Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog where everyone seems so eager with anticipation. There are just a few days left until the next autumn HYIP season officially starts and MNO has already started the countdown to increased listing prices which is necessary to maintain the elite nature of the listed programs over the next few months. It all happens at 6 PM GMT on Friday, September, 1 and only before that the HYIP admins of the potentially and currently listed programs on MNO may still take advantage of the older prices to list new programs on MNO or upgrade existing ones to higher categories. After that the train leaves the station and they can blame only themselves for not taking this opportunity (if you wish to do so please contact me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com for any further information). A couple of smart admins already listed their programs on the Standard List over the last few days, namely CryptoMineHoldings and MatrixAlliances. They’ll be introduced in today’s news article and will be further reviewed later this week on the MNO blog. By the way, there was a mysterious payment from someone most likely looking for Premium listing, but whose email I’ve failed to receive due to a temporary issue with my site’s contact form. This will hopefully be resolved by tomorrow, so please make yourself known and email me directly to abramsonp@gmail.com with your program’s name so I could list it on MNO as soon as possible. Also, keep reading for the latest updates from LaserOnline, Ykke, and Payza. Let’s start with a couple of introductions first, shall we?
The first program I want to introduce is CryptoMineHoldings. It was officially launched just a few days ago and was listed on MNO yesterday with the admin also purchasing the top banner spot on the monitor for one month in advance. CryptoMineHoldings is quite a simple program with only one investment offer paying from 5% to 7% daily over the period of 30 calendar days depending on the invested amount. The investment minimum is quite high by average standards, starting from $50 to earn 5% daily, any amount higher than $100 will get you 6% daily, and finally $500 and more gets 7% daily. At the end of the investment term with CryptoMineHoldings you have a chance to earn from 150% from 210% total return on your investment, as your principal is included in the daily payouts and is not returned on expiry. There are only three payment processors taken by CryptoMineHoldings including PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, so here we have room for improvement for sure. For fans of instant withdrawals I must report that CryptoMineHoldings do offer them indeed, so you don’t need to wait longer than a few seconds to most payment processors (with the exception of BitCoin of course where it’s subject to confirming transactions in the chain). From the technical side of things there is nothing that special about the website with CryptoMineHoldings running off a licensed GoldCoders script, SSL-secured by Comodo, and is DDoS-protected on a dedicated server by BlueHost. Once opening the site you will see a short video explaining the advantages of joining CryptoMineHoldings playing on default which I had embedded on the MNOVision page. I guess that’s all for now, so to give you the first impression on that please go and visit the website to see if the program appeals enough to you personally to be included in your HYIP portfolio. More information on CryptoMineHoldings will be in the upcoming review on the MNO blog on Thursday, so stay tuned!
The second program added to the Standard List on MNO yesterday is called MatrixAlliances and it was added to my monitor during its first hours online. Before proceeding with its introduction I must immediately make one important remark about the program as I’m not going to be repeating it in the upcoming review. On one of the major investment forums it was revealed that the admin of MatrixAlliances uses exactly the same PerfectMoney account to accept deposits which was used last year in some fast scam. I have therefore confronted the admin regarding this and was told the rehashed PerfectMoney account was simply bought on the market to be used in this program and that he had absolutely no connection to last year’s scam which was not listed on MNO anyway. I must say the explanation does make sense to me, as the practice of buying verified PerfectMoney accounts is not unusual and not something that I haven’t seen before. However, many other people will draw different conclusions from this and will be hesitant to invest in MatrixAlliances given the short lifetime for its predecessor with the same PM account. Only time will tell though as the performance of one single program (even if we assume it’s from the same admin) cannot be judged on a totally different one.
As for the investment plans themselves, MatrixAlliances offers three variations with the fixed daily return of 10% which grows to 12% and then 15% paid over the period of 12 calendar days, principal included. As with many other investment projects of such type the more you invest the higher the daily profit with the possibility of getting from 20% to 80% net profit by the end of the cycle. Although the sit runs on a licensed script by GoldCoders there were some changes made for this one. The main peculiarity is all the withdrawals are made automatically to the same payment processor account you join with, so there’s no need to make any withdrawal requests. MatrixAlliances takes deposits via both traditional HYIP-service payment processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash, as well as digital currencies like BitCoin, LiteCoin, and Ethereum. Although compared to other similar programs it counts all the numbers not in USD, but in BTC, making it an unusual but welcome sign of the times. So, the minimum to invest in MatrixAlliances is 0.005 BTC which is arround $22 at current exchange rates. All the USD-operated transactions are automatically converted into BTC at the current exchange rate, so do not be surprised if you’re getting paid automatically a little bit more or less, as the deposits and automatic payouts will be counted with BTC and if needed then converted to other currencies at the rate of the day.
The website itself looks decent enough and well-prepared with Live chat at your disposal, a handy calculator, latest stats, a UK registration certificate, and even a video introduction which has been also embedded on the MNOVision page already. The site is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Zamahost, and is SSL-secured by Comodo with superior extended validation (Green Bar). I’ve already tested the automated withdrawals from MatrixAlliances and can confirm now that the program is Paying and to be reviewed on MNO on Saturday. Stay tuned for more information on the investment plans and other main features then, guys!
Although it might not look like a busy day for news stories in the wider HYIP industry, when is there ever a dull moment in LaserOnline? That’s a rhetorical question of course, there’s never a dull moment in the best program around in the industry at the moment. Not that LaserOnline doesn’t have plenty of challengers, in fact I’m thankful they didn’t always have such an easy time of it getting to the top, but now that they are there they’ve been one of the best most consistent and dependable performers anywhere in the industry. There’s not much sign of this changing anytime either as this absolute giant continues to prove almost unstoppable. It is of course now the number one listed program on the MNO monitor’s Premium List, a rank which is not assigned to the program by me personally but rather is decided by the activities of the MNO readership. You can see the LaserOnline stats page for yourself by the way (other admins also take note here!) where MNO is now listed as the single biggest source of deposits made there. That happens to be a statistic I’m quite proud of because no matter what happens LaserOnline next I know that the vast majority of those investors will walk away with a profit, and in some cases quite a substantial one from the program which was originally reviewed on MNO here. In the two months that have passed since then LaserOnline‘s one single simple vintage style plan that pays 12% interest per day for 12 business days has proved as popular as it is profitable. You can join for an affordable $5 minimum, and with all the popular payment methods available, both conventional and digital, it’s not hard to see why. LaserOnline are currently working with Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash if you are working in dollars, and BitCoin, Etherium, LiteCoin, Dash, Ripple, and Monero for digital e-currencies. The latest plan to help the LaserOnline community to keep growing is the re-establishment of their international multilingual chat groups. Some technical difficulties meant the previous version is no longer valid, problems with the invitation links it seems, but as anyone who runs an online business will tell you it’s not about the problems it’s about how efficiently you solve them. Something LaserOnline continue to do in spectacular style. The latest news on their community chat groups is included below:
LASER ENGLISH CHAT (NEW) http://ift.tt/2vpjiHT
LASER ??????? ??? (NEW) http://ift.tt/2vHvUW5
LASER ????? ??? (NEW) http://ift.tt/2vpjCpW
LASER ESPAÑA CHAT http://ift.tt/2vHQQMn
LASER BRAZIL CHAT http://ift.tt/2vpBAbV
LASER ARGENTINA CHAT http://ift.tt/2vHtEOc
LASER VI?T NAM CHAT http://ift.tt/2vpjBCo
LASER THAILAND CHAT http://ift.tt/2vHNZ6e
LASER ??? (NEW) http://ift.tt/2vpXyeP
LASER DEUTSCHE CHAT (NEW) http://ift.tt/2vpRHX2
LASER PORTUGUÊS CHAT (NEW) http://ift.tt/2vHm1Yh
Question? What’s wrong with old group, and why switching to another new groups?
Answer: Old groups invitation link is not available for some reasons (probably some wrong settings since creation). We’ve taken care of it this time with these new groups, and all links will be updated soon at the website/Facebook/telegram elsewhere possible needed.
What is New?
Of course, New SuperGroups for LASER but also….
New Addition for Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Spain & Vietnam community groups! and more countries communities telegram groups soon to follow….
We now are on supergroups – 10,000 members capacity per group, so please Rock ‘n’ Roll to the new links above mentioned right away, Invite your friends to join the group, to expand the boundaries of communication!
Look forward to see you all at the NEW group ASAP”.
A bit further down the field but a slow burner and no less deserving of praise for its performance in its own right is Ykke. One thing they have in common with LaserOnline is that Ykke only has one investment plan, which is where the similarities end. Ykke is a BitCoin only program so there’s also just the one payment option available for you. It will set you back around a $40 minimum to join, and once you are in Ykke is an open-ended perpetual style program which will continue to pay you 3% interest on your deposit for how ever long they can stay online. The earlier who joined at the very start when Ykke was first reviewed on MNO here will be the ones best pleased about how things have been going, they’ll be at almost 60% net profit by now and still counting. Others are catching up of course, so in an effort to get more investors supporting the program publicly and help with some promotional work the admin has launched a video contest. Well, maybe not exactly a contest in the traditional sense that there will be a winner, second prize, third prize, etc, but rather there’s a financial bonus on offer to anyone who makes a good enough effort. Basically all that’s required is that you make a video on why you are in Ykke, but don’t be lazy about it and just “phone it in” as they say, try and be a bit more creative because the better videos will get a better bonus. Instructions on what the Ykke admin is expecting are included in the first newsletter below. The second update covers a subject that’s not been too far from the news in recent times, even in the mainstream media – BitCoin exchange rates. As a BitCoin only program the Ykke admin claims to have taken full advantage of this and added significantly to the program’s capital. Obviously I have no way of verifying his exact claims, but given what we know of the volatility of BTC in exchange markets I would have to concede that yes, it is at least very easily possible. Anyway, both news updates from Ykke can be read below:
“Get a bonus for your Ykke video!
Make your video review about Ykke company and get extra bonus 0.01 BTC! The best reviews will get 0.02 BTC!
The conditions are pretty simple and clear, every active investor can participate. The only thing you need to do is to make a small video about your reasons of investing into Ykke and the benefits of dealing with Ykke. The obligatory task is to show online the process of making a deposit (any sum of money).
Download your video on YouTube and send us an email with the link to the video containing the login to your Ykke personal account and your Bitcoin wallet ID. The subject of the email should be “Video Ykke“.
Attention! Do not tell your password to the third parties. The representatives of Ykke company will never ask for this information.
Each investor who makes a video review according to the rules will get 0.01 BTC as a bonus. The bonus will be sent directly to your BTC wallet mentioned in the email.
Ykke representatives will choose the video reviews of the best quality and content which will be awarded with a double bonus 0.02 BTC!
Our email: support@ykke.io Send your video review with the subject “Video Ykke” and get your bonus!”
“The stress testing
Last week the BTC exchange rate fluctuated in a rather wide price range. Its price fell down much lower than $4000. And only people with iron nerves abandoned the idea of selling out their asset when the rate was falling down.
The turning point was spotted by the majority of our traders in time. The work was extremely hard but the deals made at the right moment helped us to increase the capital. At the end of the week the price came back to $4250-$4400. Evidently, the trading session of the next week will be more quiet.”
Something that the internet has changed about the world economy forever is the number of people who have managed to free themselves from the traditional workforce, tied to a specific location like a factory, an office, a warehouse, etc, and start working remotely for themselves. You need only look as far as MNO for an example right in front of you for that, my workplace is wherever I can plug in a laptop or pick up a mobile wifi signal. I’ve made money while sitting on park benches in the past, and it makes no difference what country. Look around you the next time you are in a cafe, a waiting room, an airport, on a train, etc. Chances are you will see someone working intently away on a laptop. Sure, some of them will just be doing fairly inane things, chatting with friends, watching YouTube, just passing the time of day or whatever. Others however will be utterly independent and self sufficient people with no ties, no boss, and earning their living by their own rules. And I must admit, it feels good to be a part of that. More and more people are finding this out year by year, and so Payza have included a very interesting article on their official news blog on the subject. I suppose it isn’t really directly related to the subject matter of HYIPs directly as such, but I think it might still be of interest to a lot of MNO readers who are either already or at least looking to dump the traditional hierarchy of employer-employee life and take control of their own lives. Good luck to you if that includes you, I know I for one have never looked back and never regretted a day. But while we are on the subject of Payza and this is after all a HYIP related website, I should at least point out that while they aren’t currently accepted by that many programs in terms of numbers, they are almost always taken by the best. Payza are only used by four programs on the MNO monitor at the moment, however the incredible thing is that all four of these are in the current Top Five list of most popular programs in the industry. They include LaserOnline (reviewed here), TrafficHeap, (reviewed here), Respectativa (reviewed here), and BandeiraCorp (reviewed here). A lot of this probably has to do with the excellent funding and withdrawal options in and out of your Payza account (which allows you to do it directly from your bank account, credit card, and Payza‘s own branded pre-loaded debit card) without resorting to third-party exchangers. Also of course is their growing integration with BitCoin which gives even more options. Anyway, check out the following article from the official Payza news blog if interested:
“Working the Gig Economy: Part 1 – Modern Work
In today’s digital economy, the traditional employer/employee relationship is disappearing. The overwhelming trend is toward a new gig economy – defined by TechTarget as “An environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements.” For some, the gig economy has replaced reliable permanent employment with inconsistent temporary labor. For others, it poses a major opportunity to supplement your income or even become your own boss.
Some professions have always included “gigs” as part of the economy. Full-time graphic designers, for example, have been taking jobs on the side for as long as the profession has existed and many people in artistic trades, such as carpentry or interior decorating, begin their careers with gigs while maintaining a full-time job elsewhere.
Today, contract labor has pervaded just about every industry there is. There are many causes for this, including:
– Mobile workforce: Thanks to the internet, a lot more jobs can be performed remotely, which has caused the link between “job” and “location” to diminish. Employers gain the benefit of hiring the best person for a given job out of a potentially global pool of candidates, and employees gain the flexibility to work from home, travel without missing work, and have more control over their own schedules.
– Automation: As software and roboticization grow more sophisticated, the total labor required to keep a business running decreases. Many businesses have responded by shifting away from salaried employees in favor of part-time workers and contractors hired to complete specific, temporary tasks.
– Career satisfaction: The gig economy is also driven by choice. Coming out of the great recession, many people no longer believe in the “job security” promise of salaried employment, instead opting to diversify their income streams. Self-driven work also allows people to pursue career paths that align more closely with their interests and values.
Presently, the average worker does not (yet) participate in the gig economy, however LinkedIn predicts that by the year 2020, 40 percent of American workers will be employed as independent contractors. Gig-based work is now more accessible and navigable than ever, so even those comfortable in their day job can take advantage of the gig economy to supplement their income, build new skills, and explore new career directions.
Jobs in the gig economy can take almost any form. As contract work becomes more common, more and more industries will increasingly be hiring freelancers. There are innumerable ways to categorize and subcategorize the gig economy, but here’s a primer to help you figure out which kind of “gig” is right for you:
Sharing Economy
The age of the app has ushered in what is known as the sharing economy: a subset of the gig economy which refers specifically to offering the use of something you own to others. As the most often publicized form of the gig economy, the sharing economy is exemplified by platforms such as Uber, which allows you to share your vehicle by driving customers to their destinations, and AirBnB, which allows you to share your home or apartment with travelers who need a place to sleep. These services don’t typically require any special skills and are therefore a very popular introduction to the gig economy for people who need some extra cash.
For labor that requires more specialized skills, gigs have always been a big part of the job. Artists, designers, editors, and tradespeople are no strangers to the gig economy, but contemporary platforms such as Upwork, Elance, and TaskRabbit have allowed people with specialized skills, and those searching for workers with those skills, to connect more easily than ever.
Content Producers
The digital age has also made it easier than ever for content producers to monetize their creative passions. Musicians, bloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers now have many tools allowing them to get paid for their content. YouTube, for example, pays popular producers per view, and musicians can sell through Bandcamp and earn royalties through Spotify. Podcasters can sell airtime to advertisers, and bloggers can earn money through affiliate marketing. However, the latest boon to content producers is the success of Patreon: a platform which allows producers to connect with “patrons”. This platform allows fans to commit to a long-term payment plan in exchange for exclusive perks, either by paying on a regular schedule or paying a small amount every time the producer releases a new podcast/video/song/etc. So the content producer gets a more predictable stream of income while the fans get access to unique bonus content and other incentives, a win-win!
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a well-established revenue stream in the digital age. This gig involves an affiliate who promotes the products sold by a business, for example by blogging about them, writing product reviews, or releasing a shopping guide for niche interests, and the affiliate also provides a link for readers to purchase that product. The business then pays the affiliate a commission for every sale they helped to generate, in a commission-based system.
The gig economy has allowed skilled workers around the world to do what they love, increase their income, and free themselves from the nine to five job. If you’re ready to take on that passion project and make money doing it, now is the time!
Do you know that Payza has its own Referral Program? Get your start in the gig economy by helping people sign up for their free Payza Account. Once they reach a certain amount of transactions, you’ll earn $5 USD for your first 10 referrals and $10 USD for every referral after that!
Join the millions of businesses and individuals around the world that use the Payza payment platform to supplement their income and to get paid for their gigs. Do you have experience with the gig economy? Let other readers know by leaving a comment below.
For more information and to stay up to date with the latest Payza news, be sure to subscribe to the Payza Blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Genetix.
From MNO Premium list: LaserOnline, TrafficHeap, Respectativa, FatFunds, BandeiraCorp, AurumBank, ControlFinance, ChainGroupService, RolyInvestment, AlpexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: Ykke, CryptoMineHoldings (the first instant payments received), MatrixAlliances (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: CryptoCenter, Investellect, UKPME, CryptoMaster.
That’s all I have for tonight, guys. Thanks as always for reading and I hope MNO provides at least some valuable information useful when you’re picking the best HYIPs in the industry. I will, of course, keep you up-to-date on all the latest events, so remember to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or simply subscribe to the daily news updates here to stay updated regularly via email. Of course, your active participation on the MNO ShoutBox and the votes for your favourites on the MNO monitor are always appreciated too. If you have any questions about the monitored programs and are my direct downline you can also write to me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com and I will try to get back to you within 24 hours and contact HYIP admins on your behalf if necessary. I’ll be back on Thursday with a detailed look at CryptoMineHoldings and again on Saturday with MatrixAlliances, so stay tuned for that. Keep voting in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page, as the final results are going to be announced by the end of the week. Stay tuned, keep earning, and remember MNO is For Money Lovers!
The post 29/08/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/2vpnabQ
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