Hello all! Thanks for checking out the MNO blog this sunny Sunday. I myself am finally back in London and am ready to be more active when it comes to working on my blog. Unfortunately this summer still seems to relatively slow in the industry though. We all need a break, I guess, and when the HYIP industry eventually picks up I’m sure there will be more to discuss and more programs to introduce. For now readers are enjoying stable profits from the six programs listed on Premium Status on my monitor while four other well performing programs can be found on the MNO Basic List. That is surely enough for me personally as I prefer to deal with elite programs with high advertising budgets and for that reason the listing prices MNO set are quite steep and not affordable for just anyone. A smaller but better pool of programs is more convenient to me anyway, as I now use my blog mostly as a hobby than a supplement to my income as many other bloggers do.
Despite the general slowdown there are still a few programs on MNO running tremendously well, with MacauCau and BusinessAngels just two bright examples. I’ll be analyzing their latest updates in today’s news section and will also look closely at a couple of updates from such popular verifiable payment processors as SolidTrustPay and Payza as well. So let’s get started.
By the end of today I’m expecting MacauCau to replace BandeiraCorp as the #1 program on the MNO Premium list – a well-deserved and totally expected move after the explosive growth in my referral structure in the program that has currently reached 107 participants and keeps growing. I firmly believe that MacauCau was for many readers a breath of fresh air and a welcome distraction from the standardized HYIPs offering more traditional style investment plans. There is a real difference with MacauCau as you can see right away when joining and logging into your account. Though it’s definitely a money game offering you 5% interest per day on purchased coupons (each worth $25) over the period of 40 calendar days, i.e. double your money at the end, it actually works like a sort of stock exchange where buying and selling of coupons is technically between members but facilitated by MacauCau support. There are a few different types of tickets available for purchase via either PerfectMoney or BitCoin and they are expertly (he said modestly!) explained in my review of MacauCau posted here as well as the interview with the program’s admin here. In a nutshell, once you have chosen the type of a ticket you wish to purchase (tickets are made up of between one and four coupons, with a coupon valued at $25) you leave a request for it. You then wait in a queue while the system starts searching for other participants with expired coupons ready to sell. When this has been arranged you are given 24 hours to pay your request via PerfectMoney or BitCoin. If you complete the purchase within 24 hours the system will eliminate you from the game as you’re just wasting everyone’s time and are making no contribution to the program. When your own ticket then expires you submit a sales request to start the process of finding a buyer who then pays you the face value of you are selling, ie the same price you paid in the first place. This may take up to 72 hours, but as the game is getting extremely popular around the world now (check out the new video on the MNOVision page here) it should not take longer than a few hours at the moment. By the way, do not forget to check out the Presents tab in your account area of MacauCau and pick one of the five gift boxes in order to win a cash prize every 24 hours. In the three weeks I’ve been in the program I’ve gotten lucky twice, winning $10 and $3 on either occasion. And if you have anything you don’t understand do not hesitate to contact the program’s friendly multi-lingual support which is available on the Live Chat window of the MacauCau website 24/7.
I believe MacauCau will remain popular while there’s interest in it meaning that it’s in every player’s best interests to promote the program in exchange for a healthy referral program which runs several levels deep. It’s really then possible to build a structure and, in addition to your daily 5% earnings on your coupon to create a totally passive income flow for yourselves which will supplement your income as long as MacauCau exists. The importance of constant promotion of the program is fully acknowledged by its administration so it’s always encouraged with incentives for the best promoters. In the two latest newsletters re-posted below MacauCau encourages members to help it last longer and presents the new video you can watch on their website and also on the MNOVision page:
“MacauCau – is the place where you can make a career and millions!
MacauCau – is the place where you can make a career and millions! We constantly promote our game, we want MacauCau would be known by as many people as possible.
Do you like to communicate with your friends in large chats, and you know interesting ways how to provide promotion in there?
When you participate in MacauCau, you can earn extra money on advertising. Spread information about our game in your favorite chat rooms and MacauCau will pay good money for your posts to popular chat and large groups!
If you know where target audience for MacauCau game and you can place advertisement, but it is worth the money, then write us in support and we will consider the possibility to pay it for you.
We look forward to your most outstanding suggestions! Write directly to support Contact / Development Department.
Advertise – Publish – earn even more! In MacauCau you can make a career, earning millions!”
“Welcome to the new video promo from MacauCau
From America to China, from Russia to South Africa, tell me where on this planet have not yet played in Macaucau?
MacauCau game – played all over the world, participants are discussing about rules in all languages and gladly sharing great success and incredible victories. We know you’ve been waiting and here you go, the new promo with your participation, is already on the main page of the site MacauCau.
Do you know all new always attracts new people. Use this promo for the development of MacauCau on your language, share it with your friends. Publish this promo on your blogs and websites. We make this game together with you and we believe its be success!
Development Team of the Best profit-game MacauCau”.
In an effort to appeal to the Russian speaking HYIP audience and satisfy their demand in more payment methods, the admin of BusinessAngels recently added the eighth processor you can use in the program – YandexMoney. While not really known to western investors, Yandex is similar to Google in terms of market share for Russia and the surrounding countries and has vast business interests away from just a search engine business, which includes its own payment system. Therefore I believe there will be a demand for YandexMoney from a sizeable group of investors (even if I doubt MNO readers contain that many of them):
“Yandex.Money. New payment system added.
From now our users can open deposits and receive payments via Yandex.Money. According to requests of our users we accept Yandex.Money payment system. Transfer and withdrawal of funds to your wallet are instant.
About Yandex.Money
A service where you can pay and receive money.
You can pay almost for everything—from mobile phone servicing to any stuff in Chinese online stores. Pay with bank card, in cash, or start a Wallet.”
Anyway, apart from YandexMoney there are seven other payment methods you can join with starting from $10 (with Euros and Rubles also used as currencies for selected methods) – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney, OkPay, and Qiwi. Withdrawals are usually processed by BusinessAngels instantly which members will surely appreciate. If you are not very familiar with the program and haven’t read my detailed review posted here, you should know that BusinessAngels utilizes quite an interesting investment plan. It starts paying a 1% daily accrual which then increases by 0.5% per day until reaching the 4% maximum where it stays for an unlimited term, i.e. for the lifecycle of the program. You only earn interest on business days, Monday to Friday, and it requires several weeks to break even and start earning profits as your principal is not returned. Well, we can only hope that after 40 days online there is still room for growth and that BusinessAngels will continue to improve in order to expand their current membership and deliver unstoppable daily profits for as long as humanly possible. So far the administration is doing a fine job, so fingers crossed for a long run.
Finally for this weekend I want to wrap up the news section with some updates from readers favorite payment processors. First of all it’s SolidTrustPay who as you should know by now have been marking their amazing achievement of ten years online with ten days of celebrations. This ongoing event has now come to an end, so let me be the first to say, and I’m speaking as one of their very first account holders here, that I’m looking forward to another ten years! Because MNO started up around the same time as STP I’ll admit to a certain amount of nostalgia when I think of their beginnings, but it’s not just that. In the ten years since they first started operations STP have taken a commanding lead over their competitors, and as far as I’m concerned are the ones who set the standards that others need to follow. Some have said that they find the fees related to STP transactions a bit much compared to others, however this is more than compensated for by the availability of direct bank and card deposits and withdrawals. In other words for verified members can withdraw their STP funds directly into their bank accounts or credit cards, thus cutting out all those third party exchangers skimming their own fees from your hard earned money for services your payment processor should rightfully be providing for you. Anyway, you can read more about the benefits of using STP in the HYIP industry in an article published on the MNO Info Center page here. The events of the SolidTrustPay celebrations involved them taking 100 lucky account holders at random and rewarding them with a $10 cash prize. This was the first nine days, so that’s 900 members picking up $9,000 collectively between them. For the final day then rather than random prizes the SolidTrustPay administration make a more generous and wide ranging gesture to all members by waiving all member to member transaction fees for a full day, allowing account holders to move funds around for what ever reason free of charge. You can read the full details of all the winners in the following two newsletters:
“Contest Winners: Day 9
It’s the final day of our 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway! We have 100 more winners today who have each won $10! We’ll see you tomorrow when we have an extra-special surprise for everyone that you won’t want to miss!
Congratulations to all of our Day 9 winners! Check your accounts, your prizes should already be deposited.
Cathonlinebiz tzambrano1969 emillion dc2035 jalal29 yasinsanal71 HecMar79dmontebello363 TrafficNetwork se325919 mrsphantom Mcjerry jasond0795 Nakku sibilarea George1Nyandarua Raqueld13 KANYOVU46 Alex Seiuli masoomi1981 wsmith rpjim Adammmmm17 Kandev sophielou Ronnieferguson Secret001 zee1345 Ahmed1989 remyrem zookeeper1018 Lamarr417 jitjoy petianya Miki67 tzultra baba973 soitocnao jacenty519 Kwsocial Donaristo12 kalais01 mini100biz rudinbeat Misc2016 raja.asads Christa70 corinnaborg afterwork masternet laidee cashnhand TheColorful1 Rajag777 earnfunds myusef karimchou amiranda toddcheri miladeone franela0000 yanhailei Heinz2k Deontret troym89 mesge adautofs Hadee512 Varga Csaba Floguens JesusGomez rakec Hendrik0706 juwan Deontret sohaibbutt aasem_yaseen1 leifi2712 tiago287 wleingbyba origigi Resident8731 Mohamed-Nagy jim154 maavilova azasoo Hareho sosycm acharly Jer97420 maja69 Markus61 evthomas1234 legendt9 Vincemiano7487 sandeepl ieyesplendors prashanth83 InspiredbyDerick NeoDX
Thank you so much for helping us celebrate. We’ll be back tomorrow with another round of winners!
“Free Member To Member Transfers
To celebrate 10 years of service we wanted to do something very special for all of our loyal users! So starting today June 24th at 8:30 am EDT, for 24 hours All Member To Member Transfers Are Free!
That’s right, from now until 8:30 am EDT tomorrow, Saturday June 25th, any transfer you make between you and another SoldTrust Pay member is completely free! Take advantage of no fees as our way of saying Thank You for 10 years of support and we look forward to another 10 years of helping you manage your money with confidence.
Meanwhile the single biggest rival to SolidTrustPay, at least when it comes to verifiable payment processors, Payza have been busy in (literally) other areas. Perhaps opportunistic, perhaps just fortunate timing, but with PayPal making unexpected limitations on their operations in Turkey which is itself a huge economy then Payza saw an opening. Previously a lot of Turkish Payza customers favored making transactions in Euros. They can continue doing so if they want to, but there’s no real compulsion now because Payza have added the Turkish Lira to the list of supported currencies you can exchange in account area. In HYIP industry terms of course we know that 99% of the industry works in dollars which is unlikely to change any time soon, so your actual investments will continue like that. But when it comes time to withdrawing your earnings and spending them, Turkish clients can now change their dollars for lira directly in their Payza account. Covered in an earlier update of course was also the complete re-organization of the Payza customer support network – an event that was way past overdue in my opinion by the way – to help them be more efficient in dealing with their members problems. Currently BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) is the only program from the MNO Premium List working with Payza, but with a more streamlined support network and a new HYIP season to get underway then I would guess we’ll probably be seeing a lot more of them before too long. You can read the latest news from Payza in the update re-posted below:
“Payza expands services in Turkey: Make transactions with Turkish Lira
Payza now offers even more online payment services in Turkey by introducing Bank Transfer deposits and withdrawals. The Turkish Lira is now a supported currency you can transact with your Payza Account.
Great news for our Payza members in Turkey: we have added the Turkish Lira to our list of currencies you can exchange within your Payza e-wallet. You also have the option now withdraw Lira to your bank account using bank transfers.
Previously, Payza members in Turkey made the majority of their transactions using the Euro; these members now have an alternative because they can hold, transfer, add and withdraw Turkish Lira using their Payza account. These new options make online shopping and money transfers in Turkey more practical than ever.
If you already have a Payza account and know of Turkish citizens or businesses who would benefit from our services, why not refer them to Payza and receive a bonus from our referral program?
Payza provides an alternative to businesses that used PayPal
The situation in Turkey is similar to the challenges Indian freelancers faced in 2011 when PayPal limited its operations in India. As in India, Payza has expanded our services in Turkey to make sure Turkish businesses and professionals can participate in the global e-commerce economy.
Online businesses in Turkey were caught off guard earlier this month when PayPal stopped operating in the country. The sudden exit of this payment gateway forced hundreds of thousands of businesses and individuals to find an alternative payment platform or to abandon e-commerce altogether. This unforeseen need to find an alternative payment gateway has limited e-commerce activities and cut-off essential sources of income for many freelancers and entrepreneurs in the country.
If this event has impacted your business or online shopping habits, we encourage you to make the switch to the Payza online payment platform. The transition is easy and you can start today.
For online business owners, when you sign up for your business account, you will instantly be able to accept online payments, including payments in Dollars, Euros, and Turkish Lira. Once you verify your business, a process that takes about one to three business days, you will benefit from many additional features for online businesses, including credit card payments, online checkout pages, and withdrawal of funds to your Turkish bank account. Payza has all the features you need to operate your online business so consider joining our payment platform so that we can connect your business with your international clients.
As an individual, you’ll find Payza has a wide range of services that make sending and receiving money online, as well as online shopping, fun, easy, and secure! If you’re a freelancer or self-employed professional, Payza also makes it easy for your clients to pay you for your work, no matter where in the world they may be.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BandeiraCorp, ArdexFunds, MacauCau, TrustInvest, BusinessAngels.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: LottoSyndicat, TokyoInvestmentCompany, SpecialProfit, FxDividend.
That’s about it for today guys, so we’ll leave it there. Thanks for reading and I hope there was something useful or interesting in there for you. Just before I go let me give you a reminder of the opinion poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page asking your thoughts on the MNO subscription service. And speaking of subscribing, if you would like to receive all the important news stories from MNO direct to your e-mail box as they are published on my blog. Just visit the subscription page here for more information. Meanwhile enjoy whatever’s left of your weekend, especially if you are following the nail biting knock-out stages of the European football championship. I’ll be back again within the next couple of days with any newsworthy updates from the HYIP industry you need to hear about, so stay tuned for that, keep a close eye on the MNO monitor, and see you all soon!
The post 26/06/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
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