Hello all! It’s the start of another business week in the HYIP industry and that means more great earning opportunities from the programs listed on MNO. Over the last couple of weeks I was pleased how the situation in the HYIP industry is developing with a few established leaders drip-feeding the rest of the industry and ultimately making it collectively stronger. Of course I’m talking mostly about those featured in the MNO Top Five Popular Programs article you can find here, but I can see many other contenders that might challenge soon. The upcoming holiday season can reshuffle the whole system of rankings when some weaker programs will inevitably fail while others will sore to retake their top spots in the Top Five. But that’s the natural cycle of things and how the HYIP industry works – it’s not really depending on the season and more or less works on the same premise (to read more on cycles in the HYIP industry please refer to this article from the MNO Info Center page). The current stability over the last few weeks allowed many investors to make good money if they chose the right programs. The process is made easier for them if the MNO monitor was their investment guide in the first place due to my strict policies to only list programs with the highest advertising budgets, i.e. higher resistance to fast scams. There are no absolutely safe choices of course, but I put all my efforts into eliminate the obvious fast scams so occasional failures which are also inevitable don’t spoil an overall positive picture. As evidence I recently saw a sharp increase in emails from readers expressing gratitude for directing them towards better opportunities and a chance to earn a decent living from their investments. As the main reason I created MNO ten years ago was to assist people like you to improve their living conditions online I find it extremely humbling and gratifying. That doesn’t mean that due to more favorable times in the HYIP industry you should let down your guard, relax and enjoy the ride. Quite the opposite – you need to remain vigilant and monitor the performance of the programs you’re in properly and spot any possible warning signs together with MNO. Many errors could have been avoided if you listened to my advice or your own common sense, so if in doubt do not hesitate to contact me at abramsonp@gmail.com directly or by filling the form on this Contact page. Remember that I’m always here for you and ready to help if I can.
So let’s move on to the latest events from the HYIP industry from the last 72 hours. We have news from such popular programs as Zinc7, RightRise, and Mexeer, the results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack, plus a new question for you to think about. I want to start by introducing a program that has been paying on MNO for about a month already – Palmills.
Palmills has been monitored on MNO for four weeks before the admin upgraded from Basic to Standard listing earlier today, which allows his program to be properly covered on my blog. The only investment plan in Palmills offers 3.5% interest over a period of 60 business days on deposits starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The admin also confirmed the addition of AdvCash as the fourth payment processor as of today. Fans of instant withdrawals will be pleased to hear all withdrawals have been processed instantly so far, so you don’t need to wait. The fact that Palmills has been paying promptly for about a month already tells us it has stood the test of time and proved that the licensed GoldCoders script, the EV SSL from GeoTrust, a dedicated server, and DDoS-protection from GeniusGuard were sufficient enough to allow a stable service to its clients. Despite a relatively long run already not even the very first investors of Palmills are in profit yet, but the admin’s efforts to increase his promotional efforts with improvements in the pipeline shared in a private email makes me think he’s capable of getting there. One more thing I want you to note about Palmills – the official name of the company incorporated in the UK is Bio Palm Oil Plantations Limited and hence the background story. Read more on Palmills in the upcoming review on the MNO blog and meanwhile check out the website to make your own judgment. Below are the only available news updates from the Palmills website so far, including the introduction of AdvCash:
“Palmills Website Pre-Launch
After many months of tireless work on website development, ideation, programming and then posting our platform online, the Palmills team is proud to present a preview of its final version. The website is still at the pre-launch stage. With a few days trials, we aim to be fully functional before it appears online shortly.”
“Welcome to Palmills
Great news! Today we announced the opening of Palmills. The Palmills investment platform is offered by Bio Palm Oil Plantations Limited, a UK based company with its offices located in the city of London. This website was built with safety and ease of use in mind, so it’s secure yet offers a variety of popular payment options, teambuilding instruments, and extra income opportunities. We truly hope you will enjoy your financial experience with Palmills.”
“Company Update of Palmills.
Dear Investors! It’s from admin of Palmills.
Almost 33 days has passed since we are online our company and opened the world of huge investment platform, we paid 3.5% for 60 business day for you.
We are glad to notice that Advanced Cash Payment System has been added. As we promised, we are planning to add Payza in the near future.
So, from this day you are honorable member of our financial success company. You are part of Success Company from now on!
Thank you for your participate. Admin of Palmills.”
If you think that RightRise already accepts all the possible currencies you might be in for a surprise, as yesterday the admin added yet another payment method – BTC-E, aka BitCoinExchange which represents a digital currency trading platform and exchange. You may therefore now buy the $30 shares offered by RightRise and receive 1% to 3% daily profits for an unlimited term (with the ability to boost them by a 1.48 coefficient) using BTC-E and its equivalent in three currencies – US Dollars, Euros, and Russian Rubles. Besides that RightRise (reviewed here) has already been working with multiple payment methods including both traditional processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, NixMoney, AdvCash, and YandexMoney, and more modern digital currencies such as BitCoin, LiteCoin, and DogeCoin. The short announcement on the ninth payment method accepted by RightRise can be found below with more to be added soon:
Today is Sunday and that means that it’s time to add a new payment system.
This time we chose BTC-E.com.
We wish you much profit and financial prosperity!
With best regards, the team RightRise.”
I must say that the interest in RightRise which presents itself as quite an original program offering instant payouts to investors has risen significantly among MNO readers since last Friday. This allowed RightRise to sneak into fifth position in the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO list (read the latest article on that here) while pushing Razzleton into sixth. Judging by the level of enthusiasm with which RightRise has been welcomed by readers even before the first investors are in profit I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them taking a higher position in the coming days and weeks. In any case, it’s one of the most promising new programs on MNO and many people have seen the potential and jumped right in. Best of luck with it!
The Mexeer admin is looking for new ideas from promoters on how to make the program even more appealing to potential investors in one of its lucrative investment plans offering 2% for 75 days, 2.3% for 77 days, and 2.5% for 80 days. Potentially these can earn from 50% to 100% pure profit by the end of the term. If you have read my review of the program posted here you’ll know that Mexeer is not only an online HYIP, but also an exchanger with its own MEX currency which can be exchanged for a fee to one of the other currencies they deal with – PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, PeerCoin, PrimeCoin, DashCoin, or EmerCoin. When joining Mexeer you should also be aware of the deposit and withdrawal fees and manual processing of withdrawals which may take up to 72 hours. You can check out the website yourself and see all the custom-made features that makes the program unique in its own way. And as the script Mexeer is running off allows changes to be made the admin is apparently looking for new ideas you can share with him privately following the advice below:
“For leaders and representatives.
Dear leaders and representatives of the platform Mexeer!
We appreciate your choice and thank a lot for your desire to contribute actively to the geographical expansion of the company and to promote worldwide the idea of a new payment system.
Interaction with the company gives a great opportunity to increase your income, thanks to the additional motivation and bonuses. Any your activity and help to Mexeer will not go unnoticed and will be rewarded.
Besides, Mexeer administration is always opened for dialogues and interested in your ideas for the further promotion and development.
We allocate money for development of your structure in your region!
Contact us in “Technical support” and share the ideas – we will be happy to implement them!”
Before the admin of Zinc7 pointed it out to me yesterday, I was unaware that the program has a own Facebook page where the very latest updates are released immediately. Now that I know I’ll be posting more latest updates from Zinc7 which deservedly occupies the #1 position on the MNO monitor. It’s understandable why Zinc7 (reviewed here) is so extremely popular among my readers at the moment. Reasons like a popular set of investment plans paying 7% for 22 business days and 110% after 7 calendar days, relatively low minimum of $25 to invest in either of them and many payment processors to choose from including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, even Payza, and very fast withdrawals with some taking just minutes . From a technical point of view the website is near perfect too by utilizing a custom-made script allowing their programmers to make changes and react to possible issues quickly, the domain name registered until 2025, and double protection from possible attacks by CloudFlare and BlockDos. On top of that the admin of Zinc7 constantly renews the advertising banner spots on MNO and purchasing new spots, like he did recently on the MNO monitor for two months in advance, possibly impressed by the results his program is enjoying on my site with nearly 770 members joining. Moreover, recently the admin shared with me some new plans in the pipeline for his program and I literally can’t wait to share them with you all once they are fully implemented and introduced on the website.
Meanwhile, the latest post on the Zinc7‘s Facebook page outlined all the benefits of joining the program’s list of representatives which has already reached 35 and grows by the day. As Zinc7 has been developing day after day and become more accessible in every corner of the world with the website already translated into no less than fifteen languages, it’s extremely important to maintain this healthy growth, especially during the holiday season. I believe that with a fully devoted team of representatives it’s an easier task to achieve and then in 2017 Zinc7 will be able to enjoy sustained growth with the sky as the limit. I’m sure that every investor in Zinc7 is rooting for this to happen, as then they will be able to make even more money with the program than they have done now (the next question on the MNO TalkBack will ask about your own financial achievements with Zinc7). So, learn how to become a representative of Zinc7 in the Facebook post below, apply if you feel you’re qualified, and enjoy the higher level of referral commissions if you do the job well:
“Zinc7 Representative 7% Affiliate Program
What’s the core benefit and How to apply?
Simply send your details i.e Username, Name, Email, Country and Website/blog link if any* directly to support@zinc7.cc with a request to upgrade at a representative level for higher commission from normal 5% to upgraded 7% from 1st level direct affiliates investment and remaining level to follow with same 2% and 1% affiliate income.
You should be able to achieve at-least 10 active investors in your team, and can ask for more help on team building or any special requirement for team down-line if any*
Grab the opportunity to work from home & earn money online, by simply inviting your friends & family or by sending us web traffic. We accept anyone, anywhere so start now to earn a long-term passive income of $1.25 – 12,500 per deposit. It’s absolutely free.
For more, kindly visit Zinc7
Confidence Built By Essentials, LLC. Martin”.
It’s time to ask a new question for this week’s MNO TalkBack poll and following up on the subject of Zinc7 that firmly sits in the #1 spot from the top performing programs on my site I would like to ask you this:
Are you in profit from Zinc7?
a) Yes, I’m in good profits after completing several investment cycles
b) Yes, I received a small profit and reinvested to get more
c) Yes, I did profit but have since left the program
d) Not yet, as I’m yet to reach the break-even point
I believe Zinc7 deserves its own question as it’s on the way to becoming the best program of 2017 vastly outperforming similar programs like Capital7 and RapidIncome. In fact it’s hard to remember a program I had so many referrals on three levels in (the figure stands at 766 but is growing constantly), so I know that many MNO readers are in and praise for its performance is widespread. The poll will run for another week or so, and the final results will be posted next week.
As for the last poll that ended today I was asking about my readers’ attitude towards paying once on expiry plans. The reason for this was the fact that many MNO readers completely ignored all my warnings about Capitaller and invested in the plans they should never have touched. The admin of Capitaller was so shrewd that he was gradually adding these dangerous plans making the offers shorter and shorter while luring the potential investors with higher and higher interest rates. I don’t think there is a need to explain why no one was paid on these once on expiry paying plans while those of you who joined the much more stable daily paying plans might still have been paid until today, when all the payments to regular investors halted but continue to irresponsible monitors who still display a Paying status for Capitaller.
The question was – “Do you invest in paying once on expiry plans?” The final results were mixed with 31% going to two answers: “Yes, I do invest in them if they are short term” and “I never join as the risk is too high”. I believe that the overall 62% of my readers are quite wise when it comes to investing in these plans, as those who are not doing it at all are usually doing better and profit larger than those who do it regularly, and even those who only invest in paying once on expiry plans if they are short-term tend to stand a much better chance, provided the plans were available in a program right from the very start and not added later on. 19% of the votes each went to “I join regularly, as the profit is higher” and “I might join occasionally, but usually I try to avoid them”. I would say such people are playing with fire, and they should invest in such plans only if they firmly realize all the dangers. Of course we have exceptions to the rule, such as Zinc7 offering 110% after 7 days and completing 13 cycles by now, but such cases are generally rare and not very many HYIP admins are capable of performing so well. In any case, the poll was quite a revelation to me, and I guess many others to see why some investors are taking unfeasible riskd. Hope you have all learnt your lesson from this and will be more careful. After all, experience and learning is what you really need to eventually make regular profits in the HYIP industry, and MNO provides guidance if you pay close attention.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Zinc7, TrueBit, ArdexFunds, BandeiraCorp, RightRise, Razzleton, Edelweiss5, SoftmeetBit, BeyondPetroleum, Mexeer.
From MNO Standard list: Palmills.
From MNO Basic list: Xabo, HYIP-A, Synvestment, Dowerly.
That’s it for tonight, guys. As I’m spending tomorrow touring the Southern coast of Iceland I’ll be back on Wednesday with the latest news from the HYIP industry and the full review of Palmills. That doesn’t mean I won’t be online at various times during the day, so my monitor will still be updated and any important issues can still be addressed. In order to see the latest updates, always check my ShoutBox and if you have any questions regarding the monitored programs or the HYIP industry in general please don’t hesitate to contact me at this page. I’m always there for you and will reply to everyone within 24 hours – that’s a promise! See you on Wednesday, folks, and good luck with your investments!
The post 12/12/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
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