Hello everyone! Well it sure is nice to be able to start the business week with some good news and tell you about the launch of a very promising brand new program. A lot of you will no doubt already know what I’m talking about here (Capital7, it was already introduced on my last blog post anyway) and sure enough the program has gotten off to a very lively start despite just a couple of days online. I’m also pleased because the Capital7 admin has chosen MNO to be the program’s only official and exclusive monitor. It was quite a stroke of marketing genius really, knowing that he only needs to pay for one monitor and all the others will form a line to add it for free. In one move he gets his program advertised without needing to pay a penny, added to a bunch of monitors looking to flash their ref links, and in doing so save all the money he would have wasted and keep paying his investors for longer than what similar programs might manage. Anyway, let’s take a closer look at Capital7 and see if you think it can challenge in a not exactly crowded race to be the next big hit.
What better place to start then than the investment plans. Capital7 have two individual plans, both of which have been used successfully by other programs in bygone years and proved to be enormously popular with investors. One is definitely going to be more popular than the other simply because of profitability, though I can see certain advantages in either.
I’ll start with the longer of the two, Capital7‘s Daily Plan which is more or less the default option if you are joining. You’ll need at least a $25 minimum to get started as that’s what the minimum spend is. Or if you can afford it the maximum limit for a single deposit is $250,000. Now, this is where things start to get a little tricky – the investment term. The Capital7 admin has this measured out as 30 calendar days, despite the fact that payments are only made on business days. This means that the exact number of payment days can be influenced by the exact day of the week you decide to join Capital7, something which I’ll return to in a moment. Just have a look at your calendar and count it out, optimally you can get as many as 22 business days within a 30 calendar day term. Interest is paid to members at a rate of 7% per business day. Assuming you get the maximum number of payments this allows you to earn 154% in total on your investment. Capital7 are counting your principal as part of that figure, so it’s your own money back plus 54% net profit.
Let’s take an example and say we join the daily plan with $100. Every day from Monday to Friday for the next month Capital7 pay you back $7 in interest. The exact number of payments can vary somewhat depending on your timing, but we should expect from 20 to 22 of them which allows you a maximum return of $154. As Capital7 include your principal as part of the payments you break even (earn back an amount equivalent to what you spent) after fifteen business days which is three weeks, so you can’t possibly lose money after that.
Next up is a shorter term option, running for 7 calendar days and called The Weekly Plan. Capital7 require a minimum spend of $25 to join. There is one single payment made on expiry of the term, and it includes your principal. The return is 110%, a flat rate paid out on all deposits regardless of size up to the maximum $10,000 allowed by Capital7 in a single deposit. To give you a simple monetary example then, were you to invest $100 in this plan you should expect a repayment of $110 from the Capital7 admin one week later.
OK, clearly this is a lot less profitable, and the fact that it’s even marketed as a “trial plan” on the Capital7 website implies not even the admin thinks it’s going to be taken that seriously. But I do see some advantages depending on what you are trying to get from the program. For one thing, it might not be as profitable but it will put you into some level of profit a whole lot faster than the daily plan. And not just profit, it also gets you your principal back and gets you out of the program completely at a time when you are still nowhere near this in the other plan. So really, this is probably better suited to those with lower goals, lower expectations from the program, and just looking to get their money back with a couple of fast bucks on top as soon as they can.
If joining the daily plan in Capital7 as I think most of you would probably favor, there is a certain strategy that can help you improve your earnings, although depending on your longer term ambitions I wouldn’t overstate it either. You see, when the term is measured in calendar days but only pays on business days, not every random 30 day block in your calendar is going to contain the same number of payments. For example, joining on Sunday means you start with your first interest payment on the following day. Joining Capital7 on a Friday however would see you left waiting until after the weekend, that is all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and only getting your first payment on day three. But as I said, not to overstate the importance of this if it’s your intention to keep re-investing over and over for how ever many cycles the admin can keep the show on the road as it were then obviously this strategy has less importance for you. Those who intend joining for one single cycle on the other hand will probably be looking to maximize the number of possible payments and will pay much closer attention to this.
There’s no compounding in the traditional sense with Capital7 (I always advised against it anyway), but they do offer a much more interesting form. What you have with them is seven available “investment slots” which you can use. In other words each plan allows to hold seven individual deposits at any one time. They can be of any amount between the min/max parameters, and can be made any time you please. So you can have seven investments all making you money simultaneously. The beauty here is that if you are not able to afford a second investment slot then you are allowed to fund it directly from your earnings in an earlier one, that is to say deposit direct from your balance. A lot of folks could very well argue that this is just a glorified form of compounding by a different name, which is partially true I admit. It’s also a cost effective and affordable way for smaller investors to make bigger more profitable investments at a vastly reduced personal risk (because you’re only gambling with profits at that point, not “seed money”).
If you like the plans then you’re gonna love the payment options. In fact it’s hard to say how the admin could really improve on them in terms of choice, given that all the popular methods are listed. You can join Capital7 using SolidTrustPay and Payza which will do a lot to bring in bigger spending players, Payeer and PerfectMoney for those who prefer the anonymous processors, and BitCoin for anyone who favors a more modern digital currency. Of course you can always bypass the need for payment processors entirely if you are making a direct bank wire deposit. These are allowed starting from $250, so contact the Capital7 admin if this is an option that interests you. Withdrawal requests are taken care of manually by the admin and need to be submitted from within Capital7 account area. Once done you are asked to allow up to 48 hours for the transaction to be completed. It’s unlikely you would really need to wait quite that long, but you will need to remember that no payments will be made over the weekend. There’s nothing to stop you asking for it naturally, just be aware that if your request is in too late in the week then you’ll simply have to wait until Monday before things get moving again.
There’s a couple of other very important points you will need to be aware of an take into consideration when withdrawing money from your Capital7 member’s area. First of all there is a minimum withdrawal limit of $2.50, so smaller investors please take note you will have to be owed at least that amount or more before it will be processed. In addition to that a 2% fee will be charged on every payment, so we’ll say for example you put in a request for a $10 withdrawal the amount you would actually receive would be $9.80. Not a big deal, just something you need to remember and I would imagine it’s imposed to cover the program’s own charges levied by the various payment processors. The fee is the same regardless of which processor you are using by the way. In an effort to clamp down on self-referral cheats you are not paid for the first member to join using your link. On the other hand the admin encourages weekend deposits in Capital7 by improving the ref commission rate if you get anyone else to join under you on Saturday and Sunday.
Looking at the more technical side of Capital7 such as design, security, customer support, and the like then everything seems up to a suitably high standard. The script is custom made and has more or less everything you need for a user friendly experience. It’s not totally unique per se as it has been used by a couple of other programs in the past (experienced readers will recognize it I’m sure) though I don’t believe it’s a commercially available product on sale to just anyone. Similarly no effort was spared on the hosting. Capital7 is hosted by dual dedicated servers on three different locations, one for back-end, one front-end (OVH) and one mysql mirror. BlockDos and CloudFlare are the service providers, and you won’t really find anyone with a better reputation for quality than that. For extra protection (specifically key-loggers that record and steal what you are typing, e.g. passwords) you can use an on screen virtual keyboard to sign in to your Capital7 account area if you prefer. The entire website is also under SSL encryption by Comodo and will make for safer browsing and more secure transactions.
If you have any further questions for the Capital7 admin or any account related issues you need to have looked at then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online support form and submitting it. Account holders are advised to sign in first as they would receive preferential treatment (i.e. a faster response time) than non members. A postal address is included in the UK, though as always that is something I suggest you ignore, more likely being a virtual hosted workspace rather than somewhere you would expect to find anyone involved with Capital7 to be physically located.
That’s about it really. Different from many other programs in terms of organization and some of the finer details which I’ve tried my best to explain above, but nothing all that complicated either. For the sake of anyone who might be interested I guess I should finish with a few words on the alleged business activities behind Capital7 and how they claim to finance payments to members. Texts on the subject are lengthy, a bit meandering maybe, without getting into any details which you can check and verify for yourself. Experienced players will already know to skip this part of Capital7, and if you’re new to the HYIP industry you’d do well to follow this lead. Don’t look for guarantees where they can’t exist, because even if any online based program was genuinely investing your money that still doesn’t mean it has to be profitable. No one can make that promise, Capital7 included. I’ve always preferred readers to think of the HYIP industry as a form of high risk gambling, and take it from there. Set yourself a sensible and affordable maximum spending limit you can easily recover if you lost it, and if joining Capital7 at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. Above all try and have fun and enjoy the experience, something you can’t do if you have vast amounts of money you can’t afford tied up in online HYIPs, so play sensible and what’s the worst thing that can happen, eh?
After more than ten weeks of stable payments for hundreds of investors over its lifetime OrientOrganization finally collapsed last Saturday as the instant payments ceased and never resumed. The admin never responded to my emails regarding this and so I could safely assume that OrientOrganization were in trouble and was one of the first monitors that moved the program first to Waiting and then to Problem status. As a couple of days have already passed since then and payouts didn’t resume (so the 48 hour timeframe set by the admin wasn’t honored) I had to move OrientOrganization to Scam status on my monitor and issue a strong warning against any investments into this now dead program.
I must say that as OrientOrganization was listed on MNO since day one and first offered 15 day long plans later replaced by 5 day investment plans, there were a lot of investors who benefited and earned nice profits over its 70+ days lifetime. The program seemed to be growing well and the admin even managed to add SolidTrustPay to the list of accepted payment processors a few days ago, although never officially announced it. That didn’t save his program from falling interest though, probably not helped by the arrival of the next giant Capital7 which took a lot of the attention. I suspect that many other programs which collapsed over the weekend were overshadowed or overwhelmed perhaps by the launch of Capital7 and many more will be affected in the future, while newly launched programs now will have to be more competitive with the standards Capital7 set for everyone. In any case, OrientOrganization was a really great program on my listing and paid to everyone for quite a long time, so I cannot say any bad words about the admin and will be looking forward to listing his other projects on my monitor when he feels like returning. Please note that OrientOrganization is not paying any longer, so stay away from it!
The next question open for your votes over the next few days is connected with the major event of the last week – the official launch of Capital7 and its exclusive listing with MNO. As you might know, since then there were dozens of monitoring sites that added Capital7 for free after seeing it on MNO and realizing its potential in attracting referrals. I myself already have over 50 downlines who joined over the weekend and am expecting dozens more to come over the following weeks and hopefully months. Capital7 is then I believe going to start developing further and advertise on other sources too. The new question asks this:
What do you think of Capital7 being exclusively listed on MNO first?
And the possible answers you can choose from are:
1) I like this decision as it will provide a slow start and save more money to pay investors.
2) It was probably a wise decision as MNO is the most popular monitor anyway.
3) I believe it was a bad decision as I prefer all the monitors listing programs at once.
I hope that you will actively participate on the MNO TalkBack page and I’ll analyze the final results of your votes on my blog at the end of the week.
Let’s now have a closer look at the results of the previous poll from the TalkBack page. I remind you I was asking about the attitude of investors towards custom-made scripts against mass produced generic ones like GoldCoders or H-Script. Essentially I was asking whether they were willing to spend more money in a program that does run off a unique script, like for instance what Capital7 have. It appears that the votes were kind of split among the three possible answers. 33% of the voters would definitely invest more in a program running off a custom-made script recognizing the admin’s efforts to create something different from others, so the administrators should really take note of that. A further 38% would invest more in a program running off a uniquely made script provided the overall layout of the website and its other features are appealing as well. And for only 29% of the voters the choice of script made by the HYIP admin would not have any strong impact on how much they decide to invest. Thanks as always to everyone who shared their views on the subject and hope you will be as active in answering a new question on the MNO TalkBack page.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomatics, ArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7.
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTrade, ForexKing, TokyoInvestmentCompany.
That’s all for today, guys. I hope you agree that it’s better to have such gems like Capital7 on board and dedicate some time to explaining them than feeding readers with dozens of low-grade and short-lived scams. And that is exactly what MNO is trying to do. Thanks a lot for reading and see you all later in the week week with all the latest news from the HYIP industry and possibly a new listing too. Stay safe and best of luck with your investments!
P.S. If you don’t want to miss anything on my blog please subscribe to get daily news directly to your email address and follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter. The TalkBack page and weekly opinion polls is also worth your while checking out and voting, as well as the MNO Info Center page where you will find more valuable information from the HYIP world. See you soon!
The post 15/02/2016. Capital7 Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/1oDAbqe
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