Hello all! I can hardly believe more than five weeks passed since the last Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article was posted in mid-October. The main reason why it wasn’t updated for so long is that all five on the last list kept their Paying positions on the MNO monitor, and besides, I was very busy with reviewing other investment programs that seem to be a plenty on MNO nowadays. Now as I have some free time today and one program was replaced by the much more successful TrueBit, I feel it’s the right time to update the list. So, what are the main criteria for an investment program listed on the MNO monitor to be included in the Top Five list? As you can tell from its name, it’s more or less a popularity contest among MNO readers. The total amount of referral commissions received by me indicates the program’s popularity, which coupled with my own earnings from the program are combined to give each one its rank. Only programs listed in the elite Premium List and medium priced Standard List qualify for inclusion. Remember that the rating given today is valid only at the time of writing with all the given numbers, positions and statuses subject to change, so always check the program’s Paying status on the MNO monitor before even thinking of joining. You can use the following list as a reference in line with the program’s other features to consider if you haven’t joined any of them already.
#1 – Zinc7 (click here to read the full review) Up One Place
Total return – 555.94%.
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 72 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 7% for 30 days (interest credited on business days only), 110% after 7 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Although withdrawals are promised to be done within 48 business hours, in reality I’ve never waited much longer than five minutes for a payment so I assume they are automated rather than manual. Don’t take it for granted though, this might change at any time as the withdrawal rules are clearly stated on the website. Remember that on the daily paying plan you will have your account credited on every business day (Monday to Friday), but the whole investment term is counted in calendar days, just like the second on expiry paying plan – refer to my review for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
Long gone are the days when the so-called experts called Zinc7 just another copycat website and firmly refused joining or even promoting this program. The previous program they defended in favor of Zinc7 is long-forgotten and scammed with an unimpressive lifetime of 7 weeks only in total. Zinc7 on the other hand has been paying consistently for over ten weeks now and seems to be constantly proving all the skeptics wrong. OK, I don’t really care, it’s none of my business who just wants to sit there doing nothing, just watching and sniping while others just go for it and are earning very good money in Zinc7. Believe it or not, but I have over 520 members in my total downline in Zinc7, which is a hugely impressive figure showing the enormous popularity of the program which is still growing with every passing day. And it makes perfect sense, as over the last couple of weeks the admin has also significantly improved the Zinc7 website by translating it into several different languages while working on some others to be added at a later date, launching an incentive program for regional representatives looking to promote the program in exchange for higher referral rates for themselves, and adding a Feedback page containing a list of the program’s main social network accounts, threads on popular investment forums and the biggest monitors where MNO has been prominently featured as the program’s #1 supporting website. No wonder that Zinc7 has been such a popular choice among my readers and I believe at the moment it can be called the program of the year for 2016. Fingers crossed 2017 sees Zinc7 just as popular!

#2 – Capitaller (click here to read the full review) Down One Place
Total return – 526.53%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 106 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 3%-4% for 70 business days, 1070% after 10 business days, 1177% after 15 business days, 1210% after 20 business days, 1457% after 35 business days, 1677% after 70 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney.
What you need to know:
There is no account area so after joining you never need to make a request. You will be paid automatically to the same e-currency you joined with every business day, Monday to Friday. Please only invest in the daily paying plans and avoid the ridiculously priced on expiry options.
Why you might want to invest:
It would be perhaps unethical to recommend investing in Capitaller at this point, as the program is clearly past its prime. I can’t deny that Capitaller proved to be an extremely profitable pick for those who invested in one of its daily paying investment plans early enough. Now the program has entered the stage when any single deposit into any plan (even the daily paying one) would be considered a donation to the admin who seemed to be on the last legs trying to collect some profit for himself after an immensely profitable experience for the first lucky investors of Capitaller. You see, by adding new shorter term investment plans paying once on expiry every week, the admin inevitably approaches D-day when it will be time to pay out to every single person who invested in either on expiry plan. Smart investors who read the MNO carefully will know that such plans should be avoided at all costs due to the unlikely chance to profits from them. Yet from time to time some inexperienced investors insist on joining these things, in the process supporting the payouts to members in the daily paying plans. Although Capitaller has successfully passed the first cycle of its 70 business day plan and is now on the second cycle, don’t be misled – the days of the program are numbered and with more and more shorter-term “on expiry” plans added every week, I would not expect Capitaller to last for two to three more weeks. That will not be enough for any new members to profit even from the previously recommended 3%-4% for 70 business days investment plan, so stay alert and simply enjoy your profits from Capitaller if you’re already in the program, but do not re-invest in any case!

#3– TrueBit (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 327.98%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 30 days.
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 2.4%-4% daily forever, principal back anytime after 5 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, OkPay.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are usually processed within 24 hours, however, in most cases it just takes a few hours to be paid after you request it. Your daily interest grows from 2.4% to 4% gradually every 20 days in five stages and reaches its maximum on day 81. You may withdraw your principal fully or partially (as well as add extra money to the same deposit) after a five day lock-in period, but after that you have your principal locked for another 5 day period. You’re in complete control of your finances and your possible earnings from TrueBit depends only on your goals and intentions.
Why you might want to invest:
TrueBit has been online for over two months, and listed on MNO for the last month. One of the main advantages of the program is the acceptance of multiple payment processors including Payza and a relatively high level of flexibility with only a five day lock-in period on your investment. TrueBit has already become a huge success in the HYIP industry, but the admin refuses to stop improving the program in hope of appealing to an even wider audience. From the very latest features added to the program (read more on that in the news section of my blog below this article) is more flexibility on the current deposits allow partial replenishment and withdrawal from the same deposit without losing any increased interest achieved during the term’s five stages. That will surely make TrueBit an even more popular choice among investors and will possibly bring it to new heights. I’ll watch them closely and will update you on any new developments from TrueBit on the MNO blog.

#4 – ArdexFunds (click here to read the full review) Down One Place
Total return – 248.35%.
Type of listing – Premium (#4 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 357 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – variable returns for 15-230 business days, principal back.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, RedoPay.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are usually processed instantly to all payment processors (if for some reason they go to pending status please allow 16 hours to be paid manually). Profits are accrued to your account Tuesday to Saturday for the previous trading day with the exception of the extra bank holidays announced on the site. Remember to switch off the compounding rate for your deposit in order to be able to make daily withdrawals.
Why you might want to invest:
Dropping one spot for ArdexFunds simply means that many newer programs outperformed this veteran, as this autumn in the HYIP industry is really hot. With so many absolutely brilliantly programs it becomes increasingly hard for ArdexFunds to compete for investors’ funds. Being a veteran of the HYIP industry and having been online for almost a year now, many investors would consider this one too old to join at the moment. They become especially cautious when they consider the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays which traditionally have been considered an unsafe period, particularly for older programs due to possible cashflow issues. In case with ArdexFunds though I’m not sure this will apply, as they really pay very moderate returns and will probably take a lengthy vacation from their “trading” activities over the winter holidays which will help them to survive the festive season and resume in full strength in 2017 as well. Anyway, only time will tell what’s going to happen, but for now I cannot really fault the perfect performance and stable instant payouts from ArdexFunds. And as the program is still paying well and no one can say otherwise, I believe a few investors will still be tempted to make new deposits in the shortest term plans offered by ArdexFunds over the coming weeks.

#5 – BandeiraCorp (click here to read the full review) Down one place
Total return – 197.05%.
Type of listing – Premium (#5 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 255 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% to 4% variable daily until you reach 150% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Neteller, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. Note that 1% is the guaranteed daily minimum you will get on your investment, while the maximum is determined by the size of your deposit – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
BandeiraCorp has been on MNO almost from day one and has been paying for nearly nine months now. The program has been trouble-free for so many months and managed to complete a couple of cycles bringing its lucky investors up to 50% pure profits. I bet not many people expected that BandeiraCorp would become one of the most stable and long-running investment programs of 2016, but yet it has clearly surpassed people’s expectations and proved that with right management and professional handling programs with such relatively moderate long-term investment plans can become a success and bring decent profits to their members. BandeiraCorp actually reminds me of the great programs from the past, and I would not be surprised if the admin behind it has learnt the best tricks from the golden years in the HYIP industry of 2009-2013. Will BandeiraCorp go further this year and beyond in 2017? Time will tell, but I sure hope it will and be featured in many more Top Five lists on MNO in the future.

That was the list of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO. Now I would like to know your opinion on your own favorite name from the list. The previous contest was taken by storm by Zinc7 who received over two thirds of the popular vote and rightly so, as it eventually went to the very top of the rating and looks like it’s not going to give it up to any contender anytime soon. This time that might change depending on your views , so please take a few seconds of your precious time and vote in the below poll, while you can also see what your fellow investors think by clicking the Results tab.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.
As I already mentioned in the Top Five article, the admin of TrueBit has just made the necessary modifications in the script to make it possible for investors to add more funds to the same deposit or make a partial withdrawal of their principal. The only limitation that will stay intact is the five day lock-in period during which you cannot withdraw any part of the principal, which would start all over again every time you partially fund or withdraw from the same principal deposit. This could work well for you if you wish to keep building your daily interest rising every 20 days, and the admin gave some useful examples of that in the latest newsletter from TrueBit to members earlier today. As for the other major rules of investing in TrueBit, they remain more or less the same. You invest anything starting from a $10 minimum via Payza, OkPay, Payeer, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and AdvCash and get paid 2.4% daily over the course of the first 20 days increasing by 0.4% at every stage until it reaches the maximum of 4% daily which then continues for an unlimited term. More on that can be read in now edited review of TrueBit that reflects the new rules posted here, while the admin himself will talk you through all the major changes below:
Dear investors,
Our website has been unavailable for a while today. This was due to the addition of several important functions in personal account. Many of you asked for it for a long time and we, finally, did IT: now for all users are available both functions INCREASING DEPOSIT and PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL OF DEPOSIT. Consider two new duties in detail.
Now you don’t need to be created every time a new deposit, you can increase deposit has already been created. After every increasing deposit withdrawal will not be available during same of five days just as when you make a deposit. So, what’s the benefit you ask?! The point is that you can immediately get increased profit rate if increased deposit is already higher than the first stage. Basic rules to increase a deposit:
– deposit replenishment is only available in the same payment system in which deposit made;
– after each replenishment your total deposited amount is not available for withdrawal five days;
– affiliate commission is accrued only when deposit increased from the payment system, and will not be accrued if deposit made from the balance of the project.
– Minimum increase amount – $10 (or 0.014 BTC)
Let’s look at an example: you have an active deposit in the amount of $10, which is already running 45 days. This deposit is already on the third stage, this means you get 3.2% daily. You can increase deposit of $100 and next day you will receive the 3.2% from $110. The following five days withdrawal of total deposit ($110) is not possible.
Deposit replenishment is quite easy. Now next to each deposit appeared the corresponding button, clicking on it you only need to enter the amount and click “Increase deposit”. Replenishment is possible only from funds already are on the balance of the project (to refill your balance without making a deposit tick «Mark If you want to refill one of your previous deposits» on the page http://ift.tt/2gIMfas, – then money will be available on the internal balance of TrueBit and you can make correct replenishment).
As you know, at the moment it’s only possible to complete closure deposit. From now on you can withdraw a portion from the deposit and continue receiving accruals for the remainder invested amount. Once you click on «Withdraw deposit», you’ll be on the page where it’s possible close the deposit or withdraw only part of it.
Let’s look at an example: you have an active deposit of $100 (withdrawal is not available within the first five days). After 7 days since your deposit made you withdraw $90 from this amount and your deposit becomes just $10. It continues working and you are able to refill it at any moment to get increased profit rate on the following stages.
We hope that these innovations will make investment process in the TrueBit project more convenient and most importantly profitable. In the next couple days, will be added a video overview of the new features – it will help to understand all the innovations and answer any your question about the new functions in your personal account.
Regards, Leo Wilkinson, CEO TrueBit Group Ltd.”
One of the main advantages of having a HYIP running off a completely custom-made script has always been the ability to constantly improve and add new features as time passes. RightRise is one of the few that work tirelessly on providing investors with the best experience when investing or just browsing. From the latest improvements I can highlight the small but visible changes in the member’s area that make it even more user-friendly and attractive for both first time and active investors. Among the latest features announced in the last 48 hours are video reviews and testimonials you can view and submit on the main page and the addition of Russian, joining English, German, Japanese and Vietnamese already accessible at one click in the top right corner of the website. More information on the latest improvements made by RightRise can be found in the two updates re-posted below:
“Video Reviews
We thought long and hard about how to implement any kind of function to get feedback from you – our dear investors.
It was decided to introduce the possibility of adding your video-reviews to our site. Besides the fact that your review would be seen by tens of thousands of current and future investors – you also will get a small bonus for taking the time to share your opinion about the work in our Company. You can watch video reviews on the home page and add your review at the new and comfortable page in the backoffice.
Also we want to announce that each month we (the administration) will choose the best reviews and their authors would be rewarded in a specific order.
Record your reviews, share your progress and results.
With love and respect – Your Ronald Allison.”
“Translation on Russian language
Dear partners!
Over the past few weeks we began to get plenty requests from our partners from Russia add the translation of site to Russian language.
Today, we finally added the translation.
Sincerely yours, RightRise team.”
If you require more details on the investment plan or other features of the program you can always find a full review of RightRise posted here. However, if you’re short on time, let me remind you that the only investment plan pays from 1% to 3% interest every calendar day for an unlimited term. In order to start earning from RightRise you need to create an account and have at least $30 or its equivalent in other currencies in your PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, BitCoin, or LiteCoin wallets. After that you purchase the necessary amount of shares each of which will cost you $30 and then your account in RightRise will be credited at the same time with variable daily interest rates which can also be boosted up to a 1.48 times co-efficient. Withdrawals are usually processed instantly, so you won’t need to wait for long to enjoy the money in your e-currency accounts. As RightRise has been online for barely a month it can still be considered a very new program with the first investors still far from breaking even, so it’s too early to judge how successful the program will be in the future. However, with so many improvements and more on the way the gradual development and promotion of RightRise might make them a serious force in the industry pretty soon.
SoftmeetBit (reviewed here) hasn’t been much of a success among my readers. Perhaps it was due to my highly critical review of the program which at the time of writing had very limited appeal and seems to have been hastily prepared with constant problems with deposits and withdrawals. Since my first introduction of SoftmeetBit three weeks ago the program has undergone some positive changes though with advertising material updates, an improved Chinese version of the website introduced, and PerfectMoney added to an otherwise limited choice of payment options which only includes BitCoin now as well. Moreover, the first shortest investment plan running for 15 calendar days with interest credited on business days only has been completed and the first lucky investors of SoftmeetBit have received their principals back, putting them in profit. Generally investments into SoftmeetBit can start from a $7 minimum and plans include 1.2%-1.5% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, 2% for 45 days. Note that all investment plans are counted in calendar days, but only credit interest on business days (Monday to Friday), so don’t expect to be paid on weekends there. We will wait and see how SoftmeetBit performs in the future, as over the weekend a now mitigated DDoS attack was reported in very poor English in the news section of the website:
“Dear investors
We have found some DDoS attack activity in our server updated Anti DDoS Rules for our server to mitigate them
Its working now. Regards”
I believe that many smart investors took full advantage of PalUnion‘s six weeks of impeccable instant payments where one could easily earn a profit in 24 hours and on expiry of other short-term plans. However, all good things come to an end, and a couple of days ago it was PalUnion‘s turn. I warned my readers against investing in them a couple of days previously in this article so I do hope you read and it helped. I based an educated guess on the fact that many high paying plans were added by PalUnion promising extremely impossible returns, compared to the rest of the original plans, which usually indicates a last attempt to make money from its long reputation as a paying program (PalUnion was even listed in the last article on the Top Five best performing programs on MNO). It was very obvious to me so I was not surprised at all when today’s payment request went to pending status instead of being paid instantly as usual, and according to the latest stats the very last payments were processed only on Sunday. Of course, to clarify the admin’s point of view I contacted him, later to receive a response where he admitted his program is finished. So, although PalUnion was a brilliant short-term program for a very long time, it’s definitely collapsed and so no further investments are recommended. So stay away!
Time now to look at the results of the most recent MNO TalkBack page opinion poll which ran for approximately the last week or so. I’ll also replace it with a new question, but more about that in a moment. A topic that’s been in the news for the HYIP industry recently has been programs that offer their members hourly interest payments on their deposits. In other words you can join right now and make 24 withdrawals by the same time tomorrow. I thought this would make an interesting question because while we all know perfectly well such programs can’t last forever (who can?), there have been some recent examples of that genuinely defied expectations and survived a lot longer than anyone believed possible and put a lot more investors in profit than we thought would happen on day one.
The exact question was “Do you regularly invest in hourly paying HYIPs?” and the results were quite an eye-opener, so admins please take note. There were a number of possible answers of course, but overall 60% of MNO readers seem quite favorable (generally speaking) to the concept. That was the number who voted for the answer “Yes, if I feel a program has potential.” 28% were a lot more dismissive, voting for “No, I consider such programs unstable.” The remaining 12% need a bit more persuasion, but are not closed off to the idea in principal by any means. They voted “In rare cases only, if it looks great.” which I suppose is also a fair enough answer, everyone has to decide what to do with their own money.
The next opinion poll, which will again run for around a week to ten days, focuses on something else. I want to ask you about sleepers. No, not the movie “Sleepers”, I mean HYIP industry sleepers. For anyone who doesn’t know what this means, let me give you a brief explanation. A sleeper is a program that is deliberately kept away from public view, despite being online and a functioning website. There will be no advertising, no active pursuit of investors, and at most just one or two low key monitors with minimal deposits to be served. If any investors happen to stumble across the program by accident, it’s not even clear if some of them would even accept you if you tried make a deposit there.
The logic behind this is that maybe a year later, often running other active programs while just sitting on the sleeper, the admin then decides the market is right to start promoting it properly now. Maybe the plans he wants to offer simply weren’t popular at the time – short, mid, and longer term sometimes do collectively dominate the industry after all, not always but often enough, and he is waiting for his personal preference to become trendy again. Other times professional repeat admins know in their own heads that they are always going to run a new program as soon as their current one collapses, so maybe this can be a good way of doing all the organizational work far in advance. Other admins just want to create the impression of a long running successful business with a “proven track record of long term payments” (this is why I said one or two low key monitors are added, to support this huge claim for a cheap price).
Often when a so called sleeper emerges into the mainstream HYIP industry it’s with a complete re-design (because to deliberately keep people away the admin might use the cheapest most basic template available in the original version) and with a completely different set of now attractive plans (again, the original version might only have something so small that no one would want to join). Then all of a sudden this professionally built great looking website springs to everyone’s attention with fantastic investment plans and a long term proven record of paying all its members (yeah, $0.50¢ per week to all two of them, lol!). In fact one former admin who used to be active about maybe five or six years ago told me he regularly bought second-hand websites that had no publicity and no members, just so he could deliberately re-vamp and re-launch them. The same admin was hugely successful at this with a string of massive hits that were profitable to hundreds of MNO readers. Those were very different times in the HYIP industry though!
So what do you guys make of these tactics? I mean a lot of these programs have been exceptional in the past, though personally I’m in no position to say that starting life as a “sleeper” six or twelve months previously had anything to do with this. Others have failed because they were deliberate scams and intended as such by their owners. And some were never real “sleepers” at all, they were just really awful HYIPs hilariously misidentified as sleeping giants by some self appointed industry “experts”. However when the real thing emerges, a lot of the serious and best ones do find their way to MNO. So, the question I want to ask readers today is:
Do you like “sleepers” compared to brand new programs when investing?
– Yes, I like “sleepers” as the admins are definitely looking for long-term results.
– Sometimes, only if they re-launch with a professional design and better plans.
– No, I prefer brand-new programs, as I believe I stand a better chance to profit.
– Don’t care, I never take this factor into consideration when joining.
Thanks as always to everyone who votes, guys. You can do so on the MNO TalkBack page here, and remember that it only takes a second and that all votes are 100% anonymous and untraceable. The poll will stay open for probably the next week or so, maybe ten days at a stretch, but definitely long enough so that everyone who wants to vote has plenty of time to get around to it. In wider terms it can also help HYIP admins, the serious, professional ones that is, identify how to improve their services. Or at least give some indication is anyone cares about the efforts they put into creating these sleepers in the first place.
In their efforts to conquer the shall we say “mainstream” world of online business and e-commerce, Payza have been making massive gains in the developing and emerging markets. Bangladesh for example, which a lot of westerns might dismiss as just a poor country, but there’s still a 170+ million population there who want to do business with the rest of the world online. And “rich” by conventional standards or not, but all those individuals together collectively and we’re talking about a hell of a lot of money. It’s places like this which have been missed (or ignored?) by older more established service providers that Payza are targeting, and getting some seriously good results it would seem. The next target in Payza‘s sights is China, already the world’s number two economy, and perhaps soon to be its number one if you are inclined to believe some of the doom and gloom merchants working overtime since the Trump election.
In the latest article taken from the official Payza news blog then, the world of internet trading and e-commerce in China is the latest featured country. I’m re-posting the article below, which on a practical level might not be that useful to you as a HYIP investor but still, I always find these things interesting anyway. I’m just surprised that Payza isn’t taken by more HYIPs, given their popularity among investors and how the very appearance of an approved Payza payments button is so often seen as an enviable stamp of quality. The benefits of using Payza for HYIP investors are well discussed elsewhere on the pages of the MNO blog so no need to repeat anything in detail. I’ll just remind non members that you can bypass the inflated prices of third-party exchangers by several direct funding and withdrawal methods in your Payza account. These include moving money directly in an out of your bank account, straight on to your debit and credit cards, BitCoin, and a pre-loaded debit card you can purchase from Payza who then ship it direct to your home address. I have one myself and can vouch for it. It works a treat, and can be used directly over the counter in shops, stores, supermarkets, etc, or to withdraw as cash from any bank’s ATM. Pretty much anywhere that uses MasterCard basically, which these days is almost universal.
The second update, also taken from the official Payza news blog, concerns the latest improvement to online customer support. This is more or less an online internal instant message service, looking a bit like some of the apps you guys might use for chatting with friends such as Whatsapp, Line, Viber and so on, just entirely localized within your Payza account and linking you directly to available operators. You will really need to have a Payza account to see what I mean here. Just log in and you will find the Instant Message symbol in the lower right hand corner of the page. Click on it and a pop-up window will appear, and you can start chatting immediately with whatever support operators are available in your time zone. Info on both Payza updates is republished is included below:
“Country Spotlight: Understanding Consumers and Cross-Border E-Commerce in China
One day in China’s e-commerce market is bigger than a year in Brazil’s. That’s as of November 11th, also known as Singles’ Day, which this year was the most successful 24-hour online shopping sale of all time, racking up $17.8 billion in total sales.
The world’s most populous country and, along with the U.S., one of the world’s two largest economies, China is in a league of its own when it comes to e-commerce. Already the largest e-commerce market in the world, Forrester predicts China will be the first country to break the 1 trillion USD threshold in e-commerce sales as early as 2019. And by 2020, at least a quarter of the population will be shopping directly on foreign-based e-commerce sites or through third-party cross-border retailers.
It’s clear that international re-tailers need to develop a China strategy to tap into the world’s biggest audience, and we’re here to help you get started.
Unless otherwise noted, figures in this article are sourced from: The Paypers, Internet Retailer
Chinese Consumers
Already the largest e-commerce market in the world, the market potential in China is astounding. Though Tier-3 and Tier-4 cities have a lower e-commerce penetration rate than the largest cities (62% vs. 89%, respectively), the consumer base in the lower tiers still amounts to 257 million online shoppers, a larger number than every other country in the world besides India and the U.S. As usual, the most urbanized parts of the country are leading the adoption of e-commerce, but particularly in the last couple of years even rural villages in China are happily going online.
Considered all together, Chinese consumers account for nearly half of global online retail sales, a total value of $581.61 billion in 2015, 33.3% higher than the previous year, and expected to grow 20% YoY through 2020. The biggest spenders are young, urban, and highly educated and are for the most part viewing e-commerce as not merely a convenient alternative to brick-and-mortar retailers, but as a replacement for shopping in physical stores.
The online payment market in China is highly concentrated. Credit/debit cards are the most popular payment method, with domestic card provider, UnionPay, used by 54% of cardholders. The leading e-wallet provider, Alipay, owned by e-tailing giant Alibaba is a close second, processing one out of every four online transactions in China. Chinese shoppers are accustomed to having a variety of payment options available to them, including cheque or cash-on-delivery (which together account for 10% of the market), payment cards, bank transfers and e-wallets.
The most popular online product categories are consumer electronics, apparel, and sporting goods, and Chinese consumers mostly make cross-border purchases from merchants in the U.S., Hong Kong, Japan, the UK and Australia.
Drivers and Barriers
Driver: Mobile
On Singles’ Day, 82% of sales were done via mobile devices. China’s top e-commerce players are investing in and developing their mobile sales at a rate that surpasses their U.S. counterparts, with 67% of businesses having already developed m-payment strategies. M-commerce is growing at a rate of 168.6% YoY and has surpassed computers as the most popular way to connect and to shop online. Offering a mobile-ready web store and accepting m-payments is key to tapping into the bulk of the Chinese e-commerce market.
Barrier: Fraud
According to Strategic IP Information, up to 10% of all products sold online in China are suspect. The Chinese e-commerce market is not heavily regulated and it’s not uncommon for products purchased online to be fakes. For this reason, Chinese consumers are highly influenced by the comments of past customers and nearly 80% of shoppers leave a review after making a purchase online. The more online reviews for your products, you more you can leverage them to build consumer trust in your brand.
Driver: Rural Adoption
Since 2013, rural e-commerce adoption in China has been skyrocketing. This has been facilitated by the Chinese government’s large investment in expanding internet penetration to all parts of the country with the goal of raising the standard of living and creating jobs. Following the government’s lead, the two largest e-commerce retailers in the country, Alibaba and JD.com, have created programs to promote and support local retailers in villages across the country, with the latter even launching a new drone delivery service to coincide with last week’s Singles’ Day.
Barrier: Large Domestic Providers
The main challenge when it comes to expanding your e-commerce business into the Chinese market is the sheer size dominance of domestic retailers, Alibaba and JD.com in particular. However, the growth of e-commerce in a wider geographic area has driven development in China’s logistics sector and brought more consumers online, leaving plenty of room for alternatives and niche retailers to gain a foothold in the world’s largest e-commerce market.
Chinese E-Commerce Facts
– The world’s largest e-commerce market.
– The highest m-commerce penetration in the world.
– 24% of Chinese shoppers make mobile purchases every day
– Singles’ Day, November 11th, is the biggest online shopping day of the year.
– 79 of the top 500 retailers in China are from outside of the country.
– By 2020, a quarter of the population will be purchasing products from international retailers.
The Chinese e-commerce market is already the largest in the world and expected to triple in size within the next five years. Much of the growth is driven by m-commerce and the increase in e-commerce penetration in rural areas. These are highly tech-savvy consumers who respond to being given a lot of choice and a niche appeal, but whose trust needs to be earned.
China is key to driving much of the growth in cross-border e-commerce, expected to grow by 27.4% over the next five years, double the rate of worldwide B2C shopping as a whole according to AliResearch, Alibaba’s research arm. The country’s large and growing middle class, equal in size to the entire U.S. population and expected to reach 630 million by 2022, is hungry for authentic, high-quality foreign products. The time is now to develop your business strategy for China.
Expanding into a new international market is a risky venture but a very rewarding one if done right. For the latest information about how you can build and maintain a strong e-commerce enterprise and keep it compatible with legislation and buying habits at home and abroad, subscribe to the Payza Blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest industry news.”
“Payza Integrates In-Account Direct Messaging Customer Support Feature
Payza members can now send secure direct messages to Payza’s Customer Support Team within their account
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – 11/17/2016 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Payza, a global payment platform, has announced today the launch of a new direct messaging customer support feature with In-Account Support. The service will offer members improved customer assistance by being accessible directly within their accounts wherever they require additional guidance. The new support system will also provide an enhanced mobile support experience to complement the latest version of the Payza mobile app (including iOS), which will be rolling out before year end.
The pilot project for the direct messaging feature has been running since the start of October and is offered to Payza Business Account holders as well as all members in the US, UK, Canada, India and Bangladesh. Now members can submit a support inquiry in seconds without interrupting their session.
The feature comes as the first initiative in a series of enhancements to the Payza user experience. The new Payza Reference Center, home to Payza’s account setup guides, user manuals, and API and Advanced Integration guides, is also currently in development. These services, along with Payza video tutorials published to the company’s YouTube Channel represent a major shift in how Payza envisions providing self-serve and Payza-assisted support to its members.
This new highly secure method of communication will facilitate a prompt two-way conversation between Payza and its members. The feature will also be used to inform members of updates to their account by providing announcements and reminders. Payza will send periodic chat messages and pop-up “Notes” with information about new features, promotions, account updates, and other helpful tips. On rare occasions, Payza will use full-screen pop-up messages for important updates and announcements.
“We are excited to unveil these latest support tools to our Payza members. We believe our members deserve a practical way to engage with our support team. This new system is the ideal solution,” explains Firoz Patel, Payza’s global executive vice president. “The direct messaging feature will provide our members with the convenience they are looking for.”
If a member is unable to access their account for any reason, they can still contact Payza from the Customer Support Page.
To learn more, visit: http://ift.tt/2fNYfmC
About Payza
Payza is a leading online payments technology platform used by licensed entities around the world. Payza’s highly secure platform provides businesses and consumers with convenient and flexible solutions for sending and receiving payments worldwide. The company offers access to payment services in both traditional and emerging markets, as well as a host of tools and services including: fraud screening, dispute resolution, currency exchange, global payouts and disbursement services. With millions of members, Payza offers its services around the world in 21 currencies, and is proud to provide its merchants around the globe with a complete solution for accepting payments and managing their businesses.
More information is available about Payza on its website, http://www.payza.com, Facebook, Twitter and the company’s blog.
Payza is a registered trademark of UK-based MH Pillars Ltd.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Zinc7, Capitaller, TrueBit, ArdexFunds, BandeiraCorp, SoftmeetBit, Edelweiss5, RightRise, BeyondPetroleum, Razzleton, Mexeer.
From MNO Standard list: Magnum.
From MNO Basic list: EarnTech, Xabo, HYIP-A, BigVenture5, Dowerly, Palmills.
That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading MNO and don’t mind to share what you read with others. That might well bring you or your friends some good profits after all, as many folks don’t mind the risk if they earn some extra money. Remember that MNO deals exclusively with top notch high budget HYIPs – the only type that can afford listing on my monitor. I’ll be back with the latest news from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry in a couple of days, meanwhile don’t hesitate to write me a few lines using this contact form or say a couple of words on the MNO ShoutBox if you have something that can’t wait. Don’t forget to vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page and share your opinion on so-called “sleepers”. If you really like to read the daily updates from the MNO blog you can always follow me on Facebook and Twitter, or subscribe to the full version to be sent directly to your email address by entering your details here. See you all soon, guys!
The post 22/11/2016. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
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