Happy Halloween everyone! A little bit early I know, but I don’t expect to post tomorrow on the night itself as I have other plans. Plenty of news to catch up with tonight, being the start of the business week, but first I want to talk about one of the most interesting and innovative investment projects to to hit the HYIP industry in a long time now called TerminalSkyNet. Fans of the Terminator movie series may see just the slightest Halloween theme in there, SkyNet being the name of the company that builds the original Arnold Schwarzenegger time travelling monster. Let’s hope TerminalSkyNet don’t have the same fate lined up for us! It’s an interactive program and quite closely “aligned” (for want of a better word) with the Telegram social media platform in a similar way to how a couple of other highly successful programs were in the past. You can use your Telegram account to activate TerminalSkyNet if you want, in much the same way as you can use Facebook to sign in with a lot of other websites. Don’t worry if you are not a Telegram user though, it’s definitely handy but by no means essential to have an account there to start using TerminalSkyNet. So let’s see what it’s all about and whether you want to see them as part of your portfolio.
Before you even visit the TerminalSkyNet website I just need to make sure you understand one very important fact about the program. TerminalSkyNet is a bilingual website, available in both Russian and English. Nothing unusual about that you might think, except you might land on the default Russian version on your first visit. Most websites like this are pretty simple to switch between languages, you just find the flag related to the language you want on top of the page and click on it to switch. In the case of TerminalSkyNet it’s more or less the same, except it’s not so easy to find and therefore a bit confusing and off-putting at first. If you find yourself on the Russian version of the site you simply need to scroll down to the very bottom of the page and change languages from there.
As for the investment plans, TerminalSkyNet have quite a diverse mix despite being entirely longer term. There are three plans to choose from, two have fixed length expiry dates, and the other is an open ended “perpetual” style plan where TerminalSkyNet will pay you for how ever long they manage to stay online. Different plans will suit different people, they all have their merits and their drawbacks, it’s just a matter of identifying which one of them best suits your needs and expectations.
You can join TerminalSkyNet for a $20 minimum, the same amount for all three plans, or a fixed minimum of 0.0035 BTC if using BitCoin. I’ll start with the no expiry option, called The E.V.A Bot, because that’s how they’re listed on the website but not my personal first choice as favourite. So, once you make your investment TerminalSkyNet then repay you at a rate of 3% per business day, Monday to Friday, for however long they can afford to continue doing so. That brings in 15% each week, and has a break even point of 34 business days (just short of 7 weeks). Everything after that is net profit, though obviously totally unpredictable as regards the final total. In monetary terms to take a simple example then, let’s say you invested $100 with this plan. TerminalSkyNet then pay you back $3 per day, Monday to Friday. That’s $15 per week, though the most important date here is business day 34, the day you see your first profit. Whatever that profit eventually adds up to is anyone’s guess. Just be aware before you join that TerminalSkyNet have a no principal return policy so once you are in, you stay in and cannot leave.
The next plan and my own personal choice is The I.V.I Bot which is a long term option running for a fixed length term. You can still join for the same affordable $20 minimum and earn 3.5% interest per calendar day this time. The term runs for 60 calendar days which means your payments should eventually add up to 210%, or more than double your money. TerminalSkyNet include your principal as part of the payments so it will not be returned on expiry. So if we say you were to deposit $100 here that means TerminalSkyNet pay you back $3.50 per calendar day until you have $210 back in total. You should reach the break even point after 29 days which is good, considering it’s less than half way through the term, and start collecting pure net profit after that. Your eventual total is made up of your own initial hundred plus the extra $110 as your profit.
The temptation you might find in the difference between the two plans is obvious but ungrounded. You might think the open ended E.V.A Bot plan is ultimately more profitable because despite the slightly lower interest rate TerminalSkyNet eventually go on to make a lot more payments, i.e. hand over a lot more money. If this is what you are aiming for allow me to suggest an alternative strategy. Just recoup your principal from the I.V.I Bot plan, put it to one side, and continue re-investing with the profits. You still break even so there’s no danger, except now you’re collecting 3.5% day instead of 3%. And remember, neither plan will survive longer than the other, once TerminalSkyNet closes everything goes at the same time.
The third investment option is called The V.I.K.I Bot. It’s the less attractive plan of the three in my opinion as it carries the highest risk, and on a profit:day ratio I don’t think it’s worth the very marginal extra you might earn. But maybe it will suit some of you better, I wouldn’t know. Anyway, you can still join for a very affordable $20 minimum. The term length is laid out in terms of weeks this time, because TerminalSkyNet will only make one payment every seven days. The term is 6 calendar weeks, and you can earn 25% interest each week for the duration. That comes to 150% in total, principal included. An example of a $100 deposit here in that case would get you back $25 per week, have you break even after four weeks, and complete the term with $150 back on your investment – $100 that was yours in the first place plus an extra $50 in net profit.
The main argument against this one you see – and I know, sorry to sound so pessimistic but you simply must consider these things – is that if TerminalSkyNet were to close say 20 days after you joined, you would only have two payments and 50% of your money back on your investment. Whereas if that happened in The I.V.I Bot you’d have 70%, still not an ideal situation but at least it would significantly soften the blow.
Moving on to the payment options now, the choice is up to a reasonable standard for the HYIP industry. Your choices are PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash if you prefer using the older style third party payment handlers, or BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and Dash for those who now prefer to take the more direct route and spend from their own digital e-currencies. Withdrawal requests need to be submitted from the TerminalSkyNet website, however in what should please most of you they should be processed instantly. Just send in your request and the money should be with you in under a minute, though remember of course there’s the usual confirmations that have to go with transactions to digital e-currencies. The other thing is – and I know this is obvious but you’d be surprised at how many people I come across you forget – is to be sure to add your payment and wallet details to your account when you sign up. Otherwise the system TerminalSkyNet is running off does not know where to send your money, and it just sits there doing nothing while waiting for you to claim it. And what good are instant payments if that happens?
Looking at some of the more technical aspects of the TerminalSkyNet website such as design and site security, I think this is where the program will really impress you the most. At a competitive time in an always competitive industry you don’t get a second shot at a first impression, and TerminalSkyNet really do catch the eye. Overall I believe that the site of TerminalSkyNet looks pretty different and has a very futuristic feel to it which might be liked by some investors looking for something shall we say going against the grain. Despite the original design it’s still very user friendly and well organized, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties browsing. On the site you can find a UK issued certificate of incorporation in the name of CyberDyne Systems Technology and a professional video introduction which has now been embedded on the MNOVision page. There’s even some talking holograms of each individual Bot presenting the plans. Overall the site is very impressive. As for the security side, it’s been taken very seriously by the admin with TerminalSkyNet is SSL secured by Comodo with a superior Green Bar Extended Validation certificate installed, plus hosting on a dedicated OVH server with support and protection from malicious attacks provided by Dancom.
If you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with there’s a couple of channels open to you. Needless to say the first place you look is always the FAQ, which in the case of TerminalSkyNet is very extensive. But if you find yourself still needing direct contact and support you can either fill in your details on the online support form and submit it through the TerminalSkyNet website, or else write directly to the listed e-mail address. There’s a postal address in the UK (like most HYIPs) where it’s ridiculously easy to incorporate a company over the net with a minimum of questions. Just pay & go. A lot of the service providers allow access to a mailing address if you want one, so if you were to visit the alleged office it’s definitely there, it just doesn’t contain anyone involved with the running of the program. Of a lot more practical use is the extensive use of social media, particularly Telegram which of course is very heavily integrated with TerminalSkyNet and good for Live Chat if an operator is available. Also on board is Facebook and VK.
I expect TerminalSkyNet to grow substantially over the coming months as the program begins to expand and work its way towards its natural position at the top of the HYIP industry. Overall it’s quite an original and well planned operation, and everything at this early stage would indicate a good long run for them. Sustainable plans that can be carefully managed, good marketing, good organization, even the timing of the launch in mid autumn will contribute to bigger longer term growth for them. That being said, TerminalSkyNet is still very much a HYIP. Granted it might be a better than average HYIP – substantially so in my opinion, but nevertheless a HYIP. For the record they claim to be involved with the development of artificial and virtual intelligence. As usual there’s not a great deal you can do to verify that, and even if it were true you still can’t say in necessarily has to be so profitable all of the time. Better just to be aware of the risk rather than afraid of it. After all, if you want to make any kind of money from this industry then your choice is simple – either take a risk or else forget about it. All the usual rules still apply at all times here. If you join then be sensible with your spending limits, and be realistic with what you expect to earn. Don’t spend money that might leave you in trouble were you to lose it, and try to keep TerminalSkyNet as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. I expect a lot of you may be thinking already that this is exactly what you were looking for though.
Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with TerminalSkyNet, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on TerminalSkyNet and see how it has developed by then:
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.DAILY NEWS FROM THE HYIP INDUSTRY
I strongly believe that LaserOnline will go down in HYIP history as the best program of the year, after paying for nearly four months now on the 12% for 12 business days plan is a huge achievement in itself. As the program was featured on MNO since day one hundreds of my readers have made great returns on their $5+ investments made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, Payza, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, and Dash. As we all know in the HYIP industry all good things come to an inevitable conclusion and recently quite a few things happened at the same time made me think LaserOnline might be on its last legs as it reached saturation point after which there only can be a downward spiral that will eventually lead to collapse and do further damage to the HYIP industry as a whole. Of course, the thing that LaserOnline is in decline doesn’t mean that it cannot last for one or even two more cycles, provided the admin knows how to spark more interest in existing investors and make them open their wallets in anticipation of higher possible profits.
That is why the latest poll on the LaserOnline Facebook about a possible ICO (Initial Coin Offering) launch left me with mixed feelings about their future. On one hand, the planned ICO (which may never materialize into anything viable anyway) might increase public interest in the program and make LaserOnline last longer. On the other hand though, we all know from experience that such ICO launches never end with anything good for those who invest there. Remember the last example of Ykke which was one of the successful programs that planned their own ICO as well as trying to pre-sale their tokens resulted in the scam within the next couple of weeks with surely no one getting any returns on tokens they had the misfortune to purchase. Do you believe LaserOnline is going to pull the same stunt? It’s entirely possible so whether it’s OK to still invest there is entirely up to you, guys. However, I can tell you one thing – with the idea of launching their own ICO the chance of an imminent scam over the next couple of weeks is looming more than ever, so please invest at your own risk.
Don’t get me wrong, as LaserOnline (reviewed here) is still paying fine to everyone and never misses a single payment, but who knows for how long the game can continue. I would like to believe the possible ICO launch will increase interest in the program and will actually make it last longer, as that will be beneficial for all the investors of LaserOnline in the end, provided of course they won’t invest in any type of “lasercoins” or whatever they’re going to call it. The poll is still open for everyone to voice their opinion on the upcoming ICO, which I’ll re-post below followed by the latest newsletter from LaserOnline. The last one was issued five weeks ago, so it’s a rare event. The newsletter this time was accompanied by multiple images of professional actors playing the roles of LaserOnline employees. Personally I find them hilarious, to tell you the truth. What are these photos supposed to prove anyway? We all know that LaserOnline is nothing more than a professionally organized ponzi-game, but I believe for inexperienced investors the pics might have an effect. Some info on what the team behind LaserOnline were working on over the last few weeks is included, so you might want to read the full newsletter below:
“CO (Initial Coin Offering) at LASERONLINE
In a past week we’ve received an enormous amount of questions many of them used to have the same key topic:
– “Is there any chance that Laser Online Investment Platform will launch an ICO campaign soon?”
In order to hear your feedback please pick your vote and tell us what do you think about it!*
Choose one answer from a list:
A. Yes, I do feel that launching an ICO campaign will benefit both company and its clients.
B. I think that ICO campaign is likely unnecessary but another format of token availability will be more productive.
C. Launching an ICO is not necessary, however, an option of working with company’s currency should be implemented
D. No changes are necessary and there nothing needs to be added to the platform’s marketing plan
Quote a vote into the comment section with your detailed explanation
Publish it at the comment section of this post
*After making your vote, please leave us your detailed comment explaining your decision if this is possible.”
LaserOnline Platform is getting stronger. Much Stronger. Constantly growing we are getting towards our 5th month anniversary. And if it was possible to pay 12% Daily Profit to more than 100,000 users worldwide, what is it as not a sign of an unstoppable power of our community focused on the personal prosperity of each individual. This article will be very interesting, so make sure to read it completely…
As it was mentioned at our 12 months development plan: one of the most important success key is a maximum transparency directly from the company to you – the client. After an important article made by LaserOnline LLC’s management regarding our business plan’s stability (explained here). It is time to provide our money making machine with a professional touch for even more effective growth of this constantly evolving mechanism.
Running such a fast pace race, we do not have enough time to look into everything deeply. First sight impression is everything. Watch this professional presentation of LaserOnline Investment Opportunity and make profit using it by sharing with your friends & colleagues:
Enjoy this helpful short presentation & explain an idea of earning impressive returns at Laser Online by being a member of your team, to the world!
We did work hard, carefully implementing many of your suggestions and highly requested features. We hope that you’ve noticed many improvements throughout the platform. Let’s quickly summarize the most important ones:
Filters improved. Many more local representatives are being added.
Now you can see a “trusted” tag in front of each official representative of L.O.P.
This status will help you to find the best leader of your country based on his/her active investments and overall team effectiveness.
If you want to become one yourself and ready to show some results, apply for the representative now & get your 7% Representative Affiliate program!
What can be better than a native translation of all the website and account’s pages?
This improvement surely can help you to build an impressive, global communities of online earners in the shortest time possible!
Right now we’ve successfully installed 5 language versions so far (German, Vietnamese, Hindi, Italian, Russian) with over 18 more to come! Feel free to provide us with your grammar corrections in order to make our platform even better!
Note that all the website’s content translations will be all gradually improved and updated based on your feedback.
With so many useful information at the platform it is a right time to unite them all! From this day a brand new, convenient DATABASE section is available. See all the latest News & Updates divided by categories, share you comments, explore FAQ, watch helpful Tutorials and Clients Testimonials effortlessly.
Now it is so easy to see how much profit you can earn with L.O.P. Our new revenue calculator is available by the link: http://ift.tt/2zTy3jB
See your returns in perspective of the whole year. Set up a desirable reinvestment period from 1 up to 12 months and watch your profits grow at the staggering pace!
– Personal account’s user experience improvements and fixes (dynamic live-deposit statistics, withdrawal & investment sections)
– Small functional homepage design updates
– Credit Score improvements & system core changes (negative CS issue patch)
– Social Channels accessibility (popups & useful windows)
– Account’s notification system (new!)
– E-wallet editing is now available at your settings. You can change your e-wallet data only once after it was already set, so please be careful and always make sure to have a direct access to your e-wallet.
– Password reset is now can be done without a “username” field, however, make sure to always check your “Spam” box in order to get a confirmation link.
We always hear our client’s feedback, and possibly the most important question of the last week was:
“Would it be possible to provide us with your team photos, headquarters and business processes of an actual business we do?”
We’ve prepared a whole photo shoot of all the business processes, company routine, and our head office so all the newcomers who seek for more transparency can establish their confidence at L.O.P. Let’s following with each of 10 major success keys of our dedicated team:
*Any product placement advertising is an “English invisible joke”, we do not recommend eat too many fats or drink refreshing beverages at such a pace as our developers do.
There are obviously many other keys we can share, but it might be a bit to much.
Finalizing our news article we aim at the exceptional wave of newcomers who recently joined our platform.
An addition we would like to provide you with a reply to all the most common and recent inquires received by our Customer Support Team.
We hope all these amazing photos useful clarifications will help you to operate freely at L.O.P. and pump up your confidence level even higher!
Expect very interesting improvements & platform updates very soon.
Those will be focused mainly on the:
User Experience (platform’s light-mode interface, expanded profile’s support section, mobile version updates, new languages with content improvements)
Company’s image & trust (detailed photoshoots, CEO webinars, team interviews and detailed business processes explanations)
If you are a new member at LaserOnline Community and you simply haven’t been able to watch all the amazing events we had here right from the start, make sure to read LaserOnline 12 months Development Plan so you’ll see how little we did achieved still many more amazing things yet to be discovered. Read it all with exploring all the articles at the News Section so you can compare a little progress we’ve made so far…
As an active user at L.O.P please feel free to join our lastest poll on which all the investors can leave their feedback on: “Should Laser Online launch an ICO campaign?” Click here to vote
Stay hungry, stay foolish, love retro & LaserOnline.
On behalf of the CEO & all LaserOnline Management Team.
Sign up to receive latest L.O.P & Crypto Market articles at Facebook: http://ift.tt/2uMWLCx”.
Biostry (reviewed here) is perhaps another program that should be avoided at the moment. Not because of payment issues, but due to a weird 5% bonus on all new investments. This is possibly a bad sign cashflow issues. Really why would anyone offer a bonus if people would have invested anyway? The 5% bonus will apply for all new deposits in the 2.8% per business day “forever” plan and 2.4% for 5 business days with the principal back on expiry plan. Biostry will still accept deposits in BTC only, but you can use both BitCoin and more traditional currencies for investing, like PerfectMoney and AdvCash, and should receive withdrawals instantly too. As far as I can comprehend from the latest newsletter issued by the admin of Biostry earlier today, the bonus will be available for the whole month during which a referral contest with huge prizes to be distributed among the best promoters in the beginning of December (provided Biostry survives until then, of course!). The first investment cycle on the 5-business day plan has ended now and the first principals have been returned. Remember you pay a 3% fee automatically deducted from each withdrawal request, so adjust your expectations. The latest newsletter from Biostry is below:
“Happy Halloween – Biostry Referral Contest Is On [+5% bonus for each new deposit]
Hello, Dear member of Biotechnology Research & Development LTD,
First I wish you happy Halloween and I believe you will enjoy it.
Today we have big news to share.
Our management team voted to create a referral contest for all our loyal customers for showing us the love and the support, and this is our way to show you that Love is mutual between us.
And what a better time to start a referral contest when Halloween event is on the way! Right?
So today we would like to announce our first Global Contest that starts today at Biostry.
The goal of this contest is to promote Biostry as a global community and we will be rewarding our top performers.
And that’s not all, we are going to add +5% bonus for each new deposit you make! pretty cool, right?
The contest will give out prizes for Our top 10 promoters.
The prizes will be divided as follows:
for the place N1: 2000$, for the place N2: 1500$, for the place N3: 1200$, for the place N4: 1000$, for the place N5: 800$, for the place N6: 600$, for the place N7: 400$, for the place N8: 200$, for the place N9: 100$, for the placeN10: 50$
That means we are giving our several prizes in order to boost our international presence.
The contest starts Today on 30 October and it will run for a whole month until 30 of November.
For this first contest, we have only one rule which is we’ll be counting only Active referrals, who have made deposits also we will be checking IP addresses to remove fake accounts, all prizes will be paid between 1-7 of December
directly to your Biostry account balance.
We hope this contest excites on the goal of promoting Biostry and building the trust between us and the people who are afraid of investing on our project.
Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of this venture. Words cannot express how overjoyed I feel to see my dream business coming true with the help from all of you. It takes a lot of hard work to make this project works, We couldn’t have reached what we are today if you weren’t with us, so again thank you!
Have a blessed Halloween
Alfie Barnett. Director & CEO”.
It appears that the administration of Bitcy try their best to exaggerate the numbers of investments and members they have. See for yourself – officially having started less than five weeks ago and on MNO’s Premium list over the last two weeks it is claimed that over 350 BTC was invested collectively by more than 25,000 members. At the current BTC to USD exchange rate it’s well over two million dollars which is simply beyond comprehension. Where did they get these numbers from? Just for a laugh here’s the latest newsletter showing the inflated numbers re-posted below:
“Results of the first 30 days of work
Let’s sum up the first month of Bitcy‘s work. The company has easily achieved the goal set for the last week, which was to increase the total amount of investments and the number of users by 31%. We present to your attention the real figures.
Launch of the platform: 28th of September, 2017, Number of days: 30, Total Deposited: 350 BTC, Total Withdrawal: 70, Total Members: 25 025, Days Online: 30
Partners who have chosen Casual plan with the profit of 34.5% in 15 days today have been able to withdraw funds for the second time. For example, if you created a deposit of 0.1 BTC = 417.3 $ on September 28th, 2017 and then re-invested on October 13th, 2017, the total amount of withdrawal at the current exchange rate would be 0.1809 BTC = 1047 $.
Bitcy Limited expresses gratitude to all partners for their cooperation. Today we set a new goal to increase the number of users and the total amount of investments in the coming 15 days by 65%. Be with us, and remember that together we will reach any tops!”
Whatever the admin of Bitcy claims about the stats no one can argue that the program overall has been doing quite well and has made a profit for many sensible investors after the completion of the shortest 15-day plan. If you haven’t read my detailed review of Bitcy posted here I should remind you that the program works exclusively with BitCoin and all the withdrawals are processed manually within 72 hours – quite a long timeframe compared to many other similar programs. The investment plans on offer in Bitcy include those paying daily (or hourly) and returning principals on expiry – 2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours – and those paying once on expiry – 155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. Of course, if you wish to invest in Bitcy only choose shorter-term plans and don’t invest big amounts!
ResonanceCapital (reviewed here) processed weekly withdrawals earlier this week and as I requested the last one on Friday night, it got paid to my PerfectMoney account on Sunday. Much faster that the stated 5 business day timeframe anyway. With ResonanceCapital you may invest starting from a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, and BitCoin, and receive moderate weekly payments from the following investment plans, principal included – 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks. Such small weekly returns are credited to members’ accounts allegedly due to the fact that ResonanceCapital is really trading on various markets which include Forex, Cryptocurrencies, and many others. The program goes to great lengths to persuade people that they’re not a ponzi, but a real business. For instance already for the third week in a row there is a detailed weekly trading report available for members of ResonanceCapital to read in PDF format. I cannot really say how genuine the trading stats are, but at least the program is making an effort which might add to the appeal for some newbies. Here it is:
Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Our financial department prepared a trading report for the third week of October (10.16.17-10.22.17) and proceeded to prepare a trading report for the fourth week of October.
Trading report for the third week of October (16-22 October) in PDF format:
Forex http://ift.tt/2zSnzRG
IPO Market http://ift.tt/2hq0cZ0
Penny Stocks http://ift.tt/2zTy4nF
Stock and futures market http://ift.tt/2hqYRkO
Cryptocurrency http://ift.tt/2zSnAoI
Full report in ZIP archive http://ift.tt/2hoEuEM
Special mention should go to this week’s high-performer Penny Stock bringing profit of 3.17 percent. And it happened in no more than one transaction. Meanwhile, trading in other markets made us pleasantly impressed as well. Crypto-currency results show a steady growth meaning total profit improvement, since we invested in this instrument some 70 percent of the total capital.
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital, follow our news and share information with your investors.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
There was three short updates from the admin of TradexTop over the last couple of days. He recently paid the first principals to members in the shortest 7-day plan. From my review posted here you might know that TradexTop that was launched about a week ago and is offering a variety of investment plans with instant withdrawals on all of them. TradexTop accepts investments starting from a $10 minimum via no less than eleven payment methods – PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, DogeCoin, Zcash, BitcoinCash, and Dash. There are several plans paying daily and returning the initial investment on expiry – 2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days – and a few more paying once on expiry only – 150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days.
Among the latest developments posted by the admin of TradexTop is the translation into Polish, the latest membership and deposit stats, a note to investors using the Opera browser to access their account area, and an appeal to post feedback on the program’s performance on a specially designed reviews page. What I don’t like is the silently launched 7% Halloween bonus available for all new deposits over $100 made over the next two days. Hopefully it’s not a bad sign, as TradexTop is still a very new program with bags of potential. Anyway, time will tell if they have a positive impact in the industry. For now read all the latest updates below:
“Website version in Polish is now available
Dear Friends, our website now supports Polish. It is now even more convenient to invest and earn with TradexTop for Polish-speaking users.”
“600+ Users | 20000+ USD invested
Dear Friends, over 600 users have already registered at the platform, and more than 20,000 USD invested! We are perfectly developing!”
“Important information
Some users logging in to the website through the Opera web browser may experience difficulties authorizing on the platform. Sometimes users experience difficulties when logging in from other browsers.
SOLUTION: If you have problems logging in to your account, please use another web browser, or log in to the website in private mode.”
“We need your feedback!
Dear Friends! We want to develop and become better for our Users, so it is so important for us to know what you think about us. We are also committed to the policy of transparent and sincere relations between the company and clients, thus we have developed a convenient format for receiving feedback from investors as part of the website features.
Now you can openly share your opinion about TradexTop here: http://ift.tt/2zSnBcg”.
The development of Cryptoosa was made very gradually and the program only joined the Basic List on MNO after completing one full 12-day investment cycle. Even on MNO it managed to pay out for thirteen days which was enough for people who joined the program over the last couple of days to finish with a 32% profit, as Cryptoosa paid instantly on the 11% for 12 days plan. Nothing lasts forever in the HYIP industry though and many people for some reason believed that Cryptoosa would last for longer than a couple of cycles, but the admin had an opposing view. I believe he decided to close the program on a high and not wait until deposits started waning. Since yesterday the withdrawals have stopped and the admin hasn’t replied to my emails after that. I had a suspicion the admin of Cryptoosa was also running TraderBank as the programs stopped paying almost simultaneously and they shared many features. As TraderBank failed to even last one cycle and the admin tried to upgrade his listing on MNO with Payza funds I saw a pattern. So in order to prevent further abuse of MNO listing regulations I have decided to temporarily suspend accepting Payza from HYIP admins for both listing and banners. I will keep this rule for the time being and until we’re totally rid of such fast scams showing generally disappointing results. Not talking about Cryptoosa in this instance, but if the admin is behind TraderBank as well then it will make him think twice before listing his projects on MNO, because we certainly do not need programs like that. Please do not invest in Cryptoosa anymore, guys, and if you joined with Payza funds and were at a loss please file a dispute for a chance to get something back!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ChainGroupService.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, Coinreum, Biostry, AlpexTrade, Bitcy, TerminalSkyNet.
From MNO Standard list: Raizex, LifeBit, TradexTop.
From MNO Basic list: ProfitINeed, HouseHash (the first payments received).
That’s it for tonight, guys. Check out the Halloween theme on both MNO blog and monitoring pages (thanks to my programmer for the good work done!) and have a Happy Halloween tomorrow! I myself will take a day off and be back on Wednesday which is the first day of November with lots more news and updates from the HYIP industry you won’t want to miss. In order to always be the first to know please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and if you wish to receive the full blog updates regularly to your email address please enter it here. If you have any questions please email me here or contact me directly via Telegram @mnoblog. Have a fun and spooky night tomorrow and see you soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
The post 30/10/2017. TerminalSkyNet Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
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