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Tuesday, April 30, 2013 Review – Is it a scam?

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Monday, April 29, 2013 Review – Is it a scam?

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

What does 2QT mean in texting?

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28/04/2013. Interview with the Admin of HytexAG

Hello all! Despite it being Sunday and traditionally the slowest day of the week for the HYIP industry I still have two updates for you. I’ll be back a little later tonight at around the usual time I post with all the day’s news events (assuming there’s anything worth talking about at all!) plus a more detailed look at another of the new programs on the MNO monitoring page. But first up today is another interview, this time one I received from the admin of HytexAG. Regular readers will no doubt recognize the name straight away, as it’s been a consistent performer since first launching last February. Since then HytexAG have been offering online investors plans such as 8% for 14 days (principal included), and 1.5% for 25 days, 1.8% for 35 days, and 2.2% for 50 days, all with your principal back. The admin’s name is Ferdinand and if you like what he has to say and would like some further information on the program, then you can start with the original review of HytexAG which was first published here:

1. Hi Ferdinand, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in HytexAG. What kind of experience do you have in managing online HYIPs and how can readers be sure you know how to keep the program profitable for as many people as possible for as long as possible?

Hello! My name is Ferdinand Konrad and I’m one of founders of the company. I personally control all priority areas of activity and administer the project. Not only I, but every team member of the project have really broad experience in HYIP administration. Our knowledge helps us to ensure the high profitability and stability of the program. Our project offers a variety of tariffs which let our investors choose the most suitable investment term and conditions.

2. Can you give us some background information on HytexAG? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online? What kind of an impact do you realistically expect to make on what’s a very competitive market now?

It is hard enough for a single person to create a really high-quality and promising project, so our company is a team of professionals, each person in which exercises its own functions. To date, we create all conditions for a stable and constant gain for our business partners. Transparency and confidence of our relationship is the key to success for all project participants.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting? What’s the payment schedule (ie the gap between requesting a payment and receiving it)?

The project has four major plans to allow each of our participants to choose the one that suits them best. The minimum investment is $ 10, the maximum possible deposit equals to 9,999 dollars. The periods of the proposed plans are quite small, which allows even over a small period of time to make a good profit, and many of our investors could already have realized this. Today, the project receives all the most popular payment systems like Liberty Reserve, Perfect money, EgoPay, SolidTrust Pay. As for payouts, we withdraw money immediately after receiving your request, the funds are paid out instantly, but I want to notice that for security reasons we have restrictions on withdrawal amounts. All payouts exceeding $ 100 are processed manually. The maximum payout term can reach 48 hours, but it usually is due to technical problems.

4. How secure is the website of HytexAG? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We are constantly working to improve the level of security of our site, and use only most cutting-edge technologies. The company adheres to rather strict security and confidentiality policy. However, we constantly keep informing our partners that security of their accounts and personal data is also largely dependent on themselves: it is important not to disclose account information third parties, to set a strong password and change it every three months. The project has a dedicated server and our DDOS protection is based on a very promising cloud technology.

5. What kind of script is HytexAG running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

The script was custom developed and individually tailored to the features of the project and user behavior. Particular attention has been paid to the safety of the system, so we can be sure of its safety for end users.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding HytexAG? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

Such information is not available and because the rules of the project assume full anonymity of all participants. To get this data, you may just have a look at Alexa chart, which is constantly raising. It proves that every day, hundreds of partners from around the world join our project, creating fake statistics is not our policy.

We provide 24/7 customer support, our project participants may contact it at any time with any questions of service operations in Russian and English languages.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? Tell us about your Live Chat and phone support. Are these 24 hour services? If not, then what is the best time (GMT) to find an operator there?

Today, our support is provided in diverse formats: via online chat, over the phone, e-mail, as well as via the feedback form on Contact page. Questions can be asked 24/7. Depending on the workload of our support staff, you will be answered within a period that does not exceed 24 hours.

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

As we provide support to our investors, we are constantly receiving a large number of issues related to the procedure of investment, opening and closing of deposits, interest accrual. We are repeatedly asked about the guarantees we provide and security of investments. I can safely say that the best guarantee is reputation and transparency of relationships. And in our case, in our project, it really is at the highest level. We are striving to build long-term business relationship, because our plans are very ambitious, and we did not come here for a limited time.

9. How have you been promoting HytexAG so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Mainly, the promotion of our project is made via the participation of our current investors in our referral program. In the near future we plan to launch an advertising campaign on all specialized resources and portals.

10. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

Our company HytexAG Ltd is engaged in investing in gold. All the obtained profit is committed for further development, and our project participants regularly receive and will keep receiving the set interest on their deposits.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

I invite you to learn the information published on the site, you can find there all the answers to your questions. Today, on behalf of the administration of the project I guarantee the reliability of all its services, timely payment of accrued interest and principal amounts of deposits. If you want to earn, then let’s earn together!

That’s all for the moment, folks. Thanks a lot to Ferdinand for taking the time and effort to complete the questions, and I hope it was useful to anyone still trying to decide one way or another if the program is suitable for them or not. Best of luck to the admin with making the program a huge success, and best of luck to you too if you’re a member in seeing a good profit back from your investment. I’ll leave it at that for now, but as I said at the top of the page I’ll be back later this evening with a full news round up. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

The post 28/04/2013. Interview with the Admin of HytexAG appeared first on MNO Blog.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

27/04/2013. Interview with the Admin of MoneyInSports

Hello everyone! Hope the weekend’s been going well for you so far. I’m taking a day away from the news updates today as I have other plans that are basically taking up most of my morning, afternoon, and evening, but I still have one article that I do hope will be of some interest to you. One of the recently launched programs (if a month is recent) starting to make a few headlines around the industry in recent weeks has been MoneyInSports who seem to be getting the attention of many investors these days. A lot of that might be down to the admin who has proven to be highly pro-active and a man who clearly realizes the value of communication in this industry. His name is Justin and for tonight’s main section I have an interview with him. He speaks about his own role in MoneyInSports as well as expanding on the list of betting tips I’m sure you’ve noticed he’s been sending his members lately which I was sure to ask him about.

Before we hear from Justin I’ll just remind you very quickly that MoneyInSports is a long term HYIP that offers investors the chance to earn on one single plan that pays 2% interest per day for 80 calendar days. If you like what Justin has to say and would like some further information, then I suggest you might start with the original review of MoneyInSports first published on MNO here:

1. Hi Justin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in MoneyInSports. What kind of experience do you have in managing online HYIPs and how can readers be sure you know how to keep the program profitable for as many people as possible for as long as possible?

My name is Justin and I’m the main one that takes care of the MoneyInSports site. There are a couple other people that help me but I try to be around as much as I can. I do not have experience managing a HYIP as an admin, but I have been involved with HYIPS since way back in the surf days with 12 daily pro and have done well on my own accounts. I also take care of moving the funds for our betting business as well as managing other financial accounts over the years so taking care of MoneyInSports is not an issue at all as I am well aware of the industry and have a great support system in place with me.

2. Can you give us some background information on MoneyInSports? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online? What kind of an impact do you realistically expect to make on what’s a very competitive market now?

MoneyInSports was created to give us a larger capital in our sports betting/investing. There are 4 others involved in the betting side of our business full time, and then a couple others that help us maintain some of the connections we have in the betting world. If people get behind our program as they have so far I do not see any reason that we will not be around for years to come. We will be one of the top programs of 2013, and as others fall daily both long and short term we will continue our rise to the top as we have the plan, backing, people, and desire to make this work. The reason I say desire is because a program is only going as far as the admin wants it to go. We get a larger bank roll to make our bets/investments with when MoneyInSports is doing well, so as long as we take care of our customers we are and will be rewarded with being able to make larger plays over a long period of time. We have long term goals with launching MoneyInSports, and I think the reason you see many programs drop off so fast is due to a poorly run site with no budget or because the admin has a number in mind when they open and once that number is hit they are gone.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? Can you talk us through the process of opening an account, funding it, making a withdrawal, and getting our principal back?

We have one plan to keep things easy and that plan is 2% for 80 days, its important to note that you earn daily with us and not just on business days. Opening an account is very easy with us, and only takes a few moments to complete, just go to the signup link on our main page to join. We kept the process very simple. When you fund your account with us you need to first get funds into your MoneyInSports account using the payment processor of your choice. Once you have the funds into your MoneyInSports account you then need to purchase token(s) with us, this is what starts your plan earning 2% for 80 days. We get people daily that fund their MoneyInSports account (e-wallet) but do not purchase the token. Make sure you purchase your token by going to the token link under the add to your account section on the left hand side from within your MoneyInSports account.

4. What payment options are MoneyInSports currently accepting? What’s the payment schedule (ie the gap between requesting a payment and receiving it)?

We take all the main payment processors that include SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, Liberty Reserve, PerfectMoney, and PexPay. Once you request a withdraw or request the funds back to your e-wallet to reinvest we process the request within 24 hours. In many cases this is done within hours, but we stick with 24 hours just to be safe as we do not want to say something we cannot deliver on.

5. If you’ve discovered such a surefire way to make money and have as your website says been at this for several years before going online, why do you need HYIP investors money to continue? If you need finance why are you paying online investors 14% per week when a bank would only ask 7 to 8% per year and allow you to keep the profits? Isn’t that an absurd way to finance a business?

This is a great question. First I will say that we are very small as a group compared to the others that get the inside information that we get with our bets. That being said we cannot influence or move a line on a game at all. The people that are placing these types of bets that we are getting in on can move a line with their bankroll. We hope to one day have that kind of pull, but for now we are just happy to have the info that we have. You cannot buy the info we get, and we are very fortunate to have a long time connection that has connected us to this type of information. The reason I explain that some is to better answer your 2nd part of the question. Sports betting is very high risk and not only will a bank not touch us with our business plan, but private investment firms also will not consider us. This is due to the high risk that they see with sports betting, and also because sports betting is very much frowned upon by the general public when in fact with the right information and knowledge it is a much safer and more profitable venture then the stock market. I know many will argue that and I have no desire to get into it but it you want to do more research in it take some time to read up on Billy Walters. So with all that my answer is it’s not absurd at all, and in many ways supplies us with the perfect platform to help us increase our leverage without having to bet or press as they say outside of our betting system.

6. How secure is the website of MoneyInSports? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We have the security of the site taken care of. We have the ssl with comodo as an extra layer of security as well as other features to protect the site. We are on a dedicated server. We host with shadow script. Our DDoS protection is provided by KoDDos. As always people need to be smart with good passwords, also we will never contact you asking for your password information so please never give it to anyone.

7. What kind of script is MoneyInSports running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

Our script is provided by Shadow Scripts. Many in the industry will know them well, and understand they are not cheap. We went with them because their script is more secure then the others, it is very user friendly for both the customers as well as us. We can customize and make changes to the script as needed, and they offer great support. You pay for what you get in a script and we think the suport and the script functions made the decision to use Shadow Scripts very easy.

8. Can we see any statistics regarding MoneyInSports? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

We do and will release different numbers on how many people are using us, and will try to include the number that are active in the future as well. Once we hit our next goal of 1000 people signed up with us we will make an announcement. We could toss out some numbers like others have done in a marketing move, but we only want to report the actual numbers. We are very happy with the number of people joining each day. We would like to see more votes and payment proofs but we know they will come with time. With us doing what we say we are doing more and more people will join and support us. Our customers will always be the best way for us to gain new customers so they play a very important roll in what we are doing. Also with us posting some of our daily picks people can see us in action. It would be easy to post our results after the games, but we are posting some of our basic picks before the games for people to get an idea on how we do with our picks. Just last weekend 4/20-4/21 we went 5-0 that is 5 wins and 0 loses.

9. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

The best way to contact us is by support ticket, or if they are not a customer with us yet they can use the support link on the main page of MoneyInSports.

10. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

The most common thing that we get asked is about customers that have deposited funds with us, but are not getting the 2% a day. As I covered in an earlier question after they fund their MoneyInSports account (e-wallet) they have to then purchase the token(s) to activate their plan with us. They other thing we get asked is if they can compound/reinvest. They have to request a cashout, but instead of requesting the funds to their payment processor they can request the funds back to their MoneyInSports (e-wallet) so they can put the funds back into a new plan without having to pay any processor fees.

11. How have you been promoting MoneyInSports so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

We are on several different forums, have done some banner advertising, and have joined with monitors that we felt are needed to help spread the word. Again the best advertising will come from our current customers as they display their banners. In return they can earn 5% with our affiliate marketing program.

12. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

We take a certain percentage of the funds and use them to increase the value of the sports bets we place. We generate the profits as we have for years because of the information that we have that gives us an edge that few have in the betting world.

13. I want to ask you about some of your recent newsletters you’ve been sending to members on betting tips which I have to say I found a bit cryptic. For example, a recent one said:

MLB – 957 Atlanta vs Pittsburgh Under 7.5 -120 Won

MLB – 978 Seattle vs Texas Under 9.5 +100 Won

NBA – 702 New York PS -7 -110 Push

To readers outside the US it’s not even clear what sport you’re talking about here, and it’s even less obvious what you’re talking about at all. So can you tell us a) what exactly “702 New York PS -7 -110 Push” means, and b) what are members supposed to do with this information after you send it to them?

On this I would have to disagree with you as most online sports book are not even in the US and the mass majority of the people that have contacted us fully understand what we are talking about, and have thanked us for providing these picks. If you are not familiar with sports betting at all then I can see how it would not add up, but for the people that want to learn more about sports betting there is endless information they can look up on the net. I will break down what you included with the question to give everyone a better idea of what that is saying.

First we list the sport in this example the sport is National Basketball Association (NBA) the second is the number every sports book world wide uses to place a bet. Instead of telling the cashing the full team details of the bet you want you can just tell them the number assigned to the game. The next part is the name of the team involved in the bet, then what type of bet it is, in this example it was a point spread (PS) and lastly is the odds on the game, in this example it is -110 so if you risk 100.00 and won you would get paid your 100 back plus 90 the other 10 is the fee/juice that the sports book is taking. Most out side of the US use the decimal system in place of the -110. People can easily find this with their sports book. We also try to post some basics on the email each day. The last thing on the example that you gave is push, that is the result of that game. In the ones you listed you can see we Won two, lost zero, and had one push. A great day of profit.

14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

Thank you for taking the time to do the interview with us. We thank everyone for supporting us so far, and welcome anyone not with us yet to join. We are going to be around for a very long time, and we like to think of MoneyInSports as low risk, low stress investing program in the HYIP industry. We are also the only on that is telling you some of what we are doing with the funds by posting our action/investing before the games are done, we hope this allows people to see that we are doing what we say. We know there are many options out there and we thank everyone for choosing MoneyInSports. Spread the word and make MoneyInSports everyones number one program for years to come.

That’s all for tonight guys. big thank you to Justin for taking the time to reply to my questions, and wish the very best of luck to all the current and future investors of MoneyInSports in making a decent profit from it. I hope the interview was interesting for you and if you’re not presently a member of the program I hope it was useful in deciding whether MoneyInSports is a suitable addition to your portfolios or not.


Before I finish let me just warn you about two programs moved to Problem Status. The first is MoreProfit which, after accessing the account of one reader, have confirmed selective payments. Other members, and most likely monitors as well, may well be receiving smaller payments from the program in a sort of PR attempt at keeping up some paid reports on forums and the like, but once selective payments start I can assure you they’re coming your way soon too. MoreProfit is not a safe place to start with now, so if you’re looking for a new HYIP to join please keep your money and look elsewhere. You have been warned!

The other program to be moved was SuccessTrade. I don’t know if it’s true or not – to be honest it really doesn’t matter as the end result is the same – but the admin has reported being hacked. True or not, SuccessTrade is no longer paying and you are best advised to stay as far away from it now as possible. Both programs turned out to be fast scams with no more than the first handful of members in profit. Congratulations if you were lucky, but if you are already a member then don’t join either!

I’ll be back tomorrow with another interview, all the weekend’s news and a more detailed review of another of the new programs from the MNO monitoring list. See you all then!


The post 27/04/2013. Interview with the Admin of MoneyInSports appeared first on MNO Blog.

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What does NYT mean in texting?

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Friday, April 26, 2013 Review – Is it a scam?

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Thursday, April 25, 2013 Review – Is it a scam?

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Review

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Monday, April 22, 2013 Review – Is it a scam?

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013 Review – Is it a scam

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Thursday, April 18, 2013 Review

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17/04/2013. ReallyTrusted Review and Daily News from the Industry

Hello everyone! Another in the recent flood of high risk short term programs opening in the last couple of weeks is called ReallyTrusted. It’s already been listed on MNO for the last couple of days so you might have noticed it on the Basic Listing section on my monitor. The admin has just decided to upgrade however so before we get to the news update for today I’m going to take a closer look at the plans and other main features of the program and see if there’s anything there you might like. Straight away though I can tell you that after one quick glance over ReallyTrusted you’ll probably recognize the style and the plans immediately, there’s been that many similar programs in the past. I really don’t know how they manage to compete with each other in what’s currently such a difficult market, though I guess it’s really up to investors to decide how to separate the potentially profitable games from the more obvious cheap scams. It’s your money we’re talking about here after all, so entirely your own responsibility to do so. So let’s see how you’d rate a program like ReallyTrusted.

Starting as always with the plans, ReallyTrusted have no less than nine of them. And while I did describe them as a short term HYIP above, the fact is that some of their plans are more medium to longer term. But as experienced industry players will know to discard these and concentrate on the only plans that stand any chance of actually paying anyone, which in this case of course means the shorter the term, the better.

The first of these, and I’ll guess the most popular, runs for a term of just 1 calendar day. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. You will need a minimum of $10 to join which is just about the industry average, and in return ReallyTrusted are offering to pay you back 104% the following day if you invest anything up to a maximum value of $500. This includes your principal so is basically your own money back plus 4% net profit on top. Higher rates are offered to larger deposits and are calculated as follows:

104.2% for amounts between $501 and $1,000, and 104.4% on $1,001 to $2,000. If you’re interested in spending more than that I would suggest you check out your ReallyTrusted members account area.

The second plan sees ReallyTrusted pay on expiry of a 3 calendar days, and can also be joined for a $10 minimum sign-up. Anything up to $500 this time gets you a return of 116%, with your principal as part of that payment. So it’s your money plus 16% profit for yourself. If you want to make a bigger spend then ReallyTrusted are offering the following:

119% for deposits between $501 and $1,000, and 123% for $1,001 up to $2,000. See the ReallyTrusted members area for information on anything bigger than that.

Next on the list is a plan that sees ReallyTrusted pay investors on expiry of a 5 calendar day term. The minimum deposit stays at $10, and for anything up to $500 you can earn 128%, principal included. So that’s your own money plus 28% net profit. For bigger deposits ReallyTrusted are offering as follows:

137% on anything between $501 and $1,000, and 148% on $1,001 to $2,000. Again you can see higher rates by visiting your member’s account area.

Next what is still at the time of writing the first of ReallyTrusted‘s investment plans not to have actually completed a cycle just yet, so even if anyone was brave enough to join on day one they’ll still be waiting to make a withdrawal, is a plan running for 7 calendar days. At the end of the term ReallyTrusted are offering a payout of 159% on any deposits from $10 up to $500. Larger deposits are being offered the following rates:

174% on anything from $501 to $1,000, and an even more unfeasible 191% on $1,001 to $2,000. You can find the rates offered to bigger deposits in your ReallyTrusted account area.

This is followed by a plan running for 10 calendar days, again taking a $10 minimum deposit and returning your principal and profit in one on expiry payment. The basic rate is 190% on all deposits up to a value of $500. For larger investments ReallyTrusted offer the following:

225% on amounts between $501 and $1,000, and 265% on anything from $1,001 up to $2,000. You can see what’s offered to bigger deposits in the ReallyTrusted members area.

Obviously you can see as the plans are progressing the risk gets higher and higher so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the remaining plans have yet to find a single investor, but having said that it would still only set you back a $10 minimum to join the next one which runs for 15 calendar days. A return of 248% on expiry is offered on deposits from $10 up to $500. Higher rates include:

297% on $501 to $1,000, and 365% for $1,001 to $2,000. as usual you can see what’s being offered to even bigger deposits from inside your ReallyTrusted member’s account area.

This is then followed by a plan running for 20 calendar days. A $10 minimum deposit is offered an on expiry return of 326%, a rate that applies to anything up to a maximum of $500. This only accentuates the risk of course due to being even less sustainable that the previous plans, but it’s entirely up to you whether you think it’s a risk worth taking or not. ReallyTrusted offer 427% on anything from $501 up to $1,000, and 548% on anything from $1,001 up to $2,000. See the ReallyTrusted members area for any further information relating to higher deposits than that.

Plan number eight sees ReallyTrusted pay on expiry of a 30 calendar days, and can also be joined for a $10 minimum sign-up. Anything up to $500 this time is offered a return of 770%, with your principal as part of that payment. If you want to make a bigger spend then ReallyTrusted are offering the following:

1070% for deposits between $501 and $1,000, and 1370% for $1,001 up to $2,000. See the ReallyTrusted members area for information on anything bigger than that.

And lastly, purely for shall we say entertainment purposes, ReallyTrusted have a plan running for 60 calendar days where they claim to be able to pay 7500% interest on expiry to anyone making an investment (though I prefer the word donation) of anything from a $200 minimum up to $100,000. To be honest if they seriously come up with that sort of money or are even still here in 60 days I think I’d nearly offer to pay that one myself out of my own pocket!

As you can see the list of plans doesn’t really throw up any surprises for a program like ReallyTrusted, but neither does the list of payment processors. All the popular ones are there, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts to members need to be requested manually by the investor by logging into their private members account area. Once done however the transaction should be processed instantly, with the money appearing in your e-currency account in under a minute in most cases. ReallyTrusted don’t explicitly state this on their website by the way, just have a small banner carries the message, but my own payments were instant so far.

On the design and security side of things ReallyTrusted is a bit mixed at best. Some aspects are fine and quite standard for this type of program, such as the licensed GoldCoders script that they’ve chosen to run the website off which will give it an instantly recognizable feel to most regular industry players, plus the SSL encryption by Comodo for an extra layer of protection. Where the program falls down unfortunately is with the hosting. It’s of quite a mediocre standard, being held on a shared server by a provider called nLayer Communications. To be fair I can’t see that the other sites being kept there are currently active, though I can’t say I know what this company’s track record is in the HYIP industry and what – if any – experience they might have in handling the type of DDoS attacks you can practically take for granted are going to happen. For any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with, ReallyTrusted can be contacted by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Also listed is a postal address, though as I’ve seen the very same address given for other HYIPs in the past I would suggest you ignore it as you’d be unlikely to find anyone linked to ReallyTrusted (or who’s even heard of them for that matter) were you pay a visit.

Something else to take with a liberal dose of salt is the alleged business plan stating that ReallyTrusted are involved with ForEx, oil, gold, or any other kind of trading. Reason being the texts are a straight copy/paste and word-for-word identical to what’s been used in a good number of older online HYIPs that ran in the past. It’s probably stating the obvious to experienced investors that any of those activities are unlikely to bring those kind of results anyway, but as always I just mention it for the sake of the newbies still not familiar with the finer points of the industry. So treat the program with a suitable degree of caution, acknowledging that some investors are already in profit from the shorter plans but being aware that it can’t be sustained forever. For how long it can be sustained is the gamble, so remember one of the most important rules and never spend more than you can comfortably afford to lose. And of course if joining ReallyTrusted at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I can’t say that I noticed the downtime on LibertyReserve myself today, but apparently their site was down for maintenance for a short period of time. This was enough for the admin of TrustedTradersLtd to issue a couple of updates in which he informed members about the issue and also let them know after it was solved. Of course LibertyReserve wasn’t the only subject of his updates for today. The admin also boasted that TrustedTradersLtd had become the #1 program on MNO’s Standard listing – a great achievement after only a couple of days there. If you don’t want to read my full review of TrustedTradersLtd posted here, I’ll just remind you that they accepts five payment processors starting from a $5 minimum – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Plans include the daily paying 40%-65% for 3 days and a few more on expiry, paying 105%-130% after 1 day, 134%-345% after 5 days, 156%-700% after 10 days, 749%-1800% after 25 days, 1295%-2700% after 37 days, 5000% after 55 days. TrustedTradersLtd has been online for over a week now and I hope it will last for longer. The latest updates from the admin can be read below:

Liberty Reserve Sci. Maintenance

I have 2 short pieces of news.

1st. Liberty Reserve Sci. is down right now and has been for a few hours So you might not be able to reinvest if that is your intention. If you want to reinvest You can do that from your back office before requesting withdrawal. I will Send another update once LR Sci. Is Back to normal

2nd. I would like to thank everyone for helping make TrustedTradersLtd. The #1 program in the Standard Listing category on MNO. This was accomplished in just 2 days.

A big Thanks to Everyone for supporting us in forums and on various blogs. This really makes a big difference. So if you would like to show your support please visit any of the Forums, Blogs or Monitors listed on our “rate us” page and do so.

Liberty Reserve Maintenance completed


You may now Resume investing with Liberty Reserve. They have completed their maintenance and we are seeing many new deposits from LR.

Thank You, TrustedTradersLtd.


Like it or not, the admin of 306BZ still keeps posting daily jokes to the members of the program in his newsletters. Today, apart from the joke, there was no practical information from the project, so therefore I’ll just remind you that 306BZ is a short-term program paying 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. More information on 306BZ which is a very successful project paying for 28 days already is in my review published here. The latest from the admin is below:

Daily Joke From 306BZ

As we claimed when we published the first joke, if you like our joke, you smile, if you don’t like it, just ignore it. We know that we can not make everyone satisfied. We just try our best to bring some joy to you.

$200 hidden in my shoe

A man being mugged by two thugs put up a tremendous fight! Finally, the thugs subdued him and took his wallet. Upon finding only two dollars in the wallet, the surprised thug said “Why did you put up such a fight?” To which the man promptly replied “I was afraid that you would find the $200 hidden in my shoe!”

Best Regards. 306BZ


MoneyInSports (reviewed here) has been online for four weeks with three of them on the MNO monitor. Today another newsletter was issued to commemorate this achievement. In it the admin also asked members to support the program by posting on forums and monitors each time after they receive payments from the 2% for 80 calendar days plan processed to their SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay, or EgoPay accounts. The link to the rating page which helps you to find the best monitors to submit your votes for MoneyInSports can also be found in the latest newsletter re-posted below:

MoneyInSports – 4 Weeks In the Books

Hello Everyone,

We are very excited to announce that today marks the 4th week we have been online. Over the first 4 weeks we could not be happier with the amount of activity we have seen within our program. Your support has allowed us to amp up our early baseball bankroll, and we are seeing larger payoffs because of the support you have given us with active token purchases.

While we are very happy with the activity from within the site we would still love to see more support on the forums and monitors. Your votes help bring new customers to MoneyInSports, and that allows us to continue to increase our bankroll as we place large plays on specific games. Voting also helps others see if the program is doing well or not from the view of the users. Please click the monitor link for places that you can quickly vote at.

Please get out there placing votes, and payment proofs everywhere you can each day. We would also love to see more of our MoneyInSports banners displayed all over the place. By putting your MoneyInSports banners on sites you use you will have the chance of people joining under you allowing you to earn 5% on all deposits they make.

The first 4 weeks have been great, and we look forward to being your number one program for 2013 and beyond!

Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


WorldGemsInvest has become another scam today. The site can’t be accessed and no payments are processed. Despite running for over 50 days I can’t say it was successful as it paid very low returns and so only the very first investors who deposited $600 or more were able to approach the break-even point and possibly get a small profit. The admin though went as far as to explain today why WorldGemsInvest‘s website disappeared and why they had cashflow issues and had to process selective payouts for the last couple of days. If we believe him, it appears his SolidTrustPay account was suspended a couple of weeks ago due to fake verification documents submitted and he had a substantial amount locked there. Obviously he never talked about that earlier and I find it suspicious why he’s placing the blame for HIS failure on a payment processor, suspending his account due to fake or possibly stolen IDs submitted for verification. Anyway, there was more to the story as the admin of WorldGemsInvest also blamed ProBiz script for some glitches that also cost him money and his hosting provider Staminus for suspending his account despite upgrading to a higher level of protection. So it’s a very typical finale for WorldGemsInvest and an admin who seems to blame everyone else except himself. At the time of writing WorldGemsInvest is still offline, but make sure you don’t invest a penny more there if it miraculously reappears on another domain. You have been warned!


A brand-new long term program called NEOMutual was added to Premium Listing on MNO today which I’m planning to review in more detail tomorrow. For now I just want to give a brief description of the main features and investment plans. So, according to the site NEOMutual is involved in providing so-called “crowdfunding and bridge loans” thus being able to provide high returns to investors who get paid “compensation” on their deposits equalling of 1.4% to 1.9% per business day for a duration of 200 business days. Your deposit is already included in the daily returns and so will not be returned separately. As NEOMutual is running off a licensed version of the ShadowScript you should know that in order to deposit in the program you first need to fund your e-wallet with at least a $20 minimum via any of the six payment methods including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay, or BitCoin. After your balance in the e-wallet is credited you can then proceed further and and make a deposit (in this case it’s called “contribution”) to the investment plan of your choice. More about that will be discussed in my review tomorrow, but for now you should know that once the withdrawal request is made it’s processed manually by the admin during the next payment run which happens once per day and on business days only (Monday to Friday). The site of NEOMutual looks really good with everything explained clearly throughout and the admin made sure to get the best DDoS protection for his program from BlockDos who have the site on a dedicated server with SSL security provided by Comodo. More on NEOMutual will be on my blog tomorrow, so stay tuned for that, guys, as this one looks really promising!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:

From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, ReallyTrusted, StrongForex.

From MNO Premium list: BensonUnion, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, HytexAG, BriscoFund, Financa, After100Days, EaglesInvestment, Bet7, MasterEarn, RFIGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets.

From MNO Standard list: TrustedTradersLtd, AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.

From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, GalaxySaving, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, EccoFunds.

That’s it for today, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow with more news from the monitored programs and a full review of NEOMutual. See you all then!

The post 17/04/2013. ReallyTrusted Review and Daily News from the Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog Review

via The Internet Marketing Blog

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

16/04/2013. SecureAssets Review and Daily News from the Industry

Hello everybody! Before tonight’s news section I want to start with a look at a promising new longer term HYI program called SecureAssets which seems to be causing a fair amount of enthusiasm among investors. You’ll probably have seen the name already if you’ve been watching my monitor over the last week or so, as SecureAssets was first listed there since last Wednesday when the program first opened for deposits. So let’s see what they have to offer and if you agree they might be good enough to add to your portfolios.

At first glance it might look as if SecureAssets have four separate investment plans, though on closer inspection you can see it is in fact only one – it’s just that it’s broken down into four sub-sections depending on how much you want to spend. Speaking as a long term observer of the HYIP industry myself however, I just know that this is the type of thing that so often proves popular with investors. Granted we may be seeing a temporary slump in the industry at the moment, but trust me, these things happen from time to time and never last too long. Things will pick up again soon enough as they always do, and when that happens SecureAssets are a program offering what a lot of folks are going to be looking for, which is tried and tested longer term plans that can establish themselves over months – ie it’s not a case of “make or break” within a week or else the whole thing collapses. It is after all stability that will help repeat investors get their confidence in the industry back. Take a look for yourself and you’ll see what I mean.

So to start with you’re going to need a $10 minimum deposit to join SecureAssets Starter Plan . Once you’re in, the investment term will run for 100 business days during which SecureAssets will pay you a daily interest rebate (Monday to Friday) on your principal. The rate itself will depend on how much you decide to spend, with the bigger investors getting the most competitive rates. This starts at 2.2% per day for anyone investing between the aforementioned $10 minimum up to a sum of $999. Your original deposit is not being counted as part of the payments and so will be given back to you in a separate transaction on expiry. That means therefore that your daily interest payments eventually add up to 220%, which is entirely net profit once SecureAssets return your principal. Pretty simple, eh?

To put that into monetary terms, let’s say you join SecureAssets with a $100 deposit. That would mean that for the next 100 business days they would pay you back $2.20 interest, Monday to Friday only. That allows you to break even after 46 business days (just over nine weeks) at which point there is no further risk to your own money. You should then complete the term with SecureAssets paying out a grand total of $220 before your initial $100 is then added to that.

If you’re either feeling a bit more adventurous or just downright lucky and would like to try a bigger spend, then SecureAssets offer you 2.4% per day for 100 business days on any deposits ranging from a $1,000 minimum up to $4,999. This is The Advanced Plan which allows you to break even on day number 42, and you’re counting the profits after that. SecureAssets should eventually pay you back a total of 240% in interest payments, and then return your original deposit on top of that.

After that the remaining two plans are really more for the serious players and big spenders out there, given the cost of joining. But if you’re interested then plan number three, The Professional Plan , will set you back a minimum $5,000 to join. For the duration of 100 business days SecureAssets offer a daily return of 2.6%, Monday to Friday, for all investments up to a maximum value of $9,999. That allows members to reach the break even point after 39 business days and complete the term with payments adding up to 260%. This would then become your net profit once SecureAssets return your initial principal as promised.

And lastly for the really big spends prepared to go in with anything starting from a $10,000 minimum there’s The Expert Plan . SecureAssets are offering a daily payment of 2.8%, Monday to Friday, allowing to hopefully break even 36 business days into the 100 business day term, and complete it with a return of 280% interest on your principal which is then added to that. This is then added to your payments. SecureAssets have no upper limit to this plan by the way, so you can spend whatever you like though I tend to doubt many people have that kind of money to throw around on HYIPs.

Unfortunately the one thing that really let’s the program down here and stops them from being really competitive is the lack of choice with payment processors. SecureAssets are so far only accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. I mean I wouldn’t be totally negative about this for the simple reason it’s not a difficult thing to fix. Most other online HYIPs can do it after all, so why not SecureAssets. I’ve mentioned this to the admin myself in an e-mail exchange however and can tell you at this point he has dismissed the idea of adding EgoPay without actually saying why (so we can only speculate how any previous dealings, if there were any, worked out). He went on to say that the eventual addition of SolidTrustPay might be a possibility, though there are no definite plans either way. If that’s an issue for you then you’re always free to wait and see how things develop. Otherwise you’ll have to accept the increased risk of dealing with LR and PM. Anyway, payouts to members are made manually by the SecureAssets admin and will have to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you are then asked to allow up to a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be processed.

On the design and security side of things however I’m pleased to say there’s a dramatic improvement. Hosting is on a dedicated SoftLayer server with support and DDoS protection by Prolexic. Maybe not usually a name heard in the HYIP industry, this is one of the world leaders in the protection of “real” businesses and is a top level professional service which doesn’t come cheap. But you get what you pay for so hopefully downtime due to DDoS attacks shouldn’t be an issue for SecureAssets. The program is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders but I must say is almost unrecognizable as such. It’s been heavily modified and customized to meet the program’s needs. It’s still pretty easy to navigate though and user friendly. The SecureAssets website is also SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. On top of that SecureAssets comes with a raft of impressive certificates listed including Verisign, TrustWave, TRUSTe and GeoTrust which are all fully verifiable by clicking on them. For any further questions for the admin or any account related issues there’s a number of ways you can try and get in touch with the SecureAssets admin. The main is as usual by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. You’ll also notice listed on the same page a postal address which I am of course not in any position to verify though would suspect it’s more likely a serviced office at best used for correspondence. SecureAssets in addition to that have a telephone number if you’d like to try contacting someone there. And finally for fans of social networking websites you can find SecureAssets maintaining profiles on the likes of Facebook and Twitter as well.

Overall SecureAssets isn’t a bad looking program and the admin is certainly making a good effort at getting noticed by as wide an audience as possible, and he does seem to be serious about the program’s success. Texts and website content appear original though the claims made about the line of business supposedly supporting the payouts to members are something we’ve heard countless times in the world of HYIPs before. Plenty of talk about what the do – trade in stocks, bonds, and ForEx – but have very little to substantiate any of that. More experienced industry players will also know to ignore claims that joining SecureAssets is in any way “risk free” as they claim, because as anyone with even a hint of knowledge of business will attest, that’s simply not possible. Treat SecureAssets as you would any other online HYIP which is a risky and anonymous venture where no one is traceable. There are potential risks, potential rewards, and one should never make you lose sight of the other. Just remember to stay comfortably within a sensible budget you can both afford to spend and afford to lose, and if joining SecureAssets at all then try an keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Paying from 2% to 2.5% daily forever NorthlandOpps managed to win the hearts and wallets of many MNO readers and currently the program occupies a place in the top five most popular programs on the Premium List. That was achieved after only slightly over a month on MNO by stable and timely payouts to all payment processors accepted by NorthlandOpps from a $5 minimum – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and HD-Money. If you’re interested in finding out more about the project you can read my review published here or check out the recent interview with the program’s admin Dean here. By the way, the subject of today’s newsletter from focused on some tips for exchanging your currency, with m-gold exchanger being recommended plus some words on SolidTrustPay and its direct deposit and withdrawal features. Here’s the latest newsletter from NorthlandOpps in full:

NorthlandOpps – Funding and Cashing out E-currencies

One of the most common questions that we receive from our members is how they can either fund or cash out from their e-currency accounts, such as Liberty Reserve and HD-Money. Since this is something that comes up often, today we’d like to share our recommendations for funding e-currency accounts. Buying/Selling Liberty Reserve, HD-Money and Egopay Our favourite Liberty Reserve exchanger at this time is Using their services, you’re able fund and withdraw from your e-currency accounts using bank wire, Western Union and even money orders. Their rates are generally reasonable at roughly 5% for most transactions, with no minimum fees on e-currency funding orders. If you’re in the market for buying or selling Liberty Reserve, our top recommendation is m-Gold.

Funding Solid Trust Pay To make funding your NorthlandOpps account easier, we accept Solid Trust Pay. STP is a payment processor that allows you to fund and withdraw from your account directly, thus avoiding all of the hassle associated with exchangers. If you’re looking for a simple option, STP is always a good choice.

Anyway, I hope that this helps to clear up one of the most common questions we receive here at NorthlandOpps. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. Our customer support team is always ready to help.

Dean. NorthlandOpps.


HytexAG (reviewed here) is definitely one of those programs deliberately not widely advertised, preferring to grow steadily and slowly. After seven weeks online the instantly payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay surely won the program a lot of fans by now. One of the investment plans offered by HytexAG pays 8% for for 14 calendar days with no principal back on expiry which I believe is the more popular with investors. The other three plans return your initial investment on expiry and pay you lower rates of 1.5% for 25 calendar days, 1.8% for 35 calendar days and 2.2% for 50 calendar days. As we can see, all the plans already saw their expiry dates and the investors are still getting paid fine. The admin is making some important improvements to attract new members to HytexAG such as today for instance, launching the Russian language version of the website that can be viewed by clicking the flags on top of every page. This new feature will certainly entice many Russian investors to join in the fun. The admin of HytexAG recently asked for an interview so hopefully he’ll send me back the answers soon enough. Here’s the latest short newsletter from HytexAG for your attention:

Russian version of the project.

Every day, the number of our Russian partners is steadily growing, and therefore the direction of our company has decided to supply the site with its Russian version. Moreover, from now on, we also provide support in Russian, which will certainly facilitate mutual understanding with our Russian-speaking investors.


The admin of EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) complained today about the recent ongoing DDoS attack on them, possibly launched by competitors in this HYIP industry. He decided to upgrade his protection but then another issue arose which you can read in the latest newsletter below:

Strongest DDos attack neutralized

During the last two months our website was constantly exposed to an extensive DDoS attacks. To prevent these attacks we have signed up for services of two leading antiddos hosting companies that provide most powerful protection against cyber attacks. However, today hackers managed to break through the defence and disrupt the operation of our investor control panel. Our technical support specialists are currently working to resolve this issue and our web site will be fully launched by tomorrow.

At the time of writing the EmpireFinanceGroup website is working fine and the withdrawals are processed instantly as usual to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. I remind you that EmpireFinanceGroup has been paying since 2010 and therefore can be considered the oldest project on MNO. Currently the investment minimum is $50 and you can choose from the following plans, all of which returns your initial deposit on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days.


Another joke was posted by the admin of 306BZ today, who also mentioned issues with instant crediting of deposits that might arise for some investors. In that case the admin asks that you contact him first with the missing deposit details before posting negative comments on forums or monitors. 306BZ (reviewed here) has been running for about four weeks now, paying on three investment plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days. The minimum in the most popular daily paying plan starts from $10 via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Here’s the latest newsletter from them:

Daily Joke From 306BZ

It’s time for our daily joke! Before reading the joke, we want to talk something about the deposit system. Few deposits may not be processed instantly due to some unexpected system errors. Please do contact us first if you have any problem when making a deposit. We have already found a post on monitor site without contacting us first.


William and Mildred decided to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with a trip to Las Vegas. William went to the front desk to check them in while Mildred stayed with the car. As he was leaving the lobby, a young woman dressed in a very short skirt introduced herself as Candie. William brushed her off.

When William and Mildred got to their room, he told her that he’d been approached by a prostitute.

“I don’t believe you,” laughed Mildred.

“I’ll prove it,” said William. He called down to the desk and asked for Candie to come to room 1217.

“Now,” he said, “you hide in the bathroom with the door open just enough to hear us.”

Soon, there was a knock on the door. Candie walked in, swirling her hips provocatively. “So, I see you’re interested after all,” she said.

William asked, “How much do you charge?”

“$125 basic rate, $100 tips for special services.”

William was taken aback. “$125! I was thinking more in the range of $25.”

Candie laughed. “You must really be an old-timer if you think you can buy sex for that price.”

“Well,” said William, “I guess we can’t do business. Goodbye.”

After she left, Mildred came out of the bathroom. “I just can’t believe it.”

William said, “Let’s go have a drink and forget it. ”

Back downstairs at the bar, the old couple sipped their cocktails.

Candie came up behind William, pointed at Mildred, and said, “See what you get for $25?”

Best Regards, 306BZ


TrustedTradersLtd issued a newsletter just hours after my review was posted on the blog last night and included a link to it which you can see here. After just two days on MNO and seven days online in total TrustedTradersLtd managed to become the most popular program among readers from my Standard listing. I hope they can last longer and pay on all plans via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and EgoPay starting from a $5 minimum. Investment plans in TrustedTradersLtd include 40%-65% for 3 days, 105%-130% after 1 day, 134%-345% after 5 days, 156%-700% after 10 days, 749%-1800% after 25 days, 1295%-2700% after 37 days, 5000% after 55 days. The latest newsletter from the admin is below:

TrustedTradersLtd – Newsletter

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to TrustedTradersLtd. We launched our online program 7 days ago and are very happy to report that we have exceeded our initial 1st week goal.

Congratulations to those of you that have already made some great profit and we look forward to providing the same wonderful opportunity to many more investors.

We would like to let everyone know that we have been reviewed on MNO. You can read the article Here.

Thank You, TrustedTradersLtd


Regular readers might have noticed that I moved EccoFunds to Basic listing from the initial Sticky/Premium they were on originally. The reason is simple – one of the SolidTrustPay accounts the admin was using to pay to members was temporarily suspended and the funds paid for Sticky listing on MNO were frozen. The admin was also asked to verify his identity by sending some additional documents which he claims he is going to do today in hope of restoring access to his currently unverified account. Luckily for the members of EccoFunds he a second account in STP which is still active, so he can process the instant payouts to members as usual. Since the second active STP account is verified to the same email address I guess its fate will still depend on the results of the verification procedure for the other one. According to what I heard from the admin of EccoFunds, it might take a few days before he takes control again. Meanwhile, the program will remain on Basic status on MNO until the issue is resolved. I’ll update you if there’s any further developments but for now I can confirm the Paying status of EccoFunds on MNO as the instant payouts on the 11%-15% for 12 days plan are still getting done to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. It’s hard to say how it will affect the program in the long run, but keep an eye on my monitoring page for any status changes.


Another instantly paying short-term program ReallyTrusted decided to upgrade their listing on MNO after three successful days of payouts on plans including 105%-125% after 1 day, 116%-195% after 3 days, 128%-300% after 5 days, 159%-465% after 7 days, 190%-905% after 10 days, 248%-1650% after 15 days, 326%-2450% after 20 days, 770%-3850% after 30 days, 7500% after 60 days. As you can see, the list of plans is typical for a program like ReallyTrusted, as is the list of the accepted payment processors which you can use if you have a $10 minimum to spend – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. The site runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and the members have to request payouts which should be instant and please the majority of investors. The site is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a shared server with a couple of other websites on nLayer Communications. More on ReallyTrusted will be in my detailed review tomorrow.


And another short-term program TechProfit decided to purchase Premium listing on MNO after a week online. The program offers several investment plans with one-off payouts on expiry – 125% after 5 days, 175% after 10 days, 250% after 15 days, 300% after 20 days. The minimum investment of $10 is accepted in every investment plan via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Apparently after a week online TechProfit‘s first investors in the 5 day plan received their payouts. However I can’t say whether the payouts in TechProfit are instant or not. There’s some contradictory information about that on the website, saying they are both instant and processed manually within 12 hours, but I’ll let you know about that after I get my principal back from the 5 day plan where I invested. With so many fast scams recently I’m very cautious about programs like TechProfit, so I’ll only review it on Sunday when I get my my first payout on expiry. The program is quite simplistic, running off a licensed GoldCoders script and Comodo SSL-secured. Although the admin claims he plans to move to BlockDos soon, for now I can see that TechProfit is hosted on a dedicated server by an unknown provider called Hivelocity. Anyway, I’ll have more details soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:

From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, ReallyTrusted, StrongForex.

From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, BriscoFund, Financa, After100Days, EaglesInvestment, Bet7, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets.

From MNO Standard list: TrustedTradersLtd, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.

From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, GalaxySaving, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, EccoFunds.

That’s all the news for today, guys. See you again tomorrow with a review of ReallyTrusted and the daily news from the HYIP industry focusing on the programs covered on MNO. Bye for now!

The post 16/04/2013. SecureAssets Review and Daily News from the Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

via MNO Blog

Monday, April 15, 2013

15/04/2013. TrustedTradersLtd Review and Daily News from the Industry

Hello everyone! Hope you had a good weekend and are looking forward to the new business week and getting back to work. I don’t know about you but I sure hope this week is going to be better than the last one. I must admit it’s at least gotten off to a bright start anyway as you may have noticed a couple of new programs listed on my monitor already which I want to discuss in the coming days. I’ll start today with one called TrustedTradersLtd, a name I believe many of you will recognize already if the feedback I’ve been getting is anything to go by. Not exactly a new program, well, not brand new anyway relative to the investment plans, TrustedTradersLtd is online for just under a week now which is long enough for a couple of their plans to put some of the earlier members into profit by now. So before we get to the news section I want to take a look at exactly what TrustedTradersLtd have available plus their other main features and see if you think they might be worth taking a chance on and adding to your portfolios.

There’s a wide range of plans that all pay on expiry and I think many of you will recognize the style, with some being quite lucrative and indeed already making some good profits for TrustedTradersLtd‘s early members, and others being somewhat less likely to be worth the risk. Though having said that, all but one of the seven plans on offer from TrustedTradersLtd comes with an affordable $5 minimum making them affordable at least. The first of these plans runs for a term of just 1 single day and makes one interest payment on expiry, a payment that includes your principal. So join today and get paid tomorrow. The minimum cost of joining is as I said $5 and for anything up to a deposit of $499 TrustedTradersLtd offer a return of 105%, or 5% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows:

Deposits of $500 to $999 will earn 106%, from $1,000 to $1,999 will earn 107%, and from $2,000 to $4,999 will earn 109%. Check the TrustedTradersLtd members area for information on larger investments if interested.

The second plan runs for a term of 3 calendar days and differs from the others by making daily payouts. The same $5 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $499 TrustedTradersLtd are paying back 40% interest per day, so that’s 20% profit for yourself. For bigger deposits the following rates are offered:

42% per day for deposits between $500 and $999 (26% profit), 45% per day for anything between $1,000 and $1,999 (35% profit), and 50% per day on $2,000 to $4,999 (50% profit). For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the TrustedTradersLtd members area.

TrustedTradersLtd‘s next plan pays after a term of 5 calendar days and gets back to paying just once on expiry so your final payment will also include your principal. The minimum cost of joining is $5 and the return will be 134%, principal included, on anything up to a maximum value of $499. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then TrustedTradersLtd make the following offers:

Spend from $500 to $999 and earn 138%, from $1,000 to $1,999 and earn 144%, or from $2,000 to $4,999 and earn 172%. Again check out your TrustedTradersLtd members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.

For TrustedTradersLtd‘s fourth investment plan the minimum deposit stays at just $5. It runs for a 10 calendar day term and offers you 156% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $499. Beyond that the rates are:

167% for $500 to $999, 178% for $1,000 to $1,999, and 229% for $2,000 to $4,999. Larger investments are accepted so for information there see the TrustedTradersLtd members area.

Next up is a plan that runs for 25 calendar days and I think it’s from this point on that things begin to get seriously unrealistic. The minimum deposit is $5 and for anything up to $499 the rate being offered is an unlikely 749% on expiry. Higher rates include:

808% for $500 to $999, 962% for $1,000 to $1,999, and 1464% for $2,000 to $4,999. And if all that doesn’t sound impossible enough for you then check out the TrustedTradersLtd members area for even less likely figures.

This is followed by a plan running for 37 calendar days, again making a single payment on expiry that includes your principal. Anything from a $5 minimum up to $499 is offered 1295%. Deposits between $500 and $999 are offered 1576%, $1,000 to $1,999 are offered 1857%, and $2,000 to $4,000 are offered 2138%. You can check your TrustedTradersLtd‘s member’s account area for details on anything bigger than that.

TrustedTradersLtd‘s final plan is something I’ll just mention for information purposes. For an increased $100 minimum investment this time they offer one single payment of 5,000% after 55 days on all deposits up to $100,000. I guess I hardly need to state the obvious and tell you the only person likely to make any money from this plan (probably some of the other longer term ones as well) is the admin. If you disagree with me you’re free to join if you want. It’ll just cost you $100 to find out if I’m right though.

If there’s anything there you might be interested in joining then it’s a safe enough assumption to say you’ll probably like the choice of payment options as well. As we’ve come to almost expect at this stage any new HYIP that wants to be competitive and taken seriously should have all the main industry providers available for its members, and that’s what we have in TrustedTradersLtd. Currently they are using SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, PexPay, and LibertyReserve to handle deposits and withdrawals from members accounts. So I guess there’s little to complain about on that front and I wouldn’t expect there to be much call or reason for the list to be expanded. Payouts to members are made manually by the TrustedTradersLtd admin and so need to be requested from inside your private account area. Once done you are then required to allow anything up to 24 hours for all transactions to be fully processed.

On the technical and design side of things, TrustedTradersLtd is running of a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders and their website is SSL secured by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server by MaxAntiDDoS. For any further questions or account related issues you might have, the only point of contact directly with the admin is by filling out the online customer support form on the contacts page and submitting it. Despite having a banner declaring that support is available 24 hours per day every time I clicked the Live Chat banner it’s offline, returning only the message that there are no operators working. There’s also a postal address which is – if genuine – unlikely to be more than a message collection/forwarding serviced office, plus a telephone number you can try if you really think someone’s going to answer.

Texts and website content are a straight copy/paste job used in numerous other online HYIPs so forget about there being any kind of a legitimate business plan backing the whole thing up. For the record TrustedTradersLtd claim to be involved with ForEx, stocks, and bonds, but chances are if a genuine financial services company was copying their design and texts from online HYIPs that would most likely make them either a very bad place to invest or another online HYIP themselves. The choice is yours but either way suggests caution. Treat TrustedTradersLtd for exactly what it is, understand the risk that goes with the potential reward, and stay well within a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose. And if joining TrustedTradersLtd at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Regular readers will already know that EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) announced about a week ago the disabling of the deposit option but at the same time allowing withdrawals that are still processed instantly to the LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts of investors in their 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days plans. The admin went the extra mile by trying to persuade investors that EmpireFinanceGroup (that has been paying since 2010 and officially being the oldest program on MNO) and by that he means disabling and enabling deposits a couple of times already, probably thinking that the investors are too dimwitted to distinguish the real reasons for doing so. EmpireFinanceGroup is just a regular HYIP and not a bank or any other financial services providor. The program needs to keep funds flowing into the program every single day, but I guess the admin has found a very smart way of artificially limiting deposits temporarily thus creating some sense of urgency in investors’ minds and make the most of it at times when the deposit button is actually open, as it is now. So if you wanted to make a deposit in EmpireFinanceGroup last week and couldn’t due to deposits not being accepted, it’s time to do it now. For that you need to have a $50 minimum in your LR or PM accounts. Here’s the official short newsletter about the deposit function being restored in members’ accounts:

We resume accepting deposits – EmpireFinanceGroup

Dear EmpireFinanceGroup customers, we are excited to announce you good news, from today (04.15.2013) we resume accepting new investment deposits.

EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


As usual the investors of 306BZ receive another funny (or not so!) joke posted by the program’s admin. 306BZ (reviewed here) accepts deposits in three investment plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, and 306% after 36 days. For over three weeks on MNO the program has been paying to everyone instantly to SolidTrustPay and manually, but nevertheless quite fast to EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. The following was sent by them today:

Daily Joke From 306BZ

A Lovely Monday or a Disgusting Monday? We hope today’s joke can make you smile.


A man and a woman meet in an elevator. “Where are you heading today?” the man asks.

“I’m going down to give blood.”

“How much do you get paid for giving blood?”

“About $20.”

“Wow,” says the man, “I’m going up to donate sperm, and the sperm bank pays $100.” The woman angrily gets off the elevator.

The next day, the man and woman meet in the elevator again.

“Fancy meeting you again. Where you off to today?”

“Sperm bank,” she says with her mouth full.

Best Regards. 306BZ


AppleInv is the latest in the chain of recent fast scams with payments being stopped today which I can independently confirm as I received some verified complaints from my readers. Pending withdrawals remain unpaid for 36 hours now and the rating page has already been removed from the AppleInv website and the admin is totally silent about the reasons. This happened less than two weeks after the program first launched which left any investors in the daily plan at a loss while only the first investors in the plan paying 110% after 7 days were able to obtain a small profit. I don’t think this quick scam deserves any further discussion, but would like to warn you against joining AppleInv and recommend you stay away from them completely!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:

From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, StrongForex, EccoFunds.

From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, WorldGemsInvest, Financa, After100Days, EaglesInvestment, Bet7, BriscoFund, RFIGroup, SecureAssets.

From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, MoneyInSports, TrustedTradersLtd.

From MNO Basic list: ReallyTrusted, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, HYIPRoyale, TheInvestmentBank, S&PForex.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. Before I go I just want to warn you that EccoFunds is currently having issues with their SolidTrustPay account which could definitely have a huge negative impact on them. I will talk about that in more detail on my blog tomorrow, but for now I have already moved EccoFunds to Waiting status just in case and postponed any review of the program indefinitely. Tomorrow I’ll have a full review of SecureAssets accompanied with the usual daily news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

The post 15/04/2013. TrustedTradersLtd Review and Daily News from the Industry appeared first on MNO Blog.

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