Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good business week in both the HYIP industry and whatever else you happen to be involved with. It’s been a quiet finish to the week but I’m still pleased to say that this Friday comes with no surprises and that everything covered on my monitor is running smoothly as it should. I don’t know about the rest of you guys but that sure helps me to relax a little bit more over the weekend anyway. To finish off the week however while there might not be much in the way of news stories I do have something I hope you find interesting nonetheless.
One of the most warmly received programs in recent times and perhaps the one arguably most investors have felt the most enthusiastic about has been BitAeon. That’s an “open ended” investment program, in other words one that has no expiry date. Once you join BitAeon your only obligation is to remain a member for 24 hours, after that you can leave anytime you like for a 10% fee. But as long as you stay, the admin will pay you 3% interest per business day, and 1.5% interest per day over the weekend. The program has been hugely popular with MNO readers, and I think it will be even more so before long judging by the amount of feedback and enquiries I’ve been getting and considering many members are already in profit thanks to BitAeon‘s no obligation early principal withdrawal clause. The program was reviewed in more detail on the MNO blog here, but today to explain things in his own words I’m pleased to share an exclusive interview with one of the partners running BitAeon. His name is William, and I guess I should just leave it at that and allow him to do the rest of the talking:
“1. Hi Admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in BitAeon and what your own role is in the day-to-day running of the program.
Hello everyone! My name is William and I am the communications manager at BitAeon Limited. My daily duties include communication with advertisers, managing social campaigns and preparing our press releases. Today I will be answering some questions on behalf of our company director Dr. R.Sherman.
2. Can you give us some background information on BitAeon? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?
BitAeon Limited was formed back in mid 2017 and not too long after that the work on development of our investment platform started. The idea to create this platform was born long before that. It happened when Dr. Sherman, an experienced financial trader, met with his friends who have been working on Blockchain related technologies. He was fascinated by all the possibilities Blockchain offered and immediately knew that this is the future. Trading assets is still at the core of our business model, but it has expanded vastly and covers many Blockchain related activities such as mining. You can read all and more about how our company operates, our future plans and road-map on the About us page.
Currently our active staff number count has reached 7 people, including traders, analysts, developers, programmers, communications and advertising personnel. In addition we actively conduct business with handful of contractors for when it is needed.
The first time our platform officially went online was in September 10th when we started our closed testing. It was open to public investors a little later after that on October 23rd.
3. Something that I would like to clear up immediately is an attempted extortion/blackmail campaign against BitAeon. How is this being orchestrated and what should genuine investors be watching out for so they know “fake votes” are indeed just that, fake?
Blackmail and extortion is nothing new in the online industry. At some point every business has to deal with some form of threats ranging from blackmail to creation of negative reviews and deceitful comments to DDOS attacks and hacking attempts. Their goal is to make you pay them while in return they promise not to post the negative comments etc. This is nothing new, but many investors are not informed and may be impacted by these malicious posts.
In our case, there are a few individuals who just kept on threatening and spamming us to a point where we could not ignore them any more and had to take action. They are the “cancer” to the online industry and should be “cut out” once and for all. That is why we advice our investors and community managers such as you to inform everyone about these criminals. If you see false, negative claims about our project be sure to contact us so that we can take appropriate actions.
4. So now please explain the investment plan in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? How many confirmations are needed before a deposit becomes an active investment? Explain the early release feature for members who don’t want to stay with BitAeon for the longer term.
BitAeon offers a one, single investment package called “Aeon”. This package offers interest rates of 3% on business days and 1.5% on weekends for an unlimited investment period. We have combined all our diversified investment portfolios in this one package in order to generate these return rates on daily basis. The minimum amount to create your first deposit is only 0.005 BTC and there are no limits on maximum deposit amount nor the number of deposits you can create. All deposits are automatically activated after the transaction has at least 1 confirmation. In addition we offer a “deposit return” feature that allows you to return some or all of your deposit (principal) at anytime. Performing this operation does come with a fee of 10%, but it gives our investors full control and freedom over their funds and investment duration.
5. Why have you decided to work exclusively with BitCoin? Why are there no other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, etc. in use and will they be added later? What is the timescale for processing withdrawal requests (such as instant, manual, etc) and how can we be sure that they are safe?
BitCoin is and will be the worlds number one cryptocurrency. We have chosen it as our main medium due to the fact that it is wildly accepted in many trading platforms and can be easily traded just like any other currency. A big plus for cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin is how fast the payments can be processed. It allows us to pay our members and process their withdrawals instantly. We do have plans to add additional currencies but more about that later.
6. How secure is the website of BitAeon? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
BitAeon platform is highly secured. We are hosted on dedicated servers and all the connections are encrypted with 2048-bit SSL certificate provided by COMOD. The servers are hosted by DDOS-GUARD, a company that needs no introduction and has offered the best anti-DdoS protection for many years. We have done everything on our end to protect your data, but we strongly advise our investors to make sure they always keep their login information safe and do not share it with anybody.
7. What kind of script is BitAeon running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for your members?
The BitAeon investment platform was built from ground up using a fully custom script. It was created by our developers with highest security standards in mind. By having our own script we can be sure that there are no “back-doors” or malicious code that can jeopardize our clients data. In addition, we have full control over the code and can easily build and develop new features as we wish.
8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? What hours is customer support most active, and what level of technical support can operators provide members other than just general information enquiries?
All the available contact options are listed in our Contacts page. Our investors can contact us using the built in contact form, send us an email to help@bitaeon.io or contact us via Telegram: @BitAeon. All contact options are available 24/7 and offers full technical support.
9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
We built our platform with investors as the top priority and spent a lot of time to make sure everything is clear and easy to understand. So far we have had no single question or problem that is repeating too often. Most questions come from members who have no experience dealing with BitCoin and are asking for suggestions and guidelines on how to acquire them. If you have any questions, be sure to contact us and we will be happy to help.
10. How have you been promoting BitAeon so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?
To ensure a steady growth, every day we are advancing our advertising strategy and finding new ways to reach our audience. Our advertising department has done extensive research and we keep receiving hundreds of offers every day. Starting from banner ads and promotional videos to listings on blogs and websites – we are doing it all. So far everything is advancing according to our plans. We have had great results and there is still a lot more for us to do in the future.
11. To be blunt, even the more experienced readers have been going through a difficult time in the HYIP industry for most of this year. What can you tell them to convince us that BitAeon has a viable strategy to still be online when things pick up?
The online investment industry has had its ups and downs lately, but we ask you not to judge us by the works of others. Our team is working hard to make sure the BitAeon becomes the best investment platform for years to come. We truly want this to be a long term success but at the end of the day the investors are the ones who make the decisions. The main advantage our platform has to offer over the others is the possibility to close your investment at anytime. You, the investor, are in control and can operate with your funds at your will, significantly reducing the level of risk you are taking.
12. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?
All deposited funds are transferred to our joint funds pool together with company funds. Each deposit receives a set share size according to the invested amount. The share size is used to determine the ROI (Return on Investment) value of each individual contribution. The joint funds are used in various investment ventures managed by our expert traders. We specialize in multiple portfolios in order to maximize the efficiency of our investments. Our investment activities include, but are not limited to: Forex trading, Digital exchange, P2P exchange, P2P lending, Startup funding and BitCoin mining. Received dividends and income are transferred back to your personal account according to your share size. You can read more about our company on the About us page.
13. What about the future direction of BitAeon? Where do you see the program going in the coming weeks and months? What plans do you have for the future development and improvement of your site and can we expect any changes?
We have some exciting future plans in store for the BitAeon investment platform. The BitAeon roadmap is publicly accessible and illustrates some of the main goals of our company. Our developers have been working hard to prepare the next stage of our evolution. We are planing to develop our own, personal cryptocoin. This would make sure our investment platform is independent of other currencies and allow us to accept multiple payment methods when buying our coins. Having our own cryptocoin would give us even greater flexibility for our investment operations. Some of the key features our wallet is going to offer: Private keys, Transparency, Backup & security and many more.
The plan is to start active development early next year and have a fully functioning test phase ready on Q2 2019 followed by a closed ICO sale soon after that. Stay tuned for your chance to become a closed tester.
I guess that is it for this interview. Thanks to everyone who devoted their time to learn more about our company and if you have any questions of your own, be sure to contact us. Have a good day!”
That’s about it for today guys, just to say thanks as always to everyone for reading and also to William for taking the time and trouble to answer my questions. I hope you all found it interesting and perhaps helpful in deciding if BitAeon is a suitable addition to your portfolios.
I’ll be back on Monday with any further news from the HYIP industry worth hearing about, and I’ll also be drawing the final results of the MNO TalkBack opinion poll. So if you haven’t done so yet please use this final opportunity to have your say and cast a vote. The subject of the still current poll concerns Telegram discussion groups related to online HYIPs. Meanwhile remember that you can stay informed by following MNO on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, by subscribing to have the daily news updates mailed directly to your inbox through this form, and can contact me either at abramsonp@gmail.com, via this contact form, or chat live in real time on Telegram @mnoblog. And of course remember to always keep an eye on my monitor for status changes and for new opportunities. Enjoy your weekend everyone, and see you all on Monday on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 09/11/2018. Interview with the Admin of BitAeon appeared first on MNO Blog.
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