Hello everyone, and for those of you celebrating the May bank holiday weekend (if you have such a thing in your country) then I hope it’s going well for you and you’re making the best of it. Plenty to catch up on with MNO though with some news stories I think you’ll find interesting and of course a couple of new programs that were added to my monitor in the last few days. So the main thing I want to talk about in today’s article is a brand new HYIP called AngolaDiamond, a medium term program that’s already been getting a lot of attention from readers. And to be perfectly honest, it’s really not that much of a surprise to see that a lot of investors are so enthusiastic. Getting straight down to business here, “potential” is a very big word in the HYIP industry and one of the core components that makes experienced investors decide to either take an informed gamble or to skip a program and wait for something else. You see when a program like AngolaDiamond is still this new we don’t yet have a proven track record we can point to, so potential is the thing start by looking at first. And from all the new programs I’ve seen recently, AngolaDiamond seems to be the pick of the bunch and the one I’d have the highest hopes for in terms of challenging the current industry leaders and itself becoming a major force. Let’s take a look at what it’s all about and see if you think you might like to see them in your own portfolios then.
Starting as usual with the investment plans, one quality that so often compliments potential is simplicity, and AngolaDiamond is refreshingly uncomplicated and straight to the point in that regard. Like I said above, this is a medium term program and they offer a choice of three individual plans. Some are more affordable than others, naturally, as most programs like to entice bigger deposits from their members by saving the highest rates of interest for the biggest spending players. But in HYIP industry terms we’re not talking about absolutely ridiculous amounts of money here either. I wouldn’t describe all three plans as “cheap” by any means, but I do appreciate that AngolaDiamond have at least kept their prices within a reasonable threshold and will still be quite affordable to a large enough niche of investors. Again it’s all back to potential, and AngolaDiamond have done well to keep all plans open to a reasonably good sized market.
The first option then is called The Standard Plan and it runs for a term of 30 calendar days. To join, AngolaDiamond require a minimum deposit of $20. While your money is committed to the term, AngolaDiamond will start paying you back at a rate of 6% interest per calendar day. On completion your payments accumulate to a 180% total return on your investment. Your initial principal is already being factored in as part of the interest payments and therefore not returned in a separate transaction. So what you are getting back in your 180% is your own money first followed by 80% net profit. That’s a somewhat more competitive than what a lot of hugely successful programs have been paying for the same term in recent times, and quite achievable in the hands of the right admin. AngolaDiamond have an upper limit of $499 for investments in this plan.
To see how a typical investment might look in monetary terms then, let’s take a simple example of a $100 deposit. For this, AngolaDiamond would pay you back at a rate of $6 per day for the following 30 calendar days. You reach the break-even point, that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to your principal and therefore cannot possibly lose money no matter what happens next, after 17 days. Not bad at all considering this is just barely longer than the half way mark, and everything you get afterwards is pure passive profit. By the final day of the term AngolaDiamond should have paid you $180 in total, $100 of which was rightfully yours to begin with and $80 net profit.
If you’re feeling a bit more confident in the abilities of AngolaDiamond to deliver faster results and can afford the $500 minimum spend, then take a look at what’s known as The Diamond Plan. This time the investment term shortens to 20 calendar days, but the interest rate increases to 9% per day. Now, you don’t have to be a mathematical genius to figure out that twenty payments of 9% still comes to 180% in total, the same return AngolaDiamond offer for the first plan, except the difference here is that obviously you will get there a good deal quicker. Investors will break even and see their first profit after just 11 days this time. With your principal being included as part of the payments then, the full 180% is again your own money back plus at 80% net profit as your reward for joining. AngolaDiamond have capped maximum spending limits in this plan at $1,000.
Finally for the bigger spending players, AngolaDiamond offer The VIP Plan. This will cost you at least $1,001 to join, not exactly small change, but comfortably within the means of a certain section of regular investors. In keeping with the trend we see AngolaDiamond again shorten the investment term while increasing the daily interest rate. This time you are committed to a 15 calendar day term, and can expect a return of 13% per day on your money. In this case therefore you would expect to break even after 8 days and complete the term with payments adding up to 195%. With that figure including your initial deposit therefore you are getting your own money back plus 95% net profit.
So, nothing too complicated there and I think the plans should be pretty clear to everyone regardless of your level of experience. Sometimes a bigger gamble gets you a bigger return, and in other cases it gets you a faster return. But which ever option is most suitable for your needs and your budget, the next important step is to consider your payment options. AngolaDiamond make themselves more appealing to as wide an audience as they can by offering a comprehensive list of payment handlers. The program gets a huge boost in the credibility stakes by adding both of the most popular verifiable options (and by far the two most popular processors with MNO readers) in SolidTrustPay and Payza. Needless to say this also does no harm in making the program a serious contender for the attention of the bigger spending professional HYIP investors either. If you prefer the anonymous and untraceable providers then AngolaDiamond will accommodate that as well, using PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. OkPay has also been mentioned as a possible new addition, something I wouldn’t get that excited about one way or another, though the extra choice will never hurt. And finally for anyone who prefers to avoid the traditional payment handlers and use a more modern e-currency AngolaDiamond will also take deposits through BitCoin.
There is one very curious thing I noticed about payouts by the way, and I think this will help endear the program to investors even further. Having received a couple of payments from AngolaDiamond already, they were so fast I actually thought they were instant. However on checking the website’s FAQ I saw that no, they are only processed manually. You need to log in to your account, place the request for the amount you are owed, and then allow anything up to a further 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. So I wrote to the admin and asked him to clarify this, since my own payments were completed in a matter of seconds. I was pleasantly surprised when he replied informing me that no, the payments were not instant, but the support staff are under directions to make all payments immediately as soon as they are requested as a matter of urgent priority. This of course only applies when there happens to be someone online. When the support operators are not online, you’ll just have to wait until they are back.
Looking at the more technical aspects of AngolaDiamond now such as the design and site security, the first thing most regular investors might recognize is the script. It’s from GoldCoders of course and comes with all the trademark customer friendly and easy to navigate quality features you expect from them, I’ll just confirm for you that it’s under license. For a hosting provider the AngolaDiamond admin has opted for the equally dependable DDoSGuard who are keeping the program on a dedicated server with their tech support and protection from malicious attacks. For an extra layer of protection you will also notice a superior Green Bar version of the extended validation SSL certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure financial transactions.
If you still have any remaining questions for the admin that you feel were not explained in this review or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then there’s a couple of channels you can go through. You can either fill out your details on the online customer support form and submit it online via the contacts page, or else simply write to the admin directly using the e-mail address listed. A postal address in the UK is also included though you should probably ignore that as a more likely a virtual serviced office and not where you might find anyone connected with running AngolaDiamond physically located.
For the record, just in case anyone is still interested, you’ll most likely have guessed the alleged business interests we are told the program is involved with is the mining and international diamond trade originating from the south west African country of Angola. Well, take it or leave it as you please, pretty much like everything else you see in the online HYIP industry there’s no way you can ever research and verify the claims made by such programs, so best just ignore them. For the sake of newbies I’ll just remind you that if you’re ever tempted to believe the stories put out there by HYIPs then remember that even if they were true there’s still never any guarantee that a business absolutely has to be profitable. Especially ones offering such high rates of interest as you see here. But treating AngolaDiamond purely as an online HYIP without any guarantees we can see it’s competently organized, no real corners have been cut in terms of compromising security in favor of saving the admin a few pennies, and they’ve made quite a serious effort to get the best payment processors on board as early as they could manage. Serious intentions then, but still only half the battle so I look forward to seeing if the initial wave of enthusiasm that met the program when it first came to MNO is to be maintained. Just remember the most basic rules of safety when joining any online HYIP are the same here as anywhere else. Set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and recoup from your regular salary without too much trouble, and if joining AngolaDiamond at all then try and keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
The admin of BTCino is definitely working hard to bring investors the best payment methods for his program’s three investment plans, all with initial principal returned on expiry – 2%-2.5% for 6 days, 2.2%-3% for 10 days, 2.6%-5% for 15 days. Despite not yet being reviewed on MNO it’s already gaining momentum among readers. Last night after introducing BTCino it was proudly announced that the program has started accepting Payza after gaining full approval, which is usually not such an easy thing to do in the first place. Payza becomes the sixth payment processor accepted by BTCino, joining PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, and most recently SolidTrustPay joined the fray. Investments start from only $10, and payouts are processed in manual mode within a 24 hour maximum. A detailed review of BTCino is coming on Tuesday and meanwhile please see the latest newsletter from the admin highlighting the Payza addition:
“Payza is now accepted by BTCino!
Great news everyone! We just got approval by Payza to start using their payment processor to process the payments and deposits on our website! This is another great news that we have prepared for our first week of launch. You can add your Payza Email in your profile starting from now!
For your information, we are using a fully business verified account with Payza and we have prior website approval before we activated the deposit button on our website. Take advantage of all the payment processors we accept.
Current Accepted Payment Processors:
– Payza – https://payza.com
– SolidTrustPay – http://ift.tt/1q3M3gG
– Perfect Money – https://perfectmoney.is
– Payeer – https://payeer.com
– ADVcash – https://advcash.com
We also accept Bitcoin cryptocurrency!
You can invest with confidence please remember every transaction is secured by our green bar EV SSL provided by GeoTrust
You can actually make deposits through any or through many of our accepted payment methods. Thank you for choosing BTCino – Next Evolution of Economy LTD.”
No sooner than he added the new “Expressionism” plan than the admin of RixosFinance decided to discontinue it. Just 12 hours had passed since it was introduced when he told me that he had reached the limit for investments he was aiming for, though I can’t help but suspect there’s a bit more to the story. You see, people in the HYIP industry do tend to be very suspicious (sometimes rightfully so!) and become reluctant to re-invest in a program making sudden changes they don’t like. As we have already entered the first May bank holiday weekend it was probably the right decision to get more investments for RixosFinance during a slower than usual period. However the admin might have misjudged the members reaction as it really doesn’t take much to send some people into a state of hysteria, screaming “scam” all over every public platform and forum that will tolerate such paranoid ravings. Therefore, the admin has probably decided to be more cautious and seeing such a knee jerk reaction was probably right in dropping the plan for another day.
Incidentally, anyone who did make an early deposit into the so called “Expressionism” plan will be paid in full in accordance to the plan’s terms of 24% for 5 calendar days hopefully reaching the 20% net profit on the very day RixosFinance reaches two months online. As for all the other investors, there are still plenty of other investment offers from RixosFinance including 111% after 7 days or 9% for 14 days – or promise to return it on expiry – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days, 3% for 75 days. RixosFinance accepts all the popular payment processors, including Payza, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, and even direct bank wires and payments have been processed promptly and on time so far. You can read more on RixosFinance in the detailed review posted here.
Despite some turbulence in investors’ minds on the introduction of the new investment plan last night, RixosFinance still remains the unrivalled #1 program on the MNO Premium List. The admin is working on further improvements, and after just adding a professionally translated Spanish version of the website yesterday, an Italian one is now lined up. This is the ninth language RixosFinance is using after English, Russian, Chinese, French, Indonesian, German, and Portuguese. As I can see in the member’s area there are some business cards and even car stickers with the company logo you can print for promoting the program among your friends. This is definitely a very original move that will potentially help RixosFinance outside of the usual HYIP industry channels. Anyway, the last message announcing the closure of the last plan was posted on the program’s news page and can be read below:
The expressionism plan has reached its limit and has been discontinued. All participants who joined this plan will get paid accordingly.”
If you’re into stats and trust HYIP admins who share them with you in order to create the illusion of a safety net of constant growth, then you might be interested to see the latest newsletter from PayGet (reviewed here). The admin of PayGet (interviewed here) simply shares astronomical figures of 10,000 investors and a quarter of a million dollars paid to them over the first successful thirty days online. PayGet has been monitored on MNO for the last twenty of those days and I must say it has managed to find a niche and become quite popular among my readers, especially following the admin’s decision to take the #1 Sticky position on the MNO monitor. Some investors should have finished their first 30 day investment cycle by now while others are just getting into the profit zone or are just starting their earnings with PayGet. In any case, I wish every investor good luck, as the process of accruals and payments in PayGet is very addictive. As you stand a decent chance to earn 50% net profit on your investment overall, it’s the frequency of the payouts that matters most. Over the first 10 days it’s an hourly payment of 0.20833%, over the second 10 days it’s two daily payments of 2.5% each, and finally, it’s 5% once daily over the last 10 days. The best thing is the payments are totally automated and once you reach $0.5 to $1 minimum depending on the payment processor you uses – Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, or AdvCash – you should then expect the money in your account without asking. With a $10 minimum to try PayGet‘s automatic machine as the admin calls it, what are you waiting for? Here’s their latest newsletter:
“PayGet in figures.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear investors!
Thanks to all of you for that highest level of credibility to our investment program, and also for your help in development and support of PayGet!
We try to justify very much your trust and 24 hours a day we work in order that all our investors got profit in time and in time agrees with our investment plans.
Today PayGet is 30 days old!
It is the scheduled anniversary and this day we would like to tell all what we have achieved during this time.
So, today in PayGet in figures it is more than 10,000 investors, $250,000 the paid means to investors and full coverage of all globe.
For today there is no country in the world in which any more there are no investors of PayGet, and all this only in 30 days of our development and thanks to your help and support!
If popularity of PayGet interests someone, then we represent statistical data all of the known website Alexa:
Ahead at all of us very main road on receiving profit, and we make a maximum of efforts in order that our program perfectly functioned and made for all profit.
Once again we congratulate all on anniversary of PayGet and we strongly recommend all to visit our site 5/1/2016 – you are expected by very pleasant surprise!
Don’t forget that it is surprisingly simple to get profit in PayGet!
PayGet – profit on the automatic machine!”
I have a short notice about BTCHourly which was reviewed on MNO here last night. While the program is still running fine and paying instantly to BitCoin, PerfectMoney, and Payeer accounts on the 0.2% to 0.75% hourly forever plan (the only one recommended for investing), the admin is however back to his old tricks and introduced a new special plan. This one is actually on default in the members’ area and so could be potentially dangerous for those misfortunate or gullible enough to be drawn in by ludicrous returns of 10,100% to 10,900% after 24 days (and principal back) promised there. As this new “Special 2” plan is marked as default on the deposit page of your member’s area and the minimum to invest there is quite an affordable 0.25BTC, it’s pretty easy to mistakenly join this instead of the hourly perpetual plan. In any case, with BTCHourly it’s very important to avoid all on expiry plans which also include 15000%-16000% after 4 days, 12000%-15000% after 8 days, 10100%-10900% after 24 days, 5500%-6000% after 45 days, and 8500%-9000% after 60 days. I know that hourly paid withdrawals which also processed instantly could be very tempting to some investors who would like to try their luck and regardless of my advice invest in such high-risk plans anyway, but please avoid them. You will thank me for it later! Here’s the last short notice from BTCHourly:
“BTCHourly – We launch new plan : Special 2 Plan
Hello All Member,
Today We launch new plan : Special 2 Plan : 10900% After 24 Days + Principal Back (only available for 100 investor. Available : 95 Unit. Sold : 5 Unit) (Hurry UP !!….Limited time only !!).
Deposit here to our program: BTCHourly
Best regards. Buken Dosi. Admin”
Time to wrap things up for today and indeed the week now with a look at the results of the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll. The question being asked was how big a role MNO readers really attach to the use of instant payouts in the programs they are joining. I mean there’s no denying most people prefer not to be left waiting too long for their money, and when a payment is offered in less than a minute of you asking for it then sure, what’s not to like about that, right? But is it really that big a deal when you are deciding to join one HYIP over the other. You see the thing is, instant payouts offer no more protection for your principal than manual payments (if anything they are even less secure), and they certainly do nothing to help you once a program scams. In fact when a HYIP does come to its inevitable end and the scam does happen, it makes no difference whatsoever whether the admin just decides he’s not going to process any more manual payouts or else just decides to flick the switch and disable instant payouts. Either decision has the exact same immediate impact and plays little importance in whether you were in profit or not, except that one of them might have been marginally more convenient while running.
The final result was in fact a very close run thing, with an almost equal split between all the available options. Just to remind you of exactly how the question was worded by the way, it went as follows:
How much importance do you place on instant payouts when joining a HYIP?
There was a tie for first place between readers at exact opposite ends of the voting spectrum. 34% voted “a lot, they can be a deciding factor”, while exactly another 34% replied “none, because they have no influence on my actual earnings”. Just marginally behind was the third option favored by 32% of readers taking a more guarded approach, voting for “some, but I’m not always sure they are safe”. There is of course no fully right or wrong answer in there, all opinions are equally valid and all three answers have a certain amount of truth in them depending on how you approach the HYIP industry. Interesting to see such an almost exactly equal split among readers though.
For the next question on the MNO TalkBack opinion poll, I want to ask about what might perhaps be a somewhat more controversial subject and one I have no doubt will be just as divisive. Perhaps not all readers are going to be aware of this – it’s different in many countries so you won’t know that this is going to affect the industry whether you were aware of it or not – but we are entering into a short period where there will be several public and bank holidays in many countries. Russia for example which probably makes up the single biggest percentage of HYIP investors (and possibly HYIP admins as well, though that can’t be proved) is practically going into hibernation for the next ten days. Between the traditional May Day weekend celebrations across Europe followed by the Victory Day holidays marking the end of the war, let’s just say business is about to take a back seat to pleasure from Vladivostok to the Baltic Sea! So with a sharp reduction expected in HYIP investments during that time, how much of an impact do you think this will have on the industry and the survival of the programs currently running? I mean on one hand it’s not exactly a major hiatus – two long weekends between which a lot of people will probably take some extra time off – but is that enough to impact what can sometimes prove to be a very fragile economic ecosystem? Cash flow is crucial to every program after all, that’s the one thing the very biggest most powerful names in the industry have with the smallest most minor and unknown ventures. The question I want to ask you then is as follows:
Will the coming holiday weekends have a negative impact on the HYIP industry?
The answers are as follows:
Yes, less money means a lot of programs will struggle during this time.
No, the strongest programs will probably carry the rest of the industry.
Some, the weakest and oldest programs might be hit, but this was coming anyway.
Thanks as always in advance to everyone who votes, guys. It’s much appreciated. Remember all you need to do is visit the MNO TalkBack page and click the box next to the option that most closely matches your own thoughts on the subject. It’s completely anonymous (unless you prefer to discuss it on the MNO ShoutBox as you are welcome to do) and it literally only takes a second to vote. The poll will stay open for at least the next week, maybe in this case ten days due to the nature of the question, but either way it will be there long enough for everyone who wants to vote to be able to do so.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: PayGet, CCCWealth.
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinance, Romball, ForexKing, ArdexFunds, BandeiraCorp, AngolaDiamond, BetStar, BTCHourly.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro, BTCino.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s about all for tonight, guys. As it’s a holiday weekend in many countries I too will be taking some time off to spend at the beach in Tel-Aviv. However I’ll still be keeping an eye on the MNO monitor and will update you if there’s anything important. As we’re almost into May now and people are looking to enjoy some down time I’ll just ask you again to vote on the MNO TalkBack opinion poll. I’ll be back on Monday with a full review of the apparently instantly paying CCCWealth and any news stories worth hearing about. Don’t miss it and check out MNO often, as things are really heating up in the HYIP industry now!
The post 30/04/2016. AngolaDiamond Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/24dgXKP
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