Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having a good weekend so far wherever you are, maybe even getting into the Eurovision spirit if that’s your thing. I’m going to take a break from the usual news updates tonight, I’m on vacation right now after all, but I still have something a little different for you. I’ll definitely have a major news update for you tomorrow though, because I have one brand new program I need to review and another new addition to the MNO monitor that I’ll be introducing. Stay tuned for that, but back to tonight and I have an interview with the admin of BitLandis. You might remember this one as being reviewed on my blog at the start of the week which you can still read here, despite being online in some shape or form since late last year. That of course is because BitLandis spent most of this time off the radar as a so-called sleeper program, until the admin has decided the time is right to start getting to work on it a bit more seriously. BitLandis is you could say more of a medium term program with just the one investment plan paying 2.2% for 30 days, principal back on expiry. Unusually for a program of this nature however the admin also allows you to take your principal back anytime before the expiry date for a 10% fee, but that’s al explained in more detail in the BitLandis review. So let’s hear what the admin has to say for himself, whether you think it makes sense or not, and if he convinces you to make BitLandis part of your portfolios.
“1. Hi Patrick, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in BitLandis and what your own role is in the day-to-day running of the program.
Hello investors, this is Patrick from Germany. Nice to meet you all and introduce myself and BitLandis. I have been engaging in traditional venture capital market for more than 10 years. In addition, I started to trade bitcoin in the year 2012, while its price was about $10. Basically I am a big fan of bitcoin. The main role in company is to make major corporate decisions especially in trading and the full use of resources to make company grow steadily.
2. Can you give us some background information on BitLandis? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?
In the past ten years, our team has achieved great success in forex and futures market, which provides the fundamental confidence in cryptocurrency market. The fact proves that is right. Since we launched BitLandis in Oct 2017, over $15 million pure profit has been earned. There are 15 staff in our company. Steve is COO in charge of marketing, and David is CTO responsible for technical issues. We are an enthusiastic and professional team. BitLandis project has been online for 218 days as of today (May 12th).
3. You launched your program some time ago but are only now promoting it more aggressively. Does this help somehow make BitLandis easier to manage? What changes and improvements have been carried out since the original version first appeared?
Last year Steve did not promote much as the whole project is too new and so not as stable as we expected. Since this year the system seems to be running smoothly, and so our trading profit, which is growing fast with the increasing price of bitcoin from $7500 to $9500 in the past three months. Therefore it is a chance to promote. In the past few months we have made great improvements in system security, high traffic loading capability, and the trading risk management system.
4. So now please explain the investment plan in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? Explain the early release feature for members who don’t want to stay the entire term.
There is only one investment plan in our system, which offers 2.2% daily profit for 30 calendar days. After 30 days, your initial investment will be returned to your account balance, so you can choose to reinvest or withdraw. The total profit is 66%, which is high level profit in the cryptocurrency trading market. There is always somehow you want to use money urgently. So we provide the offer to withdraw early before the contract matures. This will incur a charge of a 10% fee. This fee is charged to handle the instability of the capital pool for trading.
5. What payment options are you currently accepting? What has been the most popular so far. What is the timescale for processing withdrawal requests (such as instant, manual, etc)?
We accept AdvCash, Payeer, PerfectMoney, and Bitcoin to fund.
Undoubtedly BitCoin is the most popular.
The withdrawals are instant, and no need to wait.
6. How secure is the website of BitLandis? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
David is responsible for the safety of BitLandis. As I know, we use the highest level plan of our current host provider, up to 2Tbps anti-DDOS protection. The files and data are backed up in real time. The system does not allow to change email, and detects the IPs and browser changes to identify the account security. You will always need to have a transaction code to edit your profile or withdraw. So far we do not have our investors’ accounts hacked. Still, the security is the most important thing we pay attention to.
7. Can we see any statistics regarding BitLandis? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?
At present, there are more than 13,000 investors, and about 30% are active. There is a successful withdrawal made every 3 minutes. I am pleased with the support from our members. Definitely most of new members are referred by our old investors. Some investors have achieved good profits. There are more than 30 investors have gained over $100,000 profit. The satisfaction of our investors is the most effective promotion!
8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? What hours is your Live Chat active during, and what level of technical support can they provide members other than just general information enquiries?
Members can always get in touch with our company by live chat, email and support form. Any doubts will be answered in 12 business hours. Live chat will be available daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Account related questions, trading enquiries, cryptocurrency knowledge can be well handled by our support besides general information provided.
9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
From the feedback from support department, members most ask if the principal will be returned? How safe is your company? Why my BitCoin deposit is not set up? If I forget transaction code, how to reset it? Investors are always welcome to contact our customer support for any questions. We will be always ready to help you.
10. How have you been promoting BitLandis so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?
We do not promote BitLandis much before now. Until recently, we find this is the right time to do something. We promote at traditional HYIP monitor lists, and also focus on the cryptocurrency blogs, networks. Then we will think to do it offline. For the marketing, our COO Steve has his own thoughts, like offer representative program, video testimonial, social group, and etc. The most effective promotion I think is the investors’ satisfaction of our company.
11. To be blunt, the more experienced readers are having a difficult time in the HYIP industry. What can you tell them to convince us that BitLandis has a viable strategy to still be online when things pick up?
The HYIP industry is always going up and down like traditional forex and futures markets. It goes where it should be. We can not change it but only involve in the market and make it better. The cryptocurrencies undoubtedly bring new energy to this industry. We are early birds in this trend. BitLandis just started, and has great potential to help both newbies and pros to dig up gold with the new tide. And we did provide good profitability for our investors.
12. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?
Investors’ funds are put into our trading capital pool. Then our professional traders will take care of it to generate profits by trading. Then most of the profits will share to our investors. We take part of it as our company own profit. This is a win-win system both for company and investors. Our company will also set up the back up fund pool to guarantee our investors’ 2.2% daily profit even in worst economic conditions.
13. What about the future direction of BitLandis? Where do you see the program going in the the coming weeks and months? What plans do you have for the future development and improvement of your site and can we expect any changes?
In the future, I will continue to improve our trading system with our team, that is the fundamental of BitLandis. Besides BitCoin trading, we may also think to add EOS trading pair. As we know, EOS will be the new rising cryptocurrency, and it has a greater performance compared to ETH. This background work may be not noticed by our investors, but it is important for our company. Another change will be investors’ support improvement. We will add social groups and representative programs to better serve the community.
14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.
Finally, I want to say that Blockchain technology will change the world as the internet did 20 years ago. In the near future, maybe 10 years or 20 years, cryptocurrencies will dominate the financial world and even daily life. Investors should seize this change and take part in the tide early. I wish all investors here gain great fortune and a happy life! Thanks for your time for reading such a long article!”
So there you have it, the interview with the admin of BitLandis Patrick whom I would like to express my thanks for taking the time out of his busy schedule. I hope the interview will be useful for you and help you understand the program’s features better whether you have already invested in BitLandis or are still sitting on the fence undecided. Best of luck to the admin and fingers crossed he will be able to run it as well as he has been doing it so far for a long time to come.
Despite being the weekend I have a lot of work on for tomorrow, as all the news updates that accumulated over the last three days will be posted on my blog to highlight all the new features and developments from the MNO monitored programs (note that UltraFXLimited has stopped paying and was moved to Scam already!). The main focus of my attention tomorrow will be a more detailed review of Impressio and the introduction of a brand new program added to the MNO Standard List earlier today called Tokenizer which I also intend to review next week. You can always get real time updates on MNO via Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe for the blog posts to be delivered regularly to your mailbox here. I’ll be pleased to answer all your questions and satisfy your advertising requests, so email me at abramsonp@gmail.com, contact via this form, or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. Be active on the MNO TalkBack as the final results of the poll will be drawn tomorrow as well with a new question posted. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, guys, and see you all tomorrow on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 12/05/2018. Interview with the Admin of BitLandis appeared first on MNO Blog.
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