Hello everyone! I hope the weekend is going well for you all so far, and there’s a quite a few news stories to catch up on and a new program to present. The main point of today’s update however is a recent addition to the MNO monitor called ForexBrothers. It’s a short term program, not brand new having completed its first cycle already (putting investors into profit in the process), but new to my monitor where the admin has taken Sticky Listing for the first week on top of regular Premium Listing as well. I’ll have a look at the finer points of ForexBrothers below and we’ll see if you think it’s still a risk worth taking or not and if you want them in your own portfolios.
Down to business then, and ForexBrothers offer just one investment plan. That makes for an easy review for me, and an easy decision for you – you either like it enough to join, or you don’t. Simple as that. You will need a $25 minimum to invest, and the term will run for 10 calendar days. Technically speaking I suppose that’s not entirely accurate, as ForexBrothers actually measure the term in hours. In that case the plan runs for 240 hours, which is of course the same thing as ten days. The reason for this is because members are paid by the hour. Everyone receives the same amount of interest regardless of the size of your deposit, big or small. The rate is 0.63% per hour on all deposits with no maximum limit placed on how much you can spend. By the end of the term that adds up to a grand total of 151.2% return on your investment. ForexBrothers include your principal in this, so it’s your own money back plus 51.2% net profit.
Let’s see how a simple example might look in monetary terms and say we are investing a nice round figure of $100 with ForexBrothers. You can then earn $0.63 every hour. Over the course of a full calendar day this adds up to $15.12, or a 15.12% daily return on your investment. 240 hours later (ten days) and this will eventually add up to $151.20, from which your initial hundred is already being included so makes $51.20 net profit for yourself. A more important statistic is always the break-even point of course, the point where you earn back an amount equivalent to your original deposit and can’t possibly lose any of your own money after that. This comes after 159 payments, which is 159 hours or just under a full calendar week. Many of you may have some doubts about exactly how long short term high interest programs like ForexBrothers can run for then, whether they can complete the cycle you are joining. It would obviously be the goal that they do, but you only need them to be around for a week to see at least some profit.
By the way, I think I might need to clarify something about ForexBrothers at this point, especially if you have noticed a slight discrepancy between the website and my review. You see, for some reason the site says that the hourly interest rate is 0.625%, whereas I’m telling you as a ForexBrothers member I’m actually receiving a marginally better 0.63%. OK, there’s not much in the difference, no more than a couple of cents for most investors, just be aware of the discrepancy and of the correct rate.
If you think the ForexBrothers investment plan is something still worth taking a chance on, then the choice of payment options isn’t bad considering the type of program it is. You can join using any of PerfectMoney, Payeer, or AdvCash if you prefer the traditional style payment handlers, or BitCoin to spend directly with a more modern e-currency. Something that’s very important for a lot of short term programs, but particularly those making hourly interest payments like ForexBrothers, is instant payouts. After all, no one wants to be left waiting 24 hours for an hourly payment to be completed, right? That would just defeat the entire purpose of the exercise. So as one might expect, ForexBrothers do make instant payouts. You will still need to log into your account and make the request, but once done the money should be with you in under a minute.
Just be aware of the minimum withdrawal rule though, as your request will have to be at least $1 or more. You can make as many withdrawals as you like as often as you like, but if it’s less than $1 it goes to pending status and will need to be cancelled and returned to your account until you have enough to make the proper request. This will mean only the bigger investors will actually get to make a withdrawal every hour, as your principal would have to be $159 or more in order to earn a full dollar every hour. Everyone else will have to do so a bit less frequently in line with the size of your deposit.
Onto the more technical side of the ForexBrothers website now such as the design and main security features, everything seems up to an acceptable standard. Hosting is on a dedicated server with tech support and protection from malicious attacks provided by DDoSGuard. The site has an SSL encryption certificate from Comodo to help with safer browsing and more secure transactions. And as for the script, most of the regular players will already recognize it as being from GoldCoders with all the customer friendly features and easy to navigate interface you would expect from them. I’ll just confirm for you that ForexBrothers are using it under license.
If you still have any further questions for the ForexBrothers admin that you think were missed in this review or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then direct support is limited. If you don’t find what you’re looking for on the ForexBrothers FAQ page then you will need to fill in your details on the online support form and submit it via the contacts page. As of yet there is no indication that other channels such as Live Chat support, social media profiles, etc, are being planned any time soon.
As for any alleged business activities behind ForexBrothers, the website is perhaps somewhat overwhelmed and cluttered with unnecessary information. Every attempt is made to create the impression of a trading company in business since 2011 and regulated by the UK Financial Authority. The fact that there was no functioning website until a month ago when the domain was registered gives a more accurate picture. And a website that takes online deposits from anonymous untraceable sources like PerfectMoney receiving a government license? Dream on! Texts and even the news updates are copy/pasted from other genuine investment websites, and in general contributes nothing other than a distraction from the real matter at hand, which is that ForexBrothers is a high risk internet only HYIP. There’s a chance to make money and a chance to lose it, just like anything else in this industry. With that point firmly at the front of your mind remember to set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and easily earn back from other sources. And if joining ForexBrothers at all then keep your expectations realistic and use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Before we move on to the news section for today then I just want to finish with ForexBrothers for the moment by asking what you guys make of it. Play or pass? I hope you won’t mind taking a second to vote in the following poll, which is as always completely anonymous. I hope the results will eventually show how many readers made the correct judgment call on the program as to rating your chances for a fast profit or not. So, the question is:
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.DAILY NEWS FROM THE HYIP INDUSTRY
I’ll start the news for today by introducing another new program called BeyondPetroleum. The admin today not only paid for Premium listing on MNO, he also took a more prominent Sticky position where his program will be sitting for at least another week. BeyondPetroleum is a decent looking website with a clean and uncluttered design and well planned structure. The only investment plan requires a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin and pays 2.5% daily for the duration of 60 calendar days. This gives you a potential 50% profit by the end as the original investment is not returned on expiry. BeyondPetroleum runs off a licensed GoldCoders script so you won’t find any difficulties in managing your account or requesting payments which are made manually within a 24 hour maximum. The technical set up is quite good with BeyondPetroleum hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoSGuard, and further enhanced by the EV SSL cert from Thawte. The company is incorporated in the UK with the possibility to verify it online and its domain name is registered for eight years in advance (until 2024) which should give additional peace of mind to newbies. Judging by its name BeyondPetroleum claims to be involved with the oil and gas industry as from the video testimonials and even the video presentation which I’ve embedded on the MNOVision page (click here to see it). Experienced investors will appreciate that BeyondPetroleum is just a HYIP that was officially launched about a week, so take account of the risks that go with it and invest only what they can afford to lose. I’ll have a more detailed look at BeyondPetroleum on Tuesday, so stay tuned for that. Meanwhile share the excitement at the official launch posted on the website by the admin, oddly sharing a name with famous Hollywood actor Ethan Hawke:
“Grand opening!
Hello everyone,
I am here today to present to you all, our upcoming launch for Beyond Petroleum Limited which is a platform for online investments.
Many of you are already aware that we have been working hard over the past 18 months to be able to get to where we are today and be ready to move forward with this exciting new venture.
From now each user of our platform can open a deposit and make a profit with the company. Good Luck!
Thank you all, over to you (Ethan Hawke)”.
Just a few hours ago the admin of RightRise released an important update to say his program has now started accepting deposits via PerfectMoney:
“Perfect Money
As we promised – the new payment system has been added. In response to numerous requests from investors our choice fell on the Perfect Money.”
That is quite a key addition to the existing mix of payment systems such as Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash, which were already accepted by RightRise when reviewed on MNO (click here to read it). The concept of gradually increasing the number of payment options is part of a clever advertising strategy that the admin of RightRise is using to provide a longer run. Another part of that strategy is the gradual addition of more languages (currently only English and Vietnamese are available with more expected to be added soon) and the ability to bring different returns to investors depending on the program’s performance and level of cashflow. Generally, by purchasing shares in $30 instalments (another clever feature of RightRise running off a totally customized script) you will be paid from 1% to 3% daily over the duration of the program’s lifetime. That, of course, can be anything, but the first investors should clearly benefit from higher overall profits before the inevitable ending. Well, I sincerely hope that won’t happen anytime soon, or at least until the vast majority of my readers are in good profit. So far I can’t complain, as all my withdrawals from RightRise have been processed instantly. Only time will tell as the program is just too new to make any predictions at this point.
I think for everyone who ever read the articles on the MNO Info Center it’s no secret that it’s extremely dangerous to give HYIP owners any personal details, regardless of what reasons they use to coax it out of you. You should always keep in mind that every HYIP will eventually close and God only knows then what and by who your personal details might be used for. I guarantee you will regret it later if you give your personal details to some random stranger to use for identity theft, laundering money, etc. I’m not sure therefore why Edelweiss5 posted some weird news about compulsory verification process that needs to be undergone by anyone wishing to receive their so-called debit cards with your name engrossed on it. The immediate question arises as to why Edelweiss5, which despite its proclaimed investment activities remains a HYIP and nothing else, would ask members for personal details, what provider would even issue them a card, and why on earth would such a program even attempt to do so. All these questions remain unanswered and I myself couldn’t find any additional information about the card issuer on the Edelweiss5 website. The only update on that visible in the site’s news section says the following:
“The grandiose gift for investors!!!
Dear friends! Thanks to you, we grow, develop and set ourselves new long-term plans for the progressive development. Unchanged remains relevant to our investors, which are the highest value for us. We sincerely care about their wealth and for this purpose we pass to a new level of service. We are proud to announce the launch of a unique name cards, with which you can perform all payment transactions on our site. To get the debit card, we made the obligatory point of verification to identify all of our users. Go a verification and enjoy the system of simplified payment transactions!”
Here I must add that Edelweiss5 works exclusively with anonymous payment processors, so I’m not sure why investors should trust them with their personal information considering the fact they themselves are unable to verify their own business accounts in say Payza or OkPay. Having said that, at the time of writing Edelweiss5 is working fine and daily interest is sent to members’ PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, YandexMoney, Qiwi, or AdvCash accounts with no delays (you can also invest now via direct Bank wire, but I’m not sure how your interest will be sent in that case). The program offers only one investment plan according to which it pays 1% interest from Monday to Friday and 0.5% on Saturday and Sunday for the duration of 365 calendar days on completion of which your deposit starting from $50 minimum expires. In case of Edelweiss5, mostly advertised offline in the form of presentations in various cities around the world, you can even sign an investment agreement which would nevertheless not guarantee your profits. If you wish to find out more on the main features of Edelweiss5 you’re advised to read my detailed review of the program here or the interview with its admin Daniel by following this link.
It appears that issues with deposits via BitCoin, which is ironically the only accepted payment processor in SoftmeetBit, never went away, as yesterday I received yet another email from the admin on the subject. There he repeats the same issue that tainted the program’s chances for success among potential investors. The Coinpayments interface that is responsible for handling and crediting deposits in SoftmeetBit seems not to be working properly, at least in some cases, if we believe the update posted below that asks members to contact the admin if deposits are not credited within two hours:
“Dear Investors
Please contact us if your profile isn’t updated 2 hours after you received confirmation letter from Coinpayment.
Please prove following information to this e-mail
admin@softmeetbit.com so that we can help you better.
SoftmeetBit Team”.
I do believe that (and I underlined the point it in the review of the program posted here) that SoftmeetBit comes across as very much an unfinished product and a work in progress. And though the admin seems to have taken care of some issues, including a lack of advertising materials and withdrawals not processed instantly as they should, there are still some obstacles. I hope the admin will be able to make sure everything is fixed soon, so people will be more confident investing in the plans which promise the principal back on expiry and credit interest only on business days (Monday to Friday) which are listed in calendar days nevertheless – 1.2%-1.5% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, 2% for 45 days.
It’s clear that Payza is not only attractive to a general HYIP audience because of more or less the same funding and withdrawal options PayPal has but without any restrictions on HYIPs, it’s also handy for many other online businesses. Another field where it can be beneficial is affiliate marketing and various MLM schemes people get rewarded for referring others to. In the HYIP industry, as we know, Payza is much more famous among HYIP investors but not really suited to the majority of HYIP admins (from my list of 19 programs only 3 accept Payza at the time – Zinc7, BandeiraCorp, and TrueBit). However, there is literally no limitations where you can try Payza for personal use if you are involved in affiliate marketing. This is the subject of the most recent update posted on the Payza official blog which you can read below in its entirety:
“Payments for Payouts
The more things change, the more they stay the same. During the age of e-commerce, this old adage is more accurate than ever. Just as mail was mostly replaced by e-mail, wallets are now being gradually replaced by e-wallets, and as we shift from traditional commerce to e-commerce, marketing is shifting to follow suit.
The exponential growth of the e-commerce market has inspired online businesses to modernize their marketing approaches and driven a boom in affiliate marketing firms. If you’re looking to get into the game as an affiliate, now is the right time, but to do it right the first thing you’re going to need is an e-wallet.
Why Affiliate Marketing?
People often fear the new, it’s human nature. But we’ve now reached the tipping point of the digital economy, when people are finally shedding the distrust of new technologies. And why not? An e-wallet is not fundamentally different from a wallet; it’s just updated to suit our current needs. And affiliate marketing is not fundamentally different from traditional marketing, it’s just adapted to the way people now behave in the digital economy.
Many affiliate marketers are facing roadblocks when it comes to managing their digital cash flow. Traditional banks are poorly equipped to deal with the needs of modern e-commerce and this is especially bad when it comes to affiliate marketers, who need to operate a high frequency of small incoming and outgoing payments.
Simply put, affiliate marketing is a system in which one entity (the affiliate) directs traffic to a business’s online properties by linking to them from their own property. For each visitor or customer they direct to the business, the affiliate is rewarded. When an added layer is included into the system allowing the affiliate to recruit additional affiliates and is rewarded for it, this is known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).
This is effective because of today’s connected consumer, distrustful of traditional marketing tactics, is more likely to trust direct recommendations by people they follow. Anybody can become an affiliate, from bloggers, podcasters and YouTubers to people providing a service such as price comparisons, coupon providers, and product discovery services.
Why You Need an E-Wallet
As an affiliate, you want to make sure of three things:
1. You receive your earnings in a reliable and secure fashion.
2. You don’t blow your profit margin on high fees.
3. Payouts are received without delays.
E-wallets are the natural solution to all three of these problems. An e-wallet is a secure online storage space for your money that can be loaded and unloaded at will, just like a real wallet. Unlike other forms of online transactions, such as card payments and bank transfers, using your e-wallet doesn’t transmit any of your sensitive personal or payment card information, making it a much more secure way to send and receive money.
Unlike traditional banking tools, using your e-wallet is instantaneous and has significantly lower fees than bank transfers. Basically, e-wallets act like a digital bank account which allows you to send and receive payments instantly, 24/7. For affiliates receiving regular payouts for the leads they generate for their partner businesses, e-wallets take all the guesswork out of how and when you’re getting paid.
Affiliate marketing has been around almost as long as online business, but it’s only recently that the e-commerce industry has come around to the fact that it’s actually one of the most effective ways of marketing to today’s digital consumer. To operate effectively as an affiliate, it’s essential to use an online payment platform to process your payments and to maintain an e-wallet where you can instantly and securely receive your payouts.”
The last item for today’s update is the final results of the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll. The question was aimed more at longer term readers and industry players, or at least those with a good memory. You see, the autumn season for 2016 in the HYIP industry has been a good deal better than that of 2015. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about that, about why this is the case now. Typically autumn is a prosperous time in the HYIP industry and even if you are new to it all you might be able to ascertain that for yourselves from the number of top quality programs on the MNO monitor at the moment. Over the course of the year there are a lot less fast scams listed here compared to other monitors, and only a tiny minority of which fail to put any investors in profit. Last autumn however saw something of a glitch in the general annual pattern, and we didn’t see the same level of success. The exact question asked of readers was:
What’s the main improvement of this autumn in the HYIP industry compared to last year?
Exactly half of you, 50% of the voters took the option “More experienced admins capable of longer lifetimes”. That much is probably true, I’m sure there’s always more than just one factor, but sure, there seems to be a lot less first-timers and amateurs opening programs at the moment. In second place with 22% of the vote was “Investors getting wiser and selective”, which I suppose after learning from experience is only natural as well. The remaining two options finished in a tie, with 14% of the votes each. These were “Better choice of investment programs” and “Less deliberate fast scams run by incompetent admins“, both of which of course also made some contribution to the industry’s recovery.
For the next question, I want to ask if MNO readers are satisfied with the accuracy of my monitor. It’s important that when a program stops paying to investors that this can be identified as soon as possible and a warning against any further spending be issued as fast as can be reasonably expected. That space of time between the instant the admin decides to scam and everyone else becoming aware of it can prove crucial. It’s not possible for this to be instant, but the faster a good monitor can isolate the scam and inform his readers the better for everyone. Just this morning I became aware of CryptoPlaza blocking the accounts of some investors, and was able to move it on to Problem Status on my monitor while, at the time of writing, every single other monitor covering it was still telling you the program was good. On account of this bad information some people are going to hand over money to a blatant scam which those monitors are most likely aware of, but they won’t act to protect those who rely on them for accurate information. Sad but there you go, not everyone takes such a professional attitude. The question I wish to ask therefore is this:
Are you satisfied with the accuracy of the MNO monitor?
And the possible answers are as follows:
a) Yes, I rate it very highly.
b) It’s acceptable compared to others.
c) No, I think it could be better (e-mail me to say why).
First of all, if anyone takes the third option, and I do welcome positive critique and criticism, I ask you to contact me and let me know exactly what you think it is that can be improved. This is a free service for readers after all, so take advantage of the opportunity to make it as good as possible. Other than that I just want to thank everyone who participates in advance. Voting will stay open for around another week or so, maybe ten days, but long enough for anyone who wants to take part to do so.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ForexBrothers.
From MNO Premium list: Zinc7, ArdexFunds, BandeiraCorp, Edelweiss5, TrueBit, Daily314, RightRise, SoftmeetBit.
From MNO Standard list: PalUnion, BusinezBit, MacroBanking, OceanInnovations.
From MNO Basic list: EarnTech, HYIP-A, Dowerly, Xabo.
That’s it for tonight, guys. More than usual to report for a Sunday but then the main thing MNO has always been known for is being the most up-to-date HYIP resource telling you today what others will only catch tell you tomorrow. Most likely after they too have read it on MNO! Many new challenges face us at this time of year so you need to feel relatively comfortable who you give your money to in hope of making a profit. This is when MNO comes into play with its exclusive range of investment opportunities listed on my monitor, most of which are from very experienced HYIP admins with higher advertising budgets and capable of running better programs for longer. A few rotten apples like CryptoPlaza can’t be helped, but these are far and away the minority. That’s why I’m also asking you to vote on the MNO TalkBack opinion poll and evaluate the efficiency of my monitor. It’s important for me to find out how you grade my work on MNO so I can improve my service to you, guys. So, don’t forget to click here and tell me what’s you think, it’s much appreciated. Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back on Tuesday with a detailed look at BeyondPetroleum plus whatever else is happening in the HYIP industry. If you don’t want to miss anything click here to subscribe! See you soon everyone!
The post 06/11/2016. ForexBrothers Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
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