Hello everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend and an even better start to the new business week. Getting straight to the point, the latest new program joining the MNO monitor’s Premium List is called AlpexTrade, and before we get to today’s news section that’s what I want to discuss first. In view of the fact that summer in general, and specifically this summer in particular has been so slow in the HYIP industry, it’s often overlooked that the lowest point is often when we see some of the best long term programs for the next season first starting up. And I think AlpexTrade has a good chance of being one of them. In fact it’s the slowest periods that can actually prove the most profitable time for the more experienced HYIP investors who know how seek out the more serious high grade longer term programs opening over the remaining months until autumn. Because AlpexTrade is a low ROI and long term program it will take a bit longer for most investors to break even, but it should at least be the start of something good. I’m going to stick my neck out here and make a fairly bold statement – I am expecting AlpexTrade will eventually become the number one program on the MNO monitor, however I’m not expecting it to happen anytime soon. There isn’t going to be any overnight success stories here, it’s going to be a slow burner for sure, but if you’re looking for long term results instead of a fast buck and are looking to diversify your portfolios then AlpexTrade might just be for you.
Despite being organized financially along different lines than most HYIPs, I think AlpexTrade have a more responsible and manageable approach to their investment plans. The thing that makes them so difficult to explain is that the rates of interest on offer to account holders are variable and can fluctuate to such a degree that it can be difficult to pinpoint your exact earnings on any given day or week. That’s not such a bad thing though and in fact it’s a policy that has served several high profile HYIPs very well in the past. By allowing the ROI to fluctuate from day to day the admin of AlpexTrade protects the program from having to make payments that others might struggle to meet under certain situations. So the payments will be a more fair reflection of the day to day fortunes of the business and in the long run will only help sustain the program for a longer period.
AlpexTrade have six investment plans for you to look at. The size of your principal will determine the interest rate you are paid, with all plans running for the same length term. All plans make payments on business days only, but oddly enough in this case business days are taken to mean Tuesday to Saturday. Which I suppose makes sense when you think of it. I mean the money earned by them on Monday would get paid to you on Tuesday, just as the money they earn on Friday gets paid to you on Saturday.
The minimum amount you may invest with AlpexTrade is $10, and anything between that and a $1,000 deposit will make up ALPX1. The term runs for 250 business days (which is fifty calendar weeks, just short of a full year) and while this is going on your share of the AlpexTrade profit will be 45%. That means that if the program announces a profit of let’s say 2% on a given day then your share of that would be 0.9% (a 45% share of 2% equals 0.9%). Your principal is then returned on expiry, however there is an early withdrawal clause that allows you to leave before the official end of the term. Various fees will apply for early withdrawal, so I’ll explain that in a moment after I’ve gone through the rest of the plans.
Plans continue with ALPX2 where you may invest anything from $1,001 to $5,000, so I guess this is the bracket the bigger spending players will fall into. The investment term this time still runs for 250 business days (fifty weeks) at the end of which AlpexTrade return your principal. Out of the total profit generated from the re-investment of that money your share will be 55%, the program’s will be 45%. So for example if your investment here was to generate a profit of 2% today your share of that would be 1.1%. In monetary terms then let’s say the full amount earned on your principal is $10 today, you can expect to see $5.50 while the admin keeps the other $4.50. The remaining plans work along more or less the same principles, except of course that they’ll cost you a lot more to join and run for longer terms.
I doubt very much the remaining plans will get much attention. Not because they’re not attractive but rather it’s a simple case of affordability – few people have that kind of money to gamble on online HYIPs no matter what the potential return is. But just for your information I’ll run through the figures for you anyway.
For even bigger spending investors ALPX3 will cost you anything between a $5,001 minimum and a $30,000 maximum. Your cut of the profits made by AlpexTrade here will be 65% of whatever the admin announces as the daily profit rate for the day. So if let’s say AlpexTrade announce they have made a 2% today, the amount you receive is 1.3% in profits. Again this figure will change everyday so I can’t really tell you how much you will eventually finish with by the end, but the term runs for the same 250 business days (fifty weeks) and the AlpexTrade admin should return your principal on expiry.
This is followed by ALPX4 where a deposit will cost you from $30,001 to a $100,000 maximum. AlpexTrade are offering you a 75% share of the profits here, so if they announce a daily rate of 2% then you would expect a return for yourself of 1.5%. The term runs for 250 business days (fifty calendar weeks,) at the end of which AlpexTrade should return your principal. ALPX5 offers members an 85% split of whatever AlpexTrade announce as their daily profit for a term running for 250 business days, principal back on expiry. This will cost you between $100,001 and $300,000 to join. And finally ALPX6 (VIP) is for deposits between $300,001 and $750,000. It lasts for 250 business days and offers members a 95% share of the daily profit rate. Your principal is returned on expiry.
To get a more accurate picture of what you might earn from AlpexTrade just go to their website where you can see a historical record of how much percentage profit is being generated on any given day, then calculate your own slice of it. You’ll find this by clicking on the “trading reports” At the time of writing the rate seems to float between around 1.8% to 2.3%, rarely going too far either side of those levels though there are occasional exceptions. However there is a certain level of security there because the AlpexTrade admin offers a guaranteed minimum. No matter what happens there should always be a basic minimum of 0.25%, though I would guess the average day-to-day returns would be significantly better than that.
Before we move on I should just point out that if any of the investment terms prove too long for you and you need to get your principal back before the expiry date for some reason then AlpexTrade will allow it. However this service is only offered for a fee. In many cases this would eat in to your earnings to such an extent that it could actually place you at a loss if you try to leave too early. So just let this be a lesson to you to make sure you are absolutely committed to the plan you join and stay well within a spending limit you can afford to go without during the plan’s duration.
As for the fees themselves, first of all you are completely tied in to a minimum 25 business day lock-in period (five calendar weeks) so you absolutely cannot leave AlpexTrade before then. After that, if you wish to request your principal back anytime during the first 100 business days (20 weeks) you will sacrifice 65% of it in fees. Wait a bit longer, and the fees slowly begins to drop. For instance, you will only be required to pay 50% of your principal if leaving between 100 to 124 business days into the term. AlpexTrade reduce this to 30% if you are asking for your principal back between 125 and 149 business days into the term. 20% is the fee if you are leaving between day 150 and day 200, coming down to 10% if you wish to leave between 200 and 239 business days into the term. Any later than that then AlpexTrade will not charge you anything for requesting your principal back, however at that point the full 250 business day term is almost up anyway so you may as well just hang on until the very end and get the maximum possible earnings from it. Unless of course you suspect there are some problems with the program by then.
Payment options are, for the time being at least, a bit limited. Hopefully AlpexTrade will work on expanding it in the not too distant future, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a deliberate strategy to manage the growth of the program more carefully while it’s still in the early stages before expanding once the industry settles down in the autumn. For now however you’re going to have to make do with either the more conventional HYIP industry payment handlers with a choice between PerfectMoney and Payeer. If you prefer a more modern digital e-currency then AlpexTrade are are also using Bitcoin. Payouts to members need to be requested by logging in to your AlpexTrade private members account area. Once done payments should then be instant, and completed in under a minute. Smaller investors please take note that if you are using BitCoin then AlpexTrade have a minimum withdrawal policy of $3.
While I’m still on the subject of the investment plans there’s just one other thing I need to warn you about. Please read this very carefully because I cannot overstate how important this is. AlpexTrade allow compounding, which by itself is fine if that’s really what you want to do. Personally I don’t really go for it but that’s no reflection on the quality of the programs that allow it. However in AlpexTrade by default the compounding option is already set automatically to 100% when you first join the program, so you need to be very careful to reset that to the level you actually want it at – 0% if you don’t want to use compounding at all – before making a final commitment. You can set the rate yourself to whatever it is you would like, it’s just that it’s entered for you at 100% unless you fix it yourself first. From inside your account area you need to click the tab marked “contracts”. This will open up a list of all your deposits with the program (I know most of you will only have one). As I mentioned, compounding is already set to 100% by default. You can either switch this off completely, or else re-set it to increments of 10%. Be aware also that you are never actually tied to any rate of compounding, so you can play around with it a bit from time to time, and turn it on and off, up and down, as you please. It may even in the short term help smaller investors build up a bigger principal, though I wouldn’t recommend it as a longer term investment strategy.
Moving on then to the subject of design and online security then, AlpexTrade is hosted on a dedicated server by SoftLayer. The AlpexTrade website has an extra layer of safety, being fully SSL encrypted in both public and private members account areas by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The script that AlpexTrade is running off is unique and custom made though I have seen it used in the past by some very similar style programs that went on to become long running industry giants. The best thing here is that it allows the admin to develop and grow the program as their needs and circumstances change over time. In this case the script is quite sophisticated and built to a very high quality standard. The AlpexTrade website is also available in both Spanish and Russian if you are stronger in either of those languages than the default English version.
If you have any further questions for the AlpexTrade admin that you feel weren’t really addressed here or have any account related issues that need to be dealt with then there are a couple of different ways you can try to get in touch. Mostly I suppose by either filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or else by writing directly to the admin at the address listed. AlpexTrade also list a UK telephone numbers which is supposedly active during business hours if you’d like to see if someone will speak to you directly. You’ll also notice two postal address, one in the Seychelles and the other in the UK, but generally I’d skip on that as they tend to be no more than virtual hosted offices used for mail forwarding (and very often not even that). Something else that AlpexTrade have added is a network of regional representatives. Given that the program is still so new there aren’t any names included on the list just yet at the time of writing, but contact the AlpexTrade admin for more details if you’ve done this before and are interested in participating.
Sensible plans that are both profitable to the investor while maintaining a high degree of sustainability are always going to be popular. Maybe not overnight but in the long run I would still be cautiously optimistic about the program. AlpexTrade is a very original program but one that still follows a successful business model used in the past. Officially their line of business is described as “asset management”. As with every other online HYIP this isn’t anything you can independently research and verify for yourself, and even if it were true it still can’t guarantee it always has to be profitable. But as most of you know what you are doing and are OK with the risk you take in this industry then I can only remind you to be sensible. Spend an amount you can comfortably afford to lose and easily earn back from your offline salary, and if joining AlpexTrade then do try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Just before we leave AlpexTrade for today and move on to the news section I hope you won’t mind sharing your own thoughts on the program, if you have any, with your fellow MNO readers. Please give your own first impression of the program by answering the following opinion poll, which hopefully will show more interesting results later in the coming weeks as AlpexTrade grows and develops into something more substantial than what we see today. So:
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.DAILY NEWS FROM THE HYIP INDUSTRY
The first investors of FatFunds are sure to be delighted with their choice as they entered the profit zone recently and are now potentially on the way to more than doubling their principals with a chance to earn up to 2.1% for 100 business days. Due to the nature of the program members do not even need to request their withdrawals, as they are sent automatically to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, and BitCoin accounts on every business day for the duration of the term. Of course, despite the great and no-hassle approach to payments one should always remember the risky nature of HYIPs and therefore avoid the unnecessary risk of joining the second plan promising to pay 799.05% on a 100% compounding rate, as this is unlikely to deliver profits on expiry of the 100-business day term. Joining the main daily paying plan though should be OK. Although the program has been reviewed on MNO already and you can always refer to it for more details by clicking here, the admin has recently tried his best to highlight the main features of the program by posting an official appeal from the author and answering some frequently asked questions you might have in mind. So, for the benefit of those still unfamiliar with this interesting program I’d like to re-post both updates you can also find in the latest news section on the FatFunds website below:
“Official appeal from the author of the project
Dear friends!
Hello, my name is Dr.Dilon and I am 47 years old. I am a Harvard, Yale, and Cornell educated psychiatrist and NY State licensed nutritionist. I’m a dedicated and passionate therapist who works with adolescent and adults who are struggling with some form of eating/weight or body image issue. For over 22 years, I’ve helped people with weight problems to lose weight, and to recover from all types of eating disorders, using a highly collaborative and individualized approach. 3 years ago I found out the way to transform overweight into sprouts of wealth. It is my goal to help individuals develop a healthy relationship to food and their body, as well as learn to save and to increase its savings. The idea of project came from all sorts of things that I see in the world around me. I see that almost everyone in the world use to resist the temptation of making daily shopping for pleasure. There is simply nothing better than being able to kick back, relax, and find ways to pamper yourself with food, so tasty and so junk. We use to buy pounds of food spending hundreds of dollars day by day. Besides the fact that you spend money for real jam, your body weight increases. An average adult spends more than $5.000 for junk food, getting over 250,000 kkl and taking fat rolls, flabby skin on the abdomen and kilos of subcutaneous fats. To make matters worse, research has shown that people who carry their extra weight around their waist have the highest risk of all of heart attacks, strokes, circulatory system and respiratory system problems, liver damages, gastrointestinal tract disorders. These and other problems arise from clogged, hardened arteries.
It is the time to stop this madness.
FatFunds project was created for people all over the world. I would like to give my helping hand to everyone. If you can’t stop eating junk food and you do have no willpower to get rid of chocolate and hamburgers cravings – welcome to FatFunds community. By using FatFunds assistance you can undoubtedly rely on productive friendship and support on your way to healthy life and financial independence. Just imagine what you will get if you try to invest into FatFunds instead of spending your money for junk food. Investing money for deposit at FatFunds cutting down on unhealthy food, isn’t it the smartest idea ever? Hamburgers and fried potatoes can make you millionaire with ideal health and perfect body shapes. FatFunds is the best way to show yourself that you genuinely care. And you really do. There are only pros when you are paying back your money doubled and improving your health losing excess weight and feeling great about yourself. All you have to do is to believe that you can change “junk food” into “good investment for the future”. It’s fantastic and it’s true! It can take you a only a year to make your dreams come true. Do you want to have a brand new car, cozy dream apartment or far away island vacations, where you will amaze people with your new body shape?
Fatfunds project started at 2014 in the small Oceanside city. I presented my individual body weight correction method to my clients. It was a new approach to financial independence using simple lifestyle changes. All they had to do is to leave me an exact amount of money they wanted to spend for burgers, cakes, candies, alcohol and other junk food and drinks. As for me I promised that I will double their money after cancelling the experiment. There were only a few people interested in my innovation. They used to spread my integrated approach to their friends as soon as they got successful results. A lot of people got to know about me and my ideas. They wanted to participate and changed their lifestyle forever. The majority of participants refused to refund money they entrusted as a token of gratitude for my efforts and dedicated work in solving their problems.
The project grew and developed over time. I’ve found partners in different cities. Now I have a whole professional team to prevent obesity, make people happy and rich. Time has come to launch FatFunds project to the global market. Our total amount of available funds is more than 5,8 million dollars and I hope it will be possible to go further in 2017 year. We believe that humans desires to have perfect, healthy body and gain financial freedom come before all else. Believe me, it is very simple to achieve it with FatFunds project.
Take care of your and your family health!
Be healthy and rich!
Best wishes, project founder”.
“Frequently asked questions and answers
1. Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we have! We offer our partners a one-time agency fee equal to 10% of the deposit amount made by invited user. Read more about the Partnership program here.
2. How can I start working with your system?
It`s very simple! You need e-wallet at one of the following payment systems – Perfect Money, Payeer, ADVCash, NixMoney or Bitcoin to make a deposit and to receive deposit payouts. Making deposit in our system is possible using the standard form of deposit registration here or by “Rejecting” junk food to the benefit menu. If you have zero account balance, you can start working with our system through the affiliate program. Read more about the Partnership program here.
3. On what days do you pay? Do you make payouts on the weekend?
Payouts are made only on working days from Monday to Friday. On weekends our employees spend time with their families.
4. Will my deposit payouts and referral bonuses be paid to the requisites I have specified making a deposit (registrating in the Partnership program)?
Yes, deposit payouts and referral bonuses will be paid automatically the next working day.
5. Can I make several deposits with the same e-wallet?
You should! For greater efficiency of our system we recommend you to make a new deposit on a daily basis equal to the sum you have planned to spend for junk food or beverages. You can make any number of deposits with the same e-wallet. Every new deposit will be serviced individually.
6. Are there any taxes or hidden commissions at creating deposits?
No, we don`t have any hidden commissions and we do not charge the tax rate of your deposit. Your deposit will be created strictly with the amount you applied and paid.
7. What is the maximum deposit I can create? Is there a maximum limit?
Minimum deposit is just $5 or 0.01 BTC. Maximum deposit is $100,000 or 120 BTC. According to the unlimited number of deposits, total amount of deposits is also unlimited!
8. What is the amount of deposit I can create?
Minimum deposit is just $5 or 0.01 BTC. Maximum deposit is $100,000 or 120 BTC. According to the unlimited number of deposits, total amount of deposits is also unlimited!
9. I want create a deposit in your system but I don`t have e-wallet. What should I do?
You can create free e-wallet PerfectMoney on https://perfectmoney.is
You can create free e-wallet Payeer on https://payeer.com
You can create free e-wallet ADVCash on https://advcash.com
You can create free e-wallet NixMoney on http://ift.tt/1NibaHV
You can create free e-wallet BitCoin on https://blockchain.info
10. How can I add funds to my e-wallet Perfect Money?
Please, visit the page http://ift.tt/17zLy6C, to read methods of depositing your e-wallet PerfectMoney.
11. What guarantees do you give?
Unlike other companies, we do not offer high and unrealistic interest rate. The high rate of return means greater risk. Besides, the idea of our project is based on the fact that you get profit from the funds you would spend on junk food or drinks. No financial investment is protected against the risk by 100%, but we always fulfill our obligations to our users in a timely manner. We keep our customer database not only online but also offline, ie format inaccessible to intruders to provide high security level. Using the online database only would expose our customers at great risk.
12. Did you have an offline version of your project?
Yes, we did and we have it since 2014. Read more about how our program was established in the official appeal of the founder here.
13. What happens to investments during your vacation or sick leave?
We have enough employees to provide stable and uninterrupted work of the service in case of somebody`s vacation or sick leave. In the case of somebody`s vacation or sick leave the service will operate in normal mode and be supported by other employees.
14. Do you have any reserve funds to maintain and expand the work of the service?
Yes, we have reserve funds to maintain and expand the work of the service to cover all our customers needs. Read more about the size of the reserves and how it was formed in the official appeal of the founder here
15. Who can participate in your program?
Everybody can participate in the program. We give service to clients all over the world.
16. Why do you accept only PerfectMoney, PAYEER, ADVCash, NixMoney and Bitcoin?
We accept only PerfectMoney, PAYEER, ADVCash, NixMoney and Bitcoin because this systems provide the safest electronic currency on the Internet and have user-friendly interface for placing, transferring or withdrawing funds.
17. Is reinvestment an obligation?
No, we do not demand and do not force users to reinvest or to invite other users.
18. What is the policy on SPAM?
We have extremely negative attitude to SPAM in any form.
19. Do you make payouts on the holidays?
Yes. Payouts are made during working days from Monday to Friday regardless of holidays.
20. How will you inform me about updates and service news?
We will inform you about updates and news services via email and / or on our forum.”
The admin of Bitcoin456 which was reviewed on MNO a few days ago has done exactly as I suggested and made sure that the review is clearly visible for everyone who arrives on his website by putting a link to it in both the News section and the Rate Us page. I personally have always been in favour of proactive admins who value the advice of leading monitoring sites like MNO and do exactly the right thing to get their programs noticed and eventually really popular. Bitcoin456 is still a relatively new program that has yet to prove its sustainability by surviving at least one full 30-day investment cycle, but so far it has been paying investors 4% to 6% daily profits depending on the size of their investment fine and I have not waited for longer than a few hours before I see requested amounts to be transferred to my PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin accounts – these are all the payment methods accepted by Bitcoin456 at the moment starting from a $10 minimum. I sincerely hope that Bitcoin456 will become a success on the MNO monitor and will be able to rival bigger and more established programs with time. As for the review of Bitcoin456 it can be found on MNO here and the admin has also given a link to it for everyone interested:
Read Our Review on Money-News-Online.com
The site of ControlFinance is now also available in German which will further expand its international appeal. Even before the new language version was announced in a newsletter yesterday the site was already available in five other languages – English, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese. So we can say with a certain degree of certainty that the gradual expansion of the list should be expected in the near future as well. This is what the admin of ControlFinance had to say:
“News – Our website is available in German.
Hello. Our website materials are now available in German. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.”
ControlFinance (reviewed here) has been online for a month, so it’s still some time before even the first investors will see their first profits on its only plan paying 1% to 1.5% daily for an unlimited term. By investing at least $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin you agree to the fact that your deposit will be locked in for the whole lifetime of the program, and you will be rewarded with instantly processed withdrawals which can also be requested to a different payment processor than the one you joined with by using the internal exchanger. So far I cannot fault a very decent performance of ControlFinance and hope it will survive the slow summer season and will start bringing profits to its investors come autumn.
Recently Payza has been at the forefront of popularizing not only using BitCoins, but also many other alternative crypto-currencies, the so-called “altcoins”. As we all know, BitCoin is losing its market share to competitors and more and more HYIPs are now thinking of accepting more altcoins, as the way of giving members more choice. With Payza you can forget about any third-party exchangers and handle everything from start to finish within your account there by first selling your altcoins to Payza at an attractive exchange rate and then load the money to your Payza pre-paid card which you can purchase and get delivered to your home address by post and use it then in any ATM and POS worldwide, just like a regular debit card you might have from your bank. There is nothing simpler than the process, but Payza has gone even further by giving its members a special guide on just how easily you can sell your altcoins to Payza, and fund your account there with them. In my memory, it’s the very first payment processor closely affiliated with the best HYIPs in the industry, including such popular programs like BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) and TrafficHeap (reviewed here), that allow such flexibility when it comes to using BitCoins and other altcoins when investing in HYIPs and then getting money out straight to your card. Just have a look below at how all the process works and order your Payza pre-paid card if you haven’t done so yet for your own convenience (you must first open a free Payza account here and verify it in order to take advantage of this offer):
“How To: Add Funds and Load Your Payza Card Using Altcoins
Last week, Payza announced that along with Bitcoin members can now sell altcoins such as Ethereum, Ripple, Dash, Litecoin, Monero and dozens more to fund their Payza accounts and load their Payza Cards. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how this new feature works.
Add Funds by Altcoin
Verified Payza members from most countries can now sell over 50 different altcoins to Payza. Completing an altcoin exchange is simple and takes less than a minute, here’s how to get started:
1) In your Payza account, click “Add Funds” in the top menu, then select “Altcoin”.
2) Select the altcoin to exchange and the deposit amount in altcoin. Click “Next”.
3) Review the details, enter your Transaction PIN, and click “Deposit”.
4) Payza will provide you with a unique altcoin address for you to send your altcoins and a set of instructions for completing your transaction.
While you will be shown an exchange rate for your transaction, please note that this rate will only be finalized once your transaction has been confirmed and your altcoins have been received. The final rate may be higher or lower than the initial exchange rate, depending on whether the market value of the altcoin has changed.
Read more about converting altcoins in the Payza Reference Center: How Do I Add Funds by Altcoin?
Important: You must create a new deposit and generate a new altcoin address for each Add Funds by Altcoin transaction. You will not be able to send future deposits to this altcoin address.
Loading Your Payza Card
If you already have a Payza Card, you can now load it with funds you earned by selling altcoins. As soon as those funds are received by Payza, you can instantly load them to your Payza Card. The same is true for funds you earned by selling or exchanging Bitcoin.
To load your Payza Card, just follow these steps:
1) In your Payza account, click “Withdraw Funds” in the top menu, then select “Payza Prepaid Card”.
2) Select the currency balance and the amount.
3) Review the details and click “Withdraw” to confirm your transaction.
This is the current process, but Payza’s team of developers is hard at work creating a simple, one-step cryptocurrency to Payza Card loading option. This option will give cryptocurrency enthusiasts a safe and easy way to turn coins into spendable cash in a matter of minutes.
Payza Cards can be used almost anywhere credit cards are accepted: online, in-stores, and even at most ATMs.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: UnityReserve, TrafficHeap, FexFund,
BandeiraCorp, FatFunds, AurumBank, Bitcoin456, AlpexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: ControlFinance.
From MNO Basic list: BitXxa, CryptoGolden, Investellect.
That will be all for tonight, guys. I’m very pleased by the unusual stability we have this June with almost no scams on MNO and all the programs featured on the MNO monitor being paying like clockwork. Hope that will continue and if we see the further stable performance from the currently monitored programs I will most probably be back on Saturday with an updated article from the Top Five Popular Programs series with the latest list of new potential hits. I’ll have all the latest news stories from the industry, plus the final results of the opinion poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page. Saturday also marks a significant personal milestone for me and MNO, as it will be ten amazing years online for my blog and monitor. Here’s to the next ten! Thanks for reading, and see you all then, guys!
The post 27/06/2017. AlpexTrade Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/2sYIVdQ