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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

30/03/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello all, and welcome to the final news issue from the most popular investment programs from my monitor for this month. The first few days this week didn’t see any major changes due to the holidays, and all the programs listed on MNO are still paying fine. Some of them show special promise and are featured in the current Top Five Popular Programs on MNO list. That list remains largely unchanged and apart from different placings the article posted nine days ago is still relevant and can be found here. It’s actually quite a good thing that we see a few stable performers investors can rely upon on, from the undisputed leader of the industry Capital7 to the increasingly popular and #1 Premium Listed RixosFinance. By the way, the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page and still open for your votes here includes all the top programs to see which is your favorite. While the final results are yet to be drawn the preliminary count shows the true picture with Capital7 (reviewed here) taking the lead with 46% of the vote. RixosFinance (reviewed here) whose latest updates from yesterday included a couple of new investment plans that will be subject to discussion in today’s news is in second with 25% of all the votes. Third place at the time of writing goes to CopperTradePro (reviewed here) with 13% of votes while the fourth and fifth spots were shared between ArdexFunds (reviewed here) and ForexKing (reviewed here) with 8% each. These numbers can change and everyone’s opinion counts, so cast your vote for the favorite program here and support the admins’ efforts in delivering you truly astonishing investment opportunities.


RixosFinance has been a hot topic recently with significantly increased interest from my readers following the admin’s decision to offer two more investment plans last night. You see, before you only had a choice between investing among several plans offering principal back on expiry – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days, 3% for 75 days. So, in the majority of the plans available for shorter-term and lower minimum deposits you were not be able to get into the profit zone before your plan expires and not many investors find it attractive. Now that Bill the admin decided to offer two more options it will surely appeal to more people. The first of them gives a once-off payment on expiry of 111% after 7 days while the other offers daily payments of 9% for 14 days principal included, leaving you with a respectable 26% net profit. It’s just marginally less that the 27% overall profit offered by the 1.8% for 15 days shortest plan with principal back on expiry, but you reach the profit zone by day twelve which makes the plan less of a risk. The only thing you should remember though is that the minimum to invest in both these new plans is $20 which is higher than the $5 required for the 1.8% for 15 days plan. So perhaps the new plans will appeal more to investors who already tested RixosFinance and got their principals back from one of the original plans and now are ready for something different. By the way, due to many positive changes since my original review of RixosFinance posted a few weeks ago, I have edited it which you can read here. The review now reflects the improvements including the addition of Payza which joins SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, and even direct Bank wires making RixosFinance one of the best options when it comes to choice of payment methods.

Any changes in RixosFinance‘s investment plan structure, even the simple addition of an extra option with reasonable returns, can be be frowned upon and even taken as a red flag. But the thing is that investors tend to worry over every change when the fact of the matter is that programs like RixosFinance have to evolve somehow to stay relevant and offer what the investors want. This is what a professional admin must do to stay competitive. I think that the admin of RixosFinance Bill is doing exactly that, and by advertising his program predominantly on MNO and adapting the same 2% withdrawal fee also applied in Capital7, he shows the determination to work harder to achieve his goals. I see that investors generally show a positive response by increasing their stakes in RixosFinance as more and more positive changes are implemented. Among these (as announced in the latest newsletter last night along with the extra investment plans) are an improved Chinese translation of the site along with the Russian version which had been added just recently and can be switched to by clicking on the appropriate flag in the top right-hand corner of the RixosFinance website (and yes, the Russian version is professionally translated). For the full newsletter outlining the expansion of the investment portfolio from RixosFinance and other improvements please read below:

Dear Investors,
We hope you’re doing well and enjoyed your weekend. Today, the team of RixosFinance is quite excited to release some really good news for you. Many events took place since we opened our business doors worldwide, we received new potential clients, our mainstream and reserve funds increasing gradually, our project getting featured on many advertising portals and social media.
We have decided to add two new lifetime reasonable plans to extend our boundaries for new target audience. As we know, many of you like investment plans where principal amount included in your daily earnings and, some of you prefer short-term plans to get fast and good income.
We are happy to announce these two amazing additions to our investment portfolio:
MODERNISM PLAN offers 111% after 7 calendar days (principal included). Your NET profit for this plan is 11%.
For example: If you invest $1,000, you will receive $1,111 after 7 calendar days.
RENAISSANCE PLAN offers 9% daily for 14 calendar days. Total ROI 126% where 26% is your NET profit. Principal included in your daily earnings. This plans looks similar to our current Contemporary plan (1.8% daily for 15 days), but more likable for investors who prefer to keep their principal included in daily earnings.
Example: If you invest $1,000, you will be accruing $90 daily for 14 calendar days. Totally you will receive $1,260, where $1,000 is your principal amount and $260 NET profit.
You can join both plans with minimum $20 and maximum $5,000 deposit.
Chinese version of our website has been improved and Russian will be available within a couple of hours.
That’s all for now and we hope you liked our news. All withdrawals have been paid on time and many thanks for your support. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages to be up-to-date and stay tuned for more to come soon!
Sincerely, RixosFinance Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinanceForexKing, ArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Nothing much going on in the HYIP industry this week yet, but it’s still better to hold on to the biggest investment programs run by experienced admins than to lose everything in some questionable ventures. MNO should therefore always stay in a prominent position in your browser’s bookmarks. However, if you don’t want to miss any fresh investment opportunity you should check my monitor and blog for possible new additions, as my site is known to be the most expensive HYIP monitor around which only the best HYIP admins can afford joining. I’m totally OK with that though, as I believe life is too short to waste it on crappy HYIPs and it’s always always to stick with the few best. Remember to keep voting for your favorite program on the MNO TalkBack poll and see you all in a couple of days when I have something important to report. Enjoy your profits from the biggest and most popular programs in the HYIP industry and read a summary of them all in this Top Five article posted here. See you soon, folks!

The post 30/03/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog Review – Is it a scam?


Monday, March 28, 2016

28/03/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hi guys! Welcome again to the MNO blog – the only site dealing exclusively with high budget programs run by experienced admins. Sometimes fast scams still manage to strike despite efforts to secure only the best programs for listing on the MNO monitor. The latest rotten apple came from ElectricalVentures which unpleasantly spoiled the Easter Monday for investors scamming everyone after about a week online. More on that later in today’s news where I’ll also be discussing the latest updates from RixosFinance, a referral contest from ForexKing, and the final results of the MNO TalkBack poll which has now been replaced by the new question asking my readers about their favorite program among the latest Top Five list the article of which was posted here and which still remains relevant. If only we had more such programs like the ones featured in the MNO Top Five the HYIP industry would be a lot better. Although even the current state of things with Capital7 clearly paving the way for many other ambitious admins inspired by its tremendous success is very good from an investor point of view. Among such programs that inspire investor confidence include Romball (reviewed here) whose very first investors already made profits on its shortest 15 day plan while having been paid principals back on expiry and Cryptonus (reviewed here) the admin of which has translated his website into three more languages (French, German, and Portuguese joining English and Russian) and also purchased the banner spot on my monitor for one week which hopefully will make his program more visible for readers to try out.


The admin of RixosFinance seems to know exactly what to do to run a successful venture and for that reason his program has managed to achieve the #1 position on the MNO Premium list in just 25 days online. Having chosen MNO as its exclusive monitor since day one the admin of RixosFinance has done some great work to ensure the first investors are already in profit. Investments start from only $5 via six popular payment gateways – SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash – and even taking Bank wires for larger investments RixosFinance has a few offers that HYIP players might find attractive. Among them there are five investment plans for various durations and principal back on expiry – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days, 3% for 75 days. As the second investment cycle is going to be completed within the next few days, the admin of RixosFinance wants to increase investor participation by encouraging promo work that will be rewarded in fifteen different ways which might be quite a good supplement. A special promo page created with this idea in mind welcomes everyone to participate and earn some extra income. The link to the page is shared by the admin in the latest newsletter issued over the weekend and re-posted below. In it the admin Bill also outlined some exciting plans for future innovations that include the website’s translation into different languages, more videos to help newbies get started in RixosFinance (you can find a couple of videos on the MNOVision page here and here), and even the possibility of SMS notifications on every payment completed to your e-currency account. Anyway, none of this has been implemented just yet, so keep an eye on MNO for further updates as they happen. However, judging by the admin’s hard work and huge improvements to RixosFinance since its official launch (including the addition of Live Chat, regional representatives program, Payza approval, etc) I believe that we can hope for even bigger and better things to come. For now you can read the original review of RixosFinance (click here for it) and get more familiar with the latest newsletter to posted below:

15 Ways to get extra income with RixosFinance
Dear Clients,
We want to express our sincere appreciation to you for being our most valued clients and wishing you a happy Easter. May it bring you love, joy, happiness, as well as abundance and prosperity in your home and your life! Our goal is to see our customers happy, successful, and believe in us and our abilities. We feel that hard work of our staff has brought us closer to our target; and as such, we have already managed to achieve good results and proved our work stable.
There has been a lot of improvements done to RixosFinance since original launch and we’ll continue improving it until it’s perfect! And as time moves and new features arrive to industry we’re always try to keep with these innovations and imply them to our website so you could have the best experience with RixosFinance.
We have some good news for you which we would like to highlight below:
– We have designed an amazing opportunity to get extra income with RixosFinance. “15 ways to get extra income” page represents 15 promo tools which you can use to gain more earnings. Follow this link for more details:
– A PowerPoint presentation is available. It can help you to introduce RixosFinance to people you’d like to refer to our company. Click here to view:
– Live Chat support is now available! Our customer support agents are happy to assist you anytime you have questions 24/7.
– New regional representatives have been added to our list. Feel free to contact them in case of any questions. Also, our post for regional representatives is still open and feel free to apply.
Our further plans:
– Presently we are working on adding new languages which will be available within next 2 weeks.
– New “get started” videos will be added to our website which will help investors to better understand how our system works in a step by step manner.
– An opportunity to get SMS-notifications every time you get paid.
To end this newsletter issue, we are simply asking that you stay with us for many more months’ of money making – we’ll continue to work, and make stable profits for our clients.
Have a great weekend and wonderful Easter!
Sincerely, RixosFinance Team


Apparently on realizing the huge potential of word of mouth when trying to expand its limits to unexplored markets the admin of ForexKing Vilhelms (he was recently interviewed on MNO here) announced earlier today that not one but two referral contests would start today. The strict criteria for both contests contain several important pre-conditions under which winner/s will be awarded huge $800 to $1,500 cash prizes on April, 18 when the contests will finish. Of course, the main aim of such referral contests is to seeking larger investors for the admin to sustain the payouts to current investors in ForexKing who are understandably the ones who benefit most from the program’s long lifetime. After 76 days of listing on MNO and over six months online ForexKing has deservedly reached the #2 position on the MNO’s Premium List. It also prominently features on the latest Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article posted here. By the time ForexKing upgraded to Premium Listing on MNO and got reviewed here the program started working with SolidTrustPay which really helped boost confidence in the admin’s ability to deliver some well-needed diversity for investors preferring to deal with STP rather than just anonymous payment systems. Those included PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, and AdvCash. You can invest via any of these and starting from a $10 minimum in the daily paying plans with principal back on expiry, including 2.1% for 15 days, 2.3% for 35 days, 2.7% for 60 days. Other investment plans that offer unrealistic returns with huge minimums are not recommended due to a higher than usual level of risk, but just for your information they include 250% after 40 business days, 600% after 65 business days, 1800% after 105 business days, 350% after 17 business days, 900% after 33 business days. In line with my previous experience with programs like ForexKing, investments into paying once on expiry plans are used to finance payments to investors with more reasonable expectations who wisely recognize the program’s daily paying plans as the only viable options for profiting with ForexKing. In any case, now that the referral contests are announced in today’s official newsletter from ForexKing re-posted below you can try your luck and refer as many investors as possible to contribute to the program’s growth and ensure all the smart investors are going to enjoy their profits for a long time, so don’t miss the opportunity to earn some extra cash if you have good promoting skills:

ForexKing‘s Referral Contest
We have very exciting news for you all. ForexKing is proud to announce that we are going to hold our first referral contest. All ForexKing members are welcome to participate in the contest. The referral contest will begin today, on March 28th, 2016, and will continue until April 18th, 2016.
In fact, we will be holding two separate contests. Winners of the contests will be determined from the following criteria.
-Member must refer 10 or more people to ForexKing.
-Member must have at least 10 ACTIVE (with an active deposit) referrals.
-At least 6 referrals must invest an amount of $600 or more.
-Only new referrals introduced during the contest period will count.
-There is no limit on the number of winners. If many members meet the winning criteria each of them will be announced a winner.
-Each winner will be given a cash prize of $1500.
-The contest will last for a three full weeks – from March 28th, 2016 to April 18th, 2016.
-The winner(s) will be announced only after the contest period ends.
-Member must refer 25 or more people to ForexKing.
-Member must have at least 25 ACTIVE (with an active deposit) referrals.
-There is no requirement on the minimum deposit amount for the referrals but not less than $25.
-Only new referrals introduced during the contest period will count.
-Only ONE winner will be selected in this contest.
-The winner is person who is the FIRST to meets the winning criteria of this contest.
-The winner will get a cash prize of $800.
-The contest will last for a three full weeks – from March 28th, 2016 to April 18th, 2016.
-The will be announced only after the contest period ends.
Both contests will be held separately which means that you can participate and win in both.
The account in popular social networks such us: Facebook , VK, Google+ or Twitter is desirable, but not essential.
We strictly caution our members against any attempts to create advantages for themselves in the contests through referring themselves or creating fake accounts. Such actions will be considered as abuse and will not be tolerated in any case. In case of such cases we reserve the right to take counter actions with negative consequences to the wrongdoers.
The contest begins RIGHT NOW! Take part in the contest and try to win up to $2,300 in your preferred e-currency – Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, AdvCash, NixMoney or SolidTrustPay.
Thank you for staying with us,
ForexKing – Your Profitable Kingdom is remaining the greatest opportunity in the industry.
Best Wishes, Vilhelms Balodis
ForexKing – Your Profitable Kingdom”.


I have no idea what happened to ElectricalVentures over the Easter weekend, but I know for sure that it’s something bad. Currently withdrawals are processed very sporadically with only a handful of people still getting paid. It all started last night when I noticed that my own withdrawal request was neither getting processed to my PM account, nor even going to Pending status. The only thing that was happening is that I was getting re-directed to the same main withdrawal page with the available balance still intact. My first thought was it might be a technical issue, so I tried to contact the admin as the usual Live Chat support was unavailable (and is still offline at the time of writing). However, I couldn’t risk it and didn’t want my readers to fall into a possible trap, as at the back of my mind I always expect the worst from HYIPs, so I moved ElectricalVentures to Problem status on the MNO monitor where it stayed for a few hours. Later on payments seems to have resumed and were instant for me and some other members again. Although there was still no answer from the admin I assumed that the issue had been resolved and returned ElectricalVentures to Paying status on MNO. At the same time I was kind of put off by the admin’s attitude of totally ignoring the issue and not even acknowledging the existing glitch in his custom-made script. I therefore asked readers to report any issues they might encounter when trying to withdraw. The negative feedback didn’t take long as more disgruntled investors of ElectricalVentures posted negative comments in the program’s forum threads. I have no other choice but to move the program to Problem status on the MNO monitor once again where it’s going to stay even though I see that very small withdrawals of $1 are still getting paid in automated mode.

The result of ElectricalVentures‘ activities is disastrous with less than two weeks overall online meaning that no one has reached the break-even point. I believe that the admin doesn’t care about the status of his program and is playing games with withdrawal errors while disappearing from Live Chat and not answering support tickets. So the end of ElectricalVentures is just around the corner. That only happens with programs from admins who plan to scam fast from day one and unfortunately with ElectricalVentures this is exactly what we have witnessed. With such negligence and indifference in the fate of your project you can’t seriously expect a different outcome and I hope Problem Status on MNO has prevented someone from throwing away any more money on it. What a shame that such vermin like ElectricalVentures still blight the HYIP industry and spoil overall quite a profitable game for investors. Such admins do not intend to make even the smallest effort and simply destroying investors’ faith even in the best investment opportunities you can find on MNO, and especially on its Top Five list. Please note that ElectricalVentures is almost definitely done and the program has been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor. Do not invest there!


To finish up for today, it’s time to draw the results of the last poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with a new question. So, you might remember I had a pretty straight forward proposal asking readers this question:
Would you be interested in having a one-on-one session with me personally on Gmail Chat?

All it required was a simple yes/no reply, and it seems that for 74% of you that this is something of interest. The remaining 26% of readers replied no, so I guess for their own reasons this isn’t really something they’d bother with or find useful. Fair enough I suppose, it’s a free service and no one is obligated to make use of it. But with such an overwhelmingly positive response I don’t think it’s something I can just say to myself “that’s interesting”, shrug my shoulders, and forget about it. So I’ll take your opinions on board and try and get something started later in the week. I haven’t really ironed out the finer details in my own head just yet regarding frequency, duration, schedules, et cetera. There’s plenty of time to work that out as we go, but here’s a couple of basics. First of all to answer the concerns of one regular MNO ShoutBox poster yesterday, all chat sessions are strictly one-on-one, i.e. private, and there are no group sessions. So everything you have to say or ask is private and confidential, and nobody else’s business except yours.

Otherwise I can initially make myself available a couple of time per week, maybe for an hour or so at a time. My programmer is working on adding a widget to the MNO website alerting readers of this when it happens. During this time anyone who happens to be reading MNO can go to GMail and log in there. I’ve opted for Google due to the fact that it’s the most widely used e-mail provider by some distance, so go to your account there and log in to the Live Chat feature and you will see me online at provided you already have me in your contacts. After that you are free to discuss any aspects of the HYIP industry, your experience with it, or individual programs in your portfolios that are listed on my monitor. The thing is that speaking as a monitor there are certain things I can’t always do on my blog. Neutrality and impartiality are very important so as not to have anyone panic and start spreading gossip on forums based purely on someone else’s speculation. Hopefully private chat sessions will be more useful to you in that regard. Anyway, I’m still working on the finer points, but as I said I hope to have something started later in the week so keep an eye on MNO for further announcements about that.

Time to change the subject now and move on to the next poll. I would like to link this to the most recent Top Five Programs on MNO article (which you can read here) and ask what you think of the current crop. The exact question will be as follows:
What is your favorite program from the Top Five on the MNO monitor?

Now, please note that I did say favorite program, and not most profitable. Otherwise that would kinda skewer the question into favoring older higher interest ones. So instead I’m asking your favorite. It’s not really a popularity contest as such, for that I already know it’s obvious that Capital7 is the runaway leader in that respect, but just because it’s the most widely used program doesn’t necessarily has to mean it’s your favorite as well if you see the difference. Your reasons for labeling one program as being preferential over another are your own, for instance it could be the entire experience or treatment you get from the program, or maybe it’s the one you have the highest expectations from in the future. The reasons why you vote the way you do can be pretty much anything you like.

The possible answers, all based on the current Top Five, are as follows:
1) Capital7
2) ForexKing
3) RixosFinance
4) CopperTradePro
5) ArdexFunds

As usual the poll will stay open for around the next week or so, giving anyone who wants to vote adequate time to do so. Just visit the MNO TalkBack page to cast your vote, and remember it’s completely anonymous and only takes a second. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time, it’s much appreciated.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinanceForexKing, ArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradeProCryptonus.
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all for today, guys. See you all soon with hopefully new additions on the MNO monitor, but meanwhile don’t forget to submit your votes for your favorite program from my Top Five on the MNO TalkBack page. If you want to keep yourself updated on the best investment opportunities and get the latest reports on scams please always check the MNO monitor page before making any investments and check my ShoutBox for any urgent announcements. Remember that you can also contact me via email directly at or via this Contact page. I will be glad to answer all your questions and direct you to experience the best of the HYIP world. More on the one-on-one chat is also coming later this week, so stay tuned for further announcements on the MNO blog. I’m also pleased to say that work on the mobile version of the MNO website is now more or less finished (in reality you can never be 100% finished with such things as they always need tweaking and updating, but you know what I mean). So for anyone using phones, tablets, ipads, etc the browse the net I hope using MNO will be a lot easier for you to use now. If you don’t want to miss anything important it’s best to subscribe and follow me on Twitter and Facebookm. Enjoy what’s left of the Easter holidays and thanks for reading MNO. See you soon!

The post 28/03/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Friday, March 25, 2016 Review – Is it a scam?

via Review – Is it a scam?


25/03/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everyone, and Happy Easter to all celebrating! I’m aware that many of you will try to spend the holidays with friends and family, or just enjoy a couple of days off on your own. That will probably mean activity in the HYIP industry will be at a minimum, and it’ll probably be Monday or even Tuesday before I have something really important to report. In any case, as they say better no news than bad news. So there’s not much to report tonight apart from some really important messages from the two biggest verifiable payment processors – Payza and SolidTrustPay. Keep reading to find out more. As for the HYIPs themselves, all programs listed on the MNO monitor are currently on Paying status and I hope it stays that way. Among some minor updates not much discussed by even the admins themselves are the introduction of Live Chat support and updated banner designs in RixosFinance (reviewed here). And the website being translated into five languages plus the addition of NixMoney for CopperTradePro (reviewed here). By the way, both CopperTradePro and RixosFinance are prominently featured in the latest article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO published here though led by the still undisputed leader of the industry Capital7 (reviewed here). Before getting to the news updates from STP and Payza I would like to remind you that you can still vote in the MNO TalkBack opinion poll on whether you think it will be useful for you to have a one-on-one Live Chat with me personally. So far, I can see that 65% of my readers are interested in this new free service that if implemented will be available exclusively to my referrals in the MNO monitored programs. So be active and vote for your preferred choice here. Let’s get to the news updates now, shall we?


In the latest news update from Payza, one of the few payment processors available in the HYIP industry that alongside rivals SolidTrustPay offer any kind of transparency or accountability to their clients, they have announced a restructuring of their payment fees. I must admit I have some mixed feelings about this after reading through the update several times now. Clients will always welcome the reduction of some of Payza‘s fees which are about to come into effect, but this is then tempered by an increase in fees for other services. So it kinda looks like a case of “giving with one hand, and taking back with the other” and ultimately doesn’t really do much to make Payza more competitive, particularly against main rival SolidTrustPay who ironically come out of this looking better without having done anything at all!

Of course, I would always strongly urge MNO readers to deal with both payment processors, given that they both still have certain advantages over each other and that not every program will accept both. Many don’t accept either, but then that’s another story. Some of the many advantages of working with verifiable payment options over the anonymous no-questions-asked-or-answered style processors were discussed in some length in my article on the subject you can read on the MNO Info Center page here. These include the opportunity to file a dispute against a HYIP that scams you and the possibility of getting a refund. This of course hinges on the ability of the payment processor to freeze and recover these funds, so a full refund is not necessarily guaranteed and can prove a lengthy process. This is still better than what you get from the anonymous providers which is nothing at all. It doesn’t always come to that of course because with the difficulties put on HYIP admins in withdrawing these funds in the first place it often turns out that STP and Payza investors continue getting paid on auto-pilot long after everyone else has been scammed and the program is effectively finished. If you think this isn’t possible then a recent case in point is the one time leader of the HYIP industry PokerAutomatics. Payments continued to STP investors for several weeks(!) after those using the likes of PerfectMoney and Payeer were scammed. And if I have to explain to anyone why that’s such a good thing then honestly, I just give up!

Even the imagined disadvantages of using Payza and STP are relative. For example, the one reason most often cited by those with a vested interest in keeping you using anonymous payment options is the higher transaction fees charged by Payza and STP. Well, yes, this much is true, but that’s only half the story. The fact of the matter is that you do not have to employ third party exchangers (and hence pay their additional fees on top of the payment processor fees) when using STP and Payza. The money you withdraw just goes directly into your bank account or credit/debit card as you please. No one else ever needs to handle your money, and you don’t have to pay them for the privilege. So while yes, STP and Payza fees might look a bit higher, in reality you are also just by-passing other fees that would come later when using anonymous payment methods. It works out a lot better than you think, and for the service you get is quite worth it I think.

Anyway, getting back to the point at hand which is the transaction fees being charged by Payza, they’ve made some significant reductions in the cost of using bank wires for funding and withdrawing from your account. Actually, and I know this won’t apply to everyone, but depending on where you are in the world it might be even cheaper again to use bank transfers over bank wires (that’s the way it is for me in the UK anyway, though please check with Payza first). Unfortunately other fees have increased, such as for receiving funds and e-wallet payments and the base fee to receive direct credit card payments.

This year has also seen some explosive growth in the popularity of Payza, particularly in the Indian sub-continent where there has also been some updates on the introduction of bank transfers which can be significantly cheaper than bank wires. That is really good news for those residing in India and you can read about it below after the news of how the fees are being restructured:

New Payza Fee Structure Means Lower Fees for Bank Wire Withdrawals
Payza will be updating our fee structure as of April 6, 2016, in an effort to deliver the best possible value to our members. Most notably, the fee for Bank Wire Withdrawals has been reduced from $25.00 per transaction to $15.00! Similarly, the fee to Add Funds by Bank Wire has also been significantly reduced, from $20.00 down to just $8.00 per transaction.
The savings reflect countless hours of hard work from our team to secure lower rates from our providers, in order to pass those savings onto our members.
These savings were made possible in part by the recent surge in volume Payza has experienced since the start of 2016. This year has already been an exciting one at Payza, as we’ve seen our daily signups increase by over 400% since the same period last year!
The new lowered fees on one of our most popular deposit and withdrawal method is our way of saying thank you to all of our members, new and old.
Other fee changes include:
– The fee to Add Funds by Bank Transfer in Euro currency will be reduced from 2.75€ to 2.50€
– The fee to Withdraw by Bank Transfer in Euro currency will be reduced from 3.00€ to 2.75€
– The fee to receive funds and e-wallet payments will increase from 2.50% + $0.25 to 2.90% + $0.30
– The base fee to receive direct credit card payments will also increase from 6.49% + $0.25 to 6.99% + $0.59
To see all of Payza’s updated fees when these updates are put in place, visit our Fees Page here:

Local Bank Transfer Withdrawals Now Available in India!
Payza is excited to announce that localized bank transfer withdrawals are now available for our members in India! This new features gives our more than 700,000 members in India a convenient way to withdraw Indian Rupees directly to their bank accounts.
Although Indian Rupees cannot be held in your Payza e-wallet, when you set up a Bank Transfer Withdrawal in India, your foreign currency funds will be converted to Rupees before they are sent to your bank account. This will save you any conversion fees your bank would normally charge.
The Bank Transfer Withdrawal fee is just 270 INR, plus a 2.5% conversion fee for any funds converted within your Payza Account.
How do Indian Bank Transfer Withdrawals work?
Before you can set up a Bank Transfer Withdrawal in India, your Payza account must be Verified, and your PAN card must be on file and approved by our team. If you previously verified your account without submitting a copy of your PAN card, you will be asked to submit it before you can use this feature.
You must also connect your bank account, and ensure that it is set up for local currency withdrawals. You can do so within your account by clicking on “Wallet” and then “Bank Accounts”. On the Add a Bank Account page, complete the form with the information of the bank account you wish to use.
Now you’re ready to withdraw!
To set up a Bank Transfer Withdrawal using an Indian bank account, simply follow these steps:
1. Log into your Payza account
2. Click on the “Withdraw Funds” tab
3. Select the “Bank Transfer” option
4. Choose the currency balance you would like to withdraw from
5. Select your bank account
6. Indicate the reason for your withdrawal
7. Enter the amount to transfer as well as any additional details and click on “Next”
8. Review details and confirm your withdrawal


All that leads us nicely on to the main rival of Payza when it comes to the more transparent and verifiable payment processors, their fellow Canadians SolidTrustPay. I’d have to say that STP have always had the edge for me, though I know that’s a matter of opinion. Both options are fine, it’s just that my experience with STP has always been a bit more personable, less of a cold, corporate/business feel to them and they come across almost like an indie family enterprise at times. Personal feelings aside, if you want to bring it down to the lowest common denominator, i.e. money, then STP‘s fees have just become a lot more competitive in light of the latest news from Payza. Although as I said it’s not strictly good news or bad news from Payza, in the longer term I can only see what they’ve done favoring the market share of STP. As both processors have their strong points I would always encourage readers involved with playing the HYIP industry to open a free account with both of them.

Anyway, getting to the latest update from SolidTrustPay, just in case anyone outside of their jurisdiction is not aware of this, the company observes all public and banking holidays celebrated in Canada. This includes today, Good Friday, and, sandwiching the regular weekend days off, Easter Monday. As you can see very clearly from the self explanatory news update below, you will need to factor this in and allow some extra time if you are waiting on deposits, withdrawals, an exchange, or a reply to a support ticket. Not to worry, normal service will resume first thing Tuesday morning so in the meantime just take the advice of the STP support and enjoy the holidays! You can read the full, if short and to the point update below:

Holiday Office Closure-Good Friday and Easter Monday
Please be advised that SolidTrust Pay’s offices will be closed on Friday, March 25th and Monday, March 28th for Good Friday and Easter Monday. As these are also Canadian banking holidays, customers are reminded to add extra processing time for deposits, withdrawals, e-currency exchanges, and support ticket replies.
We would like to wish all those celebrating a safe and joyful Easter!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinanceForexKing, ArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradeProElectricalVentures.
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you’re enjoying your profits from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry on the MNO monitor and come back later for more updates and maybe even some new additions too. Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone, and if you celebrate Easter then do so with a heart filled with love and peace. Thanks for reading MNO and see you all soon!

The post 25/03/2016. Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

23/03/2016. ElectricalVentures Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hi everybody! It’s been a very slow news day so far, and not much to report from the HYIP industry apart from what’s been happening over at SolidTrustPay who are making some changes to their customer support set-up. I’ll be getting to that shortly. Just as well then that I can concentrate efforts today on a more detailed look at ElectricalVentures. That’s a new medium term HYIP recently added to the MNO monitor just a few days after the initial launch which I want to talk about today. There’s a couple of interesting features here that you might like, so let’s get started and see if you think there’s any room in your portfolios for ElectricalVentures.

Strictly speaking I suppose you could say there are technically four investment plans in ElectricalVentures, however I would really suggest you ignore the first one as I shall explain. It’s called The Water Plan and it runs for 20 calendar days. The minimum and maximum amounts you are allowed to spend range between just $1 and $10, so as you can see, it’s really just for testing purposes. ElectricalVentures offer their members a daily interest payment of 5% for the term’s duration, and they include your principal as part of the payments so you won’t be getting that back in a separate transaction. That means that on receipt of your final payment they will all add up to 100%, or exactly the same amount back as you invested in the first place and no profit.

So you see the problem with this? Once you take payment processor fees into consideration, this will actually cost you money. The risk is 100% yours, there’s absolutely zero reward at the end of it, you pay fees for the privilege, and all you find out is what I can tell you here for free – ElectricalVentures is working fine. It’s a bit like having a demo account I suppose, except in this case it isn’t free. So it’s best to just skip this and go straight to the more serious plans.
These continue with The Wind Plan which also runs for a term of 20 calendar days. For this one ElectricalVentures require a minimum deposit of just $11, and in return are offering members a daily interest rate of 6%. Your principal is counted as part of those payments, so by the end of the term your total earnings should amount to 120%, or your own money back plus 20% net profit. ElectricalVentures have placed a maximum limit of $200 on this plan.

If we take a simple example of how this should work out in monetary terms then, let’s say you invested $100 here. For the following 20 days ElectricalVentures pay this back at a rate of $6 per day. You reach the break-even point after 17 payments, that is to say you earn back an amount equivalent to your original investment and can’t possibly lose money after that, and you then finish the term with $120 in total. Or in other words the first $100 was yours, and the extra $20 is your reward for joining ElectricalVentures. Pretty simple, eh?

If anyone wants to spend a bit more money, the ElectricalVentures offer The Geo Plan. Also running for 20 calendar days, the minimum amount required to join this one is $201. In return, members are offered a daily interest rate of 7%. That allows you to break even after 15 days and complete the cycle with earnings of 140%. As ElectricalVentures are again counting your principal as part of that figure, it’s your own money back plus an extra 40% in profit. The maximum amount you are allowed to spend is capped at $500.

The list of investment plans is completed by The Sun Plan. As with the other options, this too will run for 20 calendar days. ElectricalVentures ask for at least a $501 minimum deposit for joining here, and to entice that out of you will offer a daily interest payment of 8%. At that rate you should expect to reach the break-even point 13 days in to the term, and complete it with payments amassing to 160%. As usual ElectricalVentures count your principal as part of your returns, so it’s your own money back plus 60% net profit. The maximum limit you are allowed to invest here is $1,000, a figure I must say is curiously conservative in the HYIP industry. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m definitely not saying this is in any possible way a bad thing, nor am I trying to encourage anyone to spend more than that. Just pointing out it’s rare for an online HYIP to enforce such a sensible spending limit.

As you can see, all plans run for the same term and none of the numbers overlap. So in other words you can’t possibly “accidentally” join the wrong plan. If you are investing $150 for example, it can only go to The Wind Plan, as none of the others will accept that particular sum of money. My point here being that there is no need for you to select any plan as such, because ElectricalVentures will automatically assign it to you based on your principal. Just make sure you are clear about that before depositing. Speaking of depositing by the way, in your members area you’ll see a tab marked “Top Up Balance”. This is what you need to click on in order to make a deposit (because the other tab which is actually labeled “Deposits” is where you find the transaction details). That’s all you need to do because like I just said your plan is assigned automatically based on the size of your principal. Also, I would urge you to be extremely careful about re-depositing interest payments from your balance back into the program, compounding in other words. You see the thing here is that if your payment is small, $10 or less, and you try to re-deposit it, it’s only going to be placed in The Test Plan by default in much the same way as your original deposit is directed to a plan based on its amount.

If you like any of those plans enough to join then the next thing you will need to know is what are your payment options. Originally this wasn’t great, but I’m pleased to see now that the ElectricalVentures admin has done a lot to improve the situation. The list is now made up of PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash for traditional payment handlers, and BitCoin if you prefer a digital e-currency. The actual payment situation is a bit weird, but not in a bad way and I think something that ultimately protects the best interests of the program as a whole. Basically you are allowed one withdrawal per 24 hours. OK, most of you wouldn’t be making more than that anyway. You will need to log in to your ElectricalVentures account area and submit the request. If however that request is $25 or less then it’s processed instantly and you should have the money in under a minute. Again, not everyone will have an investment big enough to be making single withdrawals that big, so the rule won’t have any affect on a lot of you. On the other hand if your withdrawal request is bigger than $25 then it will be handled manually by the ElectricalVentures admin. In this case you are asked to allow up to a maximum waiting time of 48 hours, though in reality it never takes very long at all. I guess this is all in place to prevent those who are owed more than $25 from making repeated smaller withdrawal requests over and over again to get more money out in instant payouts than they would otherwise be allowed. Smaller investors take note that ElectricalVentures have a minimum withdrawal policy of $1.

There’s a couple of other very important points you should understand about the payment set-up in ElectricalVentures before we continue. First of all, if your payment is instant then you will see it tracked immediately with a batch number in your members account area. On the other hand it’s not so clear cut with manual payments. In this case there really isn’t much to see in your account to track the progress of your payment other than the fact that you’ve requested it, and you already knew that. There are no auto generated e-mails sent by the script telling you your payment is pending, completed, cancelled, or whatever. So in this case it’s actually your payment processor account that you will need to keep an eye on, because that’s where you will find whether your transaction has been completed or not. The other thing, and I think this will be a feature that many of you are really going to like, is that ElectricalVentures will allow you to withdraw to any payment processor you choose, regardless of the one you used to join. So for example you can invest with Payeer and withdraw to PerfectMoney. Very very few HYIPs will ever allow this, and with ElectricalVentures there isn’t even a fee for doing so.

Moving on to the more technical aspects of the ElectricalVentures website now such as design, security, et cetera, the hosting provider is CloudFlare and they are keeping the program on a dedicated server with their protection and tech support. An extra line in defense can be found in the SSL encryption certificate by Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The real gem however is the script which is totally unique, custom built, and developed exclusively for ElectricalVentures. There’s nothing wrong with the generic “off the peg” scripts of course, but it’s always good to see some programs just doing things their own way. Despite being unique to this program, ElectricalVentures is remarkably user friendly and easy to navigate. There’s even a nice illustrated step-by-step guide to how to register an account, make a deposit, and withdrawing your profit which should explain what’s already a very simple process in just as simple terms.

If you have any further questions for the ElectricalVentures admin or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there are a number of channels open to you. I suggest you start with the Live Chat which I have tested myself and can verify that it works. However it’s not a 24 hour service so won’t be online all the time. It’s worth taking a quick look first however to check. Otherwise you can e-mail the admin directly at the listed address. The only point of contact I suggest you ignore is the ElectricalVentures postal address. This is only likely to be at best a virtual serviced workspace for registration purposes, though it does come with a phone number so feel free to try it if you expect to be answered. Social media profiles for the site are not yet available at the time of writing. You can also view a selection of investor made videos which have been embedded on the ElectricalVentures website. This will probably be of very limited interest to most of you because as far as I can see they all seem to be in Russian. Still, there’s nothing to stop you from making one of your own in whatever language you prefer if you feel so inclined.

Just to finish up with ElectricalVentures for today, in case anyone is still interested in such things the background story being put out by the admin is that the program is involved somehow with international green energy projects. Regular HYIP players, ie the rest of us, will of course know better, that’s just what a first timer is going to see on the ElectricalVentures website on their first visit. Needless to say, there’s nothing you can do to research and verify any of this, and even if it were true there’s still no guarantee that it has to be profitable all the time. Therefore you need to be sensible and treat ElectricalVentures as you would any other online HYIP. That means staying well under a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



If like me you’re a long term customer of SolidTrustPay, you might know that the personal support and convenience for members of this wonderful payment processor have always been of paramount concern to its administration. For that particular reason a dedicated support website was set up a couple of years ago and remains a very user-friendly source of information explaining the main features of SolidTrustPay and answering any questions you have about using STP to your advantage. I remind you that some advantages especially vital for HYIP players are discussed in detail in my article posted a few years back (click here to read it) but that is still relevant today (click here to join SolidTrustPay and open a free account there). Anyway, in order to properly use the website you will need to create a separate account there and perhaps would like to know how to submit a support ticket and chat live with an operator. Exactly for that reason the STP support staff has created a couple of very helpful videos demonstrating the process of using the site and submitting a support ticket. As you might know, the MNOVision page features some helpful videos from payment processors in one convenient location, and these latest ones from STP have already been uploaded here and here. Besides, an article to accompany and present these video tutorials was posted on the official blog of SolidTrustPay and is also re-posted below. I strongly encourage you to create an account in SolidTrustPay as another very important advantage is that HYIP admins usually pay to that account much longer and even when payments to other payment options have stopped. A recent example of this is PokerAutomatics where members were paid to STP weeks after the scam is all the proof you need on this. Here is the latest from the STP official blog:

How to Use Customer Support Site
While we are always working hard to make sure using SolidTrustPay is as easy as possible, sometimes customers need help with their accounts or transactions and require assistance from our customer support staff. Today we’re going to show you how to create a support account, and how to get us started working on your issue via our Live Chat or via support ticket.
Where to Find Us
While SolidTrustPay is available through social media on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and right here on our blog – any issues with your account or transactions should go directly to our support site: You can access support either by visiting that site directly or on the main SolidTrustPay site in the ‘Contact Us’ area.
Once on the support site page you can see the status of LiveChat in the bottom right hand corner. If our LiveChat staff are available that area will show ‘online’. Tickets can be submitted to our support staff day or night, seven days a week.
Creating a Support Site Account
If you already have a support site account, you can login from the main page using your email address and password. If you do not, then you will need to create a new account. Remember – this account is different from your SolidTrustPay account. When logging in, do not enter your STPay username and password. Instead you will use the email address and password you created when you set up your STPay support account.
So, first we will go through the process on how to create an account on the support site and then submit and reply to your tickets.
Register page
To Register for an account enter your email address and your name. Name should be First name and Last/Surname.
Once you click Register you will see this next page stating:
“Registration successful. Please check your email and follow link in the registration email to set up your password and activate account.”
So NEXT you will go to your email account. (I’m using gmail but whatever email provider you have should look similar)
Find the email from LiveAgent (check your inbox, spam/junk folders, etc) and open the email to see a link to click to setup your password and login.
When you click on the link you are then redirected to the support site Welcome page. You will see your email address filled in already and then you need to set up your Password and click Login.
Now you will see the following page and on the right hand side the page will display your name. Under that you will see “My Tickets”, “Submit Ticket”, and “Logout”. You can edit your support account & add a photo by clicking on your name. (*My name was entered as Test Ticket so I’d click there to go to edit account page).
Submitting a Ticket
Let’s take a look at how to submit a ticket. To begin, head to the support site at and click the ‘login’ link in the top right to make sure you are logged in to the support site. From there you can click on ‘submit a ticket’ in the top right underneath the login link. We will ask you for some of your account information, and you can provide us with a description of your issue.
This page will now appear.
When you submit a ticket you will see this message regarding the requested time frame for waiting for a reply to your ticket, 24-48 hours. Note: Please allow this time frame to expire before submitting another ticket about the same issue. Duplicate tickets can delay our response times.
Now that your ticket has been sent to us our expert support staff will begin working on your issue. You are free to logout, or stay and browse the ‘My Tickets’ area to view your recently submitted tickets and any previous tickets you have submitted.
Resolving your Ticket
When your ticket is replied to by our staff the ticket status on the bottom will change to Answered or Resolved. You will receive an email notification when your ticket has received a reply from staff. **Login to support site to view reply.
Click on blue ticket title to see the full message.
When you click on the blue ticket title to view the full message a new page will open.
Click on blue ticket title to see the full message. Here you can review our response, and click “Reply” to respond back to message or, if issue is now resolved, click “Resolve”.
The email you receive will provide you with a link to the support site where you can log in and view the message. Very important reminder: The email you receive is a NO REPLY email and if you reply to the email it will not be sent to us. This email is only to notify you that you received a reply – currently you cannot respond to tickets via your email inbox.
Here is what the email notification will look like.
If you click on the blue link in the email you will be taken to the support site and you will need to login to view the actual ticket.
Now, if you ever forget your Support Site password (remember, you don’t log in with your STPay username and password) you can click on the section of the login page that says “I Forgot” under Password. You will be sent an email password reset by LiveAgent.
Thanks for joining us and learning how to create a Support Site account and how to create and respond to a ticket!
THANK YOU for using SolidTrustPay!
2 How to Video’s


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ForexKing, ArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, ElectricalVentures.
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

Thanks for reading, guys. That’s all I have to report for today. I’ll probably take a day off tomorrow after a very busy week. Good luck with any investments in the programs monitored on MNO and if you have any comments in support of your favorites you can easily do so by clicking on the Votes button after the program you wish vote for. Please note that every vote is subject to moderation and is not posted automatically, and in addition every bad comment should be discussed with me personally first before posting there. Remember that you can always contact me from this page or directly at with any questions. If you wish to get into a more personal one-on-one chat session with me please vote in favor of this feature I’m ready to offer readers if there is a demand for it. Click here to vote on the MNO TalkBack page and remember that every vote is important, so thanks for your contribution. Hopefully I’ll see you back on Friday for the latest news and updates from the most elite and high-budget programs in the HYIP industry today. Stay tuned for more and see you soon, folks!

The post 23/03/2016. ElectricalVentures Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog Review – Is it a scam?


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

22/03/2016. Cryptonus Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello everybody! We have a couple of news stories to catch up on this evening, some good and some bad, so it’s a fairly mixed bag all round. I want to start however with a fairly unusual medium/long term program called Cryptonus that was just added to the MNO monitor about a week or so after first launching. You might remember from the introduction of the program that I said Cryptonus was quite different to most other programs, and I think you’ll agree that opinions will be divided. So let’s take a closer look as to why, and if you think it will make a worthy addition to your own portfolios.

Before we get to the investment plans there’s one important thing you need to know about Cryptonus, something of a “deal breaker” as they say, is that they work exclusively with BitCoin. No other payment processors are in use so if you don’t have a BitCoin wallet then joining Cryptonus is not an option for you. Transactions are via the CoinKite interface by the way.
With that in mind, therefore it’s only logical that all investment plans be calculated in BitCoins and not in dollars. When it comes to HYIPs I know most people shall we say “think” in terms of dollars and may not always be accustomed to making calculations with other currencies. Nevertheless I am not going to describe the Cryptonus plans using anything other than BTC because that’s simply all they accept and all they pay out. If I was to describe them in dollars I’d be wasting everyone’s time as the information would be obsolete in 24 hours. There are various online resources available to give you the exchange rate of the day (personally I like The exchange rate will change from one day to the next, but the figures in the investment plans (min/max limits, interest rates, etc) will not.

So, with that out of the way, there are several plans to choose from in Cryptonus. The minimum you are allowed to invest is 0.25BTC, which at the time of writing equals $104 exactly. All of the plans work along very similar lines, with the only real difference between any of them being the interest rates. All of them run for four calendar weeks, and all of them make weekly payments. Cryptonus also include your principal in those payments so it will not be returned on expiry. What Cryptonus do that makes them unique is that they allow the investor to decide his own payment schedule, with the highest risk ultimately collecting the biggest return.

So, here’s an example. Everyone investing between 0.25BTC and 5BTC can make the following choice. First, you can have Cryptonus pay you back a consistent and equal share of 30% interest per week for the next four weeks, giving you 120% in total, principal included, on expiry. Alternatively you can ask Cryptonus to make four weekly payments of 10%, 20%, 40%, and then 60% which adds up to 130% in total. You see, on one hand it does look to be more profitable, but then what happens if the program collapses before you complete the term? Your losses would be more severe than had you just opted for the safer, less profitable schedule. The third choice is even more extreme, putting you on a four week schedule of 0%, 20%, 40%, then 80%. Assuming the plan runs its course then that’s a 140% return for you, but then again it’s a lot more damaging should something go wrong.

I suppose the real question you need to ask yourself when it comes to deciding which of these payment schedules are best for you, is whether or not you really expect Cryptonus to still be here four weeks after you join. If the answer to that is no, then you have absolutely no business joining any of those plans because it will take a full four weeks before anyone sees any profit at all.

The remaining two plans make similar offers, but due to being prohibitively expensive to join I suggest you check out the Cryptonus website for the exact rates. I’ll just mention that the cost of a deposit is between 5BTC and 10BTC in one where final payments can vary from 140% to 160%, and anything upwards of 10BTC with no upper limit in the other plan where can earn from 160% to 180%. The terms remain at four weekly payments that include your principal.

As far as payment processors go, that part has been explained already – it’s either BitCoin or it’s nothing, take it or leave it, and looking at the entire set up and organization of Cryptonus I wouldn’t expect and see no reason for this to change. There are no withdrawal requests as such due to all payouts being made automatically. Cryptonus should just pay you what ever you are owed to the BitCoin wallet you used to join the program at the appropriate date without you needing to log in and ask for it.

In line with that, i.e. no withdrawal requests and automated payouts, there isn’t really a members back office area in the usual sense. Instead, in order to be able to keep track of your investment you simply need to enter your BitCoin wallet number. This will then show you the size of your principal, how much you are expected to earn by expiry, your accrual, and what date your next payment is due.

Say what you like about the plans but there’s one thing I’m almost sure there will be universal agreement about – if Cryptonus ever does become successful then it’s not going to happen overnight. If no choice of payment methods wasn’t enough, the ridiculously high minimum investment required to join isn’t going to help much either. The reasons given on the FAQ for the high minimum are borderline bizarre and self contradictory by the way. The admin makes the strange claim that he doesn’t want to waste his time and effort on small amounts, but the thing is that when payouts to investors are totally automated I don’t see how it makes any difference to him whether your deposit is worth $100 or just $10 or $20. I mean it’s supposed to be the script doing the work here, not him. Anyway, if you have $99 to invest here you had better look elsewhere because Cryptonus don’t want it. Their loss I suppose, but the point is that the admin has a lot of work to do for a long time before Cryptonus becomes a familiar name in the industry, let alone a popular pick for investment portfolios.

Looking at the more technical side of the Cryptonus website now such as design and security, I can tell you the website is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. For an extra layer of protection Cryptonus have an SSL encryption certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The program is powered off a licensed H-Script and is bilingual, being available in both Russian and English. If you have any further questions then your only point of contact is the support e-mail address listed on the Cryptonus website. Apparently there’s also a Skype account but all this does is send them a message requesting they add you as a contact.

Normally as regular readers will know I would finish review with a reminder (aimed at the newbies) to be careful around such high risk activities. That still stands of course, it’s only common sense not to gamble with what you can’t afford to lose, but for the benefit of even more experienced players I would like to warn you about an entirely different risk that a lot of you may never consider when making an investment with Cryptonus – volatile exchange rates. You see, there are more ways to lose money here than simply get scammed. For example, let’s say you exchange $100 into BTC in order to make a minimum Cryptonus deposit. Now let’s say everything goes well with the program, and they pay you without any problems over the next four weeks. “Great” you say to yourself, “I now have 120% back on my investment, so I expect to get $120 when I change my BTC back to dollars.” Afraid not. I mean it’s possible in the unlikely event the exchange rate is exactly the same, but it’s also possible that you get back less than what you invested given that BTC exchange rates are prone to greater extremes than real hard currencies. Sure, the rate could possibly swing in your favor too and get you more than what you expected, I don’t mean to be deliberately negative or anything, I just need you to acknowledge that the value of what you are paid could end up being a lot less than the value of what you invested. As usual, should you decide that Cryptonus is right for you then make more efficient use of them by keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Although I plan to post a detailed review of ElectricalVentures tomorrow, I’m pleased to report that I was already paid twice and both times processed instantly as promised. Please note though that ElectricalVentures pays instantly only if your withdrawal request is lower than $25 and if you try to request anything higher then it will have to be done manually by the admin within a 48 hour maximum. The admin promises to pay within a more reasonable time and I guess the maximum is just given in case of some extraordinary delays beyond his control. By the way, I only discovered today that ElectricalVentures only allows you to make one withdrawal every 24 hours, and I imagine this was done to prevent investors splitting their requests into smaller amounts to be paid instantly over and over again. The good thing which I also learnt today is that ElectricalVentures seem to be allowing withdrawals to any payment processor of your choice, meaning you can actually invest via PerfectMoney and withdraw via BitCoin which some people might find helpful for their financial management too. What’s more, in today’s newsletter posted on the ElectricalVentures website it announced that two more payment options had become available both for deposits and withdrawals – Payeer and AdvCash. I’m not sure why they were not available from day one already, but I feel it has something to do with the difficulties of implementing different APIs into the program’s unique script. Anyway, now that two more payment options are available investors can try out the program with deposits via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash and enjoy instant withdrawals from its 5% for 20 days test plan (available for deposits from $1 to $10 with no profit) or go with the profitable 6% to 8% for 20 days regular plans (for deposits from $11 to $1,000). In order to read more details of ElectricalVentures‘ investment plans please come back tomorrow to read the full review on my blog. Please refer to the newsletter re-posted below for the latest news:

Added Payeer & ACash
As you could see – in Withdraw section now one button left. Now it is working automatically: if payment amount less then 25 USD – it goes instantly, if more then 25 USD – to manual (up to 48 hours, but really much faster).
You may withdraw to any wallet, added to your account, if you not added wallet when registering – you may ask our consultant or support to add it.
We have added new payment systems! Now you can use Advanced Cash and Payeer! Conditions – same, like in PM/BTC (less then 25 USD instantly, if more – manual).


Unfortunately payouts from InGame have stopped and the site’s Live Chat support disappeared too. It was clear within a few minutes that InGame has scammed, so I had not hesitation to move it to Problem status on the MNO monitor even despite instant withdrawals were not explicitly guaranteed. In this case the situation was very clear though and while the site of PerfectMoney was online multiple complaints on forums regarding pending payouts left me with no choice but to act quickly. In my opinion, InGame has lots of potential, but the admin preferred to go the easy way and scam. He was definitely trying his best to squeeze every last dollar with the obvious intention to commit his scam on Monday when the inflow became bigger once again. I would say he deliberately planned it as such and with instant payments switched off so unexpectedly for everyone it was apparent he had reached his financial goal at this point. Of course, the admin had no intention to continue after this, but at least he showed some small decency by removing the website only hours after payouts stopped. InGame is now not available and no one can invest there, and at least I have a personal consolation that the admin lost money by listing his fast scam on MNO as he spent a lot more money listing on my site than he got deposits from my readers that have all been tremendously smart and felt it unwise to put money into this (now we know!) slowly dying venture. Hope the admin will learn his lesson and we won’t see his future programs on MNO. We can surely live without them, especially considering we have a much better choice now with admins at the helm capable of delivering profits to investors, and not only filling their own pockets.


Well, if you think that InGame‘s collapse was unexpected, the real shocker for me and many other investors was the confirmed closure of the relatively new BitArbs which was only in its third week online and put no one in profit (except the admin that is). I must admit that I really liked the program’s uncluttered layout and the unusual payout schedule which I explained in my review of the program last week. I was really hopeful that BitArbs would grow gradually being managed by an experienced admin who seemed to be only getting started. For example new language versions of the website were being added all the time, including an Indonesian version just today. Now though I think he may have planned a fast scam from the very beginning, shrewdly disguising it under the pretense of constant improvements. It’s no coincidence, in my view, that BitArbs stopped paying today, when the very first investors from its so-called Trial plan were due to profit, and is so stingy not even those who invested less than $30 get anything back. Honestly speaking, the admin did admit to me that his program was over when I confronted him today after he missed a run of daily automated payouts for other people (myself being paid as usual to Payza, I believe that people using them or STP might be lucky enough to enjoy payouts for longer). I was at first surprised by his honesty in admitting it was game over, but was also infuriated by the fact that no one has reached even the break-even point. This is when high expectations are really something not to be taken lightly, in defending himself the admin claims he really tried his best to keep BitArbs afloat. Citing poor cashflow over the last few days with supposedly Capital7 still sucking in vast amounts of invested money as the main reason, he couldn’t go on and had to stop. That was not a viable excuse in my opinion, as BitArbs started after Capital7 already and obviously the admin knew about the competition in front of him. Such programs as BitArbs are supposed to be slow-burners and the admin shouldn’t have really expected to see big amounts before the completion of its first investment cycle. Even Capital7 only really exploded after the first 7-day cycle had been completed and not before that. Analyzing our e-mail exchange after the confirmed scam today I doubt very much that the admin is aware of what he missed by knocking BitArbs out before anyone got into profit and never saw the great future had he chosen to continue. What I think happened here is the admin of BitArbs had no passion or desire to create something truly big and despite some innovations in payment schedule and a great design it will remain in members memory as just another small time failure while legendary programs like Capital7 will be the ones remembered for years to come. I would urge everyone to stay away from BitArbs from now on and stop investing there, as it has been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor. A total disappointment in the end and what potential has been lost!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinance, ForexKing, ArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro, ElectricalVentures (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope you found it helpful even if not always positive. Remember that MNO tries to work only with high-budget elite investment opportunities run by experienced admins. Anyone not prepared to work hard and deliver profits to their members in the long run will only lose money by listing their projects on MNO. That’s the main feature that distinguishes my site from others and that is what my readers want. However, if you require one-on-one chat sessions that will help you decide please do not forget to cast your vote in the ongoing poll on the MNO TalkBack page with so far about two thirds of my readers in favor. I’ll have more details on my final decision next week, but for now I would really love to hear your opinion here. See you all again soon as I’m already working on reviewing ElectricalVentures tomorrow. Some other good programs you might like are featured in the last MNO Top Five most popular programs here. Thanks for reading and see you then!

The post 22/03/2016. Cryptonus Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog Review – Is it a scam?


Monday, March 21, 2016

21/03/2016. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO and Daily News from the HYIP Industry

Hello all! Welcome back to the MNO blog where only the highest quality most elite investment programs are covered and where only experienced and ambitious HYIP admins are welcome to list their programs. Over the last week there were quite a few additions to my monitor which indicates a revival of the HYIP industry after the arrival of this year’s giant Capital7. Many admins were greatly inspired by the program’s ongoing success and the competition between them for investors’ money seems to be getting hotter with every day. Every serious HYIP admin tries to bring something new that would help his program stand out from the crowd and today I’m going to introduce some interesting and to some extent even unique programs that were added to Standard listing on the MNO monitor last night – Cryptonus and ElectricalVentures. There’s also some updates to report from the relatively new to MNO programs BitArbs and InGame that joined my monitor only last week which is going to be posted in the today’s news section along with the results of the latest poll from the MNO TalkBack page.

First things first though and it’s time to see the list of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO as the last article posted a few weeks ago is now outdated. More programs joined the list while others dropped off. Before actually getting to describe the most popular programs among readers let me say a couple of words about how I select such programs and the rankings they attain in the list. So, to be entitled to a Top Five spot the program should be on the Premium or Standard List on the MNO monitor and make a higher percentage return compared to others. Note that the percentage return on my monitor includes both earnings on my own deposit and acquired referral commissions from my downline over the program’s lifetime. Obviously timing also makes a difference and longer listed programs have a better shot at getting into the Top Five, but such established leaders should also be popular among my readers, otherwise they will lose their place when outperformed by newer competitors. As I’m very scrupulous when it comes to counting the earnings for every program on MNO every 24 hours I’ll be giving you the program’s rank in the Top Five along with the total percentage amount earned over the period a particular entry has been listed on MNO. Those figures are right by the time I last counted them last night, 20th of March, though they might change by the time you read this article. So please always check my monitoring status first before joining anything, even if you really like it.

#1 – Capital7 (click here to read the full review)
Total return – 970.22%.
Type of listing – Standard.
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 39 days
Investment plans on offer (with recommended investment plans marked in bold) – 7% for 30 calendar days (accruals on business days only), 110% after 7 calendar days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, Bank Wires.
What you need to know:
2% withdrawal fee applied to every withdrawal, withdrawals are processed on business hours from Monday to Friday while they are NOT processed on weekends, minimum to invest is $25 in each plan.
Why you might want to invest:
Capital7 seemed to me like the obvious leader of the HYIP industry with the spot now fully secured after the first investment cycle has finished. People are not afraid to invest several thousand dollars here and, judging by the admin’s former experience with the biggest program of 2015 Carbon7, he is back to stay and reclaim the crown for 2016 too. Capital7 has been exclusively listed on my monitor right from the very start and the admin knows how to attract huge crowds without spending lots of money on advertising that could also extend the program’s lifespan. Capital7 has been by far my readers’ favorite program and an outstanding performer with stable payouts and magnanimous support shown by the current members.

#2 – ForexKing (click here to read the full review and click here to read the interview with the admin)
Total return – 154.95% (in profit)
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 69 days
Investment plans on offer (with recommended investment plan marked in bold) – 2.1% for 15 days, 2.3% for 35 days, 2.7% for 60 days (principal back on expiry of any of the first three plans), 250% after 40 business days, 600% after 65 business days, 1800% after 105 business days, 350% after 17 business days, 900% after 33 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within 30 hours maximum, investment plans paying once on expiry should be avoided at all times.
Why you might want to invest:
ForexKing is one of the best looking sites out there and many investors are certainly attracted by its lifetime of over six months and stable payouts. ForexKing has thousands of investors already that enjoy stable and timely payouts, but the age of the program can also be its weak point when it comes to expansion to wider audiences, so invest reasonably and only in the recommended daily paying plan.

#3 – RixosFinance (click here to read the full review)
Total return – 130.04%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 18 days
Investment plans on offer (with recommended investment plan marked in bold) – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days, 3% for 75 days with principal return on expiry of each plan.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, Bank Wires.
What you need to know:
2% withdrawal fee applied on every withdrawal, withdrawals are processed manually within 24 hours.
Why you might want to invest:
The admin was obviously inspired by the ongoing success of Capital7 and decided to add MNO as its exclusive monitor right from the very start while also implementing a 2% withdrawal fee to cover payment processor fees. I like that payouts are always on time and now that the first shortest investment plan is completed and the first investors are in profit RixosFinance can thrive further, especially considering that Payza had been added recently, paving the way for wider participation. Today’s upgrade to the Premium List on MNO wouldn’t bother either. Investments in RixosFinance start from only $5 which makes it a program of choice even for smaller investors not willing to risk big money.

#4 – CopperTradePro (click here to read the full review)
Total return – 107.38%.
Type of listing – Standard.
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 35 days
Investment plans on offer (with recommended investment plan marked in bold) – 2.4% to 3.2% for 100 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within 36 hours, withdrawals are usually not processed on weekends.
Why you might want to invest:
CopperTradePro has been the talk of the town right from the very start and now the program seems to have found its own niche and appeals mostly to people preferring longer term investments over short term profits. CopperTradePro has been developing steadily and the admin is constantly improving the website with more language versions on the way that will help attract more investors from around the world and help the program grow and expand further.

#5 – ArdexFunds (click here to read the full review)
Total return – 58.79%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 111 days
Investment plans on offer (with recommended investment plan marked in bold) – Variable returns for 15-230 business days, principal back on expiry of each plan.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, RedoPay.
What you need to know:
Payouts are usually processed instantly to all payment processors, profits are accrued to your account Tuesday to Saturday for the previous trading day with the exception of extra bank holidays announced on the site, remember to switch off the compounding rate for your deposit in order to be able to make daily withdrawals.
Why you might want to invest:
ArdexFunds doesn’t tie itself down to the promise of fixed returns and instead credits your account with the percentage of the company’s profits and therefore the program theoretically can run for a very long time. The previous programs running off the same script (and possibly by the same administration) have been tremendously successful and were able to run for years, so hopefully ArdexFunds can follow suit. So far all the payouts have been instant and I didn’t incur any issues with the program for months of payouts which is a really good sign in my personal view.

Note that the stats above reflect the present state of things as they stand for the Top Five Popular Programs at the time of writing. This can change in the future. Please always take time to check the real time status of the program you want to join on the MNO monitor and only invest in the programs that display Paying Status. Thanks a lot for your attention. I hope you found this article helpful and I wish you the best of luck with your investments with the most popular programs among my readers.



The review of BitArbs that was posted on the MNO blog last week where I explained on the time-related automated withdrawals feature. This was greatly appreciated by the program’s admin Jack who kindly shared the link to the review in the one of the latest newsletters sent BitArbs members and posted on the program’s Facebook page too. Here’s the announcement of the MNO review which you may find helpful by clicking here and seeing it for yourself:

MNO review of BitArbs is now live!
Happy weekend everyone,
Money News Online has just posted the professional full review of BitArbs. Click here to read.
MNO is ultimately the best source of fresh and unbiased news and information in the industry, and the review should be read by everyone interested.
Should you have any questions about our services, please contact our customer service at
~BitArbs Team

If you don’t have time to read the review I’ll just remind you in a nutshell that with BitArbs there is no need to request a withdrawal and then wait to get paid. All withdrawal requests are saved in your account and then paid automatically to your SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash accounts at certain time from Monday to Saturday with interest credited on business days only and the main principal already included as part of the payouts and not returned on expiry. This is possibly the only unique feature of BitArbs which otherwise seems like a decent investment opportunity. They’re accepting investments from $10 minimum into its test plan of 8% for 15 business days while things get more serious from a $31 minimum deposit for the 3.6% to 6% for 50 business days plan.

What I particularly like about BitArbs is the admin’s ability to gradually develop the program adding new features that will appeal to different groups of investors thus allowing a steady growth of funds. The last feature that will definitely be popular in the large Russian speaking market for HYIPs is the full translation of the BitArbs website into Russian with both account and public available in professionally written Russian. Realizing the importance of the Russian market in the success of BitArbs I can see that the admin is not going to stop there and is showing Polish, German, Spanish, and Chinese flags already on top of the site which are not yet active but still in the works, I imagine. The fact that the perfectly translated Russian language version of the BitArbs site is now available at the switch of the flag icon on top made the admin proudly release the following newsletter addressed mainly to Russian speakers is below:

Website Available in Russian Language Now
In further continuation of our efforts to expand globally and to meet the needs of the international community of our clients, it is our great pleasure to announce that the website of BitArbs is now available in Russian language. To access the Russian translated version, please click on the Russian flag link located at the top of the site, below the navigation bar.
More website translated versions are on the way. Stay tune!
~BitARbs Team


While I cannot myself confirm the quality of the Vietnamese translation of the InGame website, I believe it was also made by a professional interpreter with Vietnamese becoming the four language version of the site after the German, Russian, and English versions were already available since InGame was added to MNO a few days ago. There was a short announcement regarding this posted on the website with the Vietnamese version can be switched from the default English one by switching among the flags in the top left-hand corner of the InGame site:

Our website is translated into the Vietnamese language!

That was certainly some good news for the Vietnamese investment community who can safely browse InGame in their native tongue and hopefully will contribute further to the program’s future growth. If you haven’t read my review of InGame I’ll remind you that the program offers instantly processed payouts to all the four accepted payment processors – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or OkPay. The site offers quite a few investment plans to consider – 5%-5.2% for 25 days, 3.4%-3.8% for 50 days, 3.5%-4% for 100 days – and to read more on them and all the main features in InGame site you can refer to my detailed review posted here.


The first program that joined the MNO monitoring yesterday was Cryptonus. The program looks very different from others and therefore I would really encourage you to read the full review on MNO tomorrow before taking the decision to get into it. I will try to describe my personal first impressions about Cryptonus in this introduction though after taking the first look at it. First off, Cryptonus only accepts deposits in BitCoins via CoinKite’s interface and with this extremely limited choice you can only invest starting from 0.25 BTC which is equivalent to approximately $100 at current exchange rates. That’s quite a high entry point and therefore I don’t expect Cryptonus to become popular overnight. Quite the contrary – the program will have to work long and hard to entice larger investors, especially considering its quite a unique layout with no member’s area and only your BitCoin wallet number serving as your access to your deposit features. The good thing about Cryptonus is that you don’t need to make any withdrawal requests as you will be paid automatically to the same BitCoin address you have made your original deposit with for the duration of the investment term. This is 4 weeks for every investment plan. There are just too many variations of the investment plans to talk about it here, but in general the total weekly return ranges from 0% to 100% and the total return on your investment is from 120% to 180% including your principal which is not returned on expiry. As for any program without a member’s area the Cryptonus‘ setup is pretty simply, but everything is explained pretty well too. The site is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from Koddos, is SSL certified by Comodo, and is running off a licensed H-Script. The site is available on both English and Russian languages which means it most possibly originates in either Russia or a Russian speaking country. As you can see, I have moved the program to Paying status on MNO already as at the admin’s request the first weekly return was paid to me earlier than for others, that entitles Cryptonus for an earlier review that’s going to be published on my blog tomorrow.


Another quite interesting addition to the MNO monitor from yesterday is a program called ElectricalVentures. It was launched less than a week ago meaning that it’s still pretty new with no investors getting to the break-even point yet. ElectricalVentures promises to pay from 5% to 8% daily (depending on the size of your principal) for a period of 20 calendar days. As the original investment is included in the daily profits you shouldn’t expect your principal return on expiry. That leaves you with 0% to 60% profit at the end of the term. Yes, you read it right! The very first deposit which I believe anyone can try for testing purposes for $1 to $10 is paying you no profit at all and you only break-even at the end of the 20 day term. This is what the admin calls a Lazy Plan as explained in the first update from the ElectricalVentures website:

What is Lazy Plan?
Lazy Plan is for lazy investors, who want check how site works and pays. This plan will show you. But if you want earn money – you have to use any another plan.

This is perhaps the only really odd feature on the ElectricalVentures website with other investment plans being more attractive, but still having quite limited appeal due to the lack of choice for payment processors – only PerfectMoney and BitCoin are available at the moment, and I have no idea if the admin plans to add anything else later on. The good thing is that withdrawals of $25 and less are supposed to be processed instantly while anything higher than that requires manual approval and is promised to be paid within a 48 hour maximum (remember that the $1 minimum withdrawal is also applied). The admin went to some lengths to explain the withdrawal process in the second update he posted in the news section of the ElectricalVentures website along with the latest developments:

Some news
Hello, our dear investors!
We are just added new banners and made partner table more convenient (in Partnership section, you must be authorized to view your referrals). In Reviews section now you may find video-reviews of our investors. If you made video about our Company – you can sent it to us too.
By the way, in Withdraw tab (Account section) you may find 2 withdraw button: Manual and Instant. Remember, all withdraw up to 25 USD can be made instantly (if you press Instant button), all withdraw over 25 USD are manual (up to 48 hrs). Same if your sum is less then 25 USD, but you have pressed Manual button. Be careful when selecting output method.

Another great thing about ElectricalVentures is that it’s running off a totally custom made script which should add some additional security to the CloudFlare DDoS protection available for this site hosted on a dedicated server and featuring an SSL certificate from Comodo. Among other prominent features for ElectricalVentures is the UK certificate of incorporation, and Live chat support. I’m going to test the program’s instant withdrawal feature later tonight and am hopeful of moving it to Paying status on my monitor before working on a more detailed review by Wednesday. Stay tuned for that, guys!


I would like to sincerely thank everyone who voted in the latest TalkBack poll which asked your preferred method of viewing websites when it comes to investing in HYIPs and reading MNO. You see, the thing is though I believe that the mobile revolution is only in its infantry and still has a long way to go. One cannot deny that every day more and more people switch to browsing the Internet via their mobile devices they always carry around with them – mobile phones and tablets of all sorts. My blog was first developed with people who browse from their home or work desktop or a laptop in mind, and I didn’t really pay much attention to mobile users before today. Yet, it’s very obvious that whatever percentage of my readers access MNO from their mobile devices they should have the same convenience of reading the reviews and news from the HYIP industry on a mobile friendly screen with fonts adjusted to their phones. That is why it was quite important for me to ask my programmer Andrew to develop a version of the MNO blog that would look better on mobile phones and tablets for my readers. Well, while the work is not really finished yet with the main menu still missing you can still better view the MNO blog on your mobile devices. I believe as the work is underway now it will be just a matter of days until all the trial and error process is finished and even the small percentage of readers who said that they browse my website from their Smartphone (10%) or tablet (8%) will not be forgotten and will get a better browsing experience. As for the more traditional crowd, the vast majority are still accessing MNO and the HYIPs they invest in via desktop computers (45%) or personal laptops (37%) and that is fine with me, as I believe such devices are better protected from hackers and contain less vulnerabilities anyway. Thanks for your votes anyway, and it was a tremendous help to better understand my readership and for those who prefer mobile browsing – please stay patient as the better menus will be soon developed by my programmer for your convenience.

I was thinking what to ask my readers for this poll and it came to me that communication with myself is still the key factor for determining which investment category or even a particular program is right for you. Of course, I have the MNO ShoutBox for general chat between members, but due to a high amount of spam and scams I had to restrict participation there a few months ago. I don’t want to go back to what the ShoutBox originally was, sometimes users insulting people’s intelligence and full of hateful paid posters and people looking to manipulate you into following their own secret agendas. It did no one any harm to remove them from my ShoutBox and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. However, at the same time I know that quite a few of my readers are missing that personal touch I can give them by sharing my personal views on this or that program that are curious to know more, but cannot say about it openly on my ShoutBox or even my blog for the fear of affecting a program’s cashflow or its chances for success or survival. I don’t want to endanger anything that is listed on my monitor and at the same time want to provide to all my referrals in the monitored programs a chance to speak their minds privately on Live chat. The next question on the MNO TalkBack asks whether it’s a demand of my readers for short chat sessions which I can conduct at certain periods of time during the day while on Gmail chat. I imagine it will be the best communication tool given that 90% of people have accounts on Gmail and those who don’t can open a free one anytime. The question will determine whether I will provide a free-of-charge service directed mainly at my referrals and where I would not be afraid to speak my mind about anything it might be useful for you to know. That means free of any restrictions personal chat with my readers on HYIP-related topics regarding the programs listed on MNO and other more general aspects of the HYIP industry. I believe it will add a personal touch for interested readers and will help me find a better way to share my experience with my downlines and hopefully help them earn more money in the long-term. The question will require a simple “yes” or “no” on your part, and asks the following:
Would you be interested in having a one-on-one session with me personally on Gmail Chat?

Thanks in advance for your active participation in the poll which as usual you can find on the MNO TalkBack page. The final results with my decision to continue with or drop the idea of a one-on-one chat feature will be announced by the end of this business week. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. So, click here to vote as it will only take a few seconds of your time.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ForexKing, RixosFinanceArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradeProInGame, BitArbs, Cryptonus (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade.

That is all the news for you today, guys. I’ll be back tomorrow with a detailed look at Cryptonus plus with the usual daily news update. If you don’t want to miss anything on MNO then please bookmark my website and follow it on Twitter and Facebook. It’s always better to subscribe though to the daily news by filling your details in the form you may find on the top right hand corner of the MNO blog. Make sure you vote in the next poll on the MNO TalkBack page and stay active on the MNO ShoutBox. See you all soon!

The post 21/03/2016. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog