Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
26/09/2014. BrinoGmbH Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
The post 26/09/2014. BrinoGmbH Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/ZZUsda
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
21/09/2014. Interview with the Admin of PiNeverEnds
Hi all! First of all I just want to say that due to a general lack of news stories today I’ve decided to swap things around a bit on my blog. No news is good news in this sense by the way, as all the programs on my monitor are in good paying status and nothing you need worry yourselves about to report there. However I thought it might be more beneficial (both for myself, the readers, the investors, and the admin) if I delayed the review that I promised you last night until tomorrow. But don’t worry, I still have something that might be of interest to you today. In recent weeks one of the more original new projects starting up has been PiNeverEnds. That’s a sort of mathematically themed HYIP that makes various plays on the Greek number/letter Pi, or 3.14. Plans are unusual in the sense that PiNeverEnds is one of the few programs on the net to offer such a combination of short and long term plans. These include 3.14% for 20 business days (principal back), 0%-9% variable interest for 314 days (credited on business days only), 136% after 7 days, and 264% after 31 days. Before we hear from the admin I’ll just remind you that if you like what he has to say and want more information then PiNeverEnds was first reviewed on MNO here:
“1. Hi Admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in PiNeverEnds. What is your role in the day to day running of the program? I don’t usually ask this, but some readers might be curious as to the origins of the name you’ve opted to work under. Explain what it means.
Paul, thanks for the opportunity of this interview and for all your support of our program thus far.
You know, admins are people too, and PiNeverEnds is a very small part of who I am. I’m a father of three, a 1-year old boy (who tore around the fish section of Petsmart last night with his arm extended like a divining rod, pointing and screaming indiscriminately at everything that wiggled a fin), a 5-year old girl who has this admin wrapped around her finger, and a 15-year old stepson, who is a truly remarkable big brother to them both. I’m writing this in an oddly quiet house, as the wife has taken our 5-year old to Disneyland for her birthday WITHOUT me.
In PiNeverEnds, I’m the chief cook and bottle washer. You’ll often hear me refer to “we” or “us”, but for the time being you can think of that in a sort of “royal we” sense. Plus, it’s not about me, so I hate to be I, I, I all the time.
This program was originally going to be named “314 Days of Pi” and the phrase “PiNeverEnds” came out of the copy I was writing for the site. I thought it was the perfect metaphor for program theme that wasn’t based on deception like nearly all the rest of them are, so I snatched up a new domain. The name I go by, Greka Letero, is thematic as well, being Esperanto for “Greek Letter”. (That’s right, this program is so cutting edge it uses languages most people haven’t even HEARD of! Some day we’ll be able to say that we were using Esperanto before Esperanto was cool.)
2. I can see you’re something of an amateur mathematician, then. Can you give us some background information on PiNeverEnds and how/why you came up with the concept behind it? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?
I always liked the idea of doing a mathematically driven site. My first plan was to do a Fibonacci sequence site called Fibonacc.io. The Fibonacci sequence goes like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on, where the next number is the sum of the two previous numbers (5 = 2+3, 21 = 8+13). But that just didn’t work for anything but super short sequences, and I wanted to run a LOOOONG program. Not sure how I came up with the digits of Pi, probably in the shower or something, that’s where I get most of my thinking done ;-) The other plans were for variety, and you can tell because the theme is kind of forced, lol.
In terms of a team, from time to time we need help with this or that, but extra team members cost money, money I’d rather be paying my members, so I plan to keep it bare bones for as long as it is manageable.
As of this writing, it is our 5th day online (counter on the site says 6, but we delayed a bit, and I haven’t gone in to change the JavaScript on that yet). So the first members in The Glutton plan will be getting their paydays pretty soon.
3. The vast majority of readers here will fully expect that you have a long history of working with and running online HYIPs. Without giving away any names if you don’t want (people will still speculate anyway) maybe you can talk a bit about your experience in the industry, highs and lows, memorable events, how things have changed, etc?
Yes, the “Guess-the-Admin” game. Didn’t take more than about 30 minutes of chit-chatting in the Shoutbox for that to begin.
Someone once told me that 90% of HYIPs are run by the same handful of folks. I’m in the 10%. Honestly, when I look out at the HYIP landscape here’s what I see: Cynicism. Skepticism. Mistrust. And you know what? For a damn good reason. “Scam” is typically the right word, because these programs are based on deception. So those qualities I just mentioned are business as usual, and it sucks. When I think about my personal relationships, Cynicism, Skepticism, and Mistrust have no place. When I’m banking, when I’m shopping at the grocery store, I can’t afford those feelings there either. Why are we embracing it in the HYIP industry? Casinos do a fantastic business, poker tables where everyone throws in a ton of money knowing they may not see it back. Why aren’t we demanding more? More truth, more fun, less skepticism.
PiNeverEnds is an experiment intended to ask the question “Does it HAVE to be that way?” Our results may not even answer that question, someone else will have to try too, and someone after them. But I implore your readers to EXPECT MORE, and consider rejecting the status quo.
For those of you who think I’m blowing smoke about this honesty business, consider this: it takes a special kind of evil to talk as passionately as I do about honesty, and to be lying nonetheless. At some point, you have to consider Occam’s Razor: the simplest explanation is often the correct one.
4. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?
In detail? I think I’ve gone a bit above and beyond detail, it might be time to pull it back a bit!
We’ve got 4 plans:
1) The Piphilologist uses the digits of Pi as variable payouts. Pi goes: 3.14159… so this plan would pay 3%, 1%, 4%, 1%, 5%, 9% and so on. The term of the plan is 314 calendar days, but interest is only credited weekdays. Principle not available on expiry. It only takes ~30 days to breakeven, and then you’re in profit after that. Should this program manage to chug along for 314 calendar days, your ultimate profit would be roughly 1000%.
2) The Euler pays 3.14% per weekday for 20 weekdays, resulting in earnings of 62.8%. Principle IS returned upon expiry.
3) The Basel is a 30-day plan with a single payment at the end of the term. You will earn a profit of 164%, and your Principle will also be returned.
4) The final plan is called The Glutton, or “OMG I ate too much Pi”, named for its egregious overusage of the Pi theme. It is also a single-payment plan, and will return 36% profit at the end of 7 days, and also returns principle.
5. I know that you’ve been working on the addition of either (preferably both) Payza and SolidTrustPay. What kind of progress has been made here and perhaps you can also discuss the process from an admin’s point of view? That is to say regular investors and account holders may not be aware of what goes on when trying to get approval or verification for a HYIP related website. Do you think either processor will be added soon?
STP has been almost completely silent. I’m thinking of writing them a song and posting it on Twitter to get their attention. Who wants to sing backup vocals?
I have no reason to doubt Payza at this time. I completed all the information they asked for just yesterday and they ask for 2-5 days of processing time, not counting weekends, so fingers crossed for next week!
As a quick explanation, whether you have an actual “button” or not, some payment sites require approval of their payment button before placing it on your site. STP is all about the “real business activity” thing these days, which is why so few HYIPs have been able to get their attention.
6a. How secure is the website of PiNeverEnds? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
6b. What kind of script is PiNeverEnds running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?
I turned these into an A and B of the same question because they have more or less the same answer. We’re running Shadow Scripts which is built from the ground up for security. Other scripts, such as Gold Coders, have historically had some known bugs that were susceptible to SQL injections, which means they could be hacked with fairly little difficulty. I believe those bugs have sense been resolved, but Shadow Scripts has no such heritage. They also charge a premium, so it is much more difficult to churn out new throwaway sites at their license fee level.
Typically when you get DDoS protection, you get a fairly out-of-the-box solution. There’s not a technical resource assigned to you that works to optimize every tiny thing about your particular program. Shadow Scripts is now offering hosting and DDoS protection through a third party called Secured Servers. The benefit of this is that they can do customized tweaking of the firewalls for helluva lot better protection. So our site is very difficult to DDoS at all, and that’s even before the regular DDoS protection comes into play.
8. Can we see any statistics regarding PiNeverEnds? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?
I’m taking a cursory look at the moment since I’ve already been writing for a LOOONG time, but it looks like membership is up about 30% since the last stats, and deposits have a little more than doubled. So some of the bigger deposits are beginning to make their way in.
I love our members, they’re a lot of fun and sometimes my support tickets fill up with chatter back and forth. But I would really love to see a boom in folks pursuing those referral bonuses. We put together a killer system, and I think anyone who isn’t working that hard is missing out on some serious money.
I think our members are the number one key to bringing in new members, because nothing moves to action like word-of-mouth. Hopefully we’ll see a big uptick in that action once the 7-day plan pays out for the first time. That’ll be some proof in the pudding for a lot of folks.
9. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?
Support tickets are the most reliable.
10. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
No one has really had to ask questions due to lack of clarity. As has been well-communicated, we had several hiccups in the first 3 days, but those have all been resolved.
11. How have you been promoting PiNeverEnds so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?
I’m starting to slowly spread to other monitors and review sites, and will continue to ramp those up. I also spent some time butchering the Russian language at mmgp.ru today, so hopefully those folks have a sense of humor! And then over the next week it is off to Bitcointalk and MathForum.org, with some Google Adword campaigns running in the background. Social media will follow shortly as well.
12. You’ve recently launched a contest for members. Tell us more about that and also if you intend making it a regular feature should this one prove popular
I’d love to do more of them, and I have one planned already for the next Pi Day, which is November 10th. But beyond that it will need to be demand-driven, and that means a significant percentage participate. The next contest will be more “best answer” oriented rather than “fastest answer”.
13. Specifically in relation to promotion, why have you chosen MNO as an exclusive (or at least your first official) monitor, what do you hope this is going to achieve for the program, and how long are you planning to stick with this strategy?
MNO has a very large base, so that factored in heavily. Also, because this site is SO different, I didn’t want to blast across the internet until there was a bed of coals, so to speak, so I felt that MNO was a good place to make some embers. And its expensive to bring on monitors. I’d rather have strong reserves and organic growth than blow my whole budget on ads and live paycheck to paycheck, so to speak.
Picking monitors is really a crap shoot, as literally no one keeps good analytics. I’m actually thinking of spinning up a HYIP Analytics site for just this purpose, optimizing marketing strategy based on actual performance.
14. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members? Is it fair to say PiNeverEnds is basically a HYIP related money game and perhaps considered a form of gambling?
The latter indeed, we’re a real money investing game. I hate the term Ponzi because of the trickery connotation, but I think HYIP has legs. Bu, no, we’re making no representations at all. So that means that our business plan is exactly the same as every other HYIP, we just don’t try to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.
15. Is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.
All I would like to say to investors is this: Ask yourselves if you want the HYIP industry to stay exactly as it is. Because I’ve seen a lot of you in the Shoutbox talk about burnout, needing to take a break. When you invest in PiNeverEnds, you’re investing in the future for a simpler HYIP experience: opportunity to make a ton of money and have a helluva lot of fun along the way.
16. And finally (no cheating!) how many decimal places can you accurately recite the value of Pi to, purely from memory?
I’m very impressed by the greatest of the Piphilologists, but I don’t have the patience for that level of tedium! 3.14159 is as far as I can get with utter certainty!”
That’s about it for today, guys. Just to say thanks to the admin for taking the time and trouble to answer the questions and wish the best of luck to everyone involved in the program. I hope it can stay online long enough for as many of you as possible to take a profit from it. As I said at the top of the page I’ll be back tomorrow with a full news round-up and a more detailed look at EastOil, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!
The post 21/09/2014. Interview with the Admin of PiNeverEnds appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/1wCd9yk
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
12/09/2014. Interview with the Admin of LinumFund
Hi everyone! For the last update of what’s been an otherwise busy week, mixed but overall more successful than not for you I hope, I have an interview with the admin of LinumFund. This marks the phenomenal rise of the program because today, after just 14 days of monitoring, LinumFund has reached the #1 spot in the most popular programs on the MNO Premium List. An impressive record then I think you’ll agree, but not altogether unexpected. After a slow summer season the timing for a program like this was just perfect, though of course its own merits as an individual HYIP are strong enough for LinumFund to become a leading force in the industry all by itself. The most noteworthy feature is of course that this is the first investment program in several months to be given the full approval of SolidTrustPay. Not just in manual mode without STP’s knowledge like a number of admins have tried, but with a fully functioning payments button and automated transactions. This has done much to open LinumFund up to the much more lucrative US market which is denied to so many other programs.
The other main selling point of course is the investment plans – the very reason LinumFund is in business to begin with. In following the best albeit recent traditions of the industry LinumFund is the latest and for the moment most popular program offering the so-called no expiry, “perpetual” style plans where members are paid on a permanent basis until they decide to leave. That’s when they request their principals back, and leave. This model has proved to be enormously popular with investors over the last year, and LinumFund is a prime example. Their terms are slightly different to the norm however, paying 3.4%-3.8% daily forever for those prepared to commit to a minimum five day lock-in, and 4.4%-4.8% daily forever for anyone prepared to commit to ten days or more. These are just measures to counter-act the affect of hit-and-runners, but once you’re past this you are free to collect your principal and leave at any time. You can use any of PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer or BitCoin to join the program, as well as SolidTrustPay like I already mentioned. The admin’s name is Marcus, and if you like what he has to say and want more information on his program then please refer back to the original review of LinumFund first published on MNO here:
“1. Hi Marcus, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in LinumFund. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?
Hello Paul and MNO readers. Let me first thank you for our project review and for introducing our company to your readers. Sorry for the delay in answering this interesting interview Paul. As you all know, LinumFund has grown tremendously over the past days and we were just so loaded with obligations on the company.
My name is Marcus Jordan. I am the founder and chief executive of LinumFund. In this interview I will try to be absolutely honest with readers. This means that I will NOT tell you that I have experience in the trade for over 20 years; that the project has worked for 10 years offline, and only now released to the Internet; that we have a great team of traders, and we do have a profit of 80% to 120% per month, etc. Generally, I will not stick to the “legend”, as is usually done by executives of HYIP programs in such interviews.
My experience in the HYIP industry goes back about 10 years. My responsibilities include almost everything: work with deposits and withdrawals of funds from the project, control over the distribution of the balance in payment systems, work support, etc. To a lesser extent I am involved in the technical side of the project – for this we have a programmer and system administrator.
2. Can you give us some background information on LinumFund? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?
LinumFund is a classic investment project, in its modern sense – we have made the investment plans considering the latest market trends. Initially, the launch of the project was planned in April and May, but due to problems with verification of STP start of the project had to be postponed. The project was launched on August 29, 2014. Except for me, there are five more people that are involved in work on the project. All of them have their own responsibilities (support, server administration, programming, design and trade on markets).
3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?
Investment plans are quite simple and understandable. Much less, Paul has told enough about them in the review of our project. Brief information on the plans is as follows:
In the Professional plan group you get from 3.4% to 3.8% of the deposit amount every day (depending on the amount of the deposit) for an unlimited period. The minimum deposit amount is $20,000 and maximum is $50,000. During the first five days your initial deposit (principal) will be frozen. After this period, you can withdraw the deposit at any time.
Advanced plan group offers higher profits – from 4.4% to 4.8% per day. But here, your deposit will be frozen for ten days. The minimum and maximum deposit amount is $10,000 and $50,000.
Currently we accept for payment PerfectMoney, EgoPay, BitCoin, Payeer and SolidTrustPay. Project verification in Payza has been lasting for about 3 weeks – during last week we got no response from them. So, it is too early to talk about terms of adding Payza.
4. SolidTrustPay have become notoriously difficult this year for the admins of online investment programs such as yours to deal with. Without giving away anything confidential, can you talk a bit about how you were successful in getting approval for LinumFund?
Here everything is quite simple – the most important issues are perseverance and patience. In the case of STP patience is especially important. I often had to pass the verification in STP, and each time it gets harder and harder. In the case of LinumFund, we were refused twice, but we did not give up. The same I wish others HYIP administrators.
5. I know that members can make a partial withdrawal of their principal if they would like to remain members of your program, but what about adding extra money to existing deposits? Is this possible, and if not then would you consider allowing it for the benefit of returning investors who don’t want to start with a new lock-in period?
Yes, many investors ask us about it. But we did not find it reasonable to add this feature from the very beginning. However, in the near future we are going to add some new features to the site, including the possibility of increasing the active deposit. Perhaps by the time this interview will have been released, site features will allow doing that. Once this feature is available we will inform our members in next newsletter.
6. How secure is the website of LinumFund? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
Security of user-entered data is protected by Comodo Extended Validation SSL. Our project is hosted on a dedicated server that is provided by DDoS-Guard. They also provide us with protection against DDoS-attacks. Initially we planned to use the BlockDos service, but the situation with long DDoS attacks on the project BTCLegacy (which BlockDos had not managed before) made us choose a DDoS-Guard.
At this point you may encounter slow loading of our website that is related to the extremely large number of simultaneous visitors. But we are constantly being engaged in finding solution for zero error capacity; by gradually increasing the capacity of our server (we are adding the number of cores, Random-Access Memory etc.).
7. What kind of script is LinumFund running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?
Initially, we planned to use custom script (made to order), but considering delay of the project start, we completely changed the investment plans, referral program, etc. We did not add changes to the existing script, and just left it for the next project. For LinumFund we decided to use a universal h-script – it is quite safe, it has a wide functionality and, if desired, it is possible to make any changes, since the script comes with an opened source code.
8. Can we see any statistics regarding LinumFund? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?
Many users have asked us to provide detailed information on deposits, payments, number of members, etc. So a few days ago, we made changes to the section “Statistics”. Articulate concrete figures now meaningless, because they are constantly updated.
As for the number of deposits at the start of the project, we were very surprised about such high activity. But we survived this onslaught, and all members who had invested in the first few days of the project, have already received their profits regardless of the chosen the investment plan. Now the project is progressing evenly – many members, who withdrew their deposits a few days ago, invested in the project again.
9. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?
The quickest way to contact us is to send a message to support@linumfund.com or create a ticket via Live Chat. We try to answer all messages within one hour. There is also Live Chat, but we have not yet managed to establish its work on schedule. You can also contact us by phone: +4402032396055. In the near future we are going to add the “callback” feature. Unfortunately, we have no time to support Skype, but we have an open Skype-Chat organized by one of our representatives (more information on this we will provide in the near newsletter).
10. In particular relation to the Live Chat, what is the current working schedule there and what will be the best time for members to find an operator there? Do you participate in the Live Support yourself or is this done entirely by paid support agents? Also tell us why you were forced to close the Live Support on weekends. Has the situation improved at all now that the program is getting more established?
The situation with Live Chat is still not easy. We had to turn it off because 90% of all messages were spam. A few days later our Live Chat started working again, but unfortunately, I and my colleagues could not deal with the large number of visitors. We hired two more people to work only in the Live Chat, but we were not happy with their work. Currently we are negotiating with several companies that provide support services. I think in the next few days, Live Chat will start working on a schedule.
11. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
Yes, we encountered a range of problems at the start of the project. Some members when choosing «Advanced plan» money were still investing in the «Professional plan». But we found the problem right away and solved it. Later, members whose investment plans were changed manually encountered a problem with the withdrawal of their deposit – error «Low balance». But our support team is able to solve such problems in a few minutes. Therefore, there is no reason for worrying for the withdrawal of deposits.
Occasionally some deposits made in the STP are not automatically added – we cannot do anything about that as it is a problem of STP (incorrect work of API). We add these deposits manually on the first request of the investor.
12. How have you been promoting LinumFund so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?
Of course, at the start of the project we decided not to invest much money in advertising. It was enough to be in cooperation with 3-4 monitors that offered a high rate of RCB. Also at the beginning of the project we had enough support from our customers. Besides, the awesome overview on the MNO really helped us. However, within 1-2 weeks, we are going to begin the implementation of a large-scale advertising strategy. In addition to promotional activity in the near future we plan to launch a bonus program. We are currently considering several options for bonuses. Probably, there will be two bonus programs offered – one to attract new investors, and the second to motivate existing investors.
13. What exactly are you doing with investor’s money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members? Keeping in mind that 99.9% of MNO readers will only ever regard you as an online HYIP and a form of gambling regardless of how you answer this, would that be an accurate assessment?
I promised to be honest in this interview. So I will say this: yes it is really HYIP and the biggest part of funds is not invested. But a few years ago I realized that it is silly not to invest at all. Especially due to the fact that many payment systems now require trading reports for verification. To solve this problem we found two professional Forex traders who operate in the market with the part of the deposits of our investors (20% to 40%). This allows us to make a small profit. Of course, this money does not cover the profit that we pay to investors of our deposit plans – but it does really extend a little bit the life of our project.
14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.
Finally We are extremely satisfied with your review Paul and being its our First of this kind we are happy that MNO, a very well known online investments blogger made it convenient for us to reach a wider group of Investors. I would like to thank everyone for their attention, all the readers of your blog, and you personally, Paul, for very timely and necessary questions. This interview with you was a great pleasure for me. We wish you the very best for your monitor and blog and hope that it will reach many more achievements in the future.
Thank you for this opportunity for us to connect with MNO readers worldwide. We truly appreciate this gesture.”
Thanks a lot also to Marcus for taking the time out of what must surely be a pretty busy schedule to answer my questions. I hope existing members of LinumFund found that as interesting and at times even as enlightening as I did, and if you’re not a member then I hope you found it useful in deciding whether you think the program is suitable for your own portfolios or not. But whatever you decide, I just want to finish for today by wishing the very best of luck to all those with a stake in LinumFund. Not only the admin but also, and especially, the investors. I hope it turns out a great success and a profitable investment for as many of you as possible. I’ll leave it at that guys. Thanks as ever for reading and don’t forget to tune in again tomorrow for the the latest news from the programs listed on my monitor and a more detailed look at the newest program added to the MNO Standard List. Bye for now and see you all then!
The post 12/09/2014. Interview with the Admin of LinumFund appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/1oDQY5G
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
03/09/2014. Interview with the Admin of WeTradeWePay
Hello everyone! One of the fastest growing programs in recent weeks has been WeTradeWePay which as you might know if you’ve been following my monitor is a medium term HYIP offering various interest rates for a 25 day term. So for today’s article I have the following interview I received from the admin of the program, Daniel. If you’re already a member of WeTradeWePay, and have even been a member from day one, then you’ll be aware that nobody is actually in profit from this program yet as they haven’t been online long enough for that. If WeTradeWePay are still online when that’s due to happen then I’ll make sure you hear about it right here on MNO. Before we hear from the admin let me just remind you that WeTradeWePay are offering terms of 8%-10% for 25 days, and your principal back on expiry. We’ll see how things work out over the coming days, as indeed many investors will, but if you haven’t taken the chance yet then you can find more information on the program in the review first published on MNO here:
“1. Hi David, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in WeTradeWePay. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?
Hi, first and foremost I’d like to thank each and every Member & Reader of MNO for the trust placed on our company. My name is David Hind. Our company was founded in 2013 by 7 experienced Traders. Over the year we have hired more than 200 traders all over the world. The major amount of our clients is offline customers as our strategy lies in gathering portfolios and managing assets on a massive scale. This way we can receive more profit and as a result we can pay our clients around 10% per day.
This is our first and only project online and we hope we are moving in the right way.
2. Can you give us some background information on WeTradeWePay? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?
Many of the questions here have been answered in the previous question. Our motive to create WeTradeWePay was to form a pool of investors who will ultimately receive as much profit as we gain in forex. Hence we have Created our dream project WeTradeWePay.
3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?
There are currently three distinct investment plans offered by WeTradeWePay, all of which offer daily returns, 7 days per week (Calender Days). Below is a list of our current plans:
Silver Plan
Minimum Investment $10
Maximum Investment $500
8% Daily Earnings
Gold Plan
Minimum Investment $501
Maximum Investment $2,000
9% Daily Earnings
Elite Plan
Minimum Investment $2,001
No Maximum Investment
10% Daily Earnings
In all three of the plans, the plan period is 25 Days, Compounding is not available. Principal to be refunded at the end of plan period i.e. 25 days.
Members can choose from a long list of investment processors we currently accepting to make deposits: PerfectMoney, BitCoin, EgoPay, Okpay, Payeer
4. Many people would say (are saying in fact) that these rates of interest are much too high to be sustained for any great length of time and that your program will struggle to survive as far as one cycle. What do you say to that?
We do agree the rates which we have offered might look too high from an individual Investor point of view however with the results we are obtaining in our trading it is not that high. Yes I do agree any program will have its end and I will be seen as a fool if I say that we will survive forever. However we are sure that the way we do business and the results we achieve the same will be run for many cycles. I am sure this question will be continued even after we complete few cycles. We suggest members who have not joined the wave not to be too much worried as it is early stage and can rethink of joining with us at this moment.
5. What kind of a payment schedule can I expect, ie how long should I wait between asking for my payout and actually receiving it? According to your FAQ under certain circumstances this could be as long as three days, and I think we all know that if it comes even close to taking that long it will spell the end for WeTradeWePay. Can you make a firm commitment here and now to guarantee fast payments?
As of now we are processing payouts with a Minimum Time lag of 5 Minutes up to a maximum of 6 Hours. However as we are a reputed company we did mention the time might take up to 72 hours due to any emergency beyond our control. However delaying up to that time might not take place and in case if it happens we will be informing members the reasons for delay as we are all humans and we never know what kind of calamities we might need to encounter with. I did receive compliments from members regarding our faster payouts despite not having automatic payout facility. Till date we have not received any complaints regarding any delay in payouts.
6. How secure is the website of WeTradeWePay? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
Our hosting provider is i3d B.V. and we are completely satisfied with their services at this point. We are running on a dedicated server and they have always been very helpful and fast when we have needed their support. We have anti DDoS protection from Cloud Flare. and the protection level is quite high.We also have extended validation SSL security certificate from Comodo and hence we can confidently say Our Members accounts are protected from Hackers.
7. What kind of script is WeTradeWePay running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?
WeTradeWePay is running on Shadow Script. This script has been checked by our programmer and extra safety routines were implemented to make sure our clients’ information is protected. Our site is SSL encrypted, which means all information exchanged within WeTradeWePay pages is encrypted and cannot be seen by others. For any other details it would be better if we follow the interview our MNO admin Mr Paul had with Shadow Script Admin.
8. Can we see any statistics regarding WeTradeWePay? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?
I will go against customary habits and tell you our straight numbers at this moment,
as rounding them up would generate no real advantage
System Statistics as on 31-08-2014
Total Members: 963
Active Deposits : 529
Investment Turnover To Date: $ 58,451.00
New Investments (last 48hours): $ 8,029.00
Interests Paid To Date: $ 16,062.00
I must say I’m extremely satisfied with the stable growth. This allows us plenty of time to manage our funds with our Forex Trading and ensure stability of the program itself. I’d also like to thank members for kind support for bringing in new members and I am looking forward to working with everyone as a family.
9. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?
Our clients can contact our support staff via
1) Live Chat operating 24 hours per day.
2) They can raise a Support Ticket.
3) Most of the times I will be available on MNO ShoutBox and one can contact me for any queries.
10. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
Yes we noticed that most of members didn’t read the content particularly FAQs because they mostly ask question which already answered in FAQs. So I would suggest to new clients that please read FAQ page before asking any question.
However we would like to Clarify 2 Major Questions frequently asked:
1) One need to Actually invest the fund which had got routed through payment processor in to a particular plan and hence will be able to earn daily Interest.
2) After 25 days Principal will get routed to their account without doing anything from member’s front and hence they need not worry about the percentage shown in Members area against a particular plan.
11. How have you been promoting WeTradeWePay so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?
We are constantly advertising/listing with most of the famous monitors and blogs, including you, we are getting many a members through the above campaigns however what’s interesting is that the biggest number of our investors comes through word of mouth. That means we are doing our job properly.
Moreover we have a Facebook page which had started recently and members are growing day by day.
12. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?
As you can read on our site and our name, the main and sole portion of our income comes from our forex Trading. We trade vigorously and go extra mile to bring the world’s best Interest Percentage to the common investor.
13. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.
I appreciate that you have reviewed our site and I have read it, you covered many things. In This interview you have covered all the remaining things very well. Your review is very fair, just as the review of other programs, which is the reason we wanted to be promoted by you.
In the future, WeTradeWePay will be publishing weekly statistics. Soon we will adding few New Processors as we are half way through in submitting our documents. Soon we might be installing automatic payouts at least for few processors.
Thank you very much for your attention and for your patience.
On behalf of the WeTradeWePay collective, I wish you all a good week and stress-free investments.”
Thanks a lot to David for taking the time to answer my questions, and if you’re a member of WeTradeWePay then I hope you found them interesting. Good luck to everyone involved with the program, and like I said at the top of the page when/if people actually start breaking even and seeing a profit on their investments I’ll let you know on my blog.
That’s all I have for you today but please check out my blog again tomorrow as I’ll be working on the latest updated version of the top five most popular programs listed on the MNO Premium List. Given that it’s basically the actions of you guys, the readers, that determines these positions then I’m sure this latest version of the ongoing series of articles will be of as much interest and use to you as the earlier ones. Also on the subject of popular programs please remember to vote in the latest opinion poll now running on the MNO TalkBack page. Bye for now and see you all tomorrow, everyone!
The post 03/09/2014. Interview with the Admin of WeTradeWePay appeared first on MNO Blog.
via MNO Blog http://ift.tt/1rMgLQ2