Hello everyone! Well it’s Friday once again so I hope it’s been a successful end to the business week for you. Don’t get too comfortable just yet though, I have a feeling things are going to get very exciting around here before too long. While most of us weren’t surprised at how slow the summer has been in the industry up to now, we also know this can’t last forever and something might be about to change with the launch of LaserOnline, a brand new short term HYIP with an old school style investment plan that’s proven to be popular in the past. That’s not the only new name on the MNO monitor though, keep reading through to the news section where I’ll also be introducing another brand new program just added earlier this morning. Let’s stay with LaserOnline for the moment though, it’s been a while since I remember such unbridled enthusiasm for such a new and, let’s be honest, as yet unproven program. The first payments from them are well under way by now and momentum is starting to build. Considering the LaserOnline admin first came exclusively to MNO for monitoring (knowing that other promoters will happily add them for free on the strength of that) his abilities as a strategist become even more impressive. So let’s see what LaserOnline is all about and whether you would like them as part of your own portfolios.
The most, perhaps even the only, straight forward thing about LaserOnline is the investment plan. There’s only one of them, and the very same rules apply to all investors, big and small. So I guess it won’t be all that hard to decide if you like it enough to join or not. All that LaserOnline require of you is a $5 minimum spend to become a member. All deposits up to the maximum allowed limit of $10,000 are treated the same, i.e. they are subject to the same interest rates and the same investment term. What LaserOnline are offering is a daily interest payment of 12%. This would be made on business days only, Monday to Friday, for a term lasting 12 business days or just over two full calendar weeks. This adds up to 144% in total back on your deposit, with LaserOnline including your initial principal as part of the payments. So it’s your own money back plus 44% net profit.
Let’s take a practical example then and see what a typical investment might look in monetary terms. Let’s say you were to invest $100 with the program, a nice even number. You should then earn back $12 each day between Monday to Friday for the rest of the term. You should reach the break-even point, that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to what you spent in the first place therefore making it impossible to lose any of your own money, after nine payment days which is just short of two full weeks. Your final payment from LaserOnline should bring your total earnings to $144, from which the first hundred was already yours to begin with plus an extra $44 in profit as your reward for joining.
As I said it’s the same rules for everyone no matter what the size of your deposit is with LaserOnline, so next up we need to look at the payment options. They were reasonably good to start with, certainly they were competitive at the very least, but some significant improvements have now been made which will bring a whole new level of “brand credibility” to the LaserOnline name. Before now you could join LaserOnline using PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash if you had a preference for third party payment handlers, and BitCoin if you wanted to take the more direct route of using a digital e-currency and bypassing the exchangers. Big news then when it was announced that LaserOnline has joined that small elite group of programs approved to use a Payza payment button. It’s probably no coincidence that literally within hours of this happening that LaserOnline broke into the top five most popular programs listed on MNO for the first time. It’s only a minority of programs that accept Payza in the first place, but most of those who do are almost guaranteed to go to the top. So by adding Payza LaserOnline are making a bold statement of intent.
I should just point out that if you are making a deposit via Payza then at the time of writing certain restrictions apply. I do not believe it’s the intention of LaserOnline to keep these in place long term, but for now they will only accept Payza funds if you are investing amounts between $50 and $500. This will probably be relaxed over time to stop the program overheating and maintaining a slower more manageable rate of growth.
The payment schedule for members’ withdrawal requests is an interesting feature in LaserOnline. Basically it takes 48 hours for your request to be completed, and this applies to everyone by default. But in turn each individual member is assigned what’s called a “credit score”. This I suppose if I had to explain it simply is a way of saying the contribution made by some members towards the success of LaserOnline is better than others. Your credit score is I imagine improved by the level of activity and commitment you show to the program, building a downline, re-investing for more than just one cycle, making bigger deposits, and so on. This will then see improvements made to your LaserOnline membership allowing for larger withdrawals and faster processing times. I should also point out that there are restrictions placed by your Credit Score on the amount you can withdraw in 24 hours. Don’t worry though, even the lowest score still allows you to withdraw $500 per day, so in order for that to be your interest payment your principal would have to well over the amount most regular industry players would spend, approaching almost $4,200 in fact.
Anyway, whatever your Credit Score you will still have to submit your withdrawal request through your LaserOnline members account area. Once the request is submitted you will find a timer next to it under the headline “Latest Activity”. This counts down from 48:00 hours until your request is then processed. Remember that because LaserOnline does not make payments over the weekend, and requests made on Friday will simply have two additional days added to them and continue as usual on Monday.
So far it’s all been good, above average standards for the HYIP industry at the moment for sure, but nothing out of the ordinary. It’s when we move on to some of the more technical aspects of the program where LaserOnline really excels. Website and account security is treated with the gravitas it deserves, so it’s most welcome to see the LaserOnline admin share this view. On sign-up for example you will be asked for a four digit PIN code. Please memorise it and store it in a safe offline location, because you are going to be needing it later. You will also be asked a security question, specifically what’s your favourite colour. If you don’t have one then just pick anything at random from the list of available options, but again make sure to remember what it was. One thing you won’t be allowed to do in LaserOnline is change your own payment processor accounts, meaning no one else (uninvited hackers for example) will be able to do it either.
For a hosting provider the admin has opted for CloudFlare, one of the best in the business, who are keeping LaserOnline on a dedicated server and has hired additional anti-DDoS protection from BlockDos. Aside from the main LaserOnline website there are two other mirror sites (which re-direct to the main domain) should the need ever arise. Highly unlikely given CloudFlare’s dependability, but good to know the option is there nonetheless. For an added layer of protection you will notice the LaserOnline website is protected by an Extended Validation secure SSL encryption certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The design and layout are also quite good, and despite the custom-made script the program is still easy to navigate and find your way around. Oh, if you’re like me and find the 80’s sci-fi synthesizer starts to get on your nerves very quickly you can just silence it by hitting the mute button. And speaking of the script, you might get a strong feeling of deja-vu here as it looks strikingly similar to the final version used by one of the last really big industry giants, which unfortunately collapsed just as they were trying to develop it into something like, well, this. But it’s quite secure and user friendly. I don’t know of how much interest or use this will be to you, but there’s a list of BitCoin related links in your LaserOnline account area as well, primarily related to the exchange rates and the buying and selling of it.
For further information, or just any questions or account related issues that you might need some assistance with, you have a couple of options open to you. As always you should first look to see if there’s an FAQ section, in this case there is, and I must say it’s quite comprehensive. You can then create and submit a support ticket in your members account area, and track its progress to make sure the matter is dealt with to your satisfaction. There’s even a very professional looking video to accompany the program which you can watch on the LaserOnline website or the MNOVision page where the video has now been embedded. Live Chat support can be available via LaserOnline‘s Telegram app where you can see a list of open chats relating to several countries/languages. Other social media networks where you’ll find the program keeping profiles include Twitter and Facebook. You can always go down the tried and tested conventional route as well of course, and simply e-mail LaserOnline‘s support directly at the listed address. A regional representative scheme is also in place, so get in touch if that’s something of interest to you. Lastly, and perhaps safest to ignore, is the postal address in Delaware, USA, where LaserOnline are registered as a company. By all accounts getting this done in Delaware is a whole lot different from any of the other 49 US states, hence why all the “American” HYIPs seem to have addresses there. A bit like registering a company in the UK, normally the HYIP admin’s first country of choice, because there are no questions asked and the whole thing is done anonymously over the net for very low prices. On the other hand there is at least a telephone number to go with the address, so feel free to check it out if you want.
Interestingly on the LaserOnline homepage you can see not just the list of payments, but also links to see the company’s BitCoin cash reserves. This is something not easily faked of course, as these transactions are a matter of public record which can be viewed via BlockChain. I think the idea of this is to somehow guarantee investor’s payments by pointing out just how much cash the program is sitting on and make you feel a bit more comfortable that the admin simply doesn’t have the need to scam small time players like you out of a couple of bucks. Needless to say, experienced players will never view such things as anything even remotely connected to a guarantee. You may very well believe (as I do) that yes, the money is definitely there, you just can’t be sure the admin has any intention of sharing it.
That being said if you’re not prepared to take a risk then forget about ever making a dime in this business, but it should also serve to emphasize that all deposits must be kept at a sensible and affordable level at all times. You have to take a gamble in this business, what you don’t have to do is take a big one. For the record the business activities allegedly backing the whole thing up come from LaserOnline‘s involvement in laser based products for use in high-tech industrial plants. Believe it if you want, it makes little difference to the fact that as an online HYIP things couldn’t have started better for the program. There’s a lot of high hopes around this one for sure, and why not, no one can deny that LaserOnline looks much better and is way ahead of the competition and a potential industry leader of tomorrow. Treat LaserOnline as you would anything else in the HYIP industry and stay, as I said, within a sensible spending limit. And of course also remember that LaserOnline would be better kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
So, what does everyone else think? Is this one due to be a hit or is it simply still not the right time of the year yet? If you have given any thought to LaserOnline and whether or not you would like to join it or not then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and also tell admins what standards you expect from a program before you join. The question is:
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.DAILY NEWS FROM THE HYIP INDUSTRY
I guess after reading the above review of LaserOnline and evaluating its main features no one can deny that it’s one of the best prepared programs with a clear strategy, vision, and step-by-step development plan I’ve seen for a long time now. Whether or not the program repeats the huge success of Zinc7 we saw last year remains to be seen, however, I believe that the main principles on which LaserOnline has been running gives me hope. The next exciting step in the right direction to appealing to bigger spending investors is the addition of Payza, announced yesterday for the amounts in the range of $50 and $500 (which can change later). That certainly came as pleasant surprise for me, as it only took LaserOnline a couple of days since the official launch before officially getting approved by Payza to add their payment button. I guess this is just more evidence of his previous experience, knowing that without Payza it would be impossible to get the most serious investors onboard. I will repost the latest Facebook message on that below, followed by their strategy on how to maintain their payments in the longer term. Please check below for the latest updates from LaserOnline:
“Hello, LaserOnline fans
We are pleased to announce Payza Platform as our fifth payment gateway officially available at Laser.Online and, from now onwards you are able to make transactions through “Payza Platform” located at your secured “desktop” area.
We are looking forward to providing you with the best experience possible.
Bright future with no compromise!
LaserOnline – LASERONLINE, LLC”.
“How can we provide such R.O.I. in long-term business plans?
We do agree that somebody can call our marketing approach doubtful or highly volatile. Many people will claim that it is not possible to create a stable return in such a short time period. From the beginning of the business class itself, people were scared of combining something they do not understand completely straight into their business plan of any existed industry. It is funny to accept that there were those times when corporations were afraid of the informational globalization itself. Yet nowadays no industry can imagine its existence without the internet, informational customer support & constant online data monitoring. Despite the fact of an enormous technology growth happened in the last decade, we certainly can perceive where some things deemed to be considered “impossible” finally can be placed into the “business plan comfort zone” of virtually any industry with just a little explanation and informational backup.
Cryptocurrency has become that very first “controlled fire” we used to shuffle with sticks at our caves. For many analytics, including our financial advisors & administration department, Bitcoin evolutionary financial impact was obvious from the beginning. And here we are, don’t even get too excited about a sudden 20% Bitcoin’s rate growth in a week anymore, and why is that? Maybe because we do know it is possible. We?ve seeing things many old-school folks would not believe, and still, this obsolete point of view either only can be changed by time passing out society’s boundaries, making the future generation even more “comfortable” with an acceptance of preposterous ideas such as your own personal prosperity, or by it’s direct professional integration into the business processes right here right now.
Here at LaserOnline Platform, we want to provide you peak confidence at the possibilities of a modern financial technology combined with trusted, future proven business of reselling & logistics.
In fact, the very core of each business model stands on it. No matter where you look if it’s a century old Enterprise or California based IT startup, everything happening to be based on either a particular service or price difference reselling margin or both.
Our company was able to withstand all market changes only because we believed at the constant asset diversification and selective approach to the industry’s particular strong side which we could likely use for profit today or tomorrow. Working at highly focused, unavailable to a mass market niche of Laser based products reselling & logistics we can establish long-term company?s financial development. However, we should accept that generating promised 12/12 investment plan gains would rather be very difficult only at this area of business then stable as we present it to you.
Over the past 10 years of our “offline” business we were able to generate extended capital resources & in a conjunction with early (2011-2014 year) cryptocurrency low-gap purchases coupled by constant trading & exchange, we now can present so-called “crypto-backup” where its passive growth can sustain our user?s digital funds long-term returns and stability provided by 12/12 business plan. This is very important to note that our results of a holistic approach to an executive time planning at modern innovations implementation can and should be used as an instrument of your own wealth and those people who have not been granted with an access of big industries orientated niche business. By joining large scale reselling & logistics model with rapid cryptocurrency’s development we’ve managed to establish a sustainable backup which can effectively cover potential vulnerability of a small yet very marginal cryptocurrency speculation by the size of its USD to BTC equivalent. Down bellow, you can explore a detailed scheme of LaserOnline‘s 12/12 plan financial pillars.
Get started with Laser today! http://ift.tt/2rG1z85
Find LaserOnline at social media: http://ift.tt/2saJimO
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section: http://ift.tt/2tehyOY
Get in touch with our Support or your local communities: http://ift.tt/2uzvIZm”.
It appears that the admin of FexFund believes in the magic of numbers. Today is the 7th of July, the seventh month of the year 2017 and that means that lucky “7” is prominent in the HYIP industry. It’s probably no coincidence that the admin George (interviewed on MNO here) decided to issue a weekly newsletter today to celebrate FexFund‘s successful 70 days online (yet another lucky “7” I guess!). The main news from the weekly newsletter is, of course, the addition of the fourth investment plan paying 4% for 60 days with no principal back on expiry. The new plan will only be available for large investors starting from a $500 minimum, so I doubt it will get many takers, especially considering the program’s age, but in the long run it might be beneficial to have something like this available for investors looking to spend an extra few bucks in FexFund in exchange for some extra rewards. The $500 investment minimum required for the new longer-term plan is much higher than the usual $10 to $50 required for the others, paying 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, and 5% for 30 days. Withdrawals to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash are usually instant, but the admin stresses that in the event of any disruption manual payouts will replace them within 24 hours. Although with me personally this was rare during FexFund‘s lifetime it did happen once or twice, but the admin was always fast in handling things manually. If using BitCoin some deposits might have to be added manually as well, especially if you have to wait for them to be confirmed in Blockchain, so keep this in mind too. To maintain stability with BitCoin investors George even promises to switch his BitCoin wallet from Coinpayments to something else if issues persist on a regular basis, and we can take his word on that for sure. I believe a new translation has been added as well – not sure exactly which, but you can easily switch between English, German, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, or Chinese. With the new investment plan being the main subject of the latest newsletter and also the update posted in the member’s area last night I have decided to include the new plan in the original review of FexFund posted on MNO, so you can check it later if you want (click here to read the original):
“[News] 7 is our lucky number today ; ) – FexFund news.
Good morning. Today is a day full of the lucky number “7”. It’s 7th of July (7th month) of 2017, and it’s your 70th day online. I’m not superstitious, but I think karma is on our side ; )
So here we are in our journey, nearly in the middle of the summer. Still good, still paying instantly and still growing!
About the growth – we have decided to add one more plan – 60 days program. It was a request from our good investors, looking for the more long-term relationship with us. Also, we have decided to lower the maximum investment amount to Starter plan and limit the number of starter programs per user to two.
Why did we do that? We aim long term, and with markets these days we have to be more careful and plan our investments much more carefully to avoid risks. You can probably see how many similar sites, claiming that they trade (or not) are gone by now, while we are still here. With Starter plans, we couldn’t do anything else but risky live trading. And because our site is growing, we have much more severe investors; we cannot take that risk anymore.
Please keep in mind that comparing to other services we still offer short-term return time with quite big profit.
Other news is that the wallet we use – Coinpayments – is getting a bit crazy last few days. I can see they have the outage from time to time and some payments I have to push manually. I hope they will overcome with that server problems. If that keeps happening, we will switch wallets. But just in case your BTC payment (as other wallets are working just fine) didn’t go through instantly – do not worry. We will send it as fast as it’s possible. Also, our FAQ covers that:
If for some reason, withdrawals cannot be made instantly (e.g. in cases of payment processor API outage) they will be paid out within 24 hours.
It’s a rare occurrence but can happen. No need to panic then : )
As it’s getting closer to the “scary date” of 1st of August we are getting some questions how we are going to behave in case of…
The whole point is that we don’t know what is going to happen. I believe that Bitcoin won’t split and we can still enjoy stable and reliable currency. We will always be supporting Bitcoin, and our aim is to keep using the original Bitcoin on the site. If we get much more details about the things are going to happen, we will update you.
I wanted to keep it short but didn’t make it, maybe next week : )
So I wish you all the best this weekend!
George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.”
“New plan and language available!
Dear Investors. For the requests from many serious investors, we have decided to add one more plan to our offer. It’s called Superior program, and it pays 4% daily for 60 days, so net income on that is 140%. We’ve also decided to lower maximum amounts for the Starter plan.
We did all that changes because we have to aim long term with our deals on the crypto market. With Starter plan we had the minimal amount of time to work out the income for the investors, and with the markets being in “red” for the most of the time, it was quite difficult.
We will update you on that tomorrow in our newsletter, the 70 days one : )
I guess the most expensive Premium listing on MNO is very popular among the HYIP admins wanting more exposure for their programs, as ControlFinance becomes the last program that left Standard listing in favour of the upgrade to Premium on a couple of days ago. The list of Standard listed programs contains one new name Ykke at the moment which I will introduce to you after this news post, and it’s a positive sign I guess, as it firmly indicates the HYIP industry is slowly getting back on its feet. That’s not the only news from ControlFinance as only yesterday the admin announced the addition of another translation, French this time. What a coincidence, I’m in the beautiful French city of Lille at the moment and enjoying its beautiful views and fine restaurants which are always good on evenings like this. Anyway, the French version of ControlFinance is the eighth language, joining English, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Polish, and German. I bet this gradual approach will be useful for the further growth and development of ControlFinance if its admin plans to stay online for a long time. Investors are still mostly short of the break-even point as ControlFinance pay from a 1% to 1.5% fixed daily rate depending on the size of your deposit. This can start from $10 via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, or AdvCash. Payouts are instant and you can even use an internal exchanger if you wish to be paid to a different currency from the one you joined with. To read more on ControlFinance and its main features please see the detailed review posted here. Below is the latest update from the admin:
“News – Our website is available in French
Hello. Our website materials are now available in French. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.”
Ykke is a brand-new perpetual-style program working exclusively with BitCoin that was added to the Standard List on MNO earlier today just after its official launch. With the minimum to invest set at 0.01 BTC (it’s about $25 at the current exchange rate) you will receive 3% daily for an indefinite period of time, or as long as Ykke exists. With no possibility of principal withdrawal at any time you will be in profit from day 34. Your initial deposit is credited on receiving three confirmations in Blockchain, and all withdrawals (the minimum to request is 0.001 BTC or $2.50 approximately) have to be requested from your account area in Ykke and will be processed instantly. As 24 hours have not yet passed since I made my investment I will only be able to confirm instant payouts are working properly by tomorrow, so watch out for Ykke‘s moving to Paying Status on the MNO monitor then. Ykke has a weird/funny Bitcoin-related music track cover of the popular Alicia Keys song “Girl On Fire” running in the background which can be easily muted though if you don’t want to be distracted. I’m pleased to see that Ykke is running off a custom-made script and the admin certainly takes security seriously as his website is properly SSL secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by DDoSGuard, so I doubt there will be any downtime related issues. Let’s see whether the admin of Ykke is capable of delivering results, as anyone joining now will be in profit first. The introductory message from the admin on the official launch can be found below and a full review of Ykke will be on MNO in a few days:
“We Are Online!
Ykke is happy to welcome every investor. You will become part of our friendly team entrusting us your money. Your trust is the most valuable resource for us! Our goal is the long term cooperation as well as the stable evolution. Every investor of Ykke is sure that his investments are working properly and giving a profit. From the very first day and for lifetime! Investing in Ykke guarantees you financial independence.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeap, FexFund,
BandeiraCorp, FatFunds, LaserOnline, AurumBank, ControlFinance, AlpexTrade, RolyInvestment.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: BitXxa, CryptoGolden, Investellect.
That’s all the news for tonight, except to briefly mention that BitCoin456 has now been placed on Waiting Status on the MNO monitor. I’ll explain in more detail next time, for now all you need to know is that payments are not being made and the admin is not explaining why.
Enjoy the weekend and I hope you enjoy reading the MNO blog – the online online investment source in English dealing with elite programs from experienced admins able to deliver best results for HYIP investors. Just always remember to diversify your portfolio between trusted programs that you will find on the MNO monitor. Watch out for possible new additions and see you all next week, as I’m really short of time now traveling on to Bruges soon. I hope you will keep supporting MNO which is now in its eleventh year online (how time flies!) and vote in the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page. If you have any other questions or suggestions on how to improve things don’t hesitate to contact me via this form, and please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe to my regular news bulletin here. Next post will be the full review of Ykke plus any other news from the HYIP industry you need to know about!
The post 07/07/2017. LaserOnline Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/2u100qV
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