Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog where quality rules over quantity of investment programs thanks to smarter advertising policies that prevent fast scams taking advantage of my readers. Despite December being a traditionally slow month in the HYIP industry with fewer professional programs out there we nevertheless still have Weenzee and a couple of other decent investment projects that you might find worth your while by checking out the MNO monitor. There you will find the list of the most outstanding programs whose admins are working hard to maintain the stability and longevity of their programs and trying to balance the current extreme volatilities in the cryptocurrencies market affecting the HYIP industry. That crisis that sees BitCoin and other currencies falling back to early 2017 levels hugely impacted the performance of most programs lately and resulted in the increased amounts of deliberate fast scams many HYIP investors have been hit by. That’s provided they receive their information and make their investment decisions based solely on other sources rather than picking the right ones with MNO. Unlike others, my site is not here to flood you with dozens of tasteless and shabby looking websites run by cheap serial scammers ready to leave when they get their first smell of a dollar. No, MNO is different and will always be that way. After almost twelve years online it has no longer been my main source of income and I rather treat it now as a hobby that brings me an additional income I can spend on developing myself further and improving my personal communication skills by interacting with people of different backgrounds and nationalities and traveling across the world. For instance, now I’m in Thailand but in a week from now will move to Myanmar and then to Vietnam before returning to home base in London in February. Traveling is my second passion after MNO and keeps my spirits high while inspiring me to make MNO better by serving the online investment community. Make sure to follow the leaders who have already made enough for themselves and are ready to share their experience, because MNO is exactly all about that, guys. Follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe to the regular MNO blog updates delivered straight to your mailbox using this form and join more than 3,500 satisfied readers that are already making money instead of losing it.
Over the last five days I haven’t posted so often for the simple reason that there was very little to report. And that’s a good thing as all the programs featured on the MNO monitor are still healthy and paying fine. Of course we could have had more choice with promising newcomers, but most likely the more experienced admins might prefer to keep it quiet until the New Year and we will see their new creations in 2019. However we cannot dismiss the chance that a new industry giant is already in the making and is ready to launch within the next couple of weeks. I would actually like to hear your opinion on the subject and will ask in the new poll for the MNO TalkBack page to run for the next week or so. I will of course take a closer look and draw the final results of the last poll on Weenzee – the only Sticky listed program on the MNO monitor at the moment – and exactly what its chances are to become the next industry giant. Before the TalkBack piece though let us see the latest developments from the current most popular program from the MNO list which is Weenzee.
It seems like hardly a day goes by without some news from the rapidly developing Weenzee. The program has been delivering investors variable daily returns of around 1% on average for seventeen days already while having been listed on MNO since day one. It’s still too early to say when the first investors are going to be in profit soon as the investment terms are ranging from 30 to 360 calendar days with the principal returned at the end and obviously no one’s in profit yet. What we can safely assume already is that the admin of Weenzee is pretty confident in the ability of his program to deliver great long-lasting results to investors. Otherwise, he wouldn’t spent so much money on advertising (on MNO alone he purchased a top banner and a Sticky List option for two months in advance) and building Weenzee‘s influence not only online but offline as well. With that purpose in mind Weenzee is mostly targeting one of the world’s most populous countries – Indonesia – by conducting regular conferences and leaders meetings in a number of cities there. The program’s recently created Telegram channel is now being followed by over 10,000 people already and that is a good indicator at just how popular Weenzee is getting in certain regions and how much more potential it has to become something truly global
All the latest official updates from Weenzee published over the last five days are reposted below, but something yet to be announced is the official video presentation available not just in one but in five different languages. A brief English speaking version of the video is available both on the Weenzee website and is now embedded on the MNO monitor as well. And last but not least from Weenzee – despite seemingly being overly complicated at first glance those of you who find time to get into the program’s many unique features will certainly be rewarded by benefitting from the long-term vision of the team working behind the scenes. Such programs as Weenzee, a detailed review can be found here, do not come along often enough to miss them and you will be doing yourself a favour by joining. In any case, there is always the helpful online support available where you can ask any questions before choosing the right investment plan. And below you can find the latest newsletters from Weenzee that show the scale of its operations in Indonesia alone:
Rather, go to Telegram on our channel, it contains all the most important and up-to-date information about our project and our company’s plans for the future! Follow the link and subscribe, there is already something to read: https://t.me/weenzee. It is very convenient for those who read the news feed only in messengers.
We are waiting for you on the channel!”
Lecturers Mr. Sudaryono, Mr. Sandy and Mr. Sundary, CCO of the company talked about the basics of the blockchain and about its development and prospects. Also, visitors could learn in detail about our innovative project Weenzee and its benefits for the first participants: zero commission, profitable portfolios and referral system.
There was also time for live communication. All conference participants could ask any question and discuss it with a lecturer. It is extremely important for us to know what concerns the users of the platform, businessmen and traders.
Thanks to everyone who attended this event. We look forward to all the next time, especially those who could not come that time!
And also, continue to subscribe to us in social networks: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi, Telegram https://t.me/weenzee and follow news!”
During the event, which is organized by our representatives from Indonesia,there will be discussed many issues related to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and their development prospects. Our speakers will talk about Weenzee, recommended investment portfolios, zero commission and other bonuses for the first participants at the start of the project. The main coordinator and organizer of the event is Warni Dzakya & Team. Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1233652786789044/.
We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations and in robotic trade. You will learn about Weenzee‘s advanced artificial intelligence and its innovative computational algorithms. Be sure to come and ask questions: we will be happy to answer them. We are waiting for you and your partners!
Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee) and read the news!”
Approximately 30% of trade transactions on the market are carried out using robotic computer programs. And soon this percentage will increase even more. Our team of like-minded people, professional programmers and financiers introduced exclusive artificial intelligence to the blockchain market with a unique reading algorithm.
Soon you will have the opportunity to join the Weenzee team. Come to At RM MEKARSARI, Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 19, Trenggalek and listen to an educational presentation on crypto technology, blockchain and robotic trading.
You can ask any question to our speakers and find out exclusive information that is available only to a few people. Who knows – maybe you will become the leader in our team and will be able to lead the company forward.
Drinks and snacks will be organized for all participants.
Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1031534020381689/
Weenzee – come to conferences, become a leader, because being the first is always beneficial!
Subscribe to Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee), stay tuned!”
If you live in Indonesia, we have good news for you. This is where the blockchain and Weenzee conference will be held soon. It will be held on December 7 at the Batola Hotel at 14 o’clock.
Professionals from our team will talk about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. You will also learn how to make money on the Weenzee platform. You will have the opportunity to study our robotic trading system, which is based on the most innovative technologies of our time: artificial intelligence, which can instantly process terabytes of data using an advanced reading algorithm. Of course, everyone will have the opportunity to ask any question to our representatives.
The whole event will take several hours, so for your convenience you will be provided with drinks and light snacks.
Interested in cryptocurrency, trading and innovation?
Thinking how to use your capital?
Want to make money on the new blockchain technology?
If you answered “Yes!” To at least one question, be sure to come to our conference!”
As you can see from the news above, and this isn’t just because we’d expect Sunday to be a slow day anyway, Weenzee is very much the dominant program in the industry at the moment. It’s only fitting then that it was the subject of the last opinion poll which ran on the MNO TalkBack page over the week just gone. I’ll be adding a new question in just a moment but first let’s recap on Weenzee and what exactly puts them in such a prime position to the first major HYIP giant and driving force behind the entire industry in 2019. (Some people might even joke it’s the first industry giant of 2018 as well, but let’s not go down that road, it’s been a year best forgotten!). It’s a fairly complicated program in comparison to most others, so sorry if this sounds like I’m taking the lazy option here but honestly the best thing you can do to bring yourself up-to-speed on Weenzee is to read the detailed review on MNO that was first published here. You can see that Weenzee positions itself as more of a fledgling cryptocurrency. Plans are mostly longer term, with just one of them running for 30 calendar days and the others running for 60, 90, 180, and 360 calendar days respectively. During that time investors are paid a floating rate of interest per day, on average this is just marginally above or below the 1% mark. What’s curious about Weenzee however, and you are under no obligation to do this, but if you convert your own investment from US dollars to their own “in-house” WNZ currency you will be rewarded with significantly higher returns, 15% above whatever is offered to those sticking to just dollars. You can of course convert your WNZ back into USD on withdrawal, so it’s not as if you need to be afraid of getting stuck with something useless that you can’t spend.
Anyway, the question I asked readers was basically about whether or not they agreed that Weenzee is in such a strong position to dominate the HYIP industry going into 2019. I mean it’s clearly a professional operation and they’ve got a pretty strong opening budget behind them, that much is clear, but are some people maybe distracted by Weenzee not being immediately easy to understand? Maybe others just don’t have the patience for longer term HYIPs this close to Christmas? So, the exact question I asked was: What role do you think Weenzee is going to play in the future of the HYIP industry?
There’s something to be said for every answer of course and there isn’t really such a thing as a “wrong” opinion provided you do some homework on the matter, but mostly people seem to be largely positive. Top of the pile with 38% of the vote was readers saying “It’s going to be a major industry leader, no doubt”. A further 32% of readers were also optimistic but slightly more guarded, saying Weenzee has “Potential to be huge only under the right conditions”. 12% took the understandable line that Weenzee “Will run a long time but too complicated to be popular” which probably indicates it’s just not suitable for their own individual needs at the present time and are happy to hold out for something else to come along. And finally 18% of readers voiced the opinion “I don’t think it will be a long term success”.
So, that in a roundabout sort of way brings me on to the subject of the next opinion poll I’d like MNO readers to think about. As we are now in the closing weeks of the year, an otherwise forgettable one at that, what do you think is going to happen the HYIP industry between now and the New Year holidays? It’s already been well documented that December in general tends to be a quiet enough month anyway, that’s nothing new, but it’s by no means a given that there isn’t a lot going on behind the scenes. In years gone by it was often the case that some of the biggest longer term programs of the following year would take the opportunity to launch when the market was at its lowest point. The admins would just get some of the let’s say “leg work” out of the way in December, such as getting their sites up and running online, get their name established, build up working relationships with big monitors etc. Then when the holidays were over they had a base from which to work and turn these new programs into something really big. A case in point is Weenzee for example, I don’t expect much from them between now and New Year but for 2019 I’m pretty sure they’re going to be huge. This of course is just one possibility, my point being that even if investors don’t necessarily see any obvious activity it doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. So my question for the next MNO TalkBack poll here will be as follows:
What will happen in the HYIP industry from now to the end of 2018?
You can select from the following answers, depending on which one most accurately describes your own thoughts, feelings, or just gut instinct:
– Some big programs might start now but only pick up steam in 2019
– No good programs launched, just fast scams not worth playing
– No major changes, the industry is still suffering the cryptocurrency crash
As always thanks a lot in advance to everyone who takes the time and effort to participate. Every opinion counts and it will be interesting to see how experienced investors that make up the bulk of the MNO readership see this going. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here, and remember it literally only takes a second with all votes remaining 100% anonymous and confidential. The poll will stay open most likely until next weekend, so anyone who wants to vote has more than enough time to think it over and do so.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 120 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Weenzee.
From MNO Premium list: LuxEarn, BitBoots, InstantMiningLimited, BitAeon.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: Luminex.
That’s all the news I have for you this Sunday, guys. I hope you’re having a good weekend and making good profits from the best investment projects featured on the MNO monitor. Remember that if you ever have any questions or suggestions for me please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com, via this contact form, or chat with me in real-time on Telegram @mnoblog. All your favourite programs and their hard working admins will surely appreciate it if you vote for their programs and report your payments on the MNO monitor or the MNO ShoutBox where you can also share opinions with your fellow investors. And of course, your votes on the MNO TalkBack poll will be also highly appreciated. I’ll be back sometime next week with more news from the industry and (who knows) maybe even a new program for you to consider. Stay tuned and talk to you soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 09/12/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/2Em9dPI
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