Hi everyone and welcome again to the MNO blog, the guiding light for smart investors looking for the best investment opportunities in the HYIP industry. Due to the ongoing price crash in cryptocurrencies where BitCoin alone dropped from 6.5K to the 4K it sits at today the whole HYIP world was shaken and stirred with many scams reported on some other monitors and blogs. Not one scam was reported on the MNO monitor for many weeks until today when CoinFinance unexpectedly collapsed though generally investors who chose programs from my list are in great profits (even with CoinFinance it was possible to make over 60% profit). You might wonder why this is happening. Well, the answer is simple – unlike other greedy monitors MNO is not here for a fast buck from literally anyone who pays to being listed. Instead of dealing with hundreds of cheap programs run by inexperienced admins ready to scam as soon as they get the smell of the first few dollars I prefer a more selective approach with sizeable advertising budgets and professional admins at the helm in it for the long haul. The listing prices on the MNO monitor are the highest in the industry, but it’s done for the benefit of my readers to weed out the potential junk as well as saving my own time which I prefer not to waste in this way. I hope that even the hardline skeptics would agree now this advertising strategy has proved to be just right on point. MNO has actually become living proof that even in periods of low investment activities in the HYIP industry it’s not just possible but very probable to start earning a supplemental income for yourself and your family. Provided of course you follow a strategy of always diversifying your investment portfolio, picking the right programs from the MNO monitor, join at the right time and with amounts you’re not afraid to lose and which you can earn back by other means if things go wrong for some reason.
So far the autumn on MNO has proven extremely fruitful for many readers earning good profits and watching out for promising newcomers that might come their way. Just take the recently listed Weenzee for instance which opted for the most expensive Sticky listing on the MNO monitor which will hopefully give them a clear edge over the competition. So if you just want truly outstanding programs and forget about fast scams once and for all make sure you follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates or subscribe to get the most detailed programs reviews and blog entries to your email address by submitting and confirming it on this page.
In today’s news I have the latest updates from Weenzee which also features in the new poll to be asked in the MNO TalkBack page where the results of the last poll will be drawn as well. And at the end we will look back at how CoinFinance flourished on MNO and paid instantly to everyone for almost three months and say goodbye to this wonderful program. Let’s get started then, shall we?
Weenzee has been doing quite well so far and the program keeps its daily earnings hovering around the 1% mark as described in my review of the program posted here. By joining Weenzee you will get an opportunity to earn variable profits for terms ranging from 30 to 360 calendar days with your principal back on expiry. It’s up to you how much to invest as the minimum starts from only $30. Weenzee will take USD deposits via PerfectMoney, or you can make an investment using any of the following cryptocurrencies – BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, BitcoinCash, EthereumClassic, Zcash, or Ripple. There is also an in-house currency available called WNZ and if you choose to convert your deposit into WNZ you can take advantage of even higher daily earnings. Although it’s stated on the website that withdrawals might take up to 72 hours to be processed by the admin, I imagine this rule will only fully apply when the program grows bigger. For the moment I myself am getting paid usually within a few hours to my PerfectMoney account. Weenzee has a huge operational budget and already paid for a top banner on the MNO monitor while upgrading its listing to the most expensive Sticky option not for one, but for two months in advance.
Weenzee is already becoming a hit among MNO readers despite being so new and appearing on my monitor only ten days ago. The team of Weenzee are working super hard to not only promote the program online on major HYIP-related resources including MNO, of course, but also try to build a leadership team first in Indonesia which in itself presents a huge potential for the program to fight for the market share in this fourth most populous country in the world. You might remember from the last news update on MNO that just a few days ago there was a leadership meeting in one of the largest cities of Indonesia. In the latest news from Weenzee posted over the last few days a major highlight was on that event which got its own photo report. An announcement of yet another leaders meeting from the day before yesterday, and for tomorrow another event is scheduled where both current and future leaders and participants are welcome to attend. If you live in Indonesia you might definitely be interested in the new income opportunities that Weenzee offers both for your personal financial needs and to flex your promotional muscle and build a truly spectacular downline. MNO, for instance, has already achieved the second of eight so-called “career levels” and if people are recruiting in the offline field then they might achieve absolutely fantastic results. It’s important for Weenzee‘s current and future members and the program’s overall prosperity much events that are described in the latest updates below to be happening more frequently and in different countries too:
Location: Pasuruan, Kebon Pring Resto, Ahmad Yani Street 236, Date: 28/11/2018, Time: 2 pm
Host: Mr. Sudaryono, Mr. Sandy and Mr Sundary, CCO of the company
Very soon we will hold a major event for the top leaders in Indonesia. Our meeting of 50 top leaders will be held there on November 28th! The conference will start at 2 pm in Kebon Pring Resto. There we will talk about global topics and specifically about the prospects and development of our project.The event will be attended by various experts, specialists and potential partners from around the world. Real pros will discuss a powerful project and big money!
We are in Indonesia, which means blockchain is in Indonesia!”
The meeting was held in the cozy POP Hotel Cafe n Resto under the guidance of one of our top managers in Indonesia, Panji Samudra. In a friendly atmosphere, the leaders of the company were able to talk about both global trends in the blockchain industry and the development of Weenzee.
Coordination of actions of the Weenzee project participants is the most important aspect of the work in our project. This was, in the first place, discussed by the leaders at this meeting. The effectiveness of the development of the company depends on how successfully our leaders will communicate our principles and our policies to the project participants, as well as to ordinary people.
According to the participants, the proposals of our company were met with great enthusiasm. People were interested in learning about an innovative and profitable project. Many were involved in the development of the project, were registered and made the first deposit.
Also, the leaders discussed the necessity and importance of interaction in social networks, so they allow you to quickly and conveniently communicate with people and organize different meaningful events. Therefore, subscribe to us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/weenzeeai), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee) and follow the news!”
An increasing number of leaders and participants join the innovative project Weenzee. And we try to satisfy all your wishes and requests. Including requests about holding open tables in different cities.
This time we are announcing such an event in Bojonegoro on December 1 from 7:00 to 10:00 UTC + 07. We will gather in cozy Coffee Barista & Resto and discuss Weenzee, development plans and the latest cryptoworld news. Speaker Mr. Alif will also talk about the different advantages of the project for the first participants: for example, about zero commission and profitable portfolios.
And also, continue to subscribe to us in social networks: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee) and follow the news!”
Our leaders in Indonesia continue to work hard on the project. In a few days, Partner Weenzee Panji Samudra will arrange a meeting with the participants of Weenzee, as well as many people who wish to join our ranks. The entrance is completely open and free, as are the snacks that will be offered by the meeting participants. During the event, the presenter will tell a lot of insider and exclusive information about the development of the cryptocurrency market and Weenzee, which is now being integrated there.
Do not forget: the meeting will take place on December 1 at Jalan Haryono mt. No. 16 in the Aria Burito Hotel (Kapuas Ballroom) and will continue from 14:30 to 16:00. We are waiting for you and your partners! Link to event:
And also, continue to subscribe to us in social networks: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee) and follow the news!”
For the next item in today’s news update I want to look at the results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page during the week just gone. In keeping with the news article just posted I’m to change things around a bit and start with the new question first. Weenzee is by far the most talked about new program around at the moment, the one most people have expressed the highest expectations from, so let’s stay on topic for the moment.
OK, I’ll be the first one to admit this, I sometimes fail in keeping a balance between my impartiality and neutrality as a monitor, and my personal enthusiasm as a private investor and blog writer. Usually I think I do a good job in separating the two, but every so often, maybe even just once per year sometimes, a program like Weenzee comes along and all that goes out the window. You see, sometimes it’s in my role as a professional monitor that I see things about a program that the average investor might not always be aware of. In the case of Weenzee for example I can tell you there is a serious professional crew in operation here, and while the market conditions in the HYIP industry today may not be as favourable as they were let’s say 12 months ago, I don’t think that’s going to have a major impact on the future of this project.
Weenzee are taking a much longer term view here, seeing the bigger picture and not just “chasing a fast buck” like 99% of the programs listed on other monitors seem to be doing these days. It’s not an easy program to get to grips with, especially if you are an industry newbie, but I think I did a reasonable job of explaining how it all works in my review of Weenzee posted here. Certainly the Weenzee admin doesn’t seem to have any complaints about it anyway! There’s a much bigger operating budget here, and it’s been spread across the whole development and marketing strategy. For example, some of the things you might not have been aware of that Weenzee are doing to reach a mainstream audience (and not just limiting themselves to the rather closed usual HYIP community) is placing themselves in Google ads and other popular search engines. “In app” advertising has also started popping up so let’s be very clear on one thing here – these guys know what they are doing and have the financial muscle to do it. It would take an absolute catastrophe to prevent Weenzee from becoming the first major industry hit of 2019 and probably well into the year at that (sorry, I’ve pretty much given up on anything big happening in 2018 as December starts tomorrow).
My question for MNO readers then is how you see the future of Weenzee and its role in the industry. Please note now that I’m NOT asking if you are going to join the program or whether you personally think it will be profitable. A lot of people don’t bother with longer term investments such as what Weenzee offer, that’s OK, it’s totally a matter of what suits individual needs at any given point. You don’t necessarily have to find any individual program suitable for you to at least acknowledge it’s going to play a major role in the future of others. So don’t just take my word for it, please feel free to disagree, feel even freer to tell me why you disagree, but at least do some research. Ask for other opinions, look around HYIP and other non-HYIP related forums where Weenzee is being debated for instance, and give it some thought. The program isn’t going anywhere for a long time so there’s no rush to jump to conclusions.
And if you need to then take your time in considering the following question, it’s going to stay open for another week at least. The exact question therefore will read as follows: What role do you think Weenzee is going to play in the future of the HYIP industry?
Possible answers can be taken from the following options:
– It’s going to be a major industry leader, no doubt
– Potential to be huge only under the right conditions
– Will run a long time but too complicated to be popular
– I don’t think it will be a long term success
As usual I just want to say thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time and effort to participate, and remind you that all votes remain 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. Of course if you want to you’re still free to discuss the matter on the MNO ShoutBox and share your thoughts with your fellow readers and why you voted the way you did. And since it literally only takes a second to cast a vote you may as go ahead and make your voice heard, no one opinion is any more or less important than another, and the more people we hear from the better.
Let’s get back to the previous poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page now and see how that one went. Also a topical subject, something it seems never far from the mainstream business news these days in fact, the falling value of BitCoin and most other cryptocurrencies has been widely discussed in newspapers, television, and other media recently. No reason then for us in the HYIP industry not to debate how it affects our little unknown corner of the universe. The question that I asked readers was the following: How will the falling value of BTC affect the HYIP industry in the short term?
Results were a mixed bag for sure, though the single biggest bloc of voters, 40% of you in fact, said that the single most important change this will affect in the HYIP industry is that “Many weak programs will collapse due to inexperienced admins”. Well, that’s probably true for a lot of what you see covered on other monitors, I’m pleased to say this hasn’t really been the case with the programs on MNO with only a very small number of closures in the last several months and even those were still profitable for investors before they ended. 20% of the voters took a more optimistic and also more aggressive view that “Bigger and stronger programs will launch as higher volatility helps earnings”. 10% of you took voiced the opinion that the most visible impact falling crypto exchange rates will have on the HYIP industry will be “There will be less programs that only deal exclusively with cryptocurrencies”. Personally I don’t think there are any wrong answers in there, all of those events are currently playing out in front of us to a greater or lesser extent. If I was personally inclined to vote in my own polls I would have gone alone with the 30% of voters who said “All of the above will happen as a direct result of recent events”.
As I’ve already mentioned above, over the last several months on MNO the number of programs that have closed has been kept to the absolute minimum. As for the ones that have closed, few could ever be deemed “fast scams” as for the most part their admins did manage to put a substantial number of investors comfortably into profit. Little comfort to the ones who were too late and lost money, but that’s the nature of gambling. Regrettably that short list has today grown to include CoinFinance, an albeit once excellent program with which the admin was no longer able to continue. To his credit the CoinFinance admin contacted me earlier today and very candidly admitted the game is up, he’s simply not able to make any further payments. The reason I’m grateful for his candour in this case is that there are several different ways he could have gone about pulling the plug. While so many others would have launched all sorts of ridiculous high interest schemes promising vast rewards, bonus plans, limited offers, etc in this case the admin decided not to exploit the investors or the trust they put in the good name of CoinFinance by pulling any cheap stunts. That perhaps does little to soften the blow to anyone who lost money, but I at least think that everyone was given a fair and even handed chance to make a profit if they wished to take it. The fact that it doesn’t work for everyone is the risk you take.
The admin sent a personal e-mail to me earlier outlining the situation with the program and highlighting what went wrong. I don’t need to go over the painful details here, overanalysing things isn’t going to achieve anything, though due to the nature of CoinFinance‘s plans and being the only program to actively convert BTC deposits into USD most of you can probably figure out where this is going. Had exchange rates actually been climbing in the opposite direction instead of falling we’d be telling a very different story today. Perhaps that’s what the admin was hoping for, I wouldn’t be in a position to say, but that’s all purely academic at this point. If you joined CoinFinance when it first came to MNO you would by now have a cool 160% back on your investment by now. Most of you anyway, bigger spending players could have netted quite a bit more from the higher interest rates paid to above average sizes deposits. So with that in mind, commiserations to anyone who lost but that’s not going to change my own mind that CoinFinance will be remembered as a successful and profitable program for a respectable percentage of its members. I’d have no problems whatsoever in accepting the admin’s next project should he ever wish to return, but for now unfortunately his current one is dead in the water. So that’s the final word for today guys, CoinFinance is finished, do not invest!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Weenzee.
From MNO Premium list: LuxEarn, TokenLogic, InstantMiningLimited, BitBoots, BitAeon.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: Luminex (the first payments received).
That’s it for today, guys. I hope you have found the information useful and will take note of it in your search for financial freedom. Trust me, I launched MNO more than a decade ago knowing few things about HYIP but constant self-improvement by way of learning new things allowed me to lead the lifestyle I always dreamed on and travel a lot with now spending the next few days on the Thai tropical paradise island of Koh Tao. Whether I’m home or on vacation though I try to dedicate as much time running MNO for the benefit of my readers. So take advantage of that and start earning some good profits from the best online investment opportunities on the MNO monitor. Remember that for any questions or suggestions you are always welcome to contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com, submitting your query via this contact form, or just by chatting with me in real-time on Telegram @mnoblog. Please be more active and support your favourites by reporting your payments on the MNO ShoutBox and share your thoughts on Weenzee becoming the next big thing in the poll you can find on the MNO TalkBack. I’ll be back with more from the HYIP industry and its best programs in a few days. Best of luck with your investments and talk to you soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 30/11/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog https://ift.tt/2AzNNKM