have knowledge of blockchain technologies, and you will understand more than 90% of people. In addition, by applying this knowledge, each of the participants of the event can earn good money.
How? This will be helped by the leaders of our project. They are trained professionals who have been working in the crypto industry for many years.
Important information:
Session I:
Date: January 24, 2019, Address: Tempat ?afe Paris Van Java (JL. Ambon No.11), Time: 18:00 PM
Session 2:
Date: January 26, 2019, Address: Tempat ?afe Paris Van Java (JL. Ambon No.11), Time: 18:00 PM
Presenters: Mr. Yoga, Mr Andry, Contact WA: 085317350601, 081320692244”
The WEENZEE project for several months has captured the minds of people around the world, including Indonesia. Our support receives hundreds of calls from users from all over the country, with invitations to visit a particular city in order to personally communicate with the leaders of Weenzee. This time they will visit the cities of Biak, Abepura and Jayapura and conduct educational seminars there.
At these meeting, everyone will be able to learn a lot about the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, as well as about artificial intelligence and the Weenzee neural networks. Our project is already active in many countries of the world and our trading bots operate on all major crypto-logs. If you have any questions, you can ask them to the speakers and they will be happy to answer them.
1 meeting:
Date: January 25, 2019, Time: 18:00 UTC + 07, Location: Asana Hotel (Jl. M Yamin No.04, Mandala), Speakers: Mr. Imran, Mr Facrurrozi, Mrs. Asri
2 meeting:
Date: January 27, 2019, Time: 19:00 UTC + 09, Location: Rumah Kopi Abepura, Speakers: Mr. Imran, Mr Facrurrozi, Mrs. Asri
3 meeting:
Date: January 28, 2019, Time: 18:30 UTC + 09, Place: Dante’s Coffee (Ruko Pasifik Permai Dok 2), Speakers: Mr. Imran, Mr Facrurrozi, Mrs. Asri
You will be provided with snacks and drinks.
We are waiting for you and your partners!”
China and Hong Kong are in the trend of the global economy, so all of their largest financial centers have already begun to implement blockchain technologies. This was the reason for holding meetings in Hong Kong in order to boost the development of the WEENZEE project there.
At the events, users will be able to exchange experience and skills in the field of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, trading strategies, and also will have the opportunity to start in the Weenzee system.
The WEENZEE system has a balanced investment program and stimulates the development of leadership networks and encourages partners for individual achievements and success of the team. The WEENZEE community allows you to meet successful people and become financially literate while improving your well-being.
You can join the revolutionary WEENZEE system using the most innovative technologies in the world.
Date: 25th January 2019, Time: 2pm – 6pm, Venue: Langham Place https://maps.app.goo.gl/v4hyC, Presenter: Mr Nick Yan, Contact : +60175001115
Date: 26th January 2019, Time: 2pm – 6pm, Venue: Cordis Lounge https://maps.app.goo.gl/1CkUu, Presenter: Mr Nick Yan, Contact : +60175001115”.
Professional and expert Deni Aryanto invites you to a seminar on the development of the cryptosphere: a new sector of the economy, which is becoming larger every year. Be one of the pioneers – start working with Weenzee!
You will be able to explore our robotic trading system, which is based on the most innovative technologies of our time: artificial intelligence, which can instantly process terabytes of data using an advanced reading algorithm. Of course, everyone will have the opportunity to ask any question to our representatives.
For your convenience and comfort you will be provided with drinks and snacks.
Date: January 25, Location: Banjarmasin (Fave Hotel), Time: from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC + 08, Speaker: Deni Aryanto, Contacts: 081348215878
Weenzee – we give new opportunities!”
Curators of Weenzee continue to coordinate daily events according to user requests. The result of the active and coordinated work of curators and team leaders are large-scale events that take place throughout Indonesia. Members receive exclusive first-hand information. The next grand event awaits the residents of the city of Marabahan.
On January 25, from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC 08 come at the Prima Batola Hotel.
A discussion will take place with professionals from the Weenzee team. The topics are about blockchain innovations and the areas of earnings that are associated with them.
Also, everyone will be able to learn in detail about the Weenzee project and the bonuses that it offers to the first participants and leaders of the project. Among them are: the “Partner Status”, a training program, financial support. The whole event will take several hours, so for your convenience you will be provided with drinks and light meals.
Date: January 25, 2019, Time: from 14:00 to 17:00 UTC + 08, Location: Prima Batola Hotel, Speaker: Panji Samudra, Contacts: 081351177107
We are waiting for you and your partners!”
Indonesia is becoming a full-fledged technology center for the whole of Southeast Asia. The number of themed events and exhibitions with major international players is growing. Being in the trend of the crypto industry, WEENZEE concentrates in countries that are enthusiastically developing blockchain technologies and cryptotechnics.
More than 100 VIP-partners of WEENZEE, leaders from the regions, and crypto enthusiasts will meet to discuss the uniqueness of the WEENZEE system in Jakarta. The advantages of the WEENZEE system are obvious not only for users, but also for third-party browsers.
The 4 hours planned for the workshop will be filled with the results of the work, the transfer of invaluable experience, strategic plans and the exchange of contacts between the teams. The Indonesian leaders who organized the event planned to hold closed meetings to unite efforts in the scalability of the WEENZEE network and access to foreign markets.
In addition to the official part, you can expect a coffee break and snacks.
ATTENTION! Admission is free with pre-registration. There is a limited number of seats.
Date: Saturday January 26th, 2019, Time: 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm, Location: Whize Prime Hotel, Contact: 0877 7733 7042 (Awaluddin)
Integrate into the crypto business with Weenzee!”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BitAeon, BitBoots, Weenzee, InstantMiningLimited, CoinIcor.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TophatsFarms, Neuronic.
That was all the news for now, guys. As I’m enjoying my vacation travelling Vietnam I hope you’re getting the best out of your weekend activities as well. In any case, make sure to check out MNO again in the next business week and meanwhile, check out the MNO monitor for any new additions and the most accurate status of the current programs, and take some time to tell us what you think on the MNO ShoutBox and vote on the MNO TalkBack poll whose results will be discussed in just a few days time. Thanks for reading and see you all next week on MNO – For Money Lovers!mn
The post 26/01/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://bit.ly/2Hv3r0v
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