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Monday, January 22, 2018

22/01/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to what surprises the week ahead has to offer. I myself am beginning a new chapter as my all too short stay in Thailand comes to an end in the ancient city of Chiang Mai and I pay my first ever visit to Laos. Long term readers will know however that even if I take a vacation, MNO does not. Work on my blog and especially my monitor will continue as always no matter where in the world I go, that’s always been my personal guarantee to my readers. If you take the time to read MNO, then the least I can do is take the time to make sure the information and monitoring statuses are as up-to-date as possible. So, for today’s news update we have the latest from TatWex, Automatix, Octoin, and TudorGames. But before all that I want to start for a change with the results of the last opinion poll to run on the MNO TalkBack page.


One of the biggest most significant developments in the HYIP industry in recent times, maybe even ever, has been the relentless march of cryptocurrencies. Once they got a foothold in the industry at all it was always obvious to me that they would go on to dominate the financial side of things eventually, though I was a little surprised at how it took longer than I anticipated. The closure of the LibertyReserve payment processor was basically the fire clearance that was needed to facilitate the takeover, but that’s another story. BitCoin of course is the obvious one being almost a household name at this stage, but there are many others. The last question I asked readers was about how this has influenced their activities in the industry, or specifically: How big a role do digital e-currencies play in your HYIP investments?
The clear winner with 60% of the vote was the option “I much prefer the traditional Dollar based processors”. 30% took a more mixed view with the answer “I use different payment methods and don’t favour one or the other”, while trailing in a distant third place with a surprisingly low 10% of the vote was “I almost always use cryptocurrencies when possible”.

Well, actually it isn’t really that surprising. Not anymore, anyway. Maybe had I asked the very same question just 12 months ago these results would be an exact mirror image of what you guys voted for now, but the frustration many people feel using cryptocurrencies at the moment throws up the results we see now instead. I’m no expert in the field of cryptocurrencies, but as a regular user and the owner of a business that works with BitCoin I have the very same experience as everyone else, so yes, I can identify the problems as well as anyone. Fixing them however is a whole other matter! For one thing the value and exchange rates between cryptocurrencies and hard currencies is notoriously volatile. It seems to be either extreme gains or extreme losses with almost nothing in the middle, so for all the good luck stories you hear about people getting rich quick you can be sure there’s at least as many who lost big time as well. So by the time your investment in a HYIP matures and you get paid, the value of your principal plus profit at the end can easily be worth less than the value of just your principal by itself at the start of the term due to falling exchange rates. Throw in the near constant delays for transactions to be completed, sometimes taking days for your deposit to show in your account, and the almost extortionate mining fees that make smaller transactions all but pointless, and we can see why the popularity of cryptocurrencies has taken a dip. That’s not to say I think their influence in the HYIP industry is over, far from it actually, but a change in how this will manifest itself in the future is inevitable. They will be the dominant force in the HYIP industry again, of that much I am sure, but not in the current format. “Necessity is the mother of invention” as the old saying goes, and a change is clearly necessary here.

Anyway, on to the next question. The subject of traditional style payment handlers versus digital or crypto currencies is always hotly debated. The advantages of one over the other are numerous, though for reasons described above people are coming down a lot more strongly on the side of the older dollar based processors once more. My question for you this week then is about your favourite payment method for HYIPs. Not necessarily the one you use most often now, the choice can vary from program to program, but rather the one you like using the best. The one that when available you would normally decide to use because you like it more than the alternatives. The exact question will be:

What is your favourite payment method in the HYIP industry?

Answers are as follows:

– PerfectMoney, – Payeer, – AdvCash, – BitCoin

As usual the poll will remain open on the MNO TalkBack page here for around the next week to ten days or so. In other words long enough for anyone who wants to vote to have enough time to do so. Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, it’s up to everyone to express their thoughts, and remember there are never any right and wrong answers in these polls. Voting is completely anonymous and untraceable, and literally only takes a second (or how ever long it takes you to decide what your answer is). Just click the preferred option and you’re done. The poll can be found here.


The admin of TatWex gave many investors a nervous Saturday by suddenly turning off the usually instant withdrawals. And although the terms and conditions clearly state a 24 hour wait on weekdays and up to 48 hours on weekends for payments, this seems to had no impact on most investors’ negative attitude. Besides, the admin did nothing to help the matter by issuing statements about the terms of payments instead of actually processing pending withdrawals. No reason at all has been given as to why instant withdrawals were disabled on Saturday and only resumed on Sunday as if the incident never occurred before. The TatWex administration issued only a couple of short updates regarding that and refused to give any reason why it happened in the first place. At the time of writing I believe withdrawals to PerfectMoney, AdvCash and the newly added recently Payeer are done instantly, while only BitCoin investors have to wait to get their profits paid once every 24 hours. That might change any minute though, as the admin demonstrated on Saturday, so keep in mind that instant withdrawals is not a given, but rather an incentive that can be switched off again any time.

Apart from adding Payeer, the admin of TatWex claimed he had started a more aggressive advertising campaign for his program that resulted in a quickly growing Alexa rating which is a good independent indicator of success. Only after two weeks online (with the last ten days being featured also on the MNO’s Premium List) TatWex (reviewed here) has managed to deliver profits to its first investors on the only on expiry plan paying 110% after 7 days and the shortest of the daily paying 9% for 14 days plan. Now it’s the turn of those who trusted the admin a bit more and joined the longer-term 8% for 17 days, 7% for 21 days, and 6% for 28 days plans, as they’ve already reached or are just about to reach the break-even point. This important achievement was also highlighted by the admin of TatWex in one of the latest updates posted on the program’s Telegram channel over the last couple of days:

Dear investors! The Payeer payment processor has been added to the project.”

Dear investors! We are gradually starting an advertising campaign around the world. You can follow of the TatWex project on the Internet from an independent source –

Dear investors!
The project works for 14 days and at the moment, investors have already made a profit on 2 investment plans: Trial (110% after 7 days), Rapid (9% per day for 14 days)
Moreover, according to the Swift plan (8% per day for 17 days), investors passed BreakPoint and also receive net profit.
Our advertising company has just started and you can safely take part in the project, without any risks. For you works, a team of professionals who knows how to conduct this business on the network and is focused on the result. Therefore, do not waste time and join us – you are on the right way!”


Do you believe it possible for a HYIP to achieve $1 million in total deposits in less than forty days online? I personally am very skeptical that any HYIP can do so, especially when the HYIP industry is still recovering from the winter slump we had for a few weeks. The admin of Automatix though tries his best to persuade investors that it’s already been done by his program and that despite all odds the astonishing one million dollar figure has been reached already with investors also paid out almost a quarter of a million. The second piece of news from Automatix was dedicated to the expansion of the program’s horizons and coming to local markets in various countries. This time a Korean language version of Automatix has been added, so people can now make a deposit into one of the following plans. If you haven’t read my full review of Automatic posted here, I remind you that there are two categories of offers available – paying once on expiry (150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days) and paying daily with the principal return on expiry (2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days). On most of the payment processors accepted by Automatix (the full list includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, NixMoney, LiteCoin, Ethereum, DogeCoin, Zcash, Dash, BitcoinCash and BitcoinGold) withdrawals are processed instantly, so you won’t have to wait a minute to have money transferred to your e-currency account. The latest updates from Automatix are below:

$1,000,000+ invested | $230,000 paid
Dear Users,
It’s a real breakthrough! More than $1 million has been invested in Automatix! To date, more than 2,000 investors are registered on our platform, and the amount paid exceeds $230,000! The Automatix Top Limited team thanks each User for their trust! We will achieve really fantastic heights together!

Website version in Korean
Dear Users,
We continue intensive implementation of the language functionality as part of the Automatix development as a multilingual investment platform and to increase the loyalty of international investors. Now all parts of the Automatix website are available in Korean!


In line with its policy of gradual lifting of deposit maximums which is done on a weekly basis TudorGames has recently allowed investors to spend up to $2,000 per member. I remind you that you can choose among two investment offers – 1% for 11 business days with the principal return on expiry (11% net profit) and 4.4% for 35 business days with no principal return (54% net profit). The plans have been covered and analysed in the recently posted review of TudorGames which you can find here. As for the payment processors, all the popular options including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin are taken, so if you like the admin’s efforts on artificially putting a hold on the program’s growth you might want to try out TudorGames with a reasonable deposit. Of course, the recent maximum of $2,000 is more than enough for any investor, so I doubt very that any subsequent raises will have any effect on the program’s future cashflow, either positive or negative:

Raising the limits up to $2000!
The TG investment project takes a course towards smooth development. Initially, we established strict limits on the maximum amount of the deposit from one account in order to make the system more stable. But in connection with the active demand for investment services, the TG project administration extends the limits! Now the maximum deposit amount for each user is raised up to $2000.
Please follow the project rules and do not try to increase the permissible deposit amount by creating multiple accounts. Such attempts will be stopped, and all additional accounts will be blocked.
Subscribe to the TG Telegram-channel and be the first to find out about all the news and updates of the project!


You might have noticed that I usually start my news updates with the biggest program in the HYIP industry Octoin, but today I decided to finish with the latest developments from them. The reason is simple – at the moment the Octoin website only works outside private account areas which have all been suspended for over three days now due to the ongoing integration of OctoinCoin cryptocurrency. It’s impossible to check your balance, deposit any funds or withdraw any funds, so it would be pointless to change the program’s status on the MNO monitor anyway, due to the fact it’s not scamming by taking new deposits. I believe the cause of the delay in re-opening account areas for the members is genuine and that more time is needed to actually bring Octoin investors the much anticipated launch of OctoinCoin. According to the Live chat support statement they are hopeful that the program will re-open its doors to everyone by tomorrow, as the last preparations are currently in progress. Below you will find more on what we should expect to see tomorrow and how investors will be able to start their own trading of the newly established crypto-currency on Yobit and Exrates with more exchangers expected soon. As you might remember from previous news, members balances of Octoin have been converted to OCC the trading only was made between the members of Octoin platform, and now anyone will be able to buy and sell OctoinCoin whose starting price is set at $100 per unit. You can read more on the investment plans Octoin has been offering (variable returns for 30 to 150 calendar days with principal back on expiry and PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Zcash accepted as payment options) in my review here. And although the upcoming release of OctoinCoin dominates the headlines and the Octoin investors are eagerly anticipating the re-opening of their personal accounts with the program, one should not forget the other news going on in the Octoin universe. That includes multiple seminars, webinars and conferences being held in many different countries, like Nigeria, Indonesia, and many others. Everyone seems to be getting ready for the upcoming ICO and I’m hopeful that Octoin will be able to re-open its doors very soon with some great news. MNO will, of course, keep you all updated on the latest developments, so check out my blog often for that. Meanwhile all the important news from Octoin posted over the weekend and just earlier today is reposted below:

Last preparations!
It remains a very little time before the opening of a new era of development of our project: a full-fledged launch of our OctoinCoin cryptocurrency. The tasks for testing the systems readiness to work with OctoinCoin are almost completed. Until now there are several more work processes that have been going on:
– There already have been successful extraction of the first genesis block (POW). All the planned pre-mine of coins is located for now at the main system’s wallet.
– Users’ wallets pass the latest tests and adapt to the Windows and Mac.
– The algorithm Proof-of-stake (POS) is ready for start and will take about another 12 hours (as per our IT Team forecast). The start of working network can happen earlier as well if everything goes faster than expected.
After the successful completion of these procedures, users will be able to download the Desktop wallets and withdraw their coins from their Octoin accounts to these wallets.
Important information! When you do your FIRST DOWNLOAD of the OctoinCoin wallet for coin transfer, you need to import your address into the Octoin office in the corresponding section.
After receiving OctoinCoin on their accounts, users will be able to start trading on the following crypto exchange markets: Yobit and Exrates. The Marketing Department of Octoin is in the process of discussions and negotiations with over 20 top world crypto exchanges. We will keep informing our users in our news when there will be new successful listings of OCC.
Watch the news and stay with us – there are still many discoveries and victories ahead together with OctoinCoin!

Yobit started supporting OctoinCoin!
We received news that the Octoin partnership and the Yobit exchange were established. The representatives of Yobit came out to communicate with us and agreed on cooperation with us. In the shortest time, technical and administrative issues were resolved.
In the very near future our cryptocurrency will be maintained on the Yobit exchange. Users will be able to trade and make transactions.
All our investors are advised not to sell their investments less than the recommended price of $ 100 for one OctoinCoin. In the near future, the situation on the crypto-currency market is expected to improve and a significant increase in all indicators.
Features of the Yobit Exchange:
– Wide opportunities
– Supports more than 400 currency pairs!
– Low commission for input and output as cryptocurrency, and USD Instant I / O of cryptocurrency
– Many different daily bonuses.
And this is only the beginning – soon, OctoinCoin will appear on other world famous trading floors. Follow the news!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Starting the OctoinCoin!
Our team is pleased to announce the imminent start of our cryptocurrency. Soon you will be able to use all the opportunities associated with OctoinCoin.
Checking the OctoinCoin code is completed and the electronic wallets are ready to be launched. Purses will be available for download immediately after the official launch of the network (the test network has already been launched and tested). Also passed the last phase of preparation: premining is carried out, and the genesis is formed.
The process of formation of the genesis block takes time, and any honest company will not neglect this process. This affects the quality of the network and ensures no errors, and also provides reliable transactions in future operations of the platform.
All the stages of preparation for launch have been successfully carried out, moreover, this was done ahead of schedule. Expect the launch in the near future. Also, there will be held a series of training webinars on using the wallet. Thanks to us you will learn how to become a real professional and how to competently invest in crypto-currencies.
Octoin – your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

People speak about project Octoin even on the radio!
Great news to all the members! One of the biggest Nigeria radio station Stereo 99.1 FM Port Harcourt Rivers State talked about our platform (
“Get ready for your financial revolution!” – began the broadcast announcer and he was not mistaken. Our team is very ambitious and is not going to stop despite the major achievements that we already have.
“Learn how to create wealth for yourself in 2018!” – continued the presenter: we really want our investors and users not just to grow rich, but also learn how to do it themselves!
The program also discussed the upcoming conference in Nigeria, which will be supervised by the leader and speaker from our Nigerian team Ocoro Simeon Chinasa.
We will continue to tell you about our common progress in the development and promotion of Octoin – stay with us!
Octoin – your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Octoin management update webinar
Dear participants,
yesterday Octoin senior manager Kate Grace replied the questions and updated all the community about recent new.
You can listen to the webinar and get all the information (
The agenda of the webinar was:
– mining question, – bear trend in trading of recent 2 weeks, – OCC futures trading, – trading platform listing, – OCC pre-mining, price, mining pool, – analytic information from department
Also specialist from Analytic department Mike Kutcher enlightened us about the main tendencies of the cryptocurrency market.
“Now we obviously observe bear trend in trading, when the price to the top “cryptos” dropped, however, it is a good sign to all long-term traders. After each trend there is a reverse trend, in our situation it will be bull trend, when all the price will jump like year ago to 25-50% so be wise, do not panic and expect the correction” – Mike said.
We also remind you that genesis of pre-mine will be finished within 36 hours, so be ready to test OCC blockchain wallet soon
Octoin – your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

What was the conference in Palangkaraya! On January 11
On January 11, a large-scale Octoin conference was held in Palangkaraya, Indonesia. Professional speakers, members of our team told future investors about blockchain and various cryptocurrencies.
Of course, our project Octoin was also discussed. Our lector had explained in details about the differences and the advantages of our platform, as well as about the convenient instruments for trading, mining opportunities and fast p2p-exchanger.
Leaders from Indonesia continue to surprise us with their enthusiasm and energy. The great progress of our company happened in many respects thanks to the members of the team from Indonesia. Thanks them for this and we hope that leaders from other countries will follow their example.
If you suddenly missed the conference – watch the video report ( and come again next time. And in the video section on our website you can find many other interesting materials

Plans for February from leaders from Indonesia!
We are again announcing a marathon of conferences in Indonesia. It will last the whole of February and everyone will have the opportunity to listen to our speakers. At these events, you can learn more about the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and how you can earn money with the help of the Octoin project. In January, many meetings and conferences have already been held, but the Indonesian team is not going to stop. Great work!
Below you can see the list of conferences that will be held in Indonesia in February 2018:
1) Octoin Semarang Conference, Thursday, 01 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Jamal, Contact WA: +62 853-6871-7595
2) Octoin Barabai Kalimantan Selatan Conference, Thursday, 01 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Dimas & Mr.Bugdady, Contact WA: +62 823-5204-1774
3) Octoin Pangkalan Bun Conference, Thursday, 01 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
4) Octoin Malaysia First Big Leader Conference, Thursday, 01 February 2018, Guest Speaker: Imran & Asep Susanto, WA contact: Mr.Nizam +60164854379
5) Octoin Pare-Pare Sulawesi Selatan Conference, Saturday, 03 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Khemal, Contact WA: +62 821-8794-4688
6) Octoin Batu Licin Kalimantan Selatan Conference, Sunday, 04 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
7) Octoin Lampung Conference, Sunday, 04 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Yogi & Mr.Jamal, Contact WA: 082185747478
8) Octoin Balikpapan Conference, Tuesday, 06 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
9) Octoin Trenggalek Conference, Thursday, 08 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA:082199809998
10) Octoin Malang Conference – Grand Hall Universitas Islam Negeri, Thursday, 08 February 2018, Contact WA: 083835701554
11) Octoin Ternate Conference, Saturday, 10 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Khemal, Contact WA: +62 821-8794-4688
12) Octoin Palangkaraya Conference, Saturday, 10 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA:082199809998
13) Octoin Jambi Conference, Saturday, 10 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Yogi & Mr.Jamal, Contact WA: 082185747478
14) Octoin Denpasar Conference, Sunday, 11 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
15) Konferensi Octoin Cikarang, Sunday, 11 February 2018, Guest speaker: Hilmi Lucky, Contact WA: 08563335466
16) BIG Conference Octoin Banjarmasin, Sunday, 11 February 2018, Speaker : Yayang Agung Sundawa
17) Octoin Medan Conference, Sunday, 11 February 2018, Speaker: Iwan Kurniawan, Contact WA: 086355545335
18) Octoin Solo Conference, Wednesday, 14 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Amrullah, Contact WA: +62 822-5220-3480
19) Octoin Batam Conference, Saturday, 17 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
20) Octoin Riau Pekanbaru Conference, Sunday, 18 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
21) Octoin Bandung Conference, Saturday, 18 February 2018, Speaker: Mr.Asep, Contact WA: 081944225595
22) Octoin Padang Conference, Wednesday, 21 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran, Contact WA: 082199809998
23) Octoin Garut Conference, Sunday, 25 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Asep, Contact WA: 081944225595
24) Octoin Banjarmasin Grand Conference, Sunday, 25 February 2018, Speaker : Mr.Imran & Team, Contact WA: 082199809998
The exact time and place we will inform closer to the date – follow the news!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CurrencyGlobal, TatWex.
From MNO Standard list: BISTInvestAutomatix, RenaissanceInvest, TudorGames.
From MNO Basic list: WorldMining, DiamondHours (the first instant payments received).

That’s all the news for the first business day of the week. I hope it’s going to be a profitable one and wish you every success in the HYIP industry. Thanks a lot for supporting MNO and following the latest updates from my blog posted on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribing to my newsletter from here. I would appreciate any input from you on what can be improved on MNO or you can contact me here with any questions you might have about the monitored programs, or say your opinion on the MNO ShoutBox, or just chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’ll be back in a couple of days with more news and possibly even new additions on the MNO monitor you won’t want to miss. Remember to vote on the MNO TalkBack page for your favourite payment processor and talk to you all again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

The post 22/01/2018. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog


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